Keep connected users through website pages using nodejs - node.js

I have admin page with active users list. It works but when "userX" change to another page all clients are updated having no "userX" in active users list. Before 1 secound "userX" returns to active users list.
UserX connected...
UserX disconnected... (UserX change to another page inside application)
Reason: transport close
UserX connected... (Because main layout force connection)
When "userX" change to another page nodejs fires socket.on('disconnect',function(){}) action.
This causes Client disconnected... (UserX change to another page inside application)
Reason: transport close
var app = require('express')();
var server = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('')(server);
server.listen(81, function () {
console.log('NodeJs listening on port:81');
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log('New client connected...');
socket.on('disconnect', function (reason) {
console.log('Client disconnected...');
console.log('Reason: ' + reason);
<script type="text/javascript">
var socket = io(':81', {forceNew: true});
How to keep user connected between pages and fire disconnect only when browser get closed or user get logging out?

If you are using page redirect for change the page then page will be refreshed.And every time when page got refreshed the socket will disconnect.
For that, you have to use internal routing to load another page.
Check this answer
Ajax load page without refresh


Websockets & NodeJS - Changing Browser Tabs & Sessions

I've started writing a node.js websocket solution using
The browsers connects to the node server successfully and I get see the and all config associated with console.log(socket). I also pass a userid back with the initial connection and can see this on the server side to.
Question: I'm not sure the best way to associate a user with a connection. I can see the changes every page change and when a tab is opened up. How can I track a user and send 'a message' to all required sockets. (Could be one page or could be 3 tabs etc).
I tried to have a look at '' but I'm unsure how to code for it and this situation.
Question: I have 'io' and 'app' variables below. Is it possible to use the 2 together? app.use(io);
Essentially I want to be able to track users (I guess by session - but unsure of how to handle different socket id's for tabs etc) and know how to reply to user or one or more sockets.
The best way to handle the situation is rely on SocketIO's rooms. Name the room after the user's unique ID. This will support multiple connections out of the box. Then, whenever you need to communicate with a particular user, simply call the message function and pass in their id, the event, and any relevant data. You don't need to worry about explicitly leaving a room, SocketIO does that for you whenever their session times out or they close their browser tab. (We do explicitly leave a room whenever they log out though obviously)
On the server:
var express = require('express');
var socketio = require('');
var app = express();
var server = http.createServer(app);
var io = socketio(server);
io.on('connect', function (socket) {
socket.on('userConnected', socket.join); // Client sends userId
socket.on('userDisconnected', socket.leave); // Cliend sends userId
// Export this function to be used throughout the server
function message (userId, event, data) {, data);
On the client:
var socket = io('http://localhost:9000'); // Server endpoint
socket.on('connect', connectUser);
socket.on('message', function (data) {
// Call whenever a user logs in or is already authenticated
function connectUser () {
var userId = ... // Retrieve userId somehow
if (!userId) return;
socket.emit('userConnected', userId);
// Call whenever a user disconnects
function disconnectUser () {
var userId = ... // Retrieve userId somehow
if (!userId) return;
socket.emit('userDisconnected', userId);

Use the same connection in multiple HTML pages in node js

-Follwing is the jquery code I have written in my (dashboard.html) file
var socket= io.connect();
$(document).on("click", ".help", function () {
alert( $(this).attr('id'));
---On clicking help button socket will emit an event "help" as you can see in the code.
---Following is the app.js file on server
console.log('rohi is goood',data.helper);
socket.emit('loadList' , {helper:data.helper,requester:data.requester});
---On "help" event socket is emitting an event "loadList" in app.js file.
Now I want to use "loadList" event in some other html file like "chat.html".
The code I have written is as follows for chat.html.
// var socket= io.connect();
// var socket= io.connect('http://localhost:3000/', { 'force new //connection': true });
alert('inside help',$('#usernam').val());
if($('#usernam').val()== data.helper){
$('#chatList').append('<p>'+data.requester+'</p>'+'<button value="chat"></button>');
else if($('#usernam').val() == data.requester){
$('#chatList').append('<p>'+data.helper+'</p>'+'<button value="chat"></button>');
else {
alert('fuck off');
The above code is not working. Please tell me how can I use same socket connection in the chat.html file.(loadList event is not working).
As your question is not complete so i am assuming you want to know if connection can be used on different html pages . Yes you can access it on every html page of your application as long as you have one server on which is used .
Every time a new user comes a socket session is created for that particular user and that user can access any page of your application .

How to send message to a specific client with if the application uses the cluster up and running in several processes on different ports?

The application starts in cluster mode, each worker is to establish a connection to the socket, using redis adapter:
app.set('port', httpPort);
let server = http.createServer(app);
let io = require('./socketServer')(server);
io.adapter(redis({host: host, port: port}));
app.set('io', io);
then we connect the main file (socketServer), where after authorization of the socket and on.connection event, we save sessionID in variable socketID, and store current socket connection in array io.clients
io.sockets.on('connection', (socket) =>{
var socketID = socket.handshake.user.sid;
io.clients[socketID] = socket;
socket.on('disconnect', () =>{
delete io.clients[socketID];
Before nodejs app, we have nginx with customized "upstream" to organize a "sticky sessions" (
Then, when we want to send a message to a particular customer, already from the controller we get id user, and get session-id for id (we pre-authorization keep these correspondences in redis), and then just send a message:
this.redis.getByMask(`sid_clients:*`,(err,rdbData) =>{
let sid = `sid_clients:${client}`;
let currentClient = rdbData[sid];
if(!currentClient || ![currentClient]) return next();[currentClient].emit(event,data);
return next();
It works fine when we run the application in a single process. But this don't work when running in a cluster mode. Connection message "loggedIn" is send to all customers on all processes. But if a single process to send a message to the client that connects to a server in another process - does not work, because that each process has own array io.clients and they are always have different content, so the message does not can reach the right customer.
So, how send events to the specific client in a cluster mode? How to keep all connected sockets in one place to avoid situations such as mine?

Reconnect socket in disconnect event

I am trying to reconnecct the socket after the disconnect event is fired with same here is my socket config
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('')(http);
var connect_clients = [] //here would be the list of of connected users
http.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('listening on *:3000');
So on disconnect event i want to reconnect the disconnected user with same if possible
var disconnect_id =; //i want reconnect the users here
By default, Socket.IO does not have a server-side logic for reconnecting. Which means each time a client wants to connect, a new socket object is created, thus it has a new id. It's up to you to implement reconnection.
In order to do so, you will need a way to store something for this user. If you have any kind of authentication (passport for example) - using socket.request you will have the initial HTTP request fired before the upgrade happened. So from there, you can have all kind of cookies and data already stored.
If you don't want to store anything in cookies, the easiest thing to do is send back to client specific information about himself, on connect. Then, when user tries to reconnect, send this information again. Something like:
var client2socket = {};
io.on('connect', function(socket) {
var uid = Math.random(); // some really unique id :)
client2socket[uid] = socket;
socket.on('authenticate', function(userID) {
delete client2socket[uid]; // remove the "new" socket
client2socket[userID] = socket; // replace "old" socket
Keep in mind this is just a sample and you need to implement something a little bit better :) Maybe send the information as a request param, or store it another way - whatever works for you.

Duplicate values when using express and in nodeJS

I have a nodeJS application using express and I would like to osolate some code so that it only runs on one page that I serve. To do this I have used express to listen to the request and feed a html page as a response.
app.get('/archive', function(request, response) {
response.sendfile(__dirname + "/views/table.html");
I also have a function that listens and sends the data to the html page.
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
channel.subscribe('cheat', function(message) {
socket.emit('message', message);
Everything runs great when the code is like this but as soon as I try and put the socket.on function inside the app.get function I have issues. The first request works perfectly but when the page is refresh all the data gets duplicated. The first time it is x2 then x3 then x4 and so on. Does anyone know why this is happening?
This is what my final code looks like:
app.get('/archive', function(request, response) {
response.sendfile(__dirname + "/views/table.html");
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
channel.subscribe('cheat', function(message) {
socket.emit('message', message);
You should not put a Socket.IO connection listener inside a HTTP route. The connection event for the Socket.IO object is called each time there is a connection, so if you make a new connection listener each time the HTTP route is called, then you will have duplicate listeners which will all fire when there is a connection.
If you don't want Socket.IO on a certain page, don't include the client script on that page. Otherwise, an alternative method to do this is to store the client path in a cookie, and access that cookie during authorization. Then you can accept or deny the client.
I used the url.parse function to get the name of the page like so:
var curURL = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
Then I can check the current URL
if (curURL == '/') {
As for the problem with duplicate values, I forgot to unsubscribe on exit. After subscription.unsubscribe(); it all works.
