Buildfire: How can I get my plugin to match the rest of the app? - buildfire

I am making a new plugin and I want it to match the rest of the app in terms of styles, fonts, colors, etc. Is there anyway that buildfire accounts for this situation? I read that including bootstrap might help but I do not know in what way specifically.

BuildFire's SDK automatically injects CSS into your plugin unless you specifically ask not to. If you develop your plugin using standard Bootstrap guidelines then thats all you have to do.
That being said if you want to get a JSON object back with all the appearance settings you can do so through the SDK. See more here
If you want to turn off the auto-injection of theme or bootstrap you can do so through meta tags. See more here
I hope this helps


Where can I find a hook to customize the search via Shopware App?

I am prototyping a Shopware App right now, where I want to extend the search with our search API. We already have a working plugin in the store for that.
I found those two references for hooks:
Seems like there is no webhook for the search at all and just a script-hook for a finished search. In the plugin, we could just extend the ProductSearchRoute and be completely flexible.
Are search extension not planned right now?
I assume you want to alter the criteria for fetching the products. As of today this is not yet possible with non-self-hosted apps. You could use the app scripts to enrich or replace the contents of an already loaded page as you already mentioned. Obviously that comes with some drawbacks regarding performance. The capabilities of apps are being enhanced continuously though so there's chance search manipulation might become possible rather soon.

Apps Script vs Chrome Extension: Writing an alternative spellchecker to Google Docs

Say, I want to develop an alternative spellcheck module to google docs.
This means that I have to get corrections from my backend, and color the misspelled text's background, and do a small popup bubble when user hovers over it, where I'd display the correction. (please mind that spellcheck is not the actual goal of my project, but it does address my problems in a more simplified way)
What are my options? Any ideas how to do this?
Few possible solutions I came up with:
Chrome extension vs Apps script
Chrome extension
pros: user has to grant permissions once, can freely traverse and append anything to dom via content script
cons: is a "hacky" way, if google changes classnames or js source, it would stop working, and also, reverse engineering google docs's editor engine is impossible
Apps script
pros: supported by google: if it works, I dont need to be afraid of docs updates
cons: it seems to me that I can't just fiddle with the dom (because of Caja compiler), has very limited support (if any) for custom highlighting or hover functionality.
As I see it, neither of these are perfect solutions for this project. What do you think? Any suggestions are very welcomed.
I know this is an old question, but I have recently gotten into the same problem, and believe I have a solution. So for future Googler's I will post my answer here.
My solution was to create a Chrome Extension and understand how the Google Docs DOM's are structures to interact with it.
You can find my code to work with the Google Doc DOM's here
In Apps Script you can't "fiddle" with the DOM and you won't be able to implement hover functionality. Also, a lame Highlighting would involve changing the current document itself (which would go to revision history, undo queue, etc)
Therefore, your only altertive is the Chrome Extension. But I agree with you on the cons. It is a super hard task that could break at any minute without notice.

NodeJS Skinning

Is there a module or similar things that support skinning in NodeJS? I want to build a NodeJS website, and want to be able to re-skin the website as I like without much efforts, like in Wordpress.
Is skinning supported in NodeJS?
If you're interested in building a website in Node.js and don't need a wordpress-style cms behind it, there are few projects that can help you out.
Have you looked into Bootstrap? It's built with less which you can easily plug in to your Express setup (see the guide here, using the command line executable to set up a new project you can specify less like this: express --css less myapp and it will do all the work for you)
In the bootstrap less file are several variables you can use to change the colours, fonts, sizes, etc, and it's also got a lot of helpers for grid layouts and responsive designs.
It even includes a few useful javascript plugins too which make the ui nicer with less work.
There are also a lot of sites with themes and theme generators around which then work on top of bootstrap, and may achieve what you want.
Plugging in this sort of solution (whether bootstrap or other) is about as close as you can come to getting skinning for node; As otherwise suggested if you're looking for a CMS out of the box as well, probably best to look for another platform like Wordpress.
Node.js is not a content management system. It is a platform on top of which you could built a web server with a content management system. To answer your question you need to be looking for node.js based content management systems that support themes.
The only node.js CMS that I am aware of is Calipso. It's still pretty alpha-stage. It may have some theming support, but it is nowhere near as polished as Wordpress.
Also is there a reason why you want to use node.js? I mean there is nothing wrong in using Wordpress for creating a themeable website - it is just awesome for that.
If you just want another OnlineShop, or maybe a blog, i think nodejs is maybe not your right choose as Jed Watson told.
If your requirements are more complicated, and you want a quick and easy implementation of a nice web interface, and you have html, javascript, and css knowledge... I strongly recommend you just trying to work with MEAN.js
It puts together MongoDB Expressjs, AngularJs, and NodeJs.
Use this, for example with a yeoman fullstack constructor and you will have a powerful webapp, with user autentication, and much more in a few minutes.
After that, the use of jade, less, scss, and similar languages of modelling the front, and the easy way you can also model collections in the back, is for me the best combination you´ll find for creating a website today.
Hope it´ll help you
King Regards

Getting started with Gmail Plugin development

I would like to get into Plugin development using the Gmail API and as such I would like to ask those who already have experience in it a few questions.
What language / languages should I be familiar with? I'm not familiar with Python, PHP, or JavaScript. Will I need to pick up on these?
What level of control do I have on what my plugin can do? Can I for example change the interface or add shortcuts or RSS feeds as a sidebar?
I know a lot of the examples mentioned already exist but I would like to try my own hand at it.
Peter posted a solid list of the official Gmail APIs.
On the other hand, most of the major plugins that you may have heard about are browser plugins that just modify the page source directly, even though there's no official API for it. There used to be a GreaseMonkey API that was a good starting point, but that wasn't supported and no longer works. Best place to start is with a copy of Chrome, creating a content-injection plugin that works on the Gmail page.
Happy to provide some further details if you can clarify what you're going for since I went through this myself a few months back.

Are GetStream React components providing localization?

We are including both chat and activity feed React components on a website, which is displayed in multiple languages.
There are some texts like input placeholders or buttons with english default values, and I've seen that some of these texts are customizable with props.
For instance, the component for the new post form has a Header prop (default is a "New Post" Title, see documentation below) that lets me change it for something else.
However I'm not sure texts for all components and sub-components are covered by this technique and, even if it is, it seems painful to change every single text values for each component, with localized texts retrieved from backend...
I was wondering if I've missed something in the documentation that would provide already-fully-working localization, or at least some support for it.
If not, has someone an idea of what would be the best way to achieve localization ?
We are currently implementing this at Stream Chat, starting with the react-native SDK and then we'll port it to the react SDK afterward. Then we'll be implementing it on Stream Feeds a bit further down the line. The best way to stay informed is to subscribe to the Github repo for the SDK and keep an eye on updates.
Of course, our SDK's are open source so you're welcome to open a PR for our developers to review!
