Displaying Stripe Payment Request button as a Google Pay button - stripe-payments

Is it possible to display the Stripe Payment Request Button as a Google Pay button? Currently, it shows up as an Apple Pay button on iOS devices. But when I open it from Chrome, it looks like this:

I believe this is intentional on stipes part - showing a button saying "google pay" would not be strictly correct, as chrome lets you pay with cards stored in the browser that are NOT google pay.
This is discussed a bit in more detail here: https://github.com/stripe/stripe-payments-demo/issues/9
However, if you don't care that it's absolutely correct, you can add whatever button you want: https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-js/elements/payment-request-button#html-js-own-button:
Using your own button
If you wish to design your own button instead of using the paymentRequestButton > Element, you may show your custom button based on the result of
paymentRequest.canMakePayment(). Then, use paymentRequest.show() to display the > browser interface when your button is clicked.
So it should be possible to create your own google pay button in whatever style you want (by styling it separately for chrome, which I'm not sure how to do, perhaps you can find help here: How to apply specific CSS rules to Chrome only?). The payment request API does not currently support determining which payment options are availible, so this is a problem you'll have to overcome.
Since April 2021, Stripe now shows you the google pay button by default:
Google Pay UI update: We now show a branded “Google Pay” button instead of the generic “Pay now” button when Google Pay is an option


How to disable buttons on click in Bot Framework Composer

I want to disable the button once clicked in Webchat/Directline channel.
Once a user has clicked on a button, that button should get disabled to prevent duplicate usage of the button.
In case it was missed in the linked GitHub issue, using the method described in the BotFramework-WebChat sample 05.custom.components/l.disable-adaptive-cards will achieve this for you.
In short, you are creating an attachment middleware that filters incoming attachments on their type. Internally, when Web Chat detects you have clicked the adaptive card button the to-be rendered HTML for the adaptive card is then given the disabled tag.
I've tested this many times and it works. It should for you, as well.

How should I add multiple buttons using custom payload in the Default Response Tab (Not any other platform)?

My experience with dialog flow is minimal. I want to add clickable button responses that an end-user can select from. I do not want to use any other platform except for Default. I will be implementing this on my website. I have not enabled webhook and fulfillment yet. I just want to write the code to add buttons, test it, and then publish my agent on the website.
I have bad news for you. From the default features the only option you have for implementing it on your website is using Web Demo which does not support rich responses(button, image, etc..). That means if you want to implement a bot with rich response on your website, you will have to enable Fulfillment and use webhook.

Click to call button from browser to phone

I have requirement where i need to have a "Talk to Sales" button on my website. The user would be able to talk to sales or the support team by clicking the "Talk to Sales" button.
I have tried a lot of cloud telephonic solutions like knowlarity and Twilio, but the solution which they gave me :
The user will have to enter there phone number and then the call would get connected between the user and the agent.
I have two problems with this solution :
1) The user's are very reluctant to give their phone numbers the first time they visit the website.
2) The solution is not cheap. In this i will have to pay for 2 calls : call to user and call to the agent.
So i need a solution which is cheap and does not require the user to enter his phone number.
Is there any solution wherein they click the "Talk to Sales" button and then the user would be able to talk through browser connected to sales/support guy on the phone?
You might have to write a little code.
Use twilio's javascript API to setup a call button in your website.
(Refer this)
Dial the Sales number when a user clicks on the button.
In this solution, the user doesn't need to provide any info. They can just click the button and start talking. The call cost of browser to twilio calls are pretty cheap. So you can cut the cost in this leg.
(Please note that since twilio js api relies on webrtc, your website should have an ssl certificate installed (https website) for this to work in all browsers. Chrome blocks webrtc from non-ssl sites)

Can Chrome Extension’s new options_ui trigger a page action?

I’ve been placing a page action on the options page of my Chrome extension. options.js calls chrome.runtime.connect({"name":"someName"}), and background.js has
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(function(port) {
Unfortunately, in the new options_ui with the recommended default (and someday mandatory) "open_in_tab":false, the Sender's tab won't be set. Is there a way to get the tab id in order to show the page action?
I could use tabs.query to get the chrome://extensions/ tab, but that requires the tabs permission, which I currently don’t need. Active tab seems like it would work, but it doesn’t provide the tab id and isn’t enabled by opening an option dialog (source).
(Why do I want the page action on my options page? The extension works with a website that is only available ~7-10 weeks per year. I’d like my users to be able to interact with the extension the rest of the time, so that they can get used to the process. But I don’t want to adjust the displayed extension permissions just to do so. I can accomplish this by having the options page pretend to be the website in question.)

Is it possible that InBox Actions are being used to phish Amazon customers?

I've just encountered some weird behavior in Gmail that looks like some new kind of phishing attack. I got a couple shipment confirmations from Amazon today and there are these "Track Package" buttons (also I see "View Order" buttons on order confirmations) but when I click on them the page that gets opened is clearly not the correct shipper's web site.
Which looks fine but clicking on those buttons lead to bad pages. For example one of them goes to http://websro.correios.com.br. On the other it goes to USPS.com while the actual shipper (and correct link in the email body) goes to UPS.com.
I've looked at the source of the email and it all looks fine. There are no SCRIPT tags of any kind and no bogus links anywhere in the text (by which I also mean the HTML). The problem appears the same in Safari (6.1.1) and Chrome (31.0.1650.63). It looks normal in Mail (both Mountain Lion and iOS 5).
I couldn't figure out how such a button could get there and I found this feature for adding "registered" script actions to Gmail which is the only thing I can imagine would affect both Safari and Chrome.
When an order confirmation or parcel delivery email doesn't contain the necessary microdata to trigger the action, Gmail can still try to automatically extract the same information and show the button to the user as if the microdata was present.
Clearly this approach is less accurate than the one that relies on microdata, and it seems that in your case something went wrong with the automatic parsing.
No need to be worried about phishing though, as actions only show up for registered senders.
