Design Preview console is Loading since last two weeeks - android-studio

Design preview console of my android studio stuck at loading. I can't find the solution for that even and reinstalled it.

I had faced the same problem a long time ago.
So what you need to do is go to the View option on the top taskbar. Choose the Tool Windows suboption and inside it remove and add the Preview panel.
View>>Tool Windows>>Preview
This fixed the problem for me. If it does for you as well, do let me know.


Is there a way to keep quick documentation on one screen in newest version of Android Studio?

My setup is a main display set above my laptop screen. I've recently upgraded to the newest version of Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1 on Windows 11 after a couple months away and now the quick docs bleed down into my laptop screen:
I've downgraded again to Chipmunk 2021.2.1 to confirm that the quick docs used to stay on the main display:
As both my main and my laptop display are the same resolution, but different sizes, it offsets and shrinks half of the quick docs window, not to mention separates it with a taskbar and two bezels, which makes them unreadable most of the time. I'd much prefer the old way.
Am I missing some setting or is this a bug (or intended feature)?
I've browsed and searched through the settings, but found no way to revert the way the quick docs are displayed. I've done a google search and found noone experiencing the same issue.
EDIT: After tinkering a bit I found that clicking on code and pressing the ctrl+Q shortcut makes the quick docs draw on main display as expected. Only on hovering over code does the above problem appear. I've reported it as a bug

visual layout editor does not allow drag&drop

I'am a newby in android studio and learning a lot, but now have a problem where i cannot seem to find the answer to.
In android studio you can visualy drag&drop your screen.
I have seen it can do al lot (although you sometimes need the xml) but for me it is not working at all.
I mean i cannot drag&drop any widgets on the screen at all.
Tried changing the theme: no help (really tried a lot of them)
Tried a complete new project: same story
Tried other APK verion: same story
Tried Invalidatd caches / restart: no help
Even with a new project (EmptyActivity) it add's a and then gives error's on that
(Failed to find style 'coordinatorLayoutStyle' in current theme).
It also gives an error on layout_height/layout_with not being there. But they are there for each widget.
Please do not missunderstand: when i execute the project i runs just fine (both on phone and emulator) but the visual builder for the screen.....:-(
Does somebody knows how to solve this.
If more info is needed please ask.
Any help is more than welcome.
There are several things that could be causing this:
Your caches could be messed up. Try going to
File > Invalidate Caches / Restart ... (I know that you already tried this, but posting for future views.)
Also, make sure that you don't have Drag-n-Drop with ALT pressed only checked in your Settings (Appearance & Behavior - Appearance).
Finally, in a default project created in Android Studio, there are two XML files created for each layout. For example, content_main.xml is embedded within activity_main.xml. Make sure that you are using content_main.xml for your design work.
In the end i fixed it by changing the SDK version in de gradle file.
still do not understand why it was wrong as studio genereded it that way but now it works so.... for me: case closed.

Visual Studio: CTRL-TAB doesn't always work

This post originally related to "Visual Studio", but affects other similar applications.
There are a number of posts dealing with a problem where the tab navigation panel appears but requires a click etc to dismiss. These seem to be solved by fiddling with the magnifyer, narrator etc. None of these solutions apply to my problem - which is that, in VS2012, ctrl-tab brings up the two-column navigation panel, repeated presses of tab moves through the lists as normal, but, on release of both keys, the focussed tab is NOT changed. With the nav panel displayed, you can click on it with the mouse and the focussed tab is changed as expected.
The issue seems to have arisen after installing VS2012. VS2010 is also installed and oddly now also exhibits the same problem, even though I have never had the problem until now. When you re-start VS, all works fine, but after a time ctrl-tab stops working normally. It has been seen to stop working without doing anything other than pressing ctrl-tab a few times i.e. not going to any other VS panel or doing a build etc.
This is a major problem with productivity as I use this constantly to switch between tabs. I know that I can change the shortcut to switch between documents without showing the navigation panel, but I prefer to see this panel, rather than switching 'blind'.
Does anyone know why this might be happening or how to fix it? I have done a full Windows update (Svr 2008 R2).
NOTE1 - I now see the same problem with a new installation of VS2013 and also in SQL Server Management Studio 2012 - on ctrl-tab you see the two-col panel but whatever you select doesn't change the pane in view (unless you click the panel with the mouse).
When ctrl-tab is not working in the VS-based apps, it DOES continue working in, say, Notepad++, which suggests an MS-VS problem.
NOTE2 - The problem does not exist when you use the on-screen keyboard! It seems that using the OSK causes ctr-tab to work again with the real keyboard, but it breaks quickly when you start almost any other application, but it always works with the OSK. The problem is unrelated to the physical keyboard as I have tried other keyboards.

visual studio 2012 puts a small number in the top left corner of my screen

I am wondering if anyone else has had this issue with visual studio (or a VS extension because I have a few installed) and what is causing this? The number goes away when I close visual studio and I have not been able to figure our what is causing this. The number is overlayed on my desktop and not just visual studio. It covers all other windows I have open as well telling me it's set to be always on top.
Anyone else come across this issue or what is causing it?
I figured it out!
This has been bothering me for years. I finally just sat down and solved the problem. Basically, VS has this little known feature where you can navigate through code lens with just your keyboard. If you press Alt for a couple of seconds, you will see numbers just like the ones that appear at the top of your screen above your current method. To fix it, just long press Alt again and the number should go away. If you have many VS instances open you might have to go through them one by one.
I don't have significant reputation to comment, but I am experiencing this both with VS2013 and VS2015 too. The only extension I have installed is Resharper.
My research shows that it is caused by the hover text / overlays from various components. The only way I have found to get rid of them is to close the Visual Studio IDE window responsible.

can't get logcat to work android studio

I've been trying to figure out why my app isn't working, but I can't find Logcat! I just uploaded the new Android Studio release. I've researched and found out where to look to get this message:
ddms: Can't bind to local 8610 for debugger
All the answers I see on SO are for Eclipse. I looked at the developer page, yet for DDMS, it sends you to another page that is full of information for running DDMS in Eclipse!
Please, need some help here! I mean if the dev page is wrong, can't someone show a little love? (Instead of knocking me down 4 points like yesterday. should left in the note I couldn't find my logcat but I was embarrassed.... now not so much .... )
thanks in advance.
I had to open the Android Device Manager to get at the Logcat. It would not scroll through the regular window when the app quit working like it used to (previous to yesterday's and today's updates to Android Studio). As such, I cannot copy and paste code, but can use snagit to capture pngs to post. Thank you. This question is closed.
Check if you have hided it...If it is hiding problems the go through given image to display it or ALT + 6
