How can I stack editors vertically in Xcode 11? - layout

The option to stack editors in Xcode 11 has been moved to Editor-Layout in the menu. However the three options Automatic/Editor on Left/Editor on Top are greyed out. How can I unlock this to arrange editors in a vertical stack?

TL;DR: In the top bar menu under View, click Change Editor Orientation.
Option #1: In the top bar menu under View, click Change Editor Orientation.
Option #2: In the File Navigator, press Command + Option + Control + T to open the currently highlighted file in an editor below the currently active editor. This orientation switches to horizontal if the Change Editor Orientation option was set.
Option #3: At the Open Quickly prompt (accessible by pressing Command + Shift + O), search for a file without pressing Return and, when a file is highlighted, press Option + Shift + Return. Use the arrow keys to specify where the new editor should be located.


Editor window loses focus on shortcut view change

In Android studio, while having a .xml file (layout) open in editor window, there are two modes available: Design and Text. In Mac the short-cut for going back and forth in these views are said to be Control + Shift and Left/Right. However once you press one of these combination the editor window will lose the focus and in order to go back, you have to click on the editor window.
How can one resolve that without the extra click?

Sublime text 3 find and replace in selection without clicking the button

I'm using ST3 with vintage mode. When selecting some lines and pressing alt+shift+f (Mac OSX) I get the find and replace dialog at the bottom of the screen.
BUT, I have to remove my hand from the keyboard, reach for the mouse and click the little "In selection" button... there some way for sublime to realize that I have made a selection and have that button clicked by default?
Try setting:
"auto_find_in_selection": true,
From my understanding, this will automatically use 'in selection' if you have non-empty selection when goes into find box.
Note, you generally set this settings in "Preferences.sublime-settings". You can open this setting by "Ctrl+Shift+P", and select "Preferences: Settings - User".

Issue with vim mousemodel

Recently I came across a feature of gvim. When I press shift and click on a word the words get highlighted similar to Notepad++ (I am aware of * or #).
But if I put in my .vimrc
set mousemodel=popup
This behavior strangely stops. Anybody encountered this?
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 29 2013 13:30:15)
This is actually by design according to :h mousemodel:
*'mousemodel'* *'mousem'*
'mousemodel' 'mousem' string (default "extend", "popup" for MS-DOS and Win32)
{not in Vi}
Sets the model to use for the mouse. The name mostly specifies what
the right mouse button is used for:
extend Right mouse button extends a selection. This works
like in an xterm.
popup Right mouse button pops up a menu. The shifted left
mouse button extends a selection. This works like
with Microsoft Windows.
Overview of what button does what for each model:
mouse extend popup(_setpos) ~
left click place cursor place cursor
left drag start selection start selection
shift-left search word extend selection
right click extend selection popup menu (place cursor)
right drag extend selection -
middle click paste paste
Basically, popup simulates mouse behavior in a typical Windows application, and Windows applications don't highlight words by shift-clicking.
On a normal Windows application, highlighting a single word is done by double-clicking. I am not entirely sure if the popup model is responsible for that action as well, or if it happens elsewhere, but it should be easy enough for you to test.

Allow clicking in vim in cygwin

I am using vim, which I believe has a click function (you click, it changes the mode from edit, command, etc), however in Cygwin, you can't do that. Then again, I'm not sure if it's clicking is the thing in vim, let alone Cygwin.
I am using mintty, on Cygwin.
Clicking doesn't really change modes but, supposing your terminal emulator supports mouse reporting, you can activate mouse support in Vim with this command:
:set mouse=a
To activate mouse support permanently, add this line to your ~/.vimrc:
set mouse=a
See :help 'mouse'.
To get mouse positioning working with mintty (It's the default terminal emulator used when you start Cygwin now) on Cygwin you may need to alter the settings so that you get the expected behavior - Right click on the top left of the window to bring up the Options... menu then go to the Mouse settings. If you want it position the mouse with a left mouse click you need to select under 'Application' under the 'Default click target' which is in the 'Application mouse mode' box. If you have 'Window' selected then you'll need to hold down the selected Modifier key (as set immediately below this setting) - Usually the Shift key - and left click to position the mouse.
This worked for me:
Alt + Space -> Options -> Mouse -> Clicks place command line cursor
Options section:

How to reset split screen to default in Notepad++

Using the compare plugin in Notepad++ splits the screen between the two files being compared. Is there a fast way to revert the screen to have all of the tabs again in a single window, as is the default view upon opening the application?
Right click on the tab and the choose "Move to Other View"
This works for me on npp v6.6.9
I believe this would be Ctrl + Alt + d.
To get to the split script use Alt + d.
See under Plugins -> Compare.
You can drag all the files from one side to the other side. This will close the window that was left empty.
Ctrl + Alt + D will clear the comparison results.
If the split screen remains after clearing the comparison results, this is likely due to still having files open within each of the two split-screened-windows.
To resolve this, close the open files or move them from one of the two split screen windows to the other. Moving them can be done via drag and drop or by right-clicking on the file's tab and choosing 'move to other window". When the last file is moved or closed the split screen will disappear.
Under the plugins>Compare>Clear Results is where you will find a clickable menu option to do it aprt from the keyboard shortcut.
For "Clear Active Compare" - ctrl + Alt + X
For "Clear All Compares" - ctrl + Alt + Shift + X
If you have disabled the Tab bar (Settings | Preferences | General | Tab bar | [x] Hide) and use Document List / Switcher (Settings | Preferences | General | Document List Panel | [x] Show), what you need to do is to first close all the documents open in the clone/split view. Once all files open in that have been closed, the split view will also close automatically.
Now, unfortunately there is no way(?) to tell what you have open in the split view and the main view. You'll just have to click on the right side split, and keep pressing Ctrl + W until the split view goes away. I guess you could also enable Tab bar for this occasion.
Plugins--> Compare--> Clear Results
You used Ctrl + Alt + Shift + x and it does not help? Then try this if you use the Document List Panel (Settings > Preferences > General > Document List Panel > [x] Show) instead of the Tab bar (Settings > Preferences > General > Tab bar > [x] Hide), you should move all the files on the side with less files to the other view.
Find out which side has less files open by opening the Window menu once on both sides.
To move a file from one view to the other use View > Move/Clone Current Document > Move to other view or Alt + v m Enter
Still in split view? Switch focus back to the other side using F8 and go to step 2.
Once all files on one side have been moved, the split view will disappear automatically.
PS. I know the question was about "tabs". However I regard the Document List as a better variant of "tabs".
