I want get only document in collection if contain specific field.
For example I try this but it not work:
const exampleCollection = admin.firestore().collection(‘Collection’).doc(‘Doc).collection(‘Subcollection’);
const exampleDoc = await exampleCollection.where(“field”, “>”, “”).get();
const field = await exampleDoc.data().field;
How to do?
You can actually use .orderBy('field') to return only those documents with that field. Firestore will automatically drop documents without that field.
You can perform simple and compound queries in firebase.
documentation: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/queries#simple_queries
example: .where('field', '>', '10');
Cloud Firestore does not offer any type of query that simply checks to see if a property exists. You have to check if it contains a specific value (==), or a range (greater than, less than), or its array contains some value. In all cases, you need a specific value to compare to. There is also no type of query that looks for data that's not present, as that type of query does not scale in the way the Firestore requires.
This probably means you will need to change your document model to suit the results you need to get.
I'm using Azure.Search.Documents in C# to index JSON documents in Azure blob storage. About half of the fields of each json doc are meant to be searchable or fielded. The JSON also includes some fields that I don't want evaluated by my search.
My goal is to return the entire JSON document in my search results.
It seems like my choices are to (a) add SearchField records to my SearchIndex for every aspect of the document (in which the SearchDocument results are ready for me to use) or (b) leverage metadata_storage_path / metadata_storage_name and do a separate fetch for the document itself.
Option (b) feels less efficient, considering that the SearchDocument returned is already so close to the full JSON; it seems a shame to have to make a separate fetch for each document. But for option (a) to work, I'd need to tell the SearchIndex about the extra fields without them triggering false positive search results.
For (a) is there a way to add SearchFields (or the equivalent) and have them not trigger false positives? (IsSearchable seems to affect how, but not whether, they are evaluated). Also, if (b) is the better approach, is there a way to do this using "new SearchField" as opposed to declared via attributes? Thanks.
Thank you Vince. Adding your comment as answer to help other community users.
Set IsSearchable to FALSE
We want to check if a document already exists in the database with the same fields and values of a new object we are trying to save to prevent duplicated item.
Note: This question is not about updating documents or about duplicated document IDs, we only check the data to prevent saving a new document with the same data of an existing one.
Preferably we'd like to accomplish this with Mango/Cloudant queries and not rely on views.
The idea so far is:
1) Scan the the data that we are trying to save and dynamically create a selector that matches that document's structure. (We can't have the selectors hardcoded because we have types of many documents)
2) Query de DB with for any documents matching that selector to if any document already exists that matches those criteria.
However I wonder about the performance of this approach since many of the selector fields will not be indexed.
I also much rather follow best practices than create something out of the blue, but haven't been able to find any known solutions for this specific scenario.
If you happen to know of any, please share.
Option 1 - Define a meaningful ID for your documents
The ID could be a logical coposition or a computed hash from the values that should be unique
If you want to check if a document ID already exists you can use the HEAD method
HEAD /db/docId
which returns 200-OK if the docId exits on the database.
If you would like to check if you have the same content in the new document and in the previous one, you may use the Validate Document Update Function which allows to compare both documents.
function(newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj) {
Option 2 - Use content hash computed outside CouchDB
Before create or update a document a hash should be computed using the values of the attributes that should be unique.
The hash is included in the document in a new attribute i.e. "key_hash"
Create a mango index using the "key_hash" attribute
When a new doc should be inserted, the hash should be computed and find for documents with the same hash value using a mango expression before the doc is inserted.
Option 3 - Compute hash in a View
Define a view which emit the computed hash for each document as key
Couchdb Javascript support does not include hashing functions, this could be difficult to include in a design document.
Use erlang to define the map function, where you can access to the erlang support for hashing.
Before creating a new document you should query the view using a the hash that you need to compute previously.
One solution would be to take Juanjo's and Alexis's comment one step further.
Select the keys you wish to keep unique
Put the values in a string and generate a hash
Set the document's _id to that hash
PUT the document on the database.
check return for failure
If another document already exists on the database with the same _id value, the PUT request will fail.
I am doing a query with solr where I need to find documents without a given field say 'name' and I am trying following part;
$q=+status:active -name:["" TO *]'
But it sends both all the documents with and without that field.
Can anyone help me figure this out?
the field name is a normal String type and is indexed.
I am using nodejs. Can anyone help me with this
According to docs:
-field:[* TO *] finds all documents without a value for field
I tried it but it sends even the ones with the field non empty
Then my wild quess is that you are using search query q instead of using filter query fq. Since you are using multiple statements in query I assume that q does some extra magic to get the most relevant documents for you, which can lead to returning some non-wanted results.
If you want to get the strict set of results you should use filter query fq instead, see docs.
How to make a query filter bound to a request parameter inactive if the parameter is not present?
For example: I have a query MyQuery that can be accessed through the projection MyProjection. I add a filter to that query where I say that MyDate field should be equal to {Request.QueryString:MyDate}. I want URLs like ~/MyProjection?MyDate=2016-03-08 to filter content items by the given value, but the url ~/MyProjection to just not filter by that field. But this is not what happens: a condition gets added to the query anyway and it's of the form '[minimum DateTime value] < MyDate < [maximum DateTime value]'. This is not good because it will filter out fields with NULL values. If I try to do the same with a numeric field, it's even worse because it throws exceptions when the parameter is not present.
I know I can create a new query and projection to get different options, but that seems like an overkill - also, what if I wanted to create an advanced search form, it would have to target a single projection.
Is there an "official" way to do this? Or a workaround? Or is this simply not supported in Orchard?
I'm not aware of a way to do this out of the box. However, you could pretty easily create your own filter with the behavior you want by implementing IFilterProvider.
Take a look at the Orchard.Projections module. That's where you'll find many of the default query filters (including the date field filter you referenced). Your's will likely be even simpler if you only need to handle a specific case.
For a very simple example, checkout the Orchard.Tags module (look in the projections folder). The contents of this folder will give you pretty much all the boilerplate you'll need to get started creating your own. Just plug in your own logic.
I have a set of indexed fields such as these:
And I get that it's possible to wildcard queries such as
What I'm trying to do is get "any" submitted form via something like:
Is this possible? Or will I have to do a stream of "OR"s on the known forms (which seems quite heavy)
That's not the intended use of fields, I think. Field names aren't supposed to be the searchable values, field values are. Field names are supposed to be known a priori.
My suggestion is (if possible) to store the second part of the name as the field value, for instance: submitted_form:2398389-2-32-43242423. submitted_from would be the field known a priori, and the value could eventually be searched with a PrefixQuery.
Anyway, you could access the collection of fields' names using IndexReader.getFieldNames() in Lucene 3.x and this in Lucene 4.x. I wouldn't expect search performance there.