Email verification link using PHPmailer - phpmailer

I am trying to send out an email verification message with a link the user can click on, using phpmailer. However, when I include the URL it causes problems.
I've done a bit of troubleshooting and it appears to the the URL which causes the problem.
The code I have at the moment is:
$mail->Body = '
<p>We have recevied a registration request from this account. Please
use the following link to verify your email. If you did not attempt to register,
please ignore this email.</p>
<p>' . $url . '</p>';
$mail->AltBody = 'Welcome to the site, click on this link' . ;
An example link is:
After the above code, I have the following:
header('Location: ../index.php?result=unverified');
If I run the code as above, the email is sent correctly, but instead of going back to the loading page, it just shows a page with all the communication between the server and the hosting server.
If I take out the 'AltBody' bit, it sends correctly and goes to index.html correctly.
If I take out all the URLs, it sends the email correctly and goes to index.html correctly.
Do I need to escape the URL somehow? Or am I missing something else?


Docusign eventNotification is failing with error 400

I am using Docusign's REST API to create and send envelopes. I've included eventNotifications with requireAcknowledgment as true to get requests from Docusign whenever there's status change. I used ngrok while development and testing and everything worked as expected.
I've moved the project online and have edited the eventNotification's url to live url with https and that's when all the callbacks are getting logged in failed section in Docusign's admin panel.
The error message shown in admin panel is -
' :: Error - The remote server
returned an error: (400) Bad Request.'
I've downloaded the failed request's xml body and tried sending a request through postman and it worked as expected. Iv'e tried everything to debug this error and have not found error at my end.
The code that I've tried with is the same code from DocuSign's webhook sample page -
$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
$xml = simplexml_load_string ($data, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_PARSEHUGE);
$envelope_id = (string)$xml->EnvelopeStatus->EnvelopeID;
$time_generated = (string)$xml->EnvelopeStatus->TimeGenerated;
$files_dir = getcwd() . '/' . $this->xml_file_dir;
if(! is_dir($files_dir)) {mkdir ($files_dir, 0755);}
$envelope_dir = $files_dir . "E" . $envelope_id;
if(! is_dir($envelope_dir)) {mkdir ($envelope_dir, 0755);}
$filename = $envelope_dir . "/T" .
str_replace (':' , '_' , $time_generated) . ".xml"; // substitute _ for : for windows-land
$ok = file_put_contents ($filename, $data);
if ($ok === false) {
error_log ("!!!!!! PROBLEM DocuSign Webhook: Couldn't store $filename !");
exit (1);
// log the event
error_log ("DocuSign Webhook: created $filename");
if ((string)$xml->EnvelopeStatus->Status === "Completed") {
// Loop through the DocumentPDFs element, storing each document.
foreach ($xml->DocumentPDFs->DocumentPDF as $pdf) {
$filename = $this->doc_prefix . (string)$pdf->DocumentID . '.pdf';
$full_filename = $envelope_dir . "/" . $filename;
file_put_contents($full_filename, base64_decode ( (string)$pdf->PDFBytes ));
I've also tried with simple code that just sets header to 200
Sorry you're having so much trouble with the webhook feature. Hopefully this answer will be of assistance.
1. Try a test PHP program to check connectivity, etc:
header('Content-Type: text/html');
echo "OK!";
$h = fopen('/tmp/listener_access.log', 'a');
if ($h) {
$now = DateTime::createFromFormat('U.u', microtime(true), new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
fwrite ($h, $now->format ("Y-m-d_l.h.i.s.v "));
fwrite($h, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . " " . $msg . "\n");
} else {
error_log ("### Could not open log file!");
Store it as ok.php in your web server directory. Then try (from a browser on a different network) to reach You should see "ok" in the browser window.
Then use the same url in your eventNotification section of your Envelopes::create call to see if it all works. You should see a success in the Connect log, etc.
2. Stepwise debugging of your PHP listener
There are a number of issues to rule-out (as diagnosticians say) with your php listener app.
Basic connectivity with the listener. Since DocuSign is receiving a 400 error from your app, connectivity is ok.
Platform errors with your app. This is a problem with your PHP software stack setup that is causing the stack (not your PHP app, per se) to reject the request.
The usual indicator for this is your web server's error log. Have you looked at it? What is on the logging line where you see the 400 response from your server to DocuSign? If you don't see the 400 response to DocuSign then something is wrong with your web server's setup.
A common platform error with PHP and other stacks when default settings are used is maximum_post_size_exceeded. This is happens if you have requested that DocuSign include your envelope's documents in the notification message.
A good test is to temporarily change your envelope create code to not include documents in the notification messages.
Fixes: a good fix is to not include the envelope documents in the notification message. Instead, after the message is received, make separate API calls to retrieve the documents.
The other fix is to increase the maximum post body size. You may need to increase it both in the PHP settings and in the underlying web server's settings too. (By the way, which web server are you using?)
You are processing the incoming notification in the response thread of your server/php app. This really isn't the best technique (I will be updating the DocuSign example page in the future with this information.)
The best technique is to use the following pattern:
1. Receive the incoming notification message from DocuSign
2. Put the message onto a reliable FIFO queue
3. Respond to DocuSign with a 200 response.
Then, in a separate thread of execution, a
different software application "works off" the
entries in the queue.
Your web server, for example, may be timing out your PHP program. This probably isn't happening in your case, but others may experience this.
I think I would, next, add more debugging statements to your PHP program to try and understand what is happening to it. You can either do this with error-log
or copy the technique from my example (above) and write to a file in /tmp. (Assuming a Linux server.)
The other option is to increase the debugging level of the php stack itself, or of your web server, or both.
3. Last thoughts
400 in the DocuSign logs usually indicates that DocuSign reached your server and it returned a 400 status code. This can be confirmed by examining your server log (regular or error), there should be a matching entry.
If there isn't an entry in your server log, but the "ok.php" program from above does work, then it would be time to comment out big chunks of code from your PHP program, and then do another test from DocuSign. Eventually, using a binary-search technique (See step 8 in the article), you find the code that is causing the problem.
Commenting out code as part of a binary-search to find the bug is a very common, and powerful debugging technique.
HTH, Larry

How can I get a token for the Drive API?

I want to implement the Google Drive API to my web application using NodeJS and I'm struggling when I try to get a token via OAuth.
I've copied the code from this guide and run the script using Node and it returns an error in this line:
var redirectUrl = credentials.installed.redirect_uris[0];
Googling around I found that I can set that variable as http://localhost:8080 and set the same value in the Authorized redirect URIs configuration in the Google Developers Console and that error goes away, fine, it works. Now it asks for a code that I should get by using an URL.
Then I've added the client id and enter to that URL with Chrome and then returns a connection refused error. No clue what to do in here, I searched about my problem and I can't found an answer. By looking at the direction bar in Chrome I see that there's a parameter called code and after it, there's random numbers and letters. Like this:
If I add any of these values it returns this error...
Error while trying to retrieve access token { [Error: invalid_request] code: 400 }
Any ideas on what should I do? Thanks.
Did you follow all the directions on the page you indicated, including all of those in Step 1 where you create the credentials in the console and download the JSON for it? There are a few things to note about creating those credentials and the JSON that you get from it:
The steps they give are a little different from what I went through. They're essentially correct, but the "Go to credentials" didn't put me on the page that has the "OAuth Consent Screen" and "Credentials" tabs on the top. I had to click on the "Credentials" left navigation for the project first.
Similarly, on the "Credentials" page, my button was labeled "Create Credentials", not "Add Credentials". But it was a blue button on the top of the page either way.
It is very important that you select "OAuth Client ID" and then Application Type of "Other". This will let you create an OAuth token that runs through an application and not through a server.
Take a look at the client_secret.json file it tells you to download. In there, you should see an entry that looks something like "redirect_uris":["urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob","http://localhost"] which is the JSON entry that the line you reported having problems with was looking for.
That "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" is a magic string that says that you're not going to redirect anywhere as part of the auth stage in your browser, but instead you're going to get back a code on the page that you will enter into the application.
I suspect that the "connection refused" error you're talking about is that you used "http://localhost:8080/" for that value, so it was trying to redirect your browser to an application running on localhost... and I suspect you didn't have anything running there.
The application will prompt you to enter the code, will convert the code into the tokens it needs, and then save the tokens for future use. See the getNewToken() function in the sample code for where and how it does all this.
You need to use this code to exchange for a token. I'm not sure with nodejs how to go about this but in PHP I would post the details to the token exchange url. In javascript you post array would look similar to this ....
var query = {'code': 'the code sent',
'client_id': 'your client id',
'client_secret': 'your client secret',
'redirect_uri': 'your redirect',
'grant_type': 'code' };
Hope this helps
Change redirect uri from http://localhost:8080 to https://localhost:8080.
For this add SSL certificates to your server.

HTTP Error 405.0 - Method Not Allowed while Form Post

I posted a request to payu server via form submit using angularjs now once payment is completed payu will return a response with hash.But when it hits my success page i get "HTTP Error 405.0 - Method Not Allowed".I found many solutions online but none of that solved my issue.What i understood is that static html do not allow post by default.But my staticFile in IIS is like below
Request Path : *
Module : StaticFileModule
Name : staticFile
Request Restriction >Verb > All Verbs & Access > Script & Invoke > Files and folders
My question now in how to allow POST method for html page.I am using angular and if i change my success url to other than mine it works fine.I think there is some changes to be made to the web config but i tried my best but failed.Any help would be much appreciated.Also lets assume that the page successfully redirects to my success page how to capture the response that payu sends me online.
Thanks in advance if more input is needed from my side kindly ask in reply.
It's not that HTML does not allow POST by default, it's that HTML does not handle POST, period. (Not even if the HTML file contains JavaScript.) POST sends data to a script that runs on your server, and the script has to be smart enough to know what to do with the data. HTML isn't that smart. The only thing your server can do with HTML is to send the HTML back to whatever is requesting it. You need a server-side script that knows how to parse payu's response, do something appropriate with the hash, and then generate some HTML to display in the user's browser.

Display an error message before redirect to a another page in Zend Framework

I'm trying to display an error message using flashMessenger and display the message before redirecting to a another page but it does not show up the error message, just do the redirection,
Below is the that i am using in my controller
$this->_helper->flashMessenger->addMessage('this user name is already taken please choose a another');
$message = $this->_helper->flashMessenger->getCurrentMessages();
can any one tell me why
No need of Flash Messenger for this...
Check Username before this.
If Username exists You can set Message on the controller Itself.
Eg. $egForm = new EgForm();
$egForm->get('form_element_name')->setMessages(array('this user name is already taken please choose a anoth

Branding Regular GMail for New Address

So, with Gmail adding support for 3rd party SMTP servers, and my lame work email system supporting email forwarding, the logical thing for me to do was to start a gmail box for my work, forward to it from work, and setup my work SMTP (none of that "sent on behalf of" garbage anymore.)
I figured out how to replace the Gmail logo with my company's logo using a Greasemonkey script, and figured out how to replace the "Loading" with "Loading my
What I haven't been able to crack, however, is getting the address on the top bar to be 'switched' to my new email address (even if only for show). I used a Replace text script, but apparently it doesnt work on JavaScript (when I ran it on the HTML version, it replaced the text, but who wants to replace the HTML version)
LONG STORY SHORT**: Does anyone know of a way I can, using Greasemonkey or something similar, change what email address displays on the top of my gmail window?** (next to 'Offline | Older Version | Help | Report Gmail bug | Sign OUt')
If you own the domain at your work you can register it with google apps and then set your MX servers to google and use their gmail (with your logos) there.
If you don't own the domain, I would NOT recommend forwarding your company email to gmail. I know my company gets very grumpy when my corpoate email leaves their servers.
Javascript for your solution:
// ==UserScript==
// #name Gmail Replace Domain
// #author
// #namespace
// #description example script to alert "Hello world!" on every page
// #include*
// ==/UserScript==
var your_domain = '';
var canvas_frame = document.getElementById('canvas_frame').contentWindow.document;
var user_id = canvas_frame.getElementById('guser').getElementsByTagName('b')[0];
user_id.innerHTML = user_id.innerHTML.replace('',your_domain);
As a gist.
