Alive Supervision Mechanism in WDGM - autosar

Iam working on WDGM demo, I have configured the demo with proper WDG,WDGIF,WDGM requirements,its compiled sucessfully,but not able to achieve Alive Supervision mechanism on the hardware,its entering reset in TRACE32 whenever i check for the Alive result increment
I have written the below code in the application ,please correct me if iam wrong.pls correct me with the proper code
if (WdgM_GetCheckedCPAliveCounterData (CPData, IntRamIdx, &AliveCounter) != E_OK)
if ((AliveCounter < (CPAliveCfg->ExpectedAliveIndication - CPAliveCfg->MinMargin)) ||
(AliveCounter > (CPAliveCfg->ExpectedAliveIndication + CPAliveCfg->MaxMargin)))

You have to ping the WDGM with checkpoints when they are reached - are you doing that?
WdgM_CheckpointReached(SEID, CPID)
Initial and final checkpoints are mandatory.


Detecting fast user switch events from an application running on an RDP session (RDP window minimize)

I'm working on an application that records the screen and it should support terminal services, The problem is actually when the RDP window is minimized the user session goes into UI less mode and there is no screen to capture for the application running on that particular session.
There is a way to handle it by setting a registry value to hold on the UI as described here.
But I do not want to do that and would like to capture the UI less mode status and display the user a message that the RDP window had been minimized/fast user switch has happened and the recording is suspended.
So I decided to enumerate the active sessions and check whether the user session is either idle or UI lesss. But that doesn't help. I did not find any clue about detecting the fast user switch when the RDP window is minimzed after almost spending a day.
I couldn't find any event or an API that I can call to ensure that the screen capture has been failing due to fast user switch / minimized RDP window.
Here is my code,
bool bActive = false;
DWORD dwCurrentProcessSessionID = 0;
ProcessIdToSessionId(GetCurrentProcessId(), &dwCurrentProcessSessionID);
PWTS_SESSION_INFO pSessionInfo = 0;
DWORD dwCount = 0;
// Get the list of all terminal sessions
WTSEnumerateSessions(WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, 0, 1, &pSessionInfo, &dwCount);
int dataSize = sizeof(WTS_SESSION_INFO);
// look over obtained list in search of the active session
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwCount; ++i)
WTS_SESSION_INFO si = pSessionInfo[i];
if (_WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS::WTSActive == si.State)
// If the current session is active – store its ID
if (dwCurrentProcessSessionID == si.SessionId)
// would like to have an API that can identify whether the current RDP session is UI less
if (FunctionToFindCurrentRDPIsUIless(si.SessionId))
bActive = false;
bActive = true;
Any help would be appreciated.

Terminating a thread CMSIS-RTOS

I'm currently trying to make my device (STM32F105) which is usually running 12 threads on CMSIS RTOS go to low power mode. In order to simplify the algorythm I think (definitely not sure) that it's a good idea to terminate all the threads using osThreadTerminate and after a wake up recreate them using osThreadCreate
void os_idle_demon (void) {
/* The idle demon is a system thread, running when no other thread is */
/* ready to run. */
for (;;) {
/* HERE: include optional user code to be executed when no thread runs.*/
if (Sleep.SleepEnabled == 1)
if (Sleep.IsSleeping == 1)
// __wfi();
// PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_Regulator_ON, PWR_STOPEntry_WFI); //PWR_Regulator_LowPower
// osDelay(5000);
if (Sleep.WakeUp)
Sleep.IsSleeping = 0;
// SetSysClock();
Sleep.WakeUp = 0;
Sleep.SleepEnabled = 0;
Sleep.TimeTillSleep = 60;
if (Sleep.TimeTillSleep == 0 )
Sleep.IsSleeping = 1;
// PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode();
// __wfi();
// PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_Regulator_ON, PWR_STOPEntry_WFI);
// osDelay(5000);
As you can see I use some global variables to determinte when to sleep. TerminateTasks(); is used to terminate all of my running threads using osThreadTerminate function which doesn't seem to cause any trouble, but after I call WakeUp(); which uses osThreadCreate function to recreate terminated threads I run into an os stack overflow. So there are a few questions I struggle to find answers to. Does osThreadTerminate command in CMSIS-RTOS release stack after execution? Is there a better way to go into a low power mode ? I hope I made my point clear, if there's a need to be more specific let me know. Would be grateful if you shared your experience with similar problems.
Do you use dynamic allocation in your other thread ? Because if so, killing your thread when there are running could result in memory leak.

How to limit the amount of requests per ip in Node.JS?

I'm was trying to think of a way to help minimize the damage on my node.js application if I ever get a DDOS attack. I want to limit requests per IP. I want to limit every IP address to so many requests per second. For example: No IP address can exceed 10 requests every 3 seconds.
So far I have come up with this:
http.createServer(req, res, function() {
if(req.connection.remoteAddress ?????? ) {
block ip for 15 mins
If you want to build this yourself at the app server level, you will have to build a data structure that records each recent access from a particular IP address so that when a new request arrives, you can look back through the history and see if it has been doing too many requests. If so, deny it any further data. And, to keep this data from piling up in your server, you'd also need some sort of cleanup code that gets rid of old access data.
Here's an idea for a way to do that (untested code to illustrate the idea):
function AccessLogger(n, t, blockTime) {
this.qty = n;
this.time = t;
this.blockTime = blockTime;
this.requests = {};
// schedule cleanup on a regular interval (every 30 minutes)
this.interval = setInterval(this.age.bind(this), 30 * 60 * 1000);
AccessLogger.prototype = {
check: function(ip) {
var info, accessTimes, now, limit, cnt;
// add this access
// should always be an info here because we just added it
info = this.requests[ip];
accessTimes = info.accessTimes;
// calc time limits
now =;
limit = now - this.time;
// short circuit if already blocking this ip
if (info.blockUntil >= now) {
return false;
// short circuit an access that has not even had max qty accesses yet
if (accessTimes.length < this.qty) {
return true;
cnt = 0;
for (var i = accessTimes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (accessTimes[i] > limit) {
} else {
// assumes cnts are in time order so no need to look any more
if (cnt > this.qty) {
// block from now until now + this.blockTime
info.blockUntil = now + this.blockTime;
return false;
} else {
return true;
add: function(ip) {
var info = this.requests[ip];
if (!info) {
info = {accessTimes: [], blockUntil: 0};
this.requests[ip] = info;
// push this access time into the access array for this IP
age: function() {
// clean up any accesses that have not been here within this.time and are not currently blocked
var ip, info, accessTimes, now =, limit = now - this.time, index;
for (ip in this.requests) {
if (this.requests.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
info = this.requests[ip];
accessTimes = info.accessTimes;
// if not currently blocking this one
if (info.blockUntil < now) {
// if newest access is older than time limit, then nuke the whole item
if (!accessTimes.length || accessTimes[accessTimes.length - 1] < limit) {
delete this.requests[ip];
} else {
// in case an ip is regularly visiting so its recent access is never old
// we must age out older access times to keep them from
// accumulating forever
if (accessTimes.length > (this.qty * 2) && accessTimes[0] < limit) {
index = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < accessTimes.length; i++) {
if (accessTimes[i] < limit) {
index = i;
} else {
// remove index + 1 old access times from the front of the array
accessTimes.splice(0, index + 1);
var accesses = new AccessLogger(10, 3000, 15000);
// put this as one of the first middleware so it acts
// before other middleware spends time processing the request
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
if (!accesses.check(req.connection.remoteAddress)) {
// cancel the request here
res.end("No data for you!");
} else {
This method also has the usual limitations around IP address monitoring. If multiple users are sharing an IP address behind NAT, this will treat them all as one single user and they may get blocked due to their combined activity, not because of the activity of one single user.
But, as others have said, by the time the request gets this far into your server, some of the DOS damage has already been done (it's already taking cycles from your server). It might help to cut off the request before doing more expensive operations such as database operations, but it is even better to detect and block this at a higher level (such as Nginx or a firewall or load balancer).
I don't think that is something that should be done at the http server level. Basically, it doesn't prevent users to reach your server, even if they won't see anything for 15 minutes.
In my opinion, you should handle that within your system, using a firewall. Although it's more a discussion for ServerFault or SuperUser, let me give you a few pointers.
Use iptables to setup a firewall on your entry point (your server or whatever else you have access to up the line). iptables allows you to set a limit of max connections per IP. The learning curve is pretty steep though if you don't have a background in Networks. That is the traditional way.
Here's a good resource geared towards beginners : Iptables for beginners
And something similar to what you need here : Unix StackExchange
I recently came across a really nice package called Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) it happens to have an option to limit connection rate per IP and is setup in minutes. For more complicated stuff, you'll still need iptables though.
In conclusion, like Brad said,
let your application servers do what they do best... run your application.
And let firewalls do what they do best, kick out the unwanted IPs from your servers.
It is not good if you use Nodejs filter the connection or apply the connection policy as that.
It is better if you use Nginx in front of NodeJS
Client --> Nginx --> Nodejs or Application.
It is not difficult and cheap because Ngnix is opensource tooo.
Good luck.
we can use npm Package
npm i limiting-middleware
Code :
const LimitingMiddleware = require('limiting-middleware');
app.use(new LimitingMiddleware({ limit: 100, resetInterval: 1200000 }).limitByIp());
// 100 request limit. 1200000ms reset interval (20m).
For more information: Click here

When to use drmModeFreeResources after a drmModeGetResources?

If I'm working with drm on linux and trying to get the number of displays/connectors on a gpu, when do I need to call drmModeFreeResources/Connector?
drmModeResPtr drmResources = drmModeGetResources(drmFd);
for (int i = 0; i < drmResources->count_connectors; i++) {
drmModeConnectorPtr connector;
connector = drmModeGetConnector(drmFd, drmResources->connectors[i]);
if (connector && connector->connection == DRM_MODE_CONNECTED) {
drmModeFreeConnector(connector); // Do I need to do this?
drmModeFreeResources(drmResources); // Do I need to do this?
Do I need to free every time I get resources/connector? Or do I only need to do it after I'm done with the resources and want to destroy them, such as when the connector or display is no longer connected?

BlackBerry - App freezes when background thread executing

I have a BlackBerry App that sends data over a web service when a button has it state set to ON. When the button is ON a timer is started which is running continuously in the background at fixed intervals. The method for HttpConnection is called as follows:
Dialog.alert("Check internet connection and try again");
The method PostMsgToServer is as follows:
public static String PostMsgToServer(String encryptedGpsMsg) {
//httpURL= ""+DeviceBoardPassword+"&IMEI="+IMEI+"&hex_data="+encryptedGpsMsg+"&device_type=3";
httpURL= ""+DeviceBoardPassword+"&IMEI="+IMEI+"&hex_data="+encryptedGpsMsg+"&device_type=3";
//httpURL= "http://track24.unit1.overwatch/track24/service/spi/post?access_id="+DeviceBoardPassword+"&IMEI="+IMEI+"&hex_data="+encryptedGpsMsg+"&device_type=3";
try {
String C0NNECTION_EXTENSION = checkInternetConnection();
Dialog.alert("Check internet connection and try again");
return null;
HttpConnection httpConn;
httpConn = (HttpConnection);
DataOutputStream _outStream = new DataOutputStream(httpConn.openDataOutputStream());
byte[] request_body = httpURL.getBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < request_body.length; i++) {
DataInputStream _inputStream = new DataInputStream(
StringBuffer _responseMessage = new StringBuffer();
int ch;
while ((ch = != -1) {
_responseMessage.append((char) ch);
String res = (_responseMessage.toString());
responce = res.trim();
}catch (Exception e) {
//Dialog.alert("Connection Time out");
return responce;
My Question: The App freezes whenever the method is called, i.e. whenever the timer has to execute and send data to the web service the App freezes - at times for a few seconds and at times for a considerable amount of time applying to the user as if the handset has hanged. Can this be solved? Kindly help!!
You are running your networking operation on the Event Thread - i.e. the same Thread that processes your application's Ui interactions. Networking is a blocking operation so effectively this is stopping your UI operation. Doing this on the Event Thread is not recommended and to be honest, I'm surprised it is not causing your application to be terminated, as this is often what the OS will do, if it thinks the application has blocked the Event Thread.
The way to solve this is start your network processing using a separate Thread. This is generally the easy part, the difficult part is
blocking the User from doing anything else while waiting for the
response (assuming you need to do this)
updating the User Interface with the results of your networking
I think the second of these issues are discussed in this Thread:
Since it appears you are trying to do this update at regular intervals in the background, I don't think the first is an issue, - for completeness, you can search SO for answers including this one:
There is more information regarding the Event Thread here:
Event Thread
