How do I call NetSuite SuiteTalk inventoryitem add using list name for StringCustomFieldRef value instead of internalID? - netsuite

When adding a new inventoryitem through the API we have a few list based custom fields we need to fill in. I want to be able to use the string value for the field but when I try to the call errors out.
We have a custom list with two values:
InternalId 1 is "LTL"
InternalId 2 is "FedEx"
I have tried sending the value across as a StringCustomFieldRef and when setting the value to the string value of the "LTL" we get an invalid ref error. When setting the value to the internalId of 1 it works.
I also tried using a SelectCustomFieldRef and when setting the value->name to the string value of "LTL" it errors like we did not pass the value at all. When we set value->internalId to 1 it works.
Is it possible to just pass in the string value?
Does not work:
$customField1 = new StringCustomFieldRef();
$customField1 ->value = "LTL";
$customField1 ->scriptId = 'custitem_zu_zu_fulfill_pref';
$customField1 = new StringCustomFieldRef();
$customField1 ->value = "1";
$customField1 ->scriptId = 'custitem_zu_zu_fulfill_pref';
This is the error response:
<platformCore:statusDetail type="ERROR">
<platformCore:message>Invalid custitem_zu_zu_fulfill_pref reference key LTL.</platformCore:message>

No, unfortunately you cannot set a field with the Name value--you will have to use the internalId. If your custom field is list-based, then you should be using SelectCustomFieldRef or MultiSelectCustomFieldRef.
If you wish to use the Name value, you can perform a CustomListSearchBasic to get the Name and internalId of each item, and match that to your chosen Name.


Can I dynamically set a PXDataFieldAssign parameter of a PXDataFieldParam object?

I have code that sets the PXDataFieldAssign value as follows:
pf = new PXDataFieldAssign<xTACProjectTask.dueDate>(someValue);
I also have a table, holding the DAC field names, such as "xTACProjectTask.dueDate". This table also has a checkbox field to determine whether to use this DAC field as a parameter.
Is there a way to not have the DAC fieldname hard-coded, and instead (maybe using a 'typeof' call?) use the results of the table query to set that field name - like the following?
pf = new PXDataFieldAssign<typeof("xTACProjectTask.dueDate")>(someValue);
or, using my query result:
pf = new PXDataFieldAssign<typeof(query.value)>(someValue);
with query.value being the value in the table holding the DAC field name?
You can create it using Type.GetType and Activator.CreateInstance. Please see the example below:
string typeName = "PX.Objects.IN.InventoryItem+descr,PX.Objects";
Type typeArgument = Type.GetType(typeName);
Type genericClass = typeof(PXDataFieldAssign<>);
Type constructedClass = genericClass.MakeGenericType(typeArgument);
object created = Activator.CreateInstance(constructedClass,new object[] { "Test Description" });
You will get the below wrapped into object in the created

Unable to retrieve custom list value from saved search in netsuite

Creating saved search in suitescript using nlapiSearchRecord. All the column value returns except one column which is type is custom list.
How could I get value of custom list?
To get the value I'm using code lines below.
columns[0] = new nlobjSearchColumn( 'customlist' );
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord( 'customrecord', null, filters, columns );
To get the column value
var listValue = searchresult.getListValue( 'customlist' );
I assume you've simplified your code in trying to be clear or confidential but there will never be fields or records with those ids.
from a search you would do:
var searchResult = searchResults[0];
searchResult.getValue(fieldId, joinName, summary)
// or in your case
searchResult.getValue('customlist'); //returns id of list value or simple result of non-list/record fields
or (and I think this is the one you want)
searchResult.getText('customlist'); // returns the display value of the list/record field.

Netsuite Inventory Item Custom Fields Update

I am trying to figure out how to update a custom field on InventoryItem record in Netsuite. I can update regular fields, but can not seem to update anything
InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem();
WriteResponse response;
List<CustomFieldRef> oCustomFieldRefList = new List<CustomFieldRef>();
item.internalId = "9";
StringCustomFieldRef objStringCustomFieldRef = new StringCustomFieldRef();
objStringCustomFieldRef.internalId = "custitem_main_photo";
objStringCustomFieldRef.value = "";
item.customFieldList = oCustomFieldRefList.ToArray();
response = _nsService.update(item);
The status returned by the update call is Success. It just doesn't update the custom field. I've tried different fields and types, but nothing seems to save.
The internalId of the custom field is the numeric id, not the string id. Not sure why the documentation all shows the string id value, but using the number fixed the problem for me.
Instead of assigning internal Id, assign scriptId.
Turn this
objStringCustomFieldRef.internalId = "custitem_main_photo";
to this:
objStringCustomFieldRef.scriptId = "custitem_main_photo";

How to assign a value to an Orchard ContentPickerField from code?

I am working on an Orchard site that needs to be able to use some customized forms to create new content items.
To handle this I'm using a controller to display a form and then trying to create the new content items on post back by populating the dynamic items and then sending them through the ContentManagerService's Create() function.
This is working ok until I got to the content picker field I have as part of my content item.
In my project I have a content type of Question Record that has a SubmittedBy field that is a Content Picker Field.
Here is what I can see in the immediate window while processing the post back:
> dynamic q = _questionService.NewQuestion("Why doesn't this work?");
base {Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentPart}: {Custom.Website.Models.Question}
IsNew: true
OriginalQuestion: "Why doesn't this work?"
Summary: null
> q.QuestionRecord
base {System.Dynamic.DynamicObject}: {Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentPart}
ContentItem: {Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentItem}
Fields: Count = 5
Id: 0
PartDefinition: {Orchard.ContentManagement.MetaData.Models.ContentPartDefinition}
Settings: Count = 0
TypeDefinition: {Orchard.ContentManagement.MetaData.Models.ContentTypeDefinition}
TypePartDefinition: {Orchard.ContentManagement.MetaData.Models.ContentTypePartDefinition}
Zones: {Orchard.UI.ZoneCollection}
> q.QuestionRecord.SubmittedBy
base {Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentField}: {Orchard.ContentPicker.Fields.ContentPickerField}
ContentItems: null
Ids: {int[0]}
The ContentItems property is read-only and the Ids when assigning a new int[] to the Ids array I get a System.ObjectDisposedException with the message: Instances cannot be resolved and nested lifetimes cannot be created from this LifetimeScope as it has already been disposed.
Are there any workarounds to get this value set in code or do I need to create my own property to store the related content item ids? It would be very helpful to have the admin interface of the ContentPickerField also available.
If you have a reference to the ContentPickerField, you can assign it a value using the Ids property.
In example (assuming your content type has a part called Question which has a field called SubmittedBy):
var submittedByField = ((dynamic)q.ContentItem).Question.SubmittedBy;
sbmittedByField.Ids = new[] { submittedById };
As Bertrand mentioned, the format to access a content field is: contentItem.PartName.FieldName.
If you attached a field to a type directly via the admin, the part name has the same name as the type name, hence contentItem.TypeName.FieldName (where TypeName is actually the name of the implicitly created part).

Can I set the default value of a custom list column to be a new Guid?

I tried setting the defaultvalue property of the field to Guid.NewGuid() but every item created has the same guid so I guess the Guid.NewGuid() is being stored as the default rather than being run each time.
Is the only way to achieve this to add an event handler to the list for OnAdded?
I'm assuming you're using a Single Line of Text field for this. The standard default for such a field is always a constant, you can't assign a variable or function via the object model. All that would do is assign the static result of that particular call of the function.
While text fields can support a calculated default value, it uses the same functions that are in Calculated columns, which do not support random numbers.
Your best bet is to use an Event Handler, I would recommend ItemAdding over ItemAdded as well. You'd be assigning to properties.AfterProperties["fieldname"] instead of field.DefaultValue, of course.
If you are creating the field through code and setting the field.DefaultValue = Guid.NewGuid(), this will run the Guid.NewGuid() and store the returned Guid as the default
It is the equlivant of running the folowing code:
Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
string newGuidString = newGuid.ToString();
field.DefaultValue = newGuidString;
I dont know of any method you can use to set the field to generate a new Guid on item creation other than using an Event handler.
It should be posable to genrate a random number using the field.DefaultValue = "RANDBETWEEN(10,20)"; but i have not tested this
