JSDom's querySelectorAll function not retrieving elements inside of <div> - jestjs

jsdom version 15.1.1 jest version 24.9.0 node.js version 10.16.0
I am trying to get information from an offline html page by using
var summaryInfo = document.querySelectorAll(".className");
Array.prototype.slice.call(summaryInfo).forEach(n => ... }
In this case there should return 6 arrays of info, but I only get 2
The same exact code works fine in a normal browser, but when I use jsdom with jest it has this problem
I put in a log to see what was being passed through and found with the 2 that work the outermost tag is an <li> and everything inside is just as it should be, but with the other elements the outermost tag is a <div> interestingly nothing shows up inside.
I also checked the html document I am drawing from to make sure that those <div> elements are indeed not empty and they aren't.
Any help that you can provide would be much appreciated!
Thank you in advance.

It turns out that the HTML page had a structure where some <li> tags did not have surrounding <ul> containers. While this worked in browsers like Chrome and Firefox, that was more because the browsers were designed to correct problems like that. Intrinsically my problem is with the HTML page I am trying to use and I can't correct that.


How to set default doctype in Gulp-Jade

I am having a problem with gulp-jade: The Jade compiler always adds a value to HTML attributes without a value, which breaks my AngularJS setup. (e.g. div(ui-view) becomes <div ui-view="ui-view"> when I want <div ui-view>.
The problem does not occur with files that have a doctype html, but since I am mostly working with 'partials' that is no help.
I am running .pipe(jade()) without additional options. Apparently gulp-jade supports all Jade API options, listed here, but I do not see which one would apply here.
There is an undocumented doctype option. .pipe(jade({doctype: 'html'})) compiles the template under the HTML5 doctype
For those finding this page who use Grunt, I found that the following works with ui-view.

Selecting parent elements with WebdriverJS

I'm trying to create some scripts which require moving through a lot of on-the-fly HTML with random IDs. They require getting the parents of an element - but I'm not sure how to implement this in WebdriverJS.
If I access the element I want via a console, I can do the following to get it;
Is there a way to do this in WDJS? I've looked and can't see anything obvious - it's specifically the parent stuff I'm having issue with. I saw that a possible solution may be xPath however I'm unsure of syntax having never used it before.
Thanks in advance!
I don't know the syntax of WebDriverJS. But the XPath is as below, you need a way to fit it in somewhere.
This is based on your CSS Selector, so please show HTML if needed.
For example, if you have HTML like this
<span email="noreply#example.com">Contact me</span>
You can avoid using .. to go up.
If you have more levels to look up, another handy method would be using ancestor from XPath Axes.
Also, as #sircapsalot brought up, CSS selectors spec doesn't support parent selecting, so XPath is the only way to go, unless you inject JS.

How to handle PDF pagination in PhantomJS

I am using PhantomJS to create PDFs from html.
It works fine, but I can't find out how to work with pagination; I want to create a page for each div in my document, but I can't find anything in the doc. about pagination.
If my document is short, it makes only one page, and if it is bigger, it creates one second empty page and my contents are in the first page which becomes very long.
Any idea ? (I am using phantomJS-node module for nodeJS)
PhantomJS takes care of webkit’s css implementation. To implement manual page breaks you can use these properties :
page-break-before : auto/always/avoid/...
page-break-inside : auto/always/avoid/...
page-break-after : auto/always/avoid/...
For example, a div can be :
<div style="page-break-before:always;"><!-- content --></div>
<div style="page-break-after:always;"> <!-- content --></div>
Controlling page breaks when printing in Webkit is sometimes not easy, in particular with long html tables.
Very late, but I had issues with "break-inside:avoid" using JsReport that were fixed by changing the element's display type to inline-block. More info here:
You should see this issue with different tips.
Try to use display:inline-block in the element that you don't want to breaks because the page break. The reasoning behind is that webkit already tries to preserve images from breaking. And images are inline-blocks.
Pagination works fine with :
var page = webPage.create();
page.paperSize = {
format: 'A4',
orientation: 'portrait',
margin: '1cm'
Check documentation here http://phantomjs.org/api/webpage/property/paper-size.html

Jade: element attributes without value

I am new to using Jade -- and it's awesome so far.
But one thing that I need to happen is an element with 'itemscope' property:
<header itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/WPHeader">
My Jade notation is:
header(itemscope, itemtype='http://schema.org/WPHeader')
But result is:
<header itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://schema.org/WPHeader">
How can I make sure that I get the right result -- itemscope instead of itemscope="itemscope"?
Sometimes it doesn't work quite right -- like with contentEditable Jade tries to detect html5 doctypes and then does <header itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/WPHeader"></header> if it finds it. The problem is that if you have templates that you are inserting in the page, it can't tell that it's html5.
What you can do is force html5 compilation by passing in {doctype: '5'} to the options -- did this for require-jade: https://github.com/ibash/require-jade/commit/754cba2dce7574b400f75a05172ec97465a8a5eb
I had the same problem using angular ng-include directive. It gets ng-include="ng-include" and then the include doesn'nt work.
What it works for me is to use an empty string as a value, i.e. ng-include="".
Here is answer from jade developers: you should use
doctype html
in the template.
I just tried it in a Express.js/Jade project and the result i get is:
<header itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/WPHeader"></header>
I also tried it in bash and then I get the same result as you.
I'd go with the following suggestion or create an issue on Github.
itemscope="itemscope" will work just as well as just itemscope. It looks like that's the default behavior of Jade. I'd just go with it.
I had the same problem, and the easiest solution in my case was adding doctype 5 at the top of my jade document. That apparently allows Jade to use attributes without a value.
ibash put me on the right track with his answer, so thanks for that

Node.JS testing DOM with Mocha?

I'm trying to do some simple view testing in my Node.JS app using the Mocha testing framework...
For example, I want to test that the <ol> on the page has n <li> children, given the number of records I setup in my test.
I tried using Apricot to do this, and while I got it to work, when it fails the error messages are fantastically unhelpful... also, it doesn't always work.
What I'd love is a simple way to test the response body for HTML elements, so I can determine if they match the data they should be displaying.
Here's my test in it's current state: https://gist.github.com/2330685
Anyone know how I can do this?
Posting the comment as answer as well.
For DOM manipulation or element finding, I am suggesting the great library cheerio, which can load the html as string and then use jQuery-like selectors. Also it seems to be really lightweight. I replaced the JSDOM with request + cheerio combination.
