ArrowDecorator as default drag connection - draw2d-js

How to set ArrowDecorator as default connection decorator?
When a new instance is created by the "draw2d.policy.connection.ConnectionCreatePolicy", I want it to be decorated by the ArrowDecorator.
What is the best way to do this without modifying the code base?
Currently I am just changing to code base by setting the target decorator in Connection.js
targetDecorator = new draw2d.decoration.connection.ArrowDecorator()

Found the answer. Use the following code.
canvas.installEditPolicy( new draw2d.policy.connection.DragConnectionCreatePolicy({
createConnection: function() {
// return my special kind of connection
var con = new draw2d.Connection({
targetDecorator: new draw2d.decoration.connection.ArrowDecorator()
return con;
})); //canvas.add(c);


Is it possible to modify exported variable after it is exported

i'm still new to node.js and i'm trying to create and export my database connection with mysqljs.
I'm having a trouble because if something happens like the database crash or a network problem, the connection needs to be re-created. I can't figure out how to udpate the previously exported connection to my app.
Is there a way to update an object exported by the module like i did ?
Am i missing something or using module.exports in the wrong way ?
I think it would be possible to use a function or a constructor but i would have to edit every module that currently uses my dbh variable.
var reconnection_interval = 5000;
var db_config = {
host : "localhost",
user : "root",
password : "",
database : "test"
var dbh;
function handleDisconnect(conn)
conn.on('error', function(err)
// If the error is not fatal, we just ignore it.
logger.error('Database error : '+err);'Trying to reconnect in '+reconnection_interval/1000+'s');
// Destroying old connection.
dbh = undefined;
// Creating a new connection and trying to reconnect every <reconnection_interval>
dbh = mysql.createConnection(db_config);
// I want to update the module.exports value, so it becomes the new connection
module.exports = dbh;
}, reconnection_interval);
dbh = mysql.createConnection(db_config);
dbh.connect();"Connected to database.");
module.exports = dbh;

Meteor ReactiveDict MongoDB Find onCreate

I'm trying to use a mongodb find items and stored in ReactiveDict, but I'm just getting the error:
{{#each}} currently only accepts arrays, cursors or falsey...
What am I doing wrong here?
Meteor.subscribe('itemFind'); = new ReactiveDict();'items',Items.find());
return Template.instance().global.get('items');
Further, I figured if I added a .fetch() to the original find statement this would be fixed, but apparently not.
I'm new to Meteor, so what am I doing wrong here?
On the onCreated the subscription is not ready yet. A good practice is to define your Reactive vars on onCreated and assign them on onRendered.
In any case, you need to wait for the subscription to be ready. To do so you can use an autorun(). The autorun() will rerun every time its dependencies are updated.
Template.body.onCreated(function() { = new ReactiveDict({});
this.autorun(() => {
const subs = Meteor.subscribe('itemFind');
if(subs.ready()) {'items', Items.find({}));

A better way to structure a Mongoose connection module

I have refactored some code to place all my mongoose.createConnection(...) in a single file. This file is then required in other files that use connections to the various databases specified. The connections are lazily created and are used in both an http server and in utility scripts.
The connection file looks like this:
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
var serverString = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
var userDBString = "/USER";
var customerDBString = "/CUSTOMER";
var userConnection = null;
exports.getUserConnection = function () {
if (userConnection === null) {
userConnection = mongoose.createConnection(serverString + userDBString, {server: { poolSize: 4 }});
return userConnection;
var customerConnection = null;
exports.getCustomerConnection = function () {
if (customerConnection === null) {
customerConnection = mongoose.createConnection(serverString + customerDBString, { server: { poolSize: 4 }});
return customerConnection;
My models are stored in a separate files (based on their DB) that looks a bit like this:
exports.UserSchema = UserSchema; //Just assume I know how to define a valid schema
exports.UserModel = connection.getUserConnection().model("User", UserSchema);
Later , I use the getUserConnection() to refer to the connection I have created to actually do work the model.
In utilities that use this connection format, I have to call
connection.getUserConnection().on("open", function() {"Opened User DB");
//Do What I Need To Do
It is possible that in some scenarios the task processor will have already broadcast the open event. In some, it won't be guaranteed to have happened yet. I noticed that it doesn't queue work if the connection isn't open (specifically, dropCollection) so I feel stuck.
How can I be certain that the connection is open before proceeding given that I can't depend on subscribing to the open event before the task processor runs?
Is there a better pattern for centralizing the managing of multiple connections?
I can answer part of my own question
How can I be certain that the connection is open before proceeding
given that I can't depend on subscribing to the open event before the
task processor runs?
if (connection.getUserConnection().readyState!==1) {"User connection was not open yet. Adding open listener");
connection.getSR26Connection().on("open", function () {"User open event received");
} else {"User is already open.");
function doStuff() {"Doing stuff");
If you see a better way then please comment or offer up an answer. I would still like to hear how other people manage connections without rebuilding the connection every time.

node.js - Require Exports Variables Errors

I have a node.js script that does some database queries for me and works fine. The script is starting to get a bit longer so I thought I might start to break it up and thought moving the database connection code out to another file made sense.
Below is the code that I have moved into another file and then included with a require statement.
The issue I'm having is with the 'exports' commands at the bottom of the script. It appears the function 'dbHandleDisconnectUsers()' exports fine however the variable 'dbConnectionUsers' doesn't.
The script errors refer to methods of the object'dbConnectionUsers' (I hope thats the correct terminalogy) missing and gives me the impression I'm not really passing a complete object. Note: I would include the exact errors but I'm not in front of the machine.
var mysql = require('/usr/lib/node_modules/mysql');
// Users Database Configuration
var dbConnectionUsers;
var dbConfigurationUsers = ({
host : 'xxxxx',
user : 'xxxxx',
password : 'xxxxx',
database : 'xxxxxx',
timezone : 'Asia/Singapore'
// Users Database Connection & Re-Connection
function dbHandleDisconnectUsers() {
dbConnectionUsers = mysql.createConnection(dbConfigurationUsers);
dbConnectionUsers.connect(function(err) {
if(err) {
console.log('Users Error Connecting to Database:', err);
dbConnectionUsers.query("SET SESSION sql_mode = 'ANSI';");
dbConnectionUsers.query("SET NAMES UTF8;");
dbConnectionUsers.query("SET time_zone='Asia/Singapore';");
dbConnectionUsers.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('Users Database Protocol Connection Lost: ', err);
if(err.code === 'PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST') {
} else {
throw err;
exports.dbHandleDisconnectUsers() = dbHandleDisconnectUsers();
exports.dbConnectionUsers = dbConnectionUsers;
In the core script I have this require statement:
var database = require('database-connect.js');
And I refer the function/variable as
Ignoring the syntax error that everybody else has pointed out in exports.dbHandleDisconnectUsers() = dbHandleDisconnectUsers(), I will point out that dbConnectionUsers is uninitialized.
JavaScript is a pass-by-copy-of-reference language, therefore these lines:
var dbConnectionUsers;
exports.dbConnectionUsers = dbConnectionUsers;
are essentially identical to
exports.dbConnectionUsers = undefined;
Even though you set dbConnectionUsers later, you are not affecting exports.dbConnectionUsers because it holds a copy of the original dbConnectionUsers reference.
It's similar, in primitive data types, to:
var x = 5;
var y = x;
x = 1;
console.log(x); // 1
console.log(y); // 5
For details on how require and module.exports work, I will refer you to a recent answer I posted on the same topic:
Behavior of require in node.js
It's odd that your function is working but your other variable isn't exporting. This shouldn't be the case.
When you export functions you generally don't want to be exporting them as evaluated functions (ie. aFunction() ). The only time you might is if you want export whatever that function returns, or if you want to export an instance of a constructor function as part of your module.
The other thing, which is really odd, and is mentioned in a comment above is that you are trying to assign a value to exports.dbHandleDisconnectUsers(), which should be an undefined and throw an error.
So,in other words: Your code should not look like exports.whatever() = whatever().
Instead you should export both functions and other properties like this:
exports.dbHandleDisconnectUsers = dbHandleDisconnectUsers; // no evaluation ()
exports.dbConnectionUsers = dbConnectionUsers;
I don't know if this is the only thing wrong here, but this is definitely one thing that might be causing an execution error or two :)
Also, taking into consideration what Brandon has pointed out as well, you are initially exporting something undefined. But in your script, you are overwriting the reference anyway.
What you should do instead is make a new object reference, which is persistent and has a property in it that you can update. ie:
var dbConnection = {users: null};
exports.dbConnection = dbConnection;
Then when you run your function:
function dbHandleDisconnectUsers() {
dbConnection.users = mysql.createConnection(dbConfigurationUsers);
dbConnection.users.connect(function(err) {
if(err) {
console.log('Users Error Connecting to Database:', err);
dbConnection.users.query("SET SESSION sql_mode = 'ANSI';");
dbConnection.users.query("SET NAMES UTF8;");
dbConnection.users.query("SET time_zone='Asia/Singapore';");
dbConnection.users.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('Users Database Protocol Connection Lost: ', err);
if(err.code === 'PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST') {
} else {
throw err;
This way, the object reference of dbConnection is never overwritten.
You will then refer to your users db connection in your module as:
Your function should still work as you were intending on using it before with:

How to access instance variables anywhere in the class for node.js

I am working on a node.js application with postgresql, using the express framework. I am trying to follow MVC as much as possible.
I want to generate query results in a model class and then pass them to a controller class. That controller class is actually defined in the routes, so that controller class can take the results and pass them as http response.
This is my database helper class, i.e. the model class. My problem is at the listener at the very end of the class.
exports.DatabaseHelper = function()
var allVenues;
var client;
var customEventEmitter;
this.init = function()
this.customEventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
client = new pg.Client(
this.getVenuesWithEvents = function(searchParams)
allVenues = new Array();
var query_for_venues;
sys.puts("postgresql interface error");
query_for_venues = client.query("select id, name, location, latitude, longitude, category_generalized from venues");
//some code
//this line shows error....'this' refers to the query object so customEventEmitter is undefined
//customEventEmitter is my idea of sharing the query results to my controller class.
//but I cannot do this becasue of this error
console.log("after emission");
How can I access the customEventEmitter instance variable from within the listener?
Just remove this from your init function:
this.customEventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
So you'll have:
customEventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
And in your listener just emit the emitter without this as follows:
console.log("after emission");
let me show you a nice trick.
you could change custom
var customEventEmitter;
this.customEventEmitter =null;
at the top of the function. then you can call
var self = this;
outside of the query function. then inside the query function you reference the outer "this" with self.
as in:
the methodology I just described is standard.
