What is suggested method to get service versions - python-3.x

What is the best way to get list of service versions in google app engine in flex env? (from service instance in Python 3). I want to authenticate using service account json keys file. I need to find currently default version (with most of traffic).
Is there any lib I can use like googleapiclient.discovery, or google.appengine.api.modules? Or I should build it from scratches and request REST api on apps.services.versions.list using oauth? I couldn't not find any information in google docs..

Finally I was able to solve it. Simple things on GAE became big problems..
I have path to service_account.json set in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable. Then you can use google.auth.default
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
import google.auth
creds, project = google.auth.default(scopes=['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only'])
service = build('appengine', 'v1', credentials=creds, cache_discovery=False)
data = service.apps().services().get(appsId=APPLICATION_ID, servicesId=SERVICE_ID).execute()
print data['split']['allocations']
Return value is allocations dictionary with versions as keys and traffic percents in values.
All the best!

You can use Google's Python Client Library to interact with the Google App Engine Admin API, in order to get the list of a GAE service versions.
Once you have google-api-python-client installed, you might want to use the list method to list all services in your application:
list(appsId, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
The arguments of the method should include the following:
appsId: string, Part of `name`. Name of the resource requested. Example: apps/myapp. (required)
pageSize: integer, Maximum results to return per page.
pageToken: string, Continuation token for fetching the next page of results.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values: v1 error format, v2 error format
You can find more information on this method in the link mentioned above.


How to filter Google Cloud Instances using google-compute-engine python client?

I am using
Package Version
------------------------ ---------
google-api-core 2.0.1
google-auth 2.0.2
google-cloud-compute 0.5.0
google-compute-engine 2.8.13
to retrieve google cloud instances data. I was referring to the docs to get aggregated list of instances. I wasnt able to filter instances based on tags of the compute VM instances. Is there a particular way to do it using python as there is no particular mention about it in the documentation. ?
Please include your code.
You should be able to apply a Filter to AggregatedListInstancesRequest and you should be able to specify labels, see Filtering searches using labels. I'm confident (!?) the API is consistent.
The documentation refers to the filter query parameter. I didn't manage to get it to work with tags. But you can still list all the instances and filter it directly.
In the example below I'm looking for the gke-nginx-1-cluster-846d7440-node tag.
from googleapiclient import discovery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute']
sa_file = 'alon-lavian-0474ca3b9309.json'
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(sa_file, scopes=scopes)
service = discovery.build('compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
project = 'alon-lavian'
zone = 'us-central1-a'
request = service.instances().list(project=project, zone=zone)
while request is not None:
response = request.execute()
for instance in response['items']:
if 'gke-nginx-1-cluster-846d7440-node' in instance['tags']['items']:
request = service.instances().list_next(previous_request=request, previous_response=response)

Node typescript library environment specific configuration

I am new to node and typescript. I am working on developing a node library that reaches out to another rest API to get and post data. This library is consumed by a/any UI application to send and receive data from the API service. Now my question is, how do I maintain environment specific configuration within the library? Like for ex:
Consumer calls GET /user
user end point on the consumer side calls a method in the library to get data
But if the consumer is calling the user end point in test environment I want the library to hit the following API Url
for test http://api.test.userinformation.company.com/user
for beta http://api.beta.userinformation.company.com/user
As far as I understand the library is just a reference and is running within the consumer application. Library can for sure get the environment from the consumer, but I do not want the consumer having to specify the full URL that needs to be hit, since that would be the responsibility of the library to figure out.
Note: URL is not the only problem, I can solve that with environment switch within the library, I have some client secrets based on environments which I can neither store in the code nor checkin to source control.
Additional Information
(as per jfriend00's request in comments)
My library has a LibExecutionEngine class and one method in it, which is the entry point of the library:
export class LibExecutionEngine implements ExecutionEngine {
constructor(private environment: Environments, private trailLoader:
TrailLoader) {}
async GetUserInfo(
userId: string,
userGroupVersion: string
): Promise<UserInfo> {
return this.userLoader.loadUserInfo(userId, userGroupVersion)
export interface ExecutionEngine {
GetUserInfo(userId: string, userGroupVersion: string): Promise<UserInfo>
The consumer starts to use the library by creating an instance of the LibraryExecution then calling the getuserinfo for example. As you see the constructor for the class accepts an environment. Once I have the environment in the library, I need to somehow load the values for keys API Url, APIClientId and APIClientSecret from within the constructor. I know of two ways to do this:
Option 1
I could do something like this._configLoader.SetConfigVariables(environment) where configLoader.ts is a class that loads the specific configuration values from files({environment}.json), but this would mean I maintain the above mentioned URL variables and the respective clientid, clientsecret to be able to hit the URL in a json file, which I should not be checking in to source control.
Option 2
I could use dotenv npm package, and create one .env file where I define the three keys, and then the values are stored in the deployment configuration which works perfectly for an independently deployable application, but this is a library and doesn't run by itself in any environment.
Option 3
Accept a configuration object from the consumer, which means that the consumer of the library provides the URL, clientId, and clientSecret based on the environment for the library to access, but why should the responsibility of maintaining the necessary variables for library be put on the consumer?
Please suggest on how best to implement this.
So, I think I got some clarity. Lets call my Library L, and consuming app C1 and the API that the library makes a call out to get user info as A. All are internal applications in our org and have a OAuth setup to be able to communicate, our infosec team provides those clientids and secrets to individual applications, so I think my clarity here is: C1 would request their own clientid and clientsecret to hit A's URL, C1 would then pass in the three config values to the library, which the library uses to communicate with A. Same applies for some C2 in the future.
Which would mean that L somehow needs to accept a full configuration object with all required config values from its consumers C1, C2 etc.
Yes, that sounds like the proper approach. The library is just some code doing what it's told. It's the client in this case that had to fetch the clientid and clientsecret from the infosec team and maintain them and keep them safe and the client also has the URL that goes with them. So, the client passes all this into your library, ideally just once per instance and you then keep it in your instance data for the duration of that instance

How to connect Google Datastore from a script in Python 3

We want to do some stuff with the data that is in the Google Datastore. We have a database already, We would like to use Python 3 to handle the data and make queries from a script on our developing machines. Which would be the easiest way to accomplish what we need?
From the Official Documentation:
You will need to install the Cloud Datastore client library for Python:
pip install --upgrade google-cloud-datastore
Set up authentication by creating a service account and setting an environment variable. It will be easier if you see it, please take a look at the official documentation for more info about this. You can perform this step by either using the GCP console or command line.
Then you will be able to connect to your Cloud Datastore client and use it, as in the example below:
# Imports the Google Cloud client library
from google.cloud import datastore
# Instantiates a client
datastore_client = datastore.Client()
# The kind for the new entity
kind = 'Task'
# The name/ID for the new entity
name = 'sampletask1'
# The Cloud Datastore key for the new entity
task_key = datastore_client.key(kind, name)
# Prepares the new entity
task = datastore.Entity(key=task_key)
task['description'] = 'Buy milk'
# Saves the entity
print('Saved {}: {}'.format(task.key.name, task['description']))
As #JohnHanley mentioned, you will find a good example on this Bookshelf app tutorial that uses Cloud Datastore to store its persistent data and metadata for books.
You can create a service account and download the credentials as JSON and then set an environment variable called GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS pointing to the json file. You can see the details at the link below.

Get Google App Engine LocationId at runtime

The new Cloud Tasks python libraries require location as task creation parameter. I can always look up the location and hardcode it, but everything else, including the project name, is available through environment variables. Is there a way to get the locationId (eg. us-central1) from python3 standard environment?
The REST API (and presumably the python client library) for AppEngine can return the location id if you know the application name:
The Application object that is returned has a "locationId" key.
However, note that the cloud tasks documentation calls out 2 exceptions to verbatim using this identifier: europe-west and us-central need to be passed to tasks as europe-west1 and us-central1 respectively.
It's possible to get this information from the Metadata server. Accessing http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/region from your app will return a string of the form 'projects/[numeric-project-id]/regions/[locationId]'.

Get list of application packages available for a batch account of Azure Batch

I'm making a python app that launches a batch.
I want, via user inputs, to create a pool.
For simplicity, I'll just add all the applications present in the batch account to the pool.
I'm not able to get the list of available application packages.
This is the portion of code:
import azure.batch.batch_service_client as batch
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
batch_client = batch.BatchServiceClient(
# Get list of applications
batchApps = batch_client.application.list()
I can create a pool, so credentials are good and there are applications but the returned list is empty.
Can anybody help me with this?
Thank you,
I tried:
import azure.batch.batch_service_client as batch
batchApps = batch.ApplicationOperations.list(batch_client)
import azure.batch.operations as batch_operations
batchApps = batch_operations.ApplicationOperations.list(batch_client)
but they don't seem to work. batchApps is always empty.
I don't think it's an authentication issue since I'd get an error otherwise.
At this point I wonder if it just a bug in the python SDK?
The SDK version I'm using is:
azure.batch: 4.1.3
azure: 4.0.0
This is a screenshot of the empty batchApps var:
Is this the link you are looking for:
Understanding the application package concept here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-application-packages
Since its python SDK in action here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/python/api/azure-batch/azure.batch.operations.applicationoperations?view=azure-python
list operation and here is get
hope this helps.
I haven't tried lately using the Azure Python SDK but the way I solved this was to use the Azure REST API:
For the authorization, I had to create an application and give it access to the Batch services and the I programmatically generated the token with the following request:
data = {'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
'client_id': clientId,
'client_secret': clientSecret,
'resource': 'https://batch.core.windows.net/'}
postReply = requests.post('https://login.microsoftonline.com/' + tenantId + '/oauth2/token', data)
