How do i syntax in haskell - haskell

Im trying to write a function that takes in a string and then returns the string as a list of string-words (like the words built-in function) and so far i've written
ord :: String -> [String]
ord [] = []
ord xs = let
ys = groupBy (\x y -> y /= ' ') xs
in filter (not . null) ys
I thougth this would get rid of the empty strings from the list but i only get this output
ord “aa b c - dd”
["aa"," b"," "," "," "," "," "," "," c"," "," "," -"," "," "," "," dd"]
when this is the output i want:
[“aa”, ”b”, ”c”, ”-“, ”dd”]
I get the same result if i try and write
ord :: String -> [String]
ord [] = []
ord xs = filter (not . null) ys
ys = groupBy (\x y -> y /= ' ') xs
How do i re-write this code so that i rid the list of its empty strings?
Or use the proper syntax? Im just learning Haskell and im still having trouble with the syntax...

groupBy means that you put x and y in the same group, given the condition is satisfied. But here you group the two together, given y is not equal to a space.
You thus can alter your grouping predicate, and put x and y in the same group, given both are spaces, or non-spaces:
import Data.Char(isSpace)
ord :: String -> [String]
ord [] = []
ord xs = let
ys = groupBy (\x y -> isSpace x == isSpace y) xs
in filter (not . null) ys
or shorter:
import Data.Char(isSpace)
import Data.Function(on)
ord :: String -> [String]
ord [] = []
ord xs = let
ys = groupBy (on (==) isSpace) xs
in filter (not . null) ys
Now we retrieve:
Prelude Data.List> ord "aa b c - dd"
["aa"," ","b"," ","c"," ","-"," ","dd"]
We of course still not obtain the expected result. In stead of filtering out empty strings, we can filter out strings that only contain spacing characters:
import Data.Char(isSpace)
import Data.Function(on)
ord :: String -> [String]
ord [] = []
ord xs = let
ys = groupBy (on (==) isSpace) xs
in filter (not . all isSpace) ys
We do not need to covert the empty case manually, since groupBy on an empty list produces an empty list, we can thus construct a one liner to do the processing:
import Data.Char(isSpace)
import Data.Function(on)
ord :: String -> [String]
ord = filter (not . all isSpace) . groupBy (on (==) isSpace)
Then we obtain the expected result:
Prelude Data.List Data.Char> ord "aa b c - dd"

I wouldn't bother with groupBy at all here. In particular, there's no need to build lists of spaces just to throw them away. Let's start with a function that drops initial spaces and then grabs everything to the first space:
grab :: String -> (String, String)
grab = break isSpace . dropWhile isSpace
Note that the first component of grab xs will be empty if and only if all the elements of xs are spaces.
Now we can write
myWords :: String -> [String]
myWords xs = case grab xs of
([], _) -> []
(beginning, end) -> beginning : myWords end


Is there a way to get a 'split' function in Haskell to accept two different types of input?

I am trying to create a function split that can take either [Int] and Int or [Char] Char to split either a list of integers on an integer given or split a string on a character given. I.e.
Main> split [1,2,3,0,4,5,0,0,7,8,9] 0
Main> split "Mary had a little lamb" ' '
I've tried using Either and (Eq a) but it still doesn't seem to work. Below is what I've tried doing using class instances but I know very little about this and get the error Haskell 98 does not support multiple parameter classes.
The best way I think I'd understand it would be to use pattern matching or list comprehensions. Any help much appreciated.
class Split a where
split :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> [a]
instance Split [Char] Char where
split [] c = [""]
split (x:xs) c
| x == c = "" : (split xs c)
| otherwise = (x : head (split xs c)) : tail (split xs c)
instance Split [Int] Int where
split [] n = []
split (x:xs) n
| x == n = [] : (split xs n)
| otherwise = (x : head (split xs n)) : tail (split xs n)
I can get the split function to work with strings and characters but not lists of integers.
You need a polymorphic function split
split :: (Eq a) => [a]->a->[[a]]
Implementation is simple
split [] _ = [[]]
split (x:xs) c
| x == c = [] : (split xs c)
| otherwise = (x : head subSplit) : tail subSplit
subSplit = split xs c
I suggest different implementation.
split :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [[a]]
split x c = map reverse $ split' x c []
split' :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a] -> [[a]]
split' [] _ a = [a]
split' (x:xs) c a
| x == c = a : split' xs c []
| otherwise = split' xs c (x:a)
Just to contribute with an other approach. This solution uses foldr. I think it is quite neat but less undestable than #talex's
split :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> [[a]]
split l c = foldr f acc l
where acc = [[]]
f a t#(i#(x:_):xs) = if a == c then []:t else (a:i):xs -- Case when the current accumulator is not empty
-- | |- cons a to current accumulator
-- |- start a new accumulator
f a t#([]:xs) = if a == c then t else [a]:xs -- Case when the current accumulator is empty. Usefull when two separators are together
-- | |- cons a to current accumulator
-- |- Don't start a new accumulator, just continue with the current
Just correct solution.
split :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [[a]]
split xs delim = go $ dropWhile (== delim) xs
go [] = []
go xs = let (tok, rest) = break (== delim) xs
in tok : go (dropWhile (== delim) rest)
Data.List.Split.splitOn (available from the split package) is close:
> splitOn [0] [1,2,3,0,4,5,0,0,7,8,9]
> splitOn " " "Mary had a little lamb"
Your split :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [[a]] would be
split lst d = filter (not.null) $ splitOn [d] lst

Haskell: change all indices from a list to some value

If I am given a list of objects and another list for some indices from this list, is there an easy way to change every object in this list with an index from the list of indices to a different value?
E.g. I am hoping there exists some function f such that
f 0 [4,2,5] [6,5,8,4,3,6,2,7]
would output
Here is a beautiful version that uses lens:
import Control.Lens
f :: a -> [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
f x is = elements (`elem` is) .~ x
Here is an efficient version that doesn't have any dependencies other than base. Basically, we start by sorting (and removing duplicates from the) indices list. That way, we don't need to scan the whole list for every replacement.
import Data.List
f :: a -> [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
f x is xs = snd $ mapAccumR go is' (zip xs [1..])
is' = map head . group . sort $ is
go [] (y,_) = ([],y)
go (i:is) (y,j) = if i == j then (is,x) else (i:is,y)
You can define a helper function to replace a single value and then use it to fold over your list.
replaceAll :: a -> [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
replaceAll repVal indices values = foldl (replaceValue repVal) values indices
where replaceValue val vals index = (take index vals) ++ [val] ++ (drop (index + 1) vals)
Sort the indices first. Then you can traverse the two lists in tandem.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Prelude (Eq, Enum, Num, Ord, snd, (==), (<$>))
import Data.List (head, group, sort, zip)
f :: forall a. (Eq a, Enum a, Num a, Ord a) => a -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
f replacement indices values =
go (head <$> group (sort indices)) (zip [0..] values)
go :: [a] -> [(a, a)] -> [a]
go [] vs = snd <$> vs
go _ [] = []
go (i:is) ((i', v):vs) | i == i' = replacement : go is vs
go is (v:vs) = snd v : go is vs
The sorting incurs an extra log factor on the length of the index list, but the rest is linear.

Haskell list: Replacing elements given their locations in the list

I'm fairly new to Haskell and trying to figure out how I would write a Function to do this and after combing Google for a few hours I'm at a loss on how to do it.
Given the following two lists in Haskell
How would I change the Boolean of the First list at each location given by the second list to a Value of True for an Output of
This is how I would do it (assumes the list of indexes to replace is sorted).
First we add an index list alongside the list of indexes to replace and the original list.
Then we recurse down the list and when we hit the next index to replace we replace the boolean and recurse on the tail of both all three lists. If this is not an index to
replace we recurse on the entire replacement index list and the tail of the other two lists.
setTrue :: [Int] -> [(a, Bool)] -> [(a, Bool)]
setTrue is xs = go is xs [0..] -- "Index" the list with a list starting at 0.
go [] xs _ = xs -- If we're out of indexes to replace return remaining list.
go _ [] _ = [] -- If we run out of list return the empty list.
go indexes#(i:is) (x:xs) (cur:cs)
| i == cur = (fst x, True) : go is xs cs -- At the next index to replace.
| otherwise = x : go indexes xs cs -- Otherwise, keep the current element.
This is basically the same as Andrew's approach, but it doesn't use an additional index list, and is a little bit more inspired by the traditional map. Note that unlike map, the provided function must be a -> a and cannot be a -> b.
restrictedMap :: (a -> a) -> [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
restrictedMap f is xs = go f is xs 0
go f [] xs _ = xs
go f _ [] _ = []
go f ind#(i:is) (x:xs) n
| i == n = f x : go f is xs (n+1)
| otherwise = x : go f ind xs (n+1)
setTrue = restrictedMap (\(x,_) -> (x, True))
Straightforward translation from the description will be:
setIndexTrue f a = [(x, p || i `elem` f) | (i, (x,p)) <- zip [0..] a]
Or using the fantastic lens library:
setTrue :: [(a,Bool)] -> Int -> [(a,Bool)]
setTrue xs i = xs & ix i . _2 .~ True
setTrues :: [(a,Bool)] -> [Int] -> [(a,Bool)]
setTrues = foldl setTrue
Since the approach I would use is not listed:
setTrue spots values = let
pattern n = replicate n False ++ [True] ++ Repeat False
toSet = foldl1 (zipWith (||)) $ map pattern spots
in zipWith (\s (v,o) -> (v, o || s)) toSet values

Haskell filter string with only the first occuring Char

I want to filter a string with a string.
What I want is to use delete every first occurring char.
myFunc :: String -> String -> String
myFunc "dddog" "bigdddddog" = "biddg"
In "dddog": 3x d, 1x o, 1x g
In the second string it removed 3x d, 1x o and 1x g
So the output: biddg
I can't use filter for it, because it will delete all occurring chars.
And I struggled a long time with it.
Thanks in advance:)
How about
Prelude> :m +Data.List
Prelude Data.List> "bigdddddog" \\ "dddog"
Not the nicest solution, but you can understand easier what's going on:
myfunc :: String -> String -> String
myfunc [] xs = xs
myfunc (x:xs) ys = myfunc xs $ remove x ys
remove _ [] = []
remove x (y:ys) = if x == y then ys else y : remove x ys
As you commented, you want to use guards. Do you mean this?
myfunc :: String -> String -> String
myfunc [] xs = xs
myfunc (x:xs) ys = myfunc xs $ remove x ys
remove :: Char -> String -> String
remove _ [] = []
remove x (y:ys)
| x == y = ys
| otherwise = y : remove x ys
some of the other solutions don't seem to produce the same result you posted. I think I have a simple solution that does what you asked for but I may be misunderstanding what you want. All I do in the following code is go though the list and apply 'delete' to every element in the list. It's not exactly efficient but it gets the job done.
import Data.List
myFunc (x:xs) ys = myFunc xs (delete x ys)
myFunc [] ys = ys
There are perhaps more efficient solutions like storing the "to remove" list in a tree with the number of occurences stored as the value then traversing the main list testing to see if the count at that key was still greater than zero. I think that would give you O(n*lg(m)) (where n is the size of the list to be removed from and m is the size of the "to remove" list) rather than O(n*m) as is the case above. This version could also be maid to be lazy I think.
Here is the tree version I was talking abut using Data.Map. It's a bit complex but should be more efficient for large lists and it is somewhat lazy
myFunc l ys = myFunc' (makeCount l) ys
where makeCount xs = foldr increment (Map.fromList []) xs
increment x a = Map.insertWith (+) x 1 a
decrement x a = Map.insertWith (flip (-)) x 1 a
getCount x a = case Map.lookup x a of
Just c -> c
Nothing -> 0
myFunc' counts (x:xs) = if (getCount x counts) > 0
then myFunc' (decrement x counts) xs
else x : myFunc' counts xs
myFunc' _ [] = []
I am not quite sure about how you want your function to behave, how about this?
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
myFunc :: String -> String -> String
myFunc _ [] = []
myFunc y x'#(x:xs) | y `isPrefixOf` x' = drop (length y) x'
| otherwise = x : myFilter xs y
This gives the following output in GHCi:
> myFunc "dddog" "bigdddddog"
> "bigdd"
If this is not what you had in mind, please give another input/output example.
I like kaan's elegant solution. In case you meant's one where the "ddd" would only be removed if matched as a whole:
import Data.List (group,isPrefixOf,delete)
f needles str = g (group needles) str where
g needles [] = []
g needles xxs#(x:xs)
| null needle' = [x] ++ g needles xs
| otherwise = let needle = head needle'
in g (delete needle needles) (drop (length needle) xxs)
where needle' = dropWhile (not . flip isPrefixOf xxs) needles
*Main> f "dddog" "bigdddddog"
*Main> f "dddog" "bdigdogd"
No monadic solution yet, there you go:
import Control.Monad.State
myFunc :: String -> State String String
myFunc [] = return ""
myFunc (x:xs) = get >>= f where
f [] = return (x:xs)
f (y:ys) = if y == x then put ys >> myFunc xs
else myFunc xs >>= return . (x:)
main = do
let (a,b) = runState (myFunc "bigdddddog") "dddog" in
putStr a
Using predefined functions from Data.List,
-- mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
-- lookup :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
import Data.List
picks [] = [] --
picks (x:xs) = (x,xs) : [ (y,x:ys) | (y,ys) <- picks xs]
myFunc a b = concat . snd $ mapAccumL f (picks a) b
f acc x | Just r <- lookup x acc = (picks r,[])
f acc x = (acc,[x])
Prelude Data.List> myFunc "dddog" "bigdddddog"
edit: this is of course a bit more complex than (\\). I'll let it stand as an illustration. There could be some merit to it still, as it doesn't copy the 2nd (longer?) string over and over, for each non-matching character from the 1st (shorter) string, as delete apparently does, used in (\\) = foldl (flip delete).

Identifying repeating consecutive digits on the end of a String in haskell

So I write a function with the definition
getLastDigits :: String -> String
which finds repeating digits on the end of a String
So, for example.
getLastDigits "1000" should give "000"
getLastDigits "19990299" should give "99"
Coming from a java background I'm not quite sure how to structure this program. I'm thinking of using foldr but I'm fairly sure I can't stop the fold half way when the repeating digits end.
-edit solved. Use the group function.
Okay then, if it is not homework:
lastDigits :: String -> String
lastDigits s = firstDigits . reverse $ s
where firstDigits :: String -> String
firstDigits (x:xs) = x : takeWhile (== x) xs
firstDigits [] = []
import Data.Char (isDigit)
getLastTheSame :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
getLastTheSame pred xs = f (reverse xs)
where f (y : ys) | pred y = y : takeWhile (== y) ys
f _ = []
lastDigits :: String -> String
lastDigits = getLastTheSame isDigit
You say you want repeating digits from the end of the string. I presume that if the last character is not a digit then you want the empty string returned.
Recall that type String = [Char].
