how to configure hyperledger node sdk with kubernetes cluster? - node.js

i am able to configure hyperledger fabric and kubernetes with cli. But now i want to configure hyperledger fabric node sdk with kubernetes. I have created with files but, not able to connect it through node sdk rest endpoints.
my hyperledger services:
[ec2-user#ip-172-31-21-223 ~]$ kubectl get services --namespace=fabrick8s
ca0-org1 NodePort <none> 30101:30101/TCP,30102:30102/TCP 26h
orderer0-orgorderer1 NodePort <none> 32000:32000/TCP 46h
peer0-org1 NodePort <none> 30001:30001/TCP,30002:30002/TCP 3h5m
i have added cluser ip into node network config file but i am not able to connect. getting following error:
[2019-09-12 09:12:08.169] [INFO] SampleWebApp - ****************** SERVER STARTED ************************
[2019-09-12 09:12:08.175] [INFO] SampleWebApp - *************** http://localhost:4000 ******************
(node:2199) DeprecationWarning: grpc.load: Use the #grpc/proto-loader module with grpc.loadPackageDefinition instead
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.427] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ------>>>>>> new request for /users
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.428] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - End point : /users
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.428] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - User name : test
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.428] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Org name : Org1
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.432] [DEBUG] Helper - getClientForOrg - ****** START Org1 undefined
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.439] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: constructor, network_config: {"name":"HlfV1","x-type":"hlfv1","description":"Hyperledger Node SDK","version":"1.0","channels":{"mychannel":{"orderers":["orderer0-orgorderer1"],"peers":{"peer0-org1":{"endorsingPeer":true,"chaincodeQuery":true,"ledgerQuery":true,"eventSource":true}},"chaincodes":["mycc:v0"]}},"organizations":{"Org1":{"mspid":"Org1MSP","peers":["peer0-org1"],"certificateAuthorities":["ca0-org1"],"adminPrivateKey":{"path":"/var/lib/nfs-share/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1/users/Admin#org1/msp/keystore/a6b8f684b67417335a33972cf115efe2222fdf07de1187cfab36c4873e7591af_sk"},"signedCert":{"path":"/var/lib/nfs-share/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1/users/Admin#org1/msp/signcerts/Admin#org1-cert.pem"}}},"orderers":{"orderer0-orgorderer1":{"url":"grpcs://localhost:32000","grpcOptions":{"ssl-target-name-override":"orderer0-orgorderer1"},"tlsCACerts":{"path":"/var/lib/nfs-share/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/orgorderer1/orderers/orderer0.orgorderer1/tls/ca.crt"}}},"peers":{"peer0-org1":{"url":"grpcs://localhost:30001","grpcOptions":{"ssl-target-name-override":"peer0-org1"},"tlsCACerts":{"path":"/var/lib/nfs-share/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1/peers/peer0.org1/tls/ca.crt"}}},"certificateAuthorities":{"ca0-org1":{"url":"https://localhost:30101","httpOptions":{"verify":false},"tlsCACerts":{"path":"/var/lib/nfs-share/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1/ca/ca.org1-cert.pem"},"registrar":[{"enrollId":"admin","enrollSecret":"adminpw"}],"caName":"ca0-org1"}}}
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.439] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: constructor, network_config: {"name":"HLF-Framework-Org1","x-type":"hlfv1","description":"HLF-Framework - client definition for Org1","version":"1.0","client":{"organization":"Org1","credentialStore":{"path":"./fabric-client-kv-Org1","cryptoStore":{"path":"/tmp/fabric-client-kv-Org1"},"wallet":"wallet-name"}}}
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.440] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: mergeSettings - additions start
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.440] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org1
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.440] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.441] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name ca0-org1
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.444] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.626] [DEBUG] Helper - [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: Hash algorithm: SHA2, hash output size: 256
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.696] [DEBUG] Helper - [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: importKey - start
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.698] [DEBUG] Helper - [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: importKey - have the key [Circular]
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.699] [DEBUG] Helper - [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: importKey - start
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.701] [DEBUG] Helper - [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: importKey - have the key [Circular]
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.701] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org1
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.702] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.702] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name ca0-org1
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.702] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.703] [DEBUG] Helper - [FileKeyValueStore.js]: constructor { options:
{ path: '/home/ec2-user/kube-node-sdk/fabric-client-kv-Org1',
wallet: 'wallet-name',
cryptoStore: { path: '/tmp/fabric-client-kv-Org1' } } }
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.708] [DEBUG] Helper - [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: Hash algorithm: SHA2, hash output size: 256
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.709] [DEBUG] Helper - [utils.CryptoKeyStore]: CryptoKeyStore, constructor - start
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.709] [DEBUG] Helper - [utils.CryptoKeyStore]: constructor, no super class specified, using config: fabric-client/lib/impl/FileKeyValueStore.js
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.709] [DEBUG] Helper - getClientForOrg - ****** END Org1 undefined
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.709] [DEBUG] Helper - Successfully initialized the credential stores
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.710] [DEBUG] Helper - [FileKeyValueStore.js]: getValue { key: 'test' }
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.716] [INFO] Helper - User test was not enrolled, so we will need an admin user object to register
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.717] [DEBUG] Helper - [FileKeyValueStore.js]: getValue { key: 'admin' }
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.717] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org1
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.717] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.717] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name ca0-org1
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.718] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.718] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org1
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.718] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.718] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name ca0-org1
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.718] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.732] [DEBUG] Helper - [FabricCAClient.js]: Successfully constructed Fabric CA client from options - {"caname":"ca0-org1","protocol":"https","hostname":"localhost","port":30101,"tlsOptions":{"trustedRoots":["-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICIjCCAcigAwIBAgIRANPRopfisvYPfsGHY1tke+MwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIwWzEL\nMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFjAUBgNVBAcTDVNhbiBG\ncmFuY2lzY28xDTALBgNVBAoTBG9yZzExEDAOBgNVBAMTB2NhLm9yZzEwHhcNMTkw\nNzA5MjMzMDAwWhcNMjkwNzA2MjMzMDAwWjBbMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UE\nCBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBxMNU2FuIEZyYW5jaXNjbzENMAsGA1UEChME\nb3JnMTEQMA4GA1UEAxMHY2Eub3JnMTBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IA\nBMQsUoC5j79WG1YA0ZgfjnxYkv3TQlFUujWvSpcSG3911uxWBBG8tBxalcY6XubW\ndEk+QNReLYz5XWVclzmJZZujbTBrMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBpjAdBgNVHSUEFjAU\nBggrBgEFBQcDAgYIKwYBBQUHAwEwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zApBgNVHQ4EIgQg\nxbTg5ty+qp3Jny2uw/eHWhfPT3w0LrE/MeG74D9Vd2YwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIDSAAw\nRQIhANJxDvpI0R59X3DLoegKxwpFKKwnA3yhJZCtsoQ4TvPAAiBOKIf3AMpBrfFl\nx9DjYULlHqYcCMCG9jROisk8e0y2uA==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"],"verify":false}}
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.732] [DEBUG] Helper - [FabricCAClientService.js]: Successfully constructed Fabric CA service client: endpoint - {"protocol":"https","hostname":"localhost","port":30101}
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.785] [DEBUG] Helper - [utils.CryptoKeyStore]: This class requires a CryptoKeyStore to save keys, using the store: {"opts":{"path":"/tmp/fabric-client-kv-Org1"}}
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.785] [DEBUG] Helper - [FileKeyValueStore.js]: constructor { options: { path: '/tmp/fabric-client-kv-Org1' } }
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.786] [DEBUG] Helper - [utils.CryptoKeyStore]: _getKeyStore returning ks
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.786] [DEBUG] Helper - [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: generateKey, store.setValue
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.786] [DEBUG] Helper - [ecdsa/key.js]: ECDSA curve param X: c93658d3386293eed8cbbd07d9124d7e0bb354ceb1bbbba80099dc9a942b9ed3
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.787] [DEBUG] Helper - [ecdsa/key.js]: ECDSA curve param Y: 3444c31a9342c0bedae13aff1e5d43ed610ca641a597355e5af25c973708c4ef
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.791] [DEBUG] Helper - [FileKeyValueStore.js]: setValue { key:
'4ef322eb862cc68caf4341999813959a931baa492a0dcd227f73bf8afa803301-priv' }
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.843] [ERROR] Helper - Failed to get registered user: test with error: Error: Calling enrollment endpoint failed with error [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.843] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - -- returned from registering the username test for organization Org1
[2019-09-12 09:12:16.843] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Failed to register the username test for organization Org1 with::failed Error: Calling enrollment endpoint failed with error [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]

i have given the wrong targetPort.. for CA target port is 7054.
solved my issue :)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
namespace: fabrick8s
name: ca0-org1
name: ca0-org1
type: NodePort
- name: grpc
protocol: TCP
port: 30101
targetPort: 7054
nodePort: 30101


Terraform plan with 1Password provider fails with rpc error unavailable desc transport is closing

After adding some new secrets to Terraform using the 1Password provider, we saw an error without much helpful output.
$ terraform plan
Error: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
Error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
Terraform provider:
terraform {
required_providers {
onepassword = {
source = "anasinnyk/onepassword"
version = "~> 1.2.1"
required_version = "~> 0.13"
Terraform yml:
data "onepassword_item_password" "search_cloud_id" {
name = "Azure Elastic Cloud ID"
vault =
data "onepassword_item_password" "search_api_key" {
name = "Azure Elastic Cloud API key"
vault =
resource "kubernetes_secret" "search" {
metadata {
name = "search"
namespace =
data = {
"ELASTICSEARCH_CLOUD_ID" = data.onepassword_item_password.api_search_cloud_id.password
"ELASTICSEARCH_API_KEY" = data.onepassword_item_password.api_search_api_key.password
type = "Opaque"
We managed to get some useful output by removing one data reference at a time, which lead to the errors printing:
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x18 pc=0x147d1bd]
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: goroutine 194 [running]:
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:, 0xc0004ac540, 0xc000096f80, 0x173d040, 0xc0007ac740, 0xc0003bce40, 0xc000119910, 0x100c9b8)
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0x18d
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:*Resource).read(0xc0004613f0, 0x1941820, 0xc000384300, 0xc000096f80, 0x173d040, 0xc0007ac740, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0x1ec
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:*Resource).ReadDataApply(0xc0004613f0, 0x1941820, 0xc000384300, 0xc000304b80, 0x173d040, 0xc0007ac740, 0xc0007ac740, 0xc000304b80, 0x0, 0x0)
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0xff
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:*GRPCProviderServer).ReadDataSource(0xc00026e6a0, 0x1941820, 0xc000384300, 0xc0003842c0, 0xc00026e6a0, 0xc00026e6b0, 0x185a058)
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0x4c5
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:, 0xc000384300, 0x17dcd60, 0xc0003842c0, 0xc000384300, 0x1773c80, 0xc0004ac401, 0xc000304640)
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0x86
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:, 0xc0003d4480, 0x17dcd60, 0xc0003842c0, 0xc000304620, 0xc000304640, 0xc0007c8ba0, 0x11b81c8, 0x17c7a20, 0xc0003d4480)
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0x87
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:, 0xc00026e6a0, 0x19418e0, 0xc0003d4480, 0xc0004ac4e0, 0xc00000d080, 0x19418e0, 0xc0003d4480, 0xc000010090, 0x90)
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0x14b
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:*Server).processUnaryRPC(0xc00027ae00, 0x1949c60, 0xc000103380, 0xc00018e000, 0xc00020acf0, 0x1e49910, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0x50a
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:*Server).handleStream(0xc00027ae00, 0x1949c60, 0xc000103380, 0xc00018e000, 0x0)
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0xccd
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1:*Server).serveStreams.func1.2(0xc0000382e0, 0xc00027ae00, 0x1949c60, 0xc000103380, 0xc00018e000)
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0xa1
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: created by*Server).serveStreams.func1
2021-08-27T15:34:29.367+0930 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-onepassword_v1.2.1: +0x204
2021-08-27T15:34:29.368+0930 [WARN] plugin.stdio: received EOF, stopping recv loop: err="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing"
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [ERROR] eval: *terraform.evalReadDataRefresh, err: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [ERROR] eval: *terraform.evalReadDataRefresh, err: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [ERROR] eval: *terraform.evalReadDataRefresh, err: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [ERROR] eval: *terraform.EvalSequence, err: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
2021-08-27T15:34:29.369+0930 [DEBUG] plugin: plugin process exited: path=.terraform/plugins/ pid=17549 error="exit status 2"
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [ERROR] eval: *terraform.EvalSequence, err: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [TRACE] [walkRefresh] Exiting eval tree: data.onepassword_item_password.search_api_key
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [ERROR] eval: *terraform.EvalSequence, err: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [TRACE] vertex "data.onepassword_item_password.search_api_key": visit complete
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [TRACE] vertex "data.onepassword_item_password.search_api_key": dynamic subgraph encountered errors
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [TRACE] vertex "data.onepassword_item_password.search_api_key": visit complete
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [TRACE] vertex "data.onepassword_item_password.search_api_key (expand)": dynamic subgraph encountered errors
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [TRACE] vertex "data.onepassword_item_password.search_api_key (expand)": visit complete
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [TRACE] dag/walk: upstream of "provider[\"\"] (close)" errored, so skipping
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [TRACE] dag/walk: upstream of "provider[\"\"] (close)" errored, so skipping
2021/08/27 15:34:29 [TRACE] dag/walk: upstream of "root" errored, so skipping
2021-08-27T15:34:29.501+0930 [DEBUG] plugin: plugin exited
2021-08-27T15:34:29.502+0930 [WARN] plugin.stdio: received EOF, stopping recv loop: err="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing"
2021-08-27T15:34:29.507+0930 [DEBUG] plugin: plugin process exited: path=.terraform/plugins/ pid=17673
2021-08-27T15:34:29.507+0930 [DEBUG] plugin: plugin exited
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TERRAFORM CRASH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terraform crashed! This is always indicative of a bug within Terraform.
A crash log has been placed at "crash.log" relative to your current
working directory. It would be immensely helpful if you could please
report the crash with Terraform[1] so that we can fix this.
When reporting bugs, please include your terraform version. That
information is available on the first line of crash.log. You can also
get it by running 'terraform --version' on the command line.
SECURITY WARNING: the "crash.log" file that was created may contain
sensitive information that must be redacted before it is safe to share
on the issue tracker.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TERRAFORM CRASH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This led us to find that one of our team members managed to create two 1Password entries with the same name in the same vault.
After deleting the duplicate entry in 1Password, terraform plan ran without error again.

hyperledger fabric discovery service failing endorsement

Hello everyone i am trying to use service discovery with the node js client to generate transaction proposals, the problem i am having is that when discovery generates the endorsement plan it sends the proposals to the same peer and fails to endorse,
here is one of the endorsement plans generated, idk why but peer names are all wrong
"chaincode": "auditoria-cc",
"groups": {
"G0": {
"peers": [
"mspid": "Org1MSP",
"endpoint": "",
"ledger_height": {
"low": 11,
"high": 0,
"unsigned": true
"chaincodes": [
"name": "auditoria-cc",
"version": "1.0"
"name": ""
"G1": {
"peers": [
"mspid": "Org2MSP",
"endpoint": "",
"ledger_height": {
"low": 11,
"high": 0,
"unsigned": true
"chaincodes": [
"name": "auditoria-cc",
"version": "1.0"
"name": ""
"G2": {
"peers": [
"mspid": "Org3MSP",
"endpoint": "",
"ledger_height": {
"low": 11,
"high": 0,
"unsigned": true
"chaincodes": [
"name": "auditoria-cc",
"version": "1.0"
"name": ""
"G3": {
"peers": [
"mspid": "Org4MSP",
"endpoint": "",
"ledger_height": {
"low": 11,
"high": 0,
"unsigned": true
"chaincodes": [
"name": "auditoria-cc",
"version": "1.0"
"name": ""
"layouts": [
"G1": 1,
"G2": 1,
"G0": 1
"G3": 1,
"G0": 1,
"G1": 1
"G2": 1,
"G3": 1,
"G0": 1
"G2": 1,
"G3": 1,
"G1": 1
"plan_id": "{\"chaincodes\":[{\"name\":\"auditoria-cc\"}]}",
"endorsements": {
Here is the log when it sends the proposals
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.894] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _endorse - starting layout plan 0
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.895] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _endorse_layout - start
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.895] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G2:0 - start
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.895] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G2:0 - send endorsement to
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.895] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G3:1 - start
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.895] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G3:1 - send endorsement to
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.895] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G0:2 - start
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.896] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G0:2 - send endorsement to
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.902] [WARN] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G0:2 - endorsement failed - Error: failed to execute transaction fe2fb28959f06b693e5b834ecfe5fab3aabe8e393f4cc1b2376db7b5aed9f096: error sending: txid: fe2fb28959f06b693e5b834ecfe5fab3aabe8e393f4cc1b2376db7b5aed9f096(auditoria-channel) exists
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.902] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G0:2 - not able to get a completed endorsement
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.902] [WARN] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G3:1 - endorsement failed - Error: failed to execute transaction fe2fb28959f06b693e5b834ecfe5fab3aabe8e393f4cc1b2376db7b5aed9f096: error sending: txid: fe2fb28959f06b693e5b834ecfe5fab3aabe8e393f4cc1b2376db7b5aed9f096(auditoria-channel) exists
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.902] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G3:1 - not able to get a completed endorsement
[2019-05-13 12:39:39.965] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G2:0 - endorsement completed to - 200
initialization log
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.543] [DEBUG] Helper - getClientForOrg - ****** END Org1 test1
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.544] [DEBUG] invoke-chaincode - Successfully got the fabric client for the organization "Org1"
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.544] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getChannel - name auditoria-channel
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.544] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.546] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org1
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.546] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.546] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.547] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.547] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.547] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org1
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.547] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.547] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.547] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.547] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.547] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: _addPeersToChannel - - grpcs://localhost:7051
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.547] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.548] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org1
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.548] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.548] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.548] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.548] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.548] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org2
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.548] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.548] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.548] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.549] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.549] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org2
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.549] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.549] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.549] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.549] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.549] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: _addPeersToChannel - - grpcs://localhost:8051
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.550] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.553] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org1
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.553] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.554] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.554] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.554] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.555] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org2
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.555] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.555] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.555] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.555] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.555] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org3
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.555] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.555] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.556] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.556] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.556] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org3
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.556] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.556] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.556] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.556] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.556] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: _addPeersToChannel - - grpcs://localhost:9051
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.556] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.557] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org1
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.557] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.557] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.557] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.558] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.558] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org2
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.559] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.559] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.559] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.559] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.559] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org3
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.559] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.559] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.559] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.559] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.560] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org4
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.560] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.560] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.560] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.560] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.560] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrganization - name Org4
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.560] [DEBUG] Helper - [Organization.js]: Organization.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.560] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getPeer - name, channel_org: undefined
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.560] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getCertificateAuthority - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.560] [DEBUG] Helper - [CertificateAuthority.js]: CertificateAuthority.const
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.561] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: _addPeersToChannel - - grpcs://localhost:10051
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.561] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: getOrderer - name
[2019-05-13 17:31:18.563] [DEBUG] Helper - [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: initialize -
When i do channel.getChannelPeers() i get a list with the peers and the correct names are in it.
[ ChannelPeer {
_mspid: 'Org1MSP',
Channel {
_name: 'auditoria-channel',
_channel_peers: [Object],
_anchor_peers: [],
_orderers: [Object],
_kafka_brokers: [],
_clientContext: [Object],
_msp_manager: [Object],
_discovery_interests: [Object],
_discovery_results: [Object],
_last_discover_timestamp: 1557779840912,
_use_discovery: true,
_as_localhost: true,
_endorsement_handler: [Object],
_commit_handler: [Object],
_last_refresh_request: [Object] },
_name: '',
Peer {
_options: [Object],
clientCert: undefined,
_url: 'grpcs://localhost:7051',
_endpoint: [Object],
_name: '',
_request_timeout: 45000,
_grpc_wait_for_ready_timeout: 3000,
_endorserClient: [Object],
_discoveryClient: [Object] },
{ endorsingPeer: true,
chaincodeQuery: true,
ledgerQuery: true,
eventSource: true } },
ChannelPeer {
_mspid: 'Org2MSP',
Channel {
_name: 'auditoria-channel',
_channel_peers: [Object],
_anchor_peers: [],
_orderers: [Object],
_kafka_brokers: [],
_clientContext: [Object],
_msp_manager: [Object],
_discovery_interests: [Object],
_discovery_results: [Object],
_last_discover_timestamp: 1557779840912,
_use_discovery: true,
_as_localhost: true,
_endorsement_handler: [Object],
_commit_handler: [Object],
_last_refresh_request: [Object] },
_name: '',
Peer {
_options: [Object],
clientCert: undefined,
_url: 'grpcs://localhost:8051',
_endpoint: [Object],
_name: '',
_request_timeout: 45000,
_grpc_wait_for_ready_timeout: 3000,
_endorserClient: [Object],
_discoveryClient: [Object] },
{ endorsingPeer: true,
chaincodeQuery: true,
ledgerQuery: true,
eventSource: true } },
ChannelPeer {
_mspid: 'Org3MSP',
Channel {
_name: 'auditoria-channel',
_channel_peers: [Object],
_anchor_peers: [],
_orderers: [Object],
_kafka_brokers: [],
_clientContext: [Object],
_msp_manager: [Object],
_discovery_interests: [Object],
_discovery_results: [Object],
_last_discover_timestamp: 1557779840912,
_use_discovery: true,
_as_localhost: true,
_endorsement_handler: [Object],
_commit_handler: [Object],
_last_refresh_request: [Object] },
_name: '',
Peer {
_options: [Object],
clientCert: undefined,
_url: 'grpcs://localhost:9051',
_endpoint: [Object],
_name: '',
_request_timeout: 45000,
_grpc_wait_for_ready_timeout: 3000,
_endorserClient: [Object],
_discoveryClient: [Object] },
{ endorsingPeer: true,
chaincodeQuery: true,
ledgerQuery: true,
eventSource: true } },
ChannelPeer {
_mspid: 'Org4MSP',
Channel {
_name: 'auditoria-channel',
_channel_peers: [Object],
_anchor_peers: [],
_orderers: [Object],
_kafka_brokers: [],
_clientContext: [Object],
_msp_manager: [Object],
_discovery_interests: [Object],
_discovery_results: [Object],
_last_discover_timestamp: 1557779840912,
_use_discovery: true,
_as_localhost: true,
_endorsement_handler: [Object],
_commit_handler: [Object],
_last_refresh_request: [Object] },
_name: '',
Peer {
_options: [Object],
clientCert: undefined,
_url: 'grpcs://localhost:10051',
_endpoint: [Object],
_name: '',
_request_timeout: 45000,
_grpc_wait_for_ready_timeout: 3000,
_endorserClient: [Object],
_discoveryClient: [Object] },
When the NodeSDK application is running first level and is working with a fabric network in a local virtual environment where the peer addresses are seen as "localhost", the port addresses in the virtual environment must also be unique. In the docker-compose when mapping the virtual port to a real port it is easiest to use the same address. Notice in the following example that port address defined the virtual environment is the same as the host mapping.
- CORE_VM_ENDPOINT=unix:///host/var/run/docker.sock
- CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/peerOrg2/msp
- 8051:8051
Keep in mind that the host name must also be mapped from the virtual name to "localhost", this is done by using the connect option "aslocalhost:true" when the channel is initialized.
await channel.initialize({discover:true, asLocalhost:true})
Hope the following will help
Could we see a debug log of when the channel was initialized. It would be helpful to see the Discovery results being read in from the Peer's Discovery Service. The Peer's name seen in the endorsement plan does not come from the Discovery Service, this is a name assigned by the NodeSDK and these should be unique and contain the host and port. Since they are not unique, the same Peer is indeed being used.

fabric-ca-server is not able to start with softhsm configuration

I have enabled the PKCS11 in fabric ca , but when starting the fabric-ca-server natively then throwing below error. Please note it works fine with default SW option.
Checkout the fabric-ca v1.3.0
Update BCCSP property as below
default: PKCS11
library: /usr/local/lib/softhsm/
pin: daily123
label: org1label
hash: SHA2
security: 256
# The directory used for the software file-based keystore
keystore: msp/keystore
Run server with command
./fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw -d
Error2018/10/12 07:27:01 [INFO] Configuration file location: /opt/gopath/bin/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
2018/10/12 07:27:01 [INFO] Starting server in home directory: /opt/gopath/bin
2018/10/12 07:27:01 [INFO] Server Version: 1.3.0
2018/10/12 07:27:01 [INFO] Server Levels: &{Identity:1 Affiliation:1 Certificate:1 Credential:1 RAInfo:1 Nonce:1}
2018/10/12 07:27:01 [DEBUG] Making server filenames absolute
2018/10/12 07:27:01 [DEBUG] Initializing default CA in directory /opt/gopath/bin
2018/10/12 07:27:01 [DEBUG] Init CA with home /opt/gopath/bin and config {Version:1.3.0 Cfg:{Identities:{AllowRemove:false} Affiliations:{AllowRemove:false}} CA:{Name: Keyfile: Certfile:ca-cert.pem Chainfile:ca-chain.pem} Signing:0xc4204ce7d0 CSR:{CN:fabric-ca-server Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[safenet localhost] KeyRequest:0xc4204b1ac0 CA:0xc4204b1b40 SerialNumber:} Registry:{MaxEnrollments:-1 Identities:[{ Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1 hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:* hf.AffiliationMgr:1] }]} Affiliations:map[org2:[department1] org1:[department1 department2]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****#<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }} } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }} } CSP:0xc4204de060 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName: } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509 }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile: IssuerSecretKeyfile: RevocationPublicKeyfile: RevocationPrivateKeyfile: RHPoolSize:1000 NonceExpiration:15s NonceSweepInterval:15m}}
2018/10/12 07:27:01 [DEBUG] CA Home Directory: /opt/gopath/bin
2018/10/12 07:27:01 [DEBUG] Checking configuration file version '1.3.0' against server version: '1.3.0'
2018/10/12 07:27:01 [DEBUG] Initializing BCCSP: &{ProviderName:PKCS11 SwOpts:<nil> PluginOpts:<nil>}
2018/10/12 07:27:01 [DEBUG] Closing server DBs
Error: Failed to initialize BCCSP Factories: %!s(<nil>)
Could not find defaultPKCS11BCCSP
It works fine with latest fabric-ca images (as of now latest 1.4.0-snapshot-cb7353f).
If you use fabric-ca 1.3 code base, follow below steps to make it work
GO_TAGS=pkcs11 make fabric-ca-server
update fabric-ca-server-config.yaml with the softHSM data like token, label, pin, library (follow here
restart fabric-ca server with fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw
fabric-ca server is restarted as expected.

Cannot access user attribute using Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) in Hyperledger Fabric 1.1

I am trying out Attribute based access control using GoLang and facing an issue in getting the attribute in the chaincode. I'm using cid.GetAttributeValue() function and the function returns nothing. It prints blank and the found variable is set to false.
The things I have done are:
Registered a user defined attribute named "firstName" with value "*" to the admin. (Also tried setting it to a specific value)
Enrolled that admin to the network
Registered and enrolled the user with the same attribute "firstName" (with ecert flag set to true)
Invoked a chaincode to get the attribute value using the enrolled user
Snippets of relevant code have been attached below:
Fabric-CA-Server Config File
- name: admin
pass: adminpw
type: client
affiliation: ""
hf.Registrar.Roles: "*"
hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles: "*"
hf.Revoker: true
hf.IntermediateCA: true
hf.GenCRL: true
hf.Registrar.Attributes: "firstName"
hf.AffiliationMgr: true
firstName: "*"
Code for registering and enrolling an user.
user = {
enrollmentID: username,
affiliation: orgName + '.department1',
maxEnrollments: 5,
role: 'client',
attrs: [{ name: 'firstName', value: 'Mathan_sir', ecert: true }]
var enrollmentSecret = await fabric_CA_Client.register(user, admin);
console.log('client registered');
console.log('Successfully registered user - secret:' + enrollmentSecret);
var enrollment = await fabric_CA_Client.enroll({
enrollmentID: username,
enrollmentSecret: enrollmentSecret,
attr_reqs: [
{ name: "firstName", optional: false }
// { name: "lastName", optional: false }
value, found, err := cid.GetAttributeValue(stub, "firstName")
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("could not do abac")
fmt.Println("value is ", value)
fmt.Println("found is ", found)
Log in Fabric - CA :
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [INFO] Created default configuration file at /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [INFO] Starting server in home directory: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [INFO] Server Version: 1.2.0-stable
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [INFO] Server Levels: &{Identity:1 Affiliation:1 Certificate:1 Credential:1 RAInfo:1 Nonce:1}
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Default CA configuration, if necessary, will be used to replace missing values for additional CAs: {Version:1.2.0-stable Cfg:{Identities:{AllowRemove:false} Affiliations:{AllowRemove:false}} CA:{Name: Keyfile: Certfile:ca-cert.pem Chainfile:ca-chain.pem} Signing:0xc420555bc0 CSR:{CN:fabric-ca-server Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[e3c7da43b062 localhost] KeyRequest:<nil> CA:0xc4200ffec0 SerialNumber:} Registry:{MaxEnrollments:-1 Identities:[{ Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:* hf.AffiliationMgr:1 hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1] }]} Affiliations:map[org2:[department1] org1:[department1 department2]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****#<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }} } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }} } CSP:0xc4204e5080 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName: } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509 }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile: IssuerSecretKeyfile: RevocationPublicKeyfile: RevocationPrivateKeyfile: RHPoolSize:0 NonceExpiration: NonceSweepInterval:}}
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Additional CAs to be started: [/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/ca-config.yaml]
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [INFO] Loading CA from /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/ca-config.yaml
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] CA configuration after checking for missing values: &{Version:1.1.0 Cfg:{Identities:{AllowRemove:false} Affiliations:{AllowRemove:false}} CA:{Name:ca-org1 Keyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/3099498edb13f731965246b01e74514e4b80e978a058cf4cb9b99ab1408e2569_sk Certfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/ Chainfile:ca-chain.pem} Signing:0xc4205a0e50 CSR:{CN:fabric-ca-server Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[e3c7da43b062 localhost] KeyRequest:<nil> CA:0xc42059cea0 SerialNumber:} Registry:{MaxEnrollments:-1 Identities:[{ Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1 hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:firstName hf.AffiliationMgr:1 firstName:*] }]} Affiliations:map[org2:[department1] org1:[department1 department2]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****#<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }} } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }} } CSP:0xc42059eba0 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName: } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509 }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile: IssuerSecretKeyfile: RevocationPublicKeyfile: RevocationPrivateKeyfile: RHPoolSize:1000 NonceExpiration:15s NonceSweepInterval:15m}}
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Init CA with home /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca and config {Version:1.1.0 Cfg:{Identities:{AllowRemove:false} Affiliations:{AllowRemove:false}} CA:{Name:ca-org1 Keyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/3099498edb13f731965246b01e74514e4b80e978a058cf4cb9b99ab1408e2569_sk Certfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/ Chainfile:ca-chain.pem} Signing:0xc4205a0e50 CSR:{CN:fabric-ca-server Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[e3c7da43b062 localhost] KeyRequest:<nil> CA:0xc42059cea0 SerialNumber:} Registry:{MaxEnrollments:-1 Identities:[{ Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.AffiliationMgr:1 firstName:* hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1 hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:firstName] }]} Affiliations:map[org2:[department1] org1:[department1 department2]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****#<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }} } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }} } CSP:0xc42059eba0 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName: } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509 }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile: IssuerSecretKeyfile: RevocationPublicKeyfile: RevocationPrivateKeyfile: RHPoolSize:1000 NonceExpiration:15s NonceSweepInterval:15m}}
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] CA Home Directory: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Checking configuration file version '1.1.0' against server version: '1.2.0-stable'
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Initializing BCCSP: &{ProviderName:SW SwOpts:0xc42059ec00 PluginOpts:<nil> Pkcs11Opts:<nil>}
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Initializing BCCSP with software options &{SecLevel:256 HashFamily:SHA2 Ephemeral:false FileKeystore:0xc4205a1890 DummyKeystore:<nil>}
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Initialize key material
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Making CA filenames absolute
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [INFO] The CA key and certificate files already exist
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [INFO] Key file location: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/3099498edb13f731965246b01e74514e4b80e978a058cf4cb9b99ab1408e2569_sk
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [INFO] Certificate file location: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Validating the CA certificate and key
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Check CA certificate for valid dates
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Check CA certificate for valid usages
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Check CA certificate for valid IsCA value
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Check that key type is supported
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Check that key size is of appropriate length
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Check that public key and private key match
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Validation of CA certificate and key successful
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Loading CN from existing enrollment information
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Initializing DB
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Initializing 'sqlite3' database at '/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/fabric-ca-server.db'
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Using sqlite database, connect to database in home (/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/fabric-ca-server.db) directory
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Creating SQLite database (/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/fabric-ca-server.db) if it does not exist...
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Creating users table if it does not exist
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Creating affiliations table if it does not exist
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Creating certificates table if it does not exist
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Creating credentials table if it does not exist
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Creating revocation_authority_info table if it does not exist
2018/07/17 04:23:00 [DEBUG] Creating nonces table if it does not exist
2018/07/17 04:23:01 [DEBUG] Creating properties table if it does not exist
2018/07/17 04:23:02 [DEBUG] Successfully opened sqlite3 DB
2018/07/17 04:23:02 [DEBUG] Checking database schema...
2018/07/17 04:23:02 [DEBUG] Update SQLite schema, if using outdated schema
2018/07/17 04:23:02 [DEBUG] Upgrade identities table
2018/07/17 04:23:02 [DEBUG] Creating users table if it does not exist
2018/07/17 04:23:03 [DEBUG] Upgrade affiliation table
2018/07/17 04:23:03 [DEBUG] Creating affiliations table if it does not exist
2018/07/17 04:23:04 [DEBUG] Upgrade certificates table
2018/07/17 04:23:04 [DEBUG] Creating certificates table if it does not exist
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] Initializing identity registry
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] Initialized DB identity registry
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] DB: Get properties [identity.level affiliation.level certificate.level]
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] Checking database levels 'map[affiliation.level:0 certificate.level:0 identity.level:0]' against server levels '&{Identity:1 Affiliation:1 Certificate:1 Credential:1 RAInfo:1 Nonce:1}'
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] Loading identity table
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] Loading identity 'admin'
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity admin
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] Max enrollment value verification - User specified max enrollment: 0, CA max enrollment: -1
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] DB: Add identity admin
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] Successfully added identity admin to the database
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] Registered identity: { Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:-1 Attrs:map[hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1 hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:firstName hf.AffiliationMgr:1 firstName:* hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:*] }
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] Successfully loaded identity table
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] Loading affiliations table
2018/07/17 04:23:05 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org2
2018/07/17 04:23:06 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org2' added
2018/07/17 04:23:06 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org2.department1
2018/07/17 04:23:07 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org2.department1' added
2018/07/17 04:23:07 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1
2018/07/17 04:23:07 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1' added
2018/07/17 04:23:07 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1.department1
2018/07/17 04:23:08 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1.department1' added
2018/07/17 04:23:08 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1.department2
2018/07/17 04:23:08 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1.department2' added
2018/07/17 04:23:08 [DEBUG] Successfully loaded affiliations table
2018/07/17 04:23:08 [DEBUG] Checking and performing migration, if needed
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] Initializing enrollment signer
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] No key found in BCCSP keystore, attempting fallback
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] validating configuration
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] validate local profile
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] profile is valid
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] validate local profile
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] profile is valid
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] validate local profile
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] profile is valid
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] CA initialization successful
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [INFO] The issuer key was successfully stored. The public key is at: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/IssuerPublicKey, secret key is at: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/msp/keystore/IssuerSecretKey
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [INFO] The revocation key was successfully stored. The public key is at: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/IssuerRevocationPublicKey, private key is at: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/msp/keystore/IssuerRevocationPrivateKey
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] Comparing DNs from certificates: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/ and /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca-cert.pem
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] Loading DNs from certificate /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] Loading DNs from certificate /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca-cert.pem
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] Check to see if two DNs are equal - &{,,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US,,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US} and &{,OU=WWW,O=Internet Widgets\, Inc.,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US,OU=WWW,O=Internet Widgets\, Inc.,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US}
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [INFO] Home directory for default CA: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [DEBUG] 2 CA instance(s) running on server
2018/07/17 04:23:18 [INFO] Listening on
2018/07/17 04:38:12 [DEBUG] Cleaning up expired nonces for CA 'ca-org1'
2018/07/17 04:38:18 [DEBUG] Cleaning up expired nonces for CA ''
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] Received request for /api/v1/enroll
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] ca.Config: &{Version:1.1.0 Cfg:{Identities:{AllowRemove:false} Affiliations:{AllowRemove:false}} CA:{Name:ca-org1 Keyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/3099498edb13f731965246b01e74514e4b80e978a058cf4cb9b99ab1408e2569_sk Certfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/ Chainfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/ca-chain.pem} Signing:0xc4205a0e50 CSR:{ Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[e3c7da43b062 localhost] KeyRequest:<nil> CA:0xc42059cea0 SerialNumber:} Registry:{MaxEnrollments:-1 Identities:[{ Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1 hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:firstName hf.AffiliationMgr:1 firstName:* hf.Registrar.Roles:*] }]} Affiliations:map[org2:[department1] org1:[department1 department2]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****#<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }} } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }} } CSP:0xc42059eba0 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName: } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509 }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/IssuerPublicKey IssuerSecretKeyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/msp/keystore/IssuerSecretKey RevocationPublicKeyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/IssuerRevocationPublicKey RevocationPrivateKeyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/msp/keystore/IssuerRevocationPrivateKey RHPoolSize:1000 NonceExpiration:15s NonceSweepInterval:15m}}
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity admin
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] DB: Login user admin with max enrollments of -1 and state of 0
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] DB: identity admin successfully logged in
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity admin
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] Processing sign request: id=admin, CommonName=admin, Subject=<nil>
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] Request is not for a CA signing certificate
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] Checking CSR fields to make sure that they do not exceed maximum character limits
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] Finished processing sign request
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity admin
2018-07-17T04:46:57.558556370Z 2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] Attribute extension being added to certificate is: &{ID:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1] Critical:false Value:7b226174747273223a7b2266697273744e616d65223a222a222c2268662e5265676973747261722e41747472696275746573223a2266697273744e616d65227d7d}
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] Adding attribute extension to CSR: &{ID:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1] Critical:false Value:7b226174747273223a7b2266697273744e616d65223a222a222c2268662e5265676973747261722e41747472696275746573223a2266697273744e616d65227d7d}
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [INFO] signed certificate with serial number 624665886532998504441151201588115183399742601456
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] DB: Insert Certificate
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] Saved serial number as hex 6d6afcb3ed661e7f059b8a0b51829330fdfdf8f0
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] saved certificate with serial number 624665886532998504441151201588115183399742601456
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [DEBUG] Successfully incremented state for identity admin to 1
2018/07/17 04:46:57 [INFO] POST /api/v1/enroll 201 0 "OK"
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Received request for /api/v1/register
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Checking for revocation/expiration of certificate owned by 'admin'
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: Get certificate by serial (6d6afcb3ed661e7f059b8a0b51829330fdfdf8f0) and aki (3099498edb13f731965246b01e74514e4b80e978a058cf4cb9b99ab1408e2569)
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity admin
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Successful token authentication of 'admin'
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Received registration request from admin: { Name:vijay Type:client Secret:**** MaxEnrollments:5 Affiliation:org1.department1 Attributes:[{firstName Lohith true}] CAName:ca-org1 }
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] canRegister - Check to see if user 'admin' can register
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Checking to see if caller 'admin' can act on type 'client'
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Checking to see if caller 'admin' is a registrar
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Validating affiliation: org1.department1
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Checking to see if affiliation 'org1.department1' contains caller's affiliation ''
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Caller has root affiliation
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: Get affiliation org1.department1
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Checking to see if registrar can register the requested attributes: [{Name:firstName Value:Lohith ECert:true}]
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Validating that registrar with the following values for hf.Registrar.Attributes 'firstName' is authorized to register the requested attribute '&{Name:firstName Value:Lohith ECert:true}'
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Checking if registrar can register attribute: firstName
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Performing authorization check...
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Registering user id: vijay
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Max enrollment value verification - User specified max enrollment: 5, CA max enrollment: -1
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity vijay
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: Add identity vijay
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Successfully added identity vijay to the database
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [INFO] POST /api/v1/register 201 0 "OK"
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Received request for /api/v1/enroll
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] ca.Config: &{Version:1.1.0 Cfg:{Identities:{AllowRemove:false} Affiliations:{AllowRemove:false}} CA:{Name:ca-org1 Keyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/3099498edb13f731965246b01e74514e4b80e978a058cf4cb9b99ab1408e2569_sk Certfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/ Chainfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/ca-chain.pem} Signing:0xc4205a0e50 CSR:{ Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[e3c7da43b062 localhost] KeyRequest:<nil> CA:0xc42059cea0 SerialNumber:} Registry:{MaxEnrollments:-1 Identities:[{ Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:firstName hf.AffiliationMgr:1 firstName:* hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1] }]} Affiliations:map[org2:[department1] org1:[department1 department2]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****#<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }} } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }} } CSP:0xc42059eba0 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName: } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509 }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/IssuerPublicKey IssuerSecretKeyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/msp/keystore/IssuerSecretKey RevocationPublicKeyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/IssuerRevocationPublicKey RevocationPrivateKeyfile:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca/msp/keystore/IssuerRevocationPrivateKey RHPoolSize:1000 NonceExpiration:15s NonceSweepInterval:15m}}
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity vijay
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: Login user vijay with max enrollments of 5 and state of 0
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: identity vijay successfully logged in
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity vijay
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Processing sign request: id=vijay, CommonName=vijay, Subject=<nil>
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Request is not for a CA signing certificate
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Checking CSR fields to make sure that they do not exceed maximum character limits
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Finished processing sign request
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity vijay
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Attribute extension being added to certificate is: &{ID:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1] Critical:false Value:7b226174747273223a7b2266697273744e616d65223a224c6f68697468227d7d}
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Adding attribute extension to CSR: &{ID:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1] Critical:false Value:7b226174747273223a7b2266697273744e616d65223a224c6f68697468227d7d}
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [INFO] signed certificate with serial number 124540954052671924407683868974981960232864106719
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] DB: Insert Certificate
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Saved serial number as hex 15d09c09d65b92d0f28dc7287fdd01d52764c8df
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] saved certificate with serial number 124540954052671924407683868974981960232864106719
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [DEBUG] Successfully incremented state for identity vijay to 1
2018/07/17 04:47:02 [INFO] POST /api/v1/enroll 201 0 "OK"
I suggest trying the following:
Adding more conditional statements in order to evaluate what is going wrong with your application, such as something like:
func (t* SimpleChaincode) get_attribute(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
var attribute_name string
if len(args) != 1 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting only attribute name")
attribute_name = args[0]
val, ok, err := cid.GetAttributeValue(stub, attribute_name)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("Error retriving attribute " + attribute_name + ", error: " + err.Error())
if !ok {
return shim.Error("User does not have attribute " + attribute_name)
return shim.Success([]byte(val))
Reviewing an example of how to query chaincode:
var Fabric_Client = require('fabric-client');
var path = require('path');
var util = require('util');
var os = require('os');
var fabric_client = new Fabric_Client();
var attribute = ''
var user = ''
if ((process.argv).length > 3) {
user = process.argv[2]
attribute = process.argv[3]
} else {
console.log("Usage: node " + process.argv[1] + " username attribute")
// setup the fabric network
var channel = fabric_client.newChannel('mychannel');
var peer = fabric_client.newPeer('grpc://');
var member_user = null;
var store_path = path.join(__dirname, 'hfc-key-store');
console.log('Store path:'+store_path);
var tx_id = null;
// create the key value store as defined in the fabric-client/config/default.json 'key-value-store' setting
Fabric_Client.newDefaultKeyValueStore({ path: store_path
}).then((state_store) => {
// assign the store to the fabric client
var crypto_suite = Fabric_Client.newCryptoSuite();
// use the same location for the state store (where the users' certificate are kept)
// and the crypto store (where the users' keys are kept)
var crypto_store = Fabric_Client.newCryptoKeyStore({path: store_path});
// get the enrolled user from persistence, this user will sign all requests
return fabric_client.getUserContext(user, true);
}).then((user_from_store) => {
if (user_from_store && user_from_store.isEnrolled()) {
console.log('Successfully loaded ' + user + ' from persistence');
member_user = user_from_store;
} else {
throw new Error('Failed to get ' + user + ' run registerUser.js');
// queryCar chaincode function - requires 1 argument, ex: args: ['CAR4'],
// queryAllCars chaincode function - requires no arguments , ex: args: [''],
const request = {
//targets : --- letting this default to the peers assigned to the channel
chaincodeId: 'acl',
fcn: 'get_attribute',
args: [attribute]
// send the query proposal to the peer
return channel.queryByChaincode(request);
}).then((query_responses) => {
console.log("Query has completed, checking results");
// query_responses could have more than one results if there multiple peers were used as targets
if (query_responses && query_responses.length == 1) {
if (query_responses[0] instanceof Error) {
console.error("error from query = ", query_responses[0]);
} else {
console.log("Response is ", query_responses[0].toString());
} else {
console.log("No payloads were returned from query");
}).catch((err) => {
console.error('Failed to query successfully :: ' + err);
Source URL for code:
Implementing ABAC
It wasn't clear to me how you are enforcing the decision making for your ABAC with Hyperledger Fabric. My understanding is that Hyperledger Fabric doesn't come with a built in architecture to handle this (PDP, etc.). I suggest using an implementation of XACML to externally handle dynamic authorization.
If you are using
var tx_id = client.newTransactionID(true);
try setting it to
var tx_id = client.newTransactionID();

Error trying to invoke chaincode using Node.js SDK

I am trying to implement Node.js SDK for my Hyperledger Fabric business network. My network has one organisation, four peers, one channel, solo ordered and one CA.
I have successful managed to issue the JWT identity for user Jim and org1 organization.
When I try to invoke the the chaincode using:
curl -s -X POST \
http://localhost:4000/channels/c1/chaincodes/txman \
-H "authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MTAwODIyNzMsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSmltIiwib3JnTmFtZSI6Im9yZzEiLCJpYXQiOjE1MTAwNDYyNzN9.NTDYky6jj_y1COP163Z_HA6q4v7S1_jN6BxL00Bo-Xo" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
I am getting the following error:
2017-11-07 11:18:34.286] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Decoded from JWT token: username - Jim, orgname - org1
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.287] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ==================== INVOKE ON CHAINCODE ==================
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.287] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - USERNAME: Jim
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.287] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ORGNAME: org1
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.287] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - channelName : c1
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.288] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - chaincodeName : txman
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.288] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - fcn : queryTx
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.288] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - args : TX0
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.292] [DEBUG] invoke-chaincode -
============ invoke transaction on organization org1 ============
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.292] [DEBUG] Helper - [FileKeyValueStore.js]: FileKeyValueStore.js - constructor
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.293] [DEBUG] Helper - [FileKeyValueStore.js]: FileKeyValueStore -- getValue
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.298] [DEBUG] Helper - [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: importKey - start
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.298] [DEBUG] Helper - [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: importKey - have the key [Circular]
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.300] [DEBUG] Helper - [utils.CryptoKeyStore]: _getKeyStore resolving store
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.300] [DEBUG] Helper - [ecdsa/key.js]: ECDSA curve param X: c3cd1a318e957b0200852e4ed6c9601eadc8225eb9f79acc11b1c65df142446a
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.300] [DEBUG] Helper - [ecdsa/key.js]: ECDSA curve param Y: f7bbe9fd43eaae1a0a1d2eb3024ecd79bd63c39a8d1b3b978bc8b4a652d0ef63
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.301] [DEBUG] Helper - [FileKeyValueStore.js]: FileKeyValueStore -- setValue
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.303] [DEBUG] Helper - [utils.CryptoKeyStore]: _getKeyStore resolving store
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.303] [DEBUG] Helper - [FileKeyValueStore.js]: FileKeyValueStore -- getValue
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.304] [DEBUG] Helper - [ecdsa/key.js]: ECDSA curve param X: c3cd1a318e957b0200852e4ed6c9601eadc8225eb9f79acc11b1c65df142446a
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.304] [DEBUG] Helper - [ecdsa/key.js]: ECDSA curve param Y: f7bbe9fd43eaae1a0a1d2eb3024ecd79bd63c39a8d1b3b978bc8b4a652d0ef63
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.305] [DEBUG] Helper - [ecdsa/key.js]: ECDSA curve param X: c3cd1a318e957b0200852e4ed6c9601eadc8225eb9f79acc11b1c65df142446a
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.306] [DEBUG] Helper - [ecdsa/key.js]: ECDSA curve param Y: f7bbe9fd43eaae1a0a1d2eb3024ecd79bd63c39a8d1b3b978bc8b4a652d0ef63
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.308] [DEBUG] Helper - [ecdsa/key.js]: ECDSA curve param X: c3cd1a318e957b0200852e4ed6c9601eadc8225eb9f79acc11b1c65df142446a
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.308] [DEBUG] Helper - [ecdsa/key.js]: ECDSA curve param Y: f7bbe9fd43eaae1a0a1d2eb3024ecd79bd63c39a8d1b3b978bc8b4a652d0ef63
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.309] [DEBUG] Helper - [FileKeyValueStore.js]: FileKeyValueStore -- setValue
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.309] [INFO] Helper - Successfully loaded member from persistence
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.313] [DEBUG] invoke-chaincode - Sending transaction "{"_nonce":{"type":"Buffer","data":[218,130,209,154,87,123,73,36,118,155,194,91,27,250,14,216,117,202,164,5,16,237,96,208]},"_transaction_id":"dba107be47745c51eb75b6a927d68f0afd58b325c5e36326b40a729f9d858f43"}"
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.341] [DEBUG] Helper - [crypto_ecdsa_aes]: ecdsa signature: Signature {
r: <BN: cf5e0aaef0fd10d9abf468e025c6f6c1e8991d0dcddf5f5aa6b285ebdcd920ad>,
s: <BN: 8de356dcfda3ba3fb0d6decfc0e43995b3297bc7037fd3997bfba561e6d626d>,
recoveryParam: 0 }
error: [client-utils.js]: sendPeersProposal - Promise is rejected: Error: Failed to deserialize creator identity, err The supplied identity is not valid, Verify() returned x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "x509: ECDSA verification failure" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "")
at /home/brankoterzic/Desktop/devGC/txman/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:554:15
error: [client-utils.js]: sendPeersProposal - Promise is rejected: Error: Failed to deserialize creator identity, err The supplied identity is not valid, Verify() returned x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "x509: ECDSA verification failure" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "")
at /home/brankoterzic/Desktop/devGC/txman/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:554:15
error: [client-utils.js]: sendPeersProposal - Promise is rejected: Error: Failed to deserialize creator identity, err The supplied identity is not valid, Verify() returned x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "x509: ECDSA verification failure" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "")
at /home/brankoterzic/Desktop/devGC/txman/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:554:15
error: [client-utils.js]: sendPeersProposal - Promise is rejected: Error: Failed to deserialize creator identity, err The supplied identity is not valid, Verify() returned x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "x509: ECDSA verification failure" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "")
at /home/brankoterzic/Desktop/devGC/txman/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:554:15
error: [client-utils.js]: sendPeersProposal - Promise is rejected: Error: Failed to deserialize creator identity, err The supplied identity is not valid, Verify() returned x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "x509: ECDSA verification failure" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "")
at /home/brankoterzic/Desktop/devGC/txman/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:554:15
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.400] [ERROR] invoke-chaincode - transaction proposal was bad
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.401] [ERROR] invoke-chaincode - transaction proposal was bad
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.401] [ERROR] invoke-chaincode - transaction proposal was bad
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.401] [ERROR] invoke-chaincode - transaction proposal was bad
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.401] [ERROR] invoke-chaincode - transaction proposal was bad
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.401] [ERROR] invoke-chaincode - Failed to send Proposal or receive valid response. Response null or status is not 200. exiting...
[2017-11-07 11:18:34.401] [ERROR] invoke-chaincode - Failed to order the transaction. Error code: undefined
I was following the balance-transfer Node.js example:
Thank you for your answers!
I have solved this by setting up the generated crypto for CA
in docker-compose-base.yaml env variable.
