problems with configuration of mathjax 3 - mathjax

I have a probem with three options while configuring Mathjax v.3 in my application. The minimal code to reflect the problem is an html file and two js file, one being tex-svg.js downloaded from github and the other being my configuration file for mathjax.
Content of the HTML file reads
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="test_files/mathjax-config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="test_files/tex-svg.js" async=""></script>
first we have $1+\tan(\alpha)^2=\frac{1}{\cos(x)^2}$, then we have $$\int_a^b f(x,\tau,\epsilon)\,dx$$ and last we would have<br>\begin{align}<br>\sin(x)<br>\end{align}<br>and then continue by going to the next line ...<br>... right here
and the content of the configuration file is as what follows
window.MathJax = {
options: {
renderActions: {
addMenu: [],
//checkLoading: []
loader: {
//load: ['[tex]/tagFormat']
tex: {
inlineMath: [ ["$","$"] ], // ["$","$"],["\$","\$"],["\(","\)"],["\\(","\\)"]
displayMath: [ ["$$","$$"] ],
processEscapes: true, // for \$ to mean a common dollar sign, not a math delimiter
//ignoreHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_ignore', // divs with class "tex2jax_ignore" are NOT to be rendered
//processHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_process' // divs with class "tex2jax_process" are to be rendered
//processEnvironments: true, // process \begin{xxx}...\end{xxx} outside math mode
//processRefs: true, // process \ref{...} outside of math mode
packages: {'[+]': ['tagFormat','includeHtmlTags','skipTags']},
skipTags: ["script", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code"], //their contents won't be scanned for math
includeHtmlTags: {br: '\n', wbr: '', '#comment': ''}, // HTML tags that can appear within math
digits: /^(?:[\d۰-۹]+(?:[,٬'][\d۰-۹]{3})*(?:[\.\/٫][\d۰-۹]*)?|[\.\/٫][\d۰-۹]+)/, // introduce numbers
tagSide: "right",
tagIndent: ".8em",
multlineWidth: "85%",
tags: "ams",
tagFormat: {
number: function(n){
return n.replace(/0/g,"۰").replace(/1/g,"۱").replace(/2/g,"۲").replace(/3/g,"۳")
svg: {
fontCache: 'global', // or 'local' or 'none'
mtextInheritFont: true, // required to correctly render RTL Persian text inside a formula
scale: 0.97, // global scaling factor for all expressions
minScale: 0.6 // smallest scaling factor to use
//matchFontHeight: true, // true to match ex-height of surrounding font
//exFactor: .5, // default size of ex in em units
//displayAlign: 'center', // default for indentalign when set to 'auto'
//displayIndent: '0' // default for indentshift when set to 'auto'
chtml: {
mtextInheritFont: true, // required to correctly render RTL Persian text inside a formula
scale: 0.97, // global scaling factor for all expressions
minScale: 0.6 // smallest scaling factor to use
//matchFontHeight: true, // true to match ex-height of surrounding font
//exFactor: .5, // default size of ex in em units
//displayAlign: 'center', // default for indentalign when set to 'auto'
//displayIndent: '0', // default for indentshift when set to 'auto'
//adaptiveCSS: true // true means only produce CSS that is used in the processed equations
The problem is with these options:
skipTags, includeHtmlTags, and tagFormat
any of them which I use, an error is written in console which says Invalid option as there is no default value. As far as I have learned, this error shows these are not loaded, but I don't know how to do so. Adding codes like load: ['[tex]/tagFormat'] gives another error when it cannot find the js file in a specific address, while MathJax3 is seemingly supposed to be a one single file solution.
Where am I wrong? and what's the solution?
Thanks in advance

There is an error in the documentation concerning the skipHtmlTags, includeHtmlTags and a few other options. They should be in the options sub-object, not the tex subject. Also, it is skipHtmlTags, not skipTags.
As for tagFormat, it is not included in the base tex-sag.js file, so you do need to load it separately. Since you have only copied the base tex-svg.js file, and no the tagFormat component, that will lead to a load failure (the message you are getting). It would be better if you installed the complete MathJax distribution if you are hosting your own copy, otherwise these kinds of load problems can occur. Otherwise, you might want to use the tex-svg-full.js file, which includes nearly all the TeX extensions.
Here's a working example, using the CDN, and tex-svg.js, while loading the tagFormat extension by hand (so the initial download is smaller).
window.MathJax = {
options: {
renderActions: {
addMenu: []
skipHtmlTags: ["script", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code"], //their contents won't be scanned for math
includeHtmlTags: {br: '\n', wbr: '', '#comment': ''}, // HTML tags that can appear within math
loader: {
load: ['[tex]/tagFormat']
tex: {
inlineMath: [ ["$","$"] ],
displayMath: [ ["$$","$$"] ],
processEscapes: true,
packages: {'[+]': ['tagFormat']},
digits: /^(?:[\d۰-۹]+(?:[,٬'][\d۰-۹]{3})*(?:[\.\/٫][\d۰-۹]*)?|[\.\/٫][\d۰-۹]+)/, // introduce numbers
tagSide: "right",
tagIndent: ".8em",
multlineWidth: "85%",
tags: "all",
tagFormat: {
number: function(n){
return String(n)
svg: {
fontCache: 'global', // or 'local' or 'none'
mtextInheritFont: true, // required to correctly render RTL Persian text inside a formula
scale: 0.97, // global scaling factor for all expressions
minScale: 0.6 // smallest scaling factor to use
<script id="MathJax-script" async
Testing math:
I've left in the skipHtmlTags and includeHtmlTags options, even though these are the defaults and they could be removed. Also, the tagFormat.number function receives a number not a string, so you need to create the string from it before you can do the substitutions.
Finally, this example has pointed out that there is a timing issue between the tagFormat extension and the ams tag format (which isn't available until after the ams extension is registered), so I've used the all tagging for now. I will submit a bug report for that.
Here's a version that includes a patch that overrides the tagFormat extension with one that handles the ams tags properly. You can use it for now until MathJax is fixed.
window.MathJax = {
loader: {
load: ['[tex]/tagFormat']
startup: {
ready: function () {
var Configuration = MathJax._.input.tex.Configuration.Configuration;
var TagsFactory = MathJax._.input.tex.Tags.TagsFactory;
var tagFormatConfig = MathJax._.input.tex.tag_format.TagFormatConfiguration.tagFormatConfig;
var TagformatConfiguration = MathJax._.input.tex.tag_format.TagFormatConfiguration.TagformatConfiguration;
Configuration.create('tagFormat', {
config: function (config, jax) {
var tags = jax.parseOptions.options.tags;
if (tags !== 'base' && config.tags.hasOwnProperty(tags)) {
TagsFactory.add(tags, config.tags[tags]);
return tagFormatConfig(config, jax);
configPriority: 5,
options: TagformatConfiguration.options
return MathJax.startup.defaultReady();
tex: {
packages: {'[+]': ['tagFormat']},
tags: "ams",
tagFormat: {
number: function(n){
return String(n)
<script id="MathJax-script" async src="">
Testing math:
+1}\qquad \text{with AMS number}
\sqrt{x^2+1}\qquad\text{with no number}
I've removed the options that don't play a role in this in order to make this example a bit cleaner.


What is the correct way to build multi-color template using Tailwind CSS?

Creating a custom color scheme for a template is very easy in Tailwind CSS. You just modify tailwind.config.js, add your custom color palate, and use it just like Tailwind's ordinary classes. For example bg-brand-500:
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
brand: {
'50': '#B0ECEC',
'100': '#A0E8E8',
'200': '#7FE1E1',
'300': '#5ED9D9',
'400': '#3DD1D1',
'500': '#2CB9B9',
'600': '#218C8C',
'700': '#165E5E',
'800': '#0C3131',
'900': '#010404'
Now I'm stuck at a way to make a multi-color template.
I'm sure you have all seen templates all over the web where you can choose red or blue for example and the entire template's color scheme changes.
How do you do that in Tailwind?
In other CSS schools, like SASS, you simply create another color variables file and dynamically load a different file using the regular <link href='/path/to/red/variables.css' />.
You can use CSS variables for that.
In your tailwind config, you create the brand colors as you did, but instead of hex color codes, you use for example 50: 'var(--brand-50)'. Then in your index.css you can add these variables to the base layer, like:
#layer base {
:root {
--brand-50: #B0ECEC;
.theme-red {
--brand-50: #BB0000;
Now, if you add the class .theme-red to your body, text-brand-50 will be red.
In this video of Tailwind labs it is fully explained. There is also explained how to deal with opacity, although since tailwind 3.1 there is an easier way of doing that.
Hope this helps.
You might use the tw-colors plugin.
Create your themes
const { createThemes } = require('tw-colors');
module.exports = {
content: ['./src/**/*.{astro,html,js,jsx,md,mdx,svelte,ts,tsx,vue}'],
plugins: [
light: {
brand: {
'50': '#B0ECEC',
'100': '#A0E8E8',
'200': '#7FE1E1',
'300': '#5ED9D9',
'400': '#3DD1D1',
'500': '#2CB9B9',
'600': '#218C8C',
'700': '#165E5E',
'800': '#0C3131',
'900': '#010404'
dark: {
brand: {
'50': '#321321',
'100': '#654654',
'200': '#987987',
'300': '#786541',
'400': '#aeeeee',
'500': '#786541',
'600': '#987987',
'700': '#165E5E',
'800': '#654654',
'900': '#321321'
Use your themes
<html class='theme-light'>
<div class="bg-brand-500">...</div>
You can then switch themes dynamically as you like, with a switch for example

How to render on the same page both asciimath and TeX using mathjax

My usage scenario is to have asciimath as the primary formula engine. However, for some cases I might need more powerful features which I can find only using TeX.
Is there a way to have different open/close clauses one for the regular ascii math (say ` ) and one for TeX using, say $( and )$ ?
So I want to have mix of ascii math and TeX formulae on the same page.
Sure, you can use both!
First simply configure both (assuming MathJax 3):
MathJax = {
loader: { load: ["input/asciimath", "[tex]/html"] },
tex: {
packages: { "[+]": ["html"] },
inlineMath: [
["$", "$"],
["\\(", "\\)"]
displayMath: [
["$$", "$$"],
["\\[", "\\]"]
asciimath: {
delimiters: [["`", "`"]]
Then use the delimiters to signal to MathJax if you want AsciiMath or Latex:
$$\sum_{n = 100}^{1000}\left(\frac{10\sqrt{n}}{n}\right)$$
`sum_(n = 100)^(1000)(frac(10sqrt(n))(n))`
Remember that AsciiMath requires you to determine whether you want display style or not for the entire document with setting displaystyle: false / true, you can't have both, side by side, as you can for Latex:
asciimath: {
displaystyle: true
Code sandbox:

Docsify search plugin not working, always return no reulst

problem descritpion
i try to use the search function of docsifyk, but it seems not working.
steps to reproduce
so i do these steps:
(following the official docsify documentation)
i run 'docsify init' in a directory, so it generate a 'index.html' and a ''.
i add the code into 'index.html‘.
<script src="//"></script>
current behavior
the page shows the search button, but whatever i type, it returns 'no result'.
other information
i have tried it on different computers(mac/ubuntu 16), both not working
Did Anybody Ever Have The Same Question?
I encounter the same issue. I Found i was doing few things wrong
Firstly This Link is Worth checking out
Make Sure You have a File and or a file for side bar Adding a side bar after this just add this script tag
window.$docsify = {
loadSidebar: true,
subMaxLevel: 6,
search: {
maxAge: 86400000, // Expiration time, the default one day
paths: 'auto',
placeholder: 'Type to search',
noData: 'No Results!',
depth: 6,
hideOtherSidebarContent: true, // whether or not to hide other sidebar content
this implementation works for me:
window.$docsify = {
loadSidebar: true,
subMaxLevel: 3,
name: '',
repo: '',
search: 'auto', // default
// complete configuration parameters
search: {
maxAge: 86400000, // Expiration time, the default one day
paths: 'auto',
placeholder: 'Type to search',
noData: 'No Results!',
// Headline depth, 1 - 6
depth: 6,
hideOtherSidebarContent: false, // whether or not to hide other sidebar content
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
check this plugin if you prefer algolia

MathJax in the axes labels of Flot

I would like to render LaTeX in the axes labels of Flot. It works the first pass through on this page because this is executed in my header:
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
tex2jax: {inlineMath: [["$", "$"], ["\\(", "\\)"]]}
<script type="text/javascript" async src=""></script>
However, the user has the option of entering new parameters other than the defaults and executing a JS via <input type="button" value="Evaluate" onclick="discrete()">. It's at this point that MathJax fails to "see" what's happening at the end of discrete.js:
tex2jax: {inlineMath: [["$", "$"], ["\\(", "\\)"]]}
function doPlot(position) {//Flot
$.plot("#placeholder", [//data
{ data: z_m_plot }
series: {
points: {
radius: 3,
show: true,
fill: true,
fillColor: "navy"
color: "navy"
xaxis: { axisLabel: "$z_{max}(j - 1)$" },
yaxis: { axisLabel: "$z_{max}(j)$" }
Is there a way to pass individual strings to MathJax in order to render $z_{max}(j - 1)$ and $z_{max}(j)$ in the axes labels?
MathJax runs on page load and converts the math markup. If you want it to run again after you redraw your plot add this:
MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub]); // queue up MathJax

plotting Graph with flot

I want to plot graph using flot and mysql but an exception occurs
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT count(Msg_ID) as msgCount,From_user
FROM Messages
GROUP BY From_user");
echo "[";
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
echo "[".$result['msgCount'].",".$result['From_user']."]"."\n";
echo "]";
And for plotting
<div id="plotarea" style="width:600px;height:300px;">
<script type="text/javascript">
var options = {
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true },
xaxis: { min:0,max:5 },
yaxis: { min:1 ,max:60},
What is wrong with this code?
Next I want to plot graph with one of the axis is time.
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT count(Msg_ID) as msgCount,From_user
FROM Messages
GROUP BY From_user");
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
$user_data[] = array($result['msgCount'],$result['From_user']);
echo json_encode($user_data);
The above will eliminate issues with comma separation (which, from what I can tell, you never resolved).
Next, the javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var options = {
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true },
xaxis: { min:0,max:5 },
yaxis: { min:1 ,max:60},
$.get("getData.php", function(data){
Notice that I changed $.ajax to $.get, since you weren't passing any data from the page to the script, a post is not necessary. And if you use $.get, all of the setting names are assumed.
Also notice that I pulled the script out of the html and put it within the jquery window.onload syntax : $(function () { . This would go in the head of your html.
From what I can tell, you aren't really in need of ajax, since you didn't define any sort of event that would trigger the $.ajax function. It looks like you are using ajax to call a script when you could just put the script into the same script that loads the page, like:
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT count(Msg_ID) as msgCount,From_user
FROM Messages
GROUP BY From_user");
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
$user_data[] = array($result['msgCount'],$result['From_user']);
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var options = {
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true },
xaxis: { min:0,max:5 },
yaxis: { min:1 ,max:60},
var userposts = <?php echo json_encode($user_data); ?>;
<style type="text/css">
#plotarea {
width: 600px, height: 300px;
.....//Put whatever before the div
<div id="plotarea"></div>
.....//Finish up the page.
Firstly it looks like the JavaScript list you are creating with your PHP code isn't separating each data point list item with a comma separator.
According to the jQuery $.ajax documentation the first argument passed to the success function is the data returned from the server, formatted according to the 'dataType' parameter. You haven't provided a dataType parameter. The docs say it will intelligently pass either responseXML or responseText to your success callback, based on the MIME type of the response if no dataType has been specified.
I'm guessing the data getting passed to the plot function is a plain old string instead of a JavaScript list object as expected by Flot. Adding a dataType: 'json' option to your $.ajax call should fix this up.
What you're trying to output is a json document in the php side, which will directly be parsed to a java script array (either manually or automatically by libraries like jquery)
So there is no need to print json in php instead you can easily feed data into a php array and use the json_encode function to easily convert it to a json string.
A small example could help
you were trying to output
echo "[".$result['msgCount'].",".$result['From_user']."]"."\n";
which in java script [] = array and you are creating [[]] = array inside array.
But when the array is big, it's cumbersome to echo in php.
What do we do.
An array structure is similar in php.
You will need to add data into php as an "array inside array"
eg: php array(array(1,2,3)) = [[1,2,3]].
How to map it to json?
easy==> echo json_encode(array(array(1,2,3));
