Query asynchronous operation state within a micro service architecture - domain-driven-design

We are in the process of redesigning few our REST API endpoints to transition to a micro service architecture.
Here we are working on the endpoint /invitations/:id/confirm.
This endpoint creates a User, Account using the provided Invitation.
We have 3 aggregates Invitation, User and Account.
The nominal flow we are currently following is:
Check if Invitation exists
Make sure the invitation can be confirmed
Create User
Create Account
Delete Invitation
Return UserId
This operation is done in-process which explained why we can return a UserId right away. We simply load our aggregates from the db, perform the associated business logic and persist the result.
Introducing micro services will require asynchronous processing. In other words, we should send a command to a bus and return status code 202.
In our plan, we want to fire a command named RequestInvitationConfirmation. Basic validation will occur while instantiating this command.
Then this command will be sent through the bus to a consumer in charge of:
- Loading the invitation aggregates (make sure it exists)
- Calling the RequestConfirmation methods (will check that the invitation can be confirmed)
- Raising the InvitationConfirmationRequested event
The InvitationConfirmationRequested event will trigger a SAGA in charge of orchestrating the cross services communication
Send CreateUser command
Send CreateAccount command
Send DeleteInvitation command
Raise InvitationConfirmed
Since it's asynchronous we need to provide a way to get the current operation state. I saw (https://www.adayinthelifeof.nl/2011/06/02/asynchronous-operations-in-rest/, https://asyncrestapi.docs.apiary.io/#) that a common approach
is to offer a /queue/:id OR /actions/:id endpoints.
This is where we get confused. How can you offer a single endpoint when states may be totally different from a SAGA to another?

For your saga to process messages within the scope of a single flow, you must correlate all your messages with the proper instance. When a saga is started by the first message, the saga identity is generated according to the rules:
Event(() => ItemAdded, x => x.CorrelateBy(cart => cart.UserName, context => context.Message.UserName)
.SelectId(context => Guid.NewGuid()));
So this id will be used as the identity of your saga that is persisted to the saga repository.
class ShoppingCart :
public Guid CorrelationId { get; set; }
public string CurrentState { get; set; }
Here, the CorrelationId is the saga id, therefore is the correlation id of the whole process.
If you have access to your saga repository (and you do), it is quite easy to expose an HTTP API endpoint to retrieve the current saga state by looking at the value of the CurrentState property in your saga state in the database that you use to persist sagas.


NestJS - How to implement RBAC with organization-scoped roles

I am designing a REST backend in Nest.js that needs to allow Users to be a part of multiple Organizations. I want to use role-based access control, such that a user can have one or more named roles. Crucially, these roles need to be able to be either "global" (not dependent on any organization, ex. SUPERUSER), or "scoped" (specific to an organization, ex. MANAGER).
I have decided on this basic database design, which links Users to Organizations using the Roles table in a many-one-many relationship:
As you can see, the organizationId field on a Role is optional, and if it is present, then the user is linked to that organization through the role. If it is not present, I assume this to be a "global" role. I find this to be an elegant database design, but I am having trouble implementing the guard logic for my endpoints.
The guard logic would go something like this:
Look up all the Roles from the database that match the current userId.
For global routes, check that at least one of the returned roles is in the list of required roles for the route.
For scoped routes, do the same, but also check that the organizationId of the role matches the organization ID associated with the operation (I'll elaborate below).
Consider these two endpoints for Jobs. The first will retrieve all the jobs associated with a specified organization. The second will find a single job by its id:
Example route 1:
GET /jobs?organizationId=XXXXX
#UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard, RolesGuard)
getMyJobs(#Query() query: {organizationId: string}) {
return this.jobsService.getJobs({
organizationId: query.organizationId,
Example route 2:
GET /jobs/:jobId
#UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard, RolesGuard)
getJob(#Param('jobId') jobId: string) {
return this.jobsService.getJob(jobId)
In the first example, I know the organizationId without doing any work because it is required as a query parameter. This id can be matched against the id specified in the Role. This is trivial to validate, and ensures that only users who belong to that organization can access the endpoint.
In the second example, the organizationId is not provided. I can easily query it from the database by looking up the Job, but that is work that should be done in the service/business logic. Additionally, guard logic executes before getJob. This is where I am stuck.
The only solution I can come up with is to pass the organizationId in every request, perhaps as a url parameter or HTTP header. Seems like there should be a better option than that. I'm sure this pattern is very common, but I don't know what it is called to do any research. Any help regarding this implementation would be greatly appreciated!
It is just another option for you.
You can modify a user object inside RolesGuard by adding a field that stores available organizations for him/her. So you need to calculate organizations for user, who makes a request inside a guard and then put a result array with ids of organizations to a user field (user.availableOrganizationIds = []). And then use it for filtering results
#UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard, RolesGuard)
getMyJobs(#User() user) { // get a user from request
return this.jobsService.getJobs({
organizationIds: user.availableOrganizationIds, // <<- filter by organizations

Is there a way to get the status of an Event Grid trigger for azure function (Complete /Pending or Running)

by Httptrigger Azure function, if you send a POST request you receive something like this as a response:
"id": "66ee5d08196874aeb99c9e62ddc7b190",
"statusQueryGetUri": "https://asynchttpfunction.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/durabletask/instances/66ee5d08196945aeb44c9e62ddc7b190?taskHub=Orchestration&connection=Storage&code=FSVfJyGODSeKHPO0cM8Po9e1jMT7MghVMGuJqTaGTN56E1RUHnlVJg==",
"sendEventPostUri": "https://asynchttpfunction.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/durabletask/instances/66ee5d08196945aeb44c9e62ddc7b190/raiseEvent/{eventName}?taskHub=Orchestration&connection=Storage&code=FSVfJyGODSeKHPO0cM8Po9e1jMT7MghVMGuJqTaGTN56E1RUHnlVJg==",
"terminatePostUri": "https://asynchttpfunction.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/durabletask/instances/66ee5d08196945aeb44c9e62ddc7b190/terminate?reason={text}&taskHub=Orchestration&connection=Storage&code=FSVfJyGODSeKHPO0cM8Po9e1jMT7MghVMGuJqTaGTN56E1RUHnlVJg==",
"rewindPostUri": "https://asynchttpfunction.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/durabletask/instances/66ee5d08196945aeb44c9e62ddc7b190/rewind?reason={text}&taskHub=Orchestration&connection=Storage&code=FSVfJyGODSeKHPO0cM8Po9e1jMT7MghVMGuJqTaGTN56E1RUHnlVJg==",
"purgeHistoryDeleteUri": "https://asynchttpfunction.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/durabletask/instances/66ee5d08196945aeb44c9e62ddc7b190?taskHub=Orchestration&connection=Storage&code=FSVfJyGODSeKHPO0cM8Po9e1jMT7MghVMGuJqTaGTN56E1RUHnlVJg=="
The statusQueryGetUri provides information of the long running orchestration instance. If you follow this link you will receive a suitable runtimeStatus that describes the status of the orchestration instance along with some other useful information.here
My question is now:
actually we don't send a POST request to an Event grid Azure function trigger, Is there any way to get the status of the Azure function? Complete or is still running?
The Azure Event Grid is an eventing Pub/Sub model where the interest of source is distributed to the subscribed event handler endpoint or resource in the reliable manner with a retry policy and dead-lettering option. The AEG is waiting for delivery response processing max. 60 seconds.
There is no built-in the features what you are asking in the AEG, however you can use the REST API for metrics of the specific subscription to obtain its counters value:
The following GET is an example for getting a subscription metrics:
Note, that the authorization header with a bearer token is required for this call.
More details about the monitoring an event message delivery can be found here.

Auth0 subscription plan app_metadata

I'm developing a quiz app which requires authorization for only-subscribed members can see.
How to do that? I'm thinking of putting metadata (is_subscribed) to true for subscribed member and give the scope so he/she can gain permissions.
But, I don't know how to do it. Please help. The docs is so confusing
There are two separate concerns here.
Where to keep the subscription information. app_metadata is fine, or you might choose to do so in a backend database (application specific). A client application will probably handle subscriptions and be in charge of updating that value. If you store the value in app_metadata, you will use Management API v2 to alter the user profile from the application that handles subscriptions.
Add an authorization scope based on the subscription status. In this case, you would use a rule to add a custom scope based on the value of the is_subscribed field. I.e.:
function(user, context, callback) {
if (user.app_metadata && user.app_metadata.is_subscribed) {
context.accessToken.scope = ['read:quiz'];
} else {
// remove the ability to read a quiz if not subscribed.
context.accessToken.scope = [];
callback(null, user, context);
If you decided to store the subscription information in a backend database instead of in the app_metadata, you would simply access the database from the rule in the above code.

Is this domain or application service

I am building authentication micro-service/domain by using DDD and I am still having trouble with identifying where does each service belong. At this point I am not sure does Authentication service belongs to the domain services or application services.
Should I wrap this behavior in domain serrvice, and expose response object via application service, or this should stay as it is - as application service.
public class AuthenticationService : IAuthenticationService
IAuthUnitOfWork _uow;
IUserRepository _userRepository;
IUserTokenFactory _userTokenFactory;
public AuthenticationService(IUserTokenFactory userTokenFactory, IUserRepository userRepository,
IAuthUnitOfWork uow)
_userTokenFactory = userTokenFactory;
_userRepository = userRepository;
_uow = uow;
public async Task<UserTokenResponse> AuthenticateAsync(string email, string password)
var user = await _userRepository.GetByEmailAndPasswordAsync(email, password);
//TODO: Add null check for user
var userToken = await _userTokenFactory.CreateWithAsync(user);
await _uow.SaveChangesAsync();
return new UserTokenResponse
ExpiressOn = userToken.ExpiressOn,
Token = userToken.Token
Application Services coordinate application flow and infrastructure, but do not execute business logic rules or invariants. It is common to see calls to repositories, units of work, and to accept and return service contract objects or request/response objects. They generally do not accept or return domain entities or valueobjects.
Domain services are unaware of infrastructure or overall application flow - they exclusively encapsulate business logic rules. They accept domain entities or value objects, carry out conditional operations on those entities or objects, or perform business rule calculations, and then return primitives or domain entities or value objects.
Based on these concepts, your sample service is definitely an application service, as it is interacting with your repository and unit of work, and returning a "UserResponse" type (a 'response' type does not sound like a domain entity).
Your application service AuthenticationService is delegating to a service called UserTokenFactory. UserTokenFactory accepts a domain entity (user) and returns a domain valueobject (usertoken). Presumably it encapsulates in an infrastructure-agnostic way the business rules associated with creating the user token. As such, this looks like more like a domain service. A factory which is responsible for the creation of domain concepts such as entities and value objects is just a special type of domain service (in my opinion) although you will most commonly see 'domain services' referring to services that perform some business logic that requires coordinating between multiple types of entities.
So - I think your structure here is appropriate - you have an application service coordinating infrastructure and flow, which delegates to a special service to execute the business logic.

Authorization in Event Hubs

I am using SAS token authentication along with device-ID (or publisher-Id) in my event Hub publisher code. But i see that it is possible to send an event to any partition ID by using "CreatePartitionedSender" client even though I have authenticated using a device-ID. Whereas I do not want two different device-Ids publishing events in same partition. Is it possible that we can add some custom "authorization" code along with the SAS authentication to allow limited partition access to any device.
The idea behind adding authorization to device and partition-Id combination was to accommodate single event-hub for multiple tenants. Please advise if I am missing anything.
Please see below the code snippet for publisher:
var publisherId = "1d8480fd-d1e7-48f9-9aa3-6e627bd38bae";
string token = SharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider.GetPublisherSharedAccessSignature(
new Uri("sb://anyhub-ns.servicebus.windows.net/"),
eventHubName, publisherId, "send",
new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0));
var factory = MessagingFactory.Create(ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", "anyhub-ns", ""), new MessagingFactorySettings
TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider(token),
TransportType = TransportType.Amqp
var client = factory.CreateEventHubClient(String.Format("{0}/publishers/{1}", eventHubName, publisherId));
var message = "Event message for publisher: " + publisherId;
var eventData = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
await client.SendAsync(eventData);
await client.CreatePartitionedSender("5").SendAsync(eventData);
await client.CreatePartitionedSender("6").SendAsync(eventData);
I notice in your example code that you have
var connStr = ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder.CreateUsingSharedAde...
and then have
This suggests that you may have used a Connection String containing the send key you used to generate the token rather than the limited access token. In my own tests I did not manage to connect to an EventHub using the EventHubClient, which makes an AMQP connection, with a publisher specific token. This doesn't mean it's not supported just that I got errors that made sense, and the ability to do so doesn't appear to be documented.
What is documented and has an example is making the publisher specific tokens and sending events to the EventHub using the HTTP interface. If you examine the SAS token generated you can see that the token grants access to
This is consistent with the documentation on the security model, and the general discussion of publisher policies in the overview. I would expect the guarantee on publisherId -> PartitionKey to hold with this interface. Thus each publisherId would have its events end up in a consistent partition.
This may be less than ideal for your multitenant system, but the code to send messages is arguably simpler and is a better match for the intended use case of per device keys. As discussed in this question you would need to do something rather dirty to get each publisher their own partition, and you would be outside the designed use cases.
Cross linking questions can be useful.
For a complete explanation on Event Hubs publisher policy refer this blog.
In short, If you want publisher policy - you will not get partitioned sender. Publisher policy is an extension to SAS security model, designed to support very high number of senders ( to a scale of million senders on event hub ).
With its current authentication model, you can not grant so fine-grained access to publishers. Authentication per partition is not currently supported as per Event Hubs Authentication and Security Model Overview.
You have to either "trust" your publishers, or think on different tenant scheme - i.e. Event Hub per tenant.
