python 3.5 install pyscard in raspberry pi 3 - python-3.5

i have try to install pyscard in python 3.5, but always getting error
error install pyscard
anyone can helo me?

i found my answer in here:
an as a sample code is here:
sudo apt-get install pcscd git python-setuptools swig gcc libpcsclite-dev python-dev
git clone
cd pyscard
sudo python build_ext install
sudo reboot


Installing pip in Raspberry pi3

Sorry I am newbie, when I try to install pip using following command
$ wget
$ sudo python
I get following error
ERROR: This script does not work on Python 2.7 The minimum supported Python version is 3.6. Please use instead.
Please help me out
Well you have two options, either use python3 with
sudo apt install python3 -y
sudo python3
Or install it with python2:
sudo python
But if you just want to install pip you can do it with:
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
sudo apt install python-pip -y

Installation of pythonnet on Ubuntu 18.04 - problems with nuget.exe

I try to install the pythonnet library on linux, but I can have trouble with nuget/mono.
I tryed to run the following (Install pythonnet on Ubuntu 18.04, Python 3.6.7 64-bit, Mono 5.16 fails):
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install clang
sudo apt install nuget
git config --global http.proxy http://my.proxy.address:port
/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -U pycparser --user
/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -U pythonnet --user
However, this results in the following error:
mono tools/nuget/nuget.exe update -self' returned non-zero exit status 1.
When I clone the repository from github and just run mono tools/nuget/nuget.exe update -self, I get the following error:
Checking for updates from Invalid URI: Invalid port specified.
I came across this link:, but most of the advice is Windows focussed. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Thank you!
I had the same problem and needed to install mono first:
sudo apt-get install mono-complete

How to install python version 3.5.6 into ubuntu/ Linux?

I need to install python version 3.5.6. What are the requirements to install python 3.5.6.
python 3.6 is already installed on my local machine
What I have tried?
I looked into Python downloads. Downloaded tarball for python3.5.6.
Installed it by using following set of commands
tar -xf Python-3.5.6.tar.xz
cd Python-3.5.6
sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev libsqlite3-dev build-essential
sudo make install
After installation when I run python3 -V it shows python 3.6.
Expected behaviour
python3 -V command should show python3.5.6
What I am doing wrong?
Try uninstalling it or removing the package all together from your computer. Afterwards try:
$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall python3.5
or you could try:
$ sudo aptitude reinstall python2.7
Best of luck.
python3.5 might show 3.5.6, depending on where and how things are on your PATH.
Either way, instead of manually compiling and installing Python (especially as you're side-stepping your package manager (apt) here which may cause trouble down the line), look into pyenv. After installation, approximately:
$ pyenv install 3.5.6
$ pyenv local 3.5.6
$ python
and you're ready to roll.

How to install python3.4 in home 'not root'? ensurepip failure

I do not have root privileges on the Red Hat Linux machine I am installing python3.4 on.
Downloaded Python-3.4.1.tgz
tar -xzf Python-3.4.1.tgz
makealtinstall --with-ensurepip=install prefix=~ exec-prefix=~
Python3 does install, but I don't have pip.
I get the following error:
Ignoring ensurepip failure: pip 1.5.6 requires SSL/TLS
I don't have root access so I cannot install via:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev openssl
I do have a working version of openssl.
Does anyone have suggestions I could try?
Since you are in RedHat, you have to install openssl-devel
yum install openssl-devel
Or you can install it later with
The complete procedure for installing Python 3.4 with pip3/pip3.4 on RHEL7 is below. For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS replace yum with apt-get, openssl-devel with libssl-dev and you are good to go:
sudo yum install -y gcc make openssl-devel openssl
tar -xf Python-3.4.3.tgz
cd Python-3.4.3/
./configure --with-ensurepip=install
make install
Alternatively, you can run make altinstall depending on whether you need create python link or not.

ubuntu scipy works for python2.7 but not for 3.2

I have tried many ways to get scipy to play nice with python3.2 but no joy yet.
I have tried:
sudo apt-get build-dep scipy
no joy
sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ipython ipython-notebook python-pandas python-sympy python-nose
and still no joy
The goal is to get scipy to play nice with ipython running python3.2.
Here is the terminal output.
help / assistance is appreciated.
sudo apt-get install python32-numpy
if you have multiple versions of python installed on your system then you have to specify the version for which you want to install the library..
also you can do
python --version
to check the default python for your system
Try running the command
sudo apt-get install python3.2-numpy
Running the command
sudo apt-get install python-numpy
installs for python2.7 be default in my case.
So one must specify the python version in apt-get command.
