Is windowing based on event time possible with Spark Streaming? - apache-spark

According to the Dataflow Model paper : A practical approach to balancing correctness, latency and cost in massive-scale, unbounded, out-of-order Data processing:
MillWheel and Spark Streaming are both sufficiently scalable,
fault-tolerant, and low-latency to act as reasonable substrates, but
lack high-level programming models that make calculating event-time
sessions straightforward.
Is it always the case?

No, it is not.
To quote from so as to save on my lunch time!:
One big issue in the streaming world is how to process data according
to event-time.
Event-time is the time when the event actually happened. It is not
necessary for the source of the streaming engine to prove data in
real-time. There may be latencies in data generation and handing over
the data to the processing engine. There is no such option in Spark
Streaming to work on the data using the event-time. It only works with
the timestamp when the data is received by the Spark. Based on the
ingestion timestamp, Spark Streaming puts the data in a batch even if
the event is generated early and belonged to the earlier batch, which
may result in less accurate information as it is equal to the data
On the other hand, Structured Streaming provides the functionality to
process data on the basis of event-time when the timestamp of the
event is included in the data received. This is a major feature
introduced in Structured Streaming which provides a different way of
processing the data according to the time of data generation in the
real world. With this, we can handle data coming in late and get more
accurate results.
With event-time handling of late data, Structured Streaming outweighs
Spark Streaming.


Why there is no JDBC Spark Streaming receiver?

I suggest it's a good idea to process huge JDBC table by reading rows by batches and processing them with Spark Streaming. This approach doesn't require reading all rows into memory. I suppose no monitoring of new rows in the table, but just reading the table once.
I was surprised that there is no JDBC Spark Streaming receiver implementation. Implementing Receiver doesn't look difficult.
Could you describe why such receiver doesn't exist (is this approach a bad idea?) or provide links to implementations.
I've found Stratio/datasource-receiver. But it reads all data in a DataFrame before processing by Spark Streaming.
First of all actual streaming source would require a reliable mechanism for monitoring updates, which is simply not a part of JDBC interface nor it is a standardized (if at all) feature of major RDBMs, not to mention other platforms, which can be accessed through JDBC. It means that streaming from a source like this typically requires using log replication or similar facilities and is highly resource dependent.
At the same what you describe
suggest it's a good idea to process huge JDBC table by reading rows by batches and processing them with Spark Streaming. This approach doesn't require reading all rows into memory. I suppose no monitoring of new rows in the table, but just reading the table once
is really not an use case for streaming. Streaming deals with infinite streams of data, while you ask is simply as scenario for partitioning and such capabilities are already a part of the standard JDBC connector (either by range or by predicate).
Additionally receiver based solutions simply don't scale well and effectively model a sequential process. As a result their applications are fairly limited, and wouldn't be even less appealing if data was bounded (if you're going to read finite data sequentially on a single node, there is no value in adding Spark to the equation).
I don't think it is a bad idea since in some cases you have constraints that are outside your power,e.g. legacy systems to which you cannot apply strategies such as CDC but to which you still have to consume as a source of stream data.
On the other hand, Spark Structure Streaming engine, in micro-batch mode, requires the definition of an offset than can be advanced, as you can see in this class. So, if your table has some column that can be used as an offset, you can definitely stream from it, although RDMDS are not the "streaming-friendly" as far as I know.
I have developed Jdbc2s which is a DataSource V1 streaming source for Spark. It's also deployed to Maven Central, if you need. Coordinates are in the documentation.

How to avoid Code Redundancy in Lambda Architecture?

We have an exiting batch processing which is working as mentioned below
Hive SQL is using for Daily batch processing.
Data are being either ingested from Files or RDMBS
Data is ingested in Raw --> Staging --> Mart, with staging to mart being all the business transformation and raw to staging is just cleansing and formatting of data.
Now as Part of getting real or near real time data, I am evaluating the Lambda Architecture and this is what plan is?
ALL the source system is going to land on Kafka.
Same batch processing System will consume Kafka topics.
New Spark Application will consume kafka topics for streaming.
Serving layer will create views which will combine both the aggregate data from Streaming and Batch for real (near real) time processing.
The problem is, the Logic will be duplicated in HiveQL (Batch) and Spark (Streaming). is there a way I can avoid this or minimize this?
You can build your processing stages using Spark SQL and Spark Structured Streaming: Depending on your needs there can be some incompatibilities. But I´d try to build the Spark Aggregations + Transformations using the Dataset[_] api and then try to spawn in both ways, batch and streaming.
The problem of duplicated code base is inherent in lambda architecture. It gets a mention in the 'criticism' section of the wikipedia page
Another issue is that the data between batch and stream are not in sync so can lead to unexpected results when bringing data together. For example, joining across stream and batch when keys do not yet exist in batch.
I believe the lambda architecture comes from an belief that streaming is complex and expensive so keep batch as much as possible and add streaming only for those elements that require near-real time. We already have batch, let's add a few streaming things.
An alternate architecture is to use streaming for everything. This is based on the realization that batch is a special case of streaming, so do your batch and stream processing on a single streaming platform.
use spark structured streaming for batch
lambda architecture issues and how only using streaming solves them
questioning the lambda architecture

Use Akka with apache spark streaming & Kafka?

Below is the high level usecase which im trying to workon.
we have stream of students data published into a Kafka topic and our module has to read the student ids as stream and fetch associated data from multiple sources for each student and perform some calculation for each student and publish the associated calculation for each student into a kafka topic.
So here the question is it better to write a single big Spark job or use Akka to have separate service for each source so that actors can work parallely take bunch of student ids and get the data from respective source and perform some bunch Transformations and actions and finally a calculation associated with each student .
Or do i really need to use Akka here? Will Spark handles this efficiently internally?
Appreciate any thoughts here.
If your transformations take data from Kafka as input and produce output back into Kafka, it appears the most natural fit is Kafka Streams. I'd look to that first. Kafka Streams take advantage of the partitioning of data on Kafka to process partition groups in parallel to each other, but process messages sequentially within in each group, similarly how akka actors work in parallel to each other but each actor internally processes messages sequentially.
However, if your calculation requires e.g. machine learning or in general some iterative data-processing which does re-partitioning (shuffling in spark lingo) of the data between iterations, then Kafka Streams would no longer be that good a fit, I think. Then I'd consider Spark or Flink.
Akka is really powerful and you can use it in both these cases and more. However, it's a lower level library than Kafka Streams, Spark or Flink. Which means you have more power but also more considerations to think about. If using akka, I'd go for akka-streams. They have a good integration with kafka via the akka-stream-kafka (aka reactive-kafka) library.

What is the best way to store incoming streaming data?

What is a better choice for a long-term store (many writes, few reads) of data processed through Spark Streaming: Parquet, HBase or Cassandra? Or something else? What are the trade-offs?
In my experience we have used Hbase as datastore for spark streaming data(we also has same scenario many writes and few reads), since we are using hadoop, hbase has native integration with hadoop and it went well..
Above we have used tostore hight rate of messages coming over from solace.
HBase is well suited for doing Range based scans. Casandra is known for availablity and many other things...
However, I can also observe one general trend in many projects, they are simply storing rawdata in hdfs (parquet + avro) in partitioned structure through spark streaming with spark dataframe(SaveMode.Append) and they are processing rawdata with Spark
Ex of partitioned structure in hdfs :
completion ofbusinessdate/environment/businesssubtype/message type etc....
in this case there is no need for going to Hbase or any other data store.
But one common issue in above approach is when you are getting small and tiny files, through streaming then you would need to repartion(1) or colelese or FileUtils.copymerge to meet block size requirements to single partitioned file. Apart from that above approach also would be fine.
Here is some thing called CAP theorm based on which decision can be taken.
Consistency (all nodes see the same data at the same time).
Availability (every request receives a response about whether it
succeeded or failed).
Partition tolerance (the system continues to
operate despite arbitrary partitioning due to network failures)
Casandra supports AP.
Hbase supports CP.
Look at detailed analysis given here

spark-streaming batch interval for kafka topic reprocessing

Current setting: a Spark Streaming job processes a Kafka topic of timeseries data. About every second new data comes in of different sensors. Also, the batch interval is 1 Second. By means of updateStateByKey() stateful data is computed as a new stream. As soon as this stateful data crosses a treshold, an event is generated on a Kafka topic. When the value later drops below the treshhold, again an event is fired that topic.
So far, so good.
Problem: when applying a new algorithm on the data by reconsuming the Kafka topic, I would like this to go fast. But this means that every batch contains (hundreds of) thousands messages. Moving these in 1 batch to updateStateByKey() results in 1 computed value for that key on the resulting stream.
Of course that's unacceptable as loads of data points are reduced to a single one. Alarm events that will be generated on a real-time stream will not be on the recomputed stream. So comparing algorithms this way is totally useless.
Question: How can I avoid this? Preferably not switching frameworks. It seems to me I'm looking for a true streaming (1 event a a time) framework. On the other hand Spark streaming is new to me, so I'm definitely missing a lot there.
In spark 1.6, a new API mapWithState for interacting with state has been introduced. I believe that will solve your problem.
Have a look at it here.
