How to plot a multicolum file in gnuplot - colors
I am having a multicoulum file and after certain rows it has a row break.
It looks like
# SET: 1
0.00000 -62.49368 0.07000
0.00639 -62.49367 0.07000
0.01276 -62.49367 0.07000
0.01914 -62.49366 0.07000
0.02553 -62.49365 0.07000
0.03190 -62.49364 0.07000
0.03829 -62.49362 0.07000
0.04467 -62.49361 0.07000
0.05106 -62.49359 0.07000
0.05743 -62.49356 0.07000
# SET: 2
0.00000 -62.49342 0.07000
0.00639 -62.49342 0.07000
0.01276 -62.49341 0.07000
0.01914 -62.49340 0.07000
0.02553 -62.49339 0.07000
0.03190 -62.49338 0.07000
0.03829 -62.49337 0.07000
0.04467 -62.49335 0.07000
# SET: 3
0.00000 -62.47334 0.07000
0.00639 -62.47225 0.07000
0.01276 -62.47228 0.07000
0.01914 -62.47231 0.07000
0.02553 -62.47236 0.07000
0.03190 -62.47242 0.07000
0.03829 -62.47248 0.07000
0.04467 -62.47256 0.07000
0.05106 -62.47264 0.07000
0.05743 -62.47273 0.07000
0.06381 -62.47283 0.07000
0.07020 -62.47296 0.07000
0.07657 -62.47296 0.07000
and so on.
My plot is produced using
plot 'data' u 1:2 w l lc 2
The y-axis data are around zero from some negative to positive scale alining along x-axis.
I want to make top line just below the zero and just above the zero (horizontal line at Y=0 at) with different colour.
The data set which is to be plotted near to Y=0 (along x-axis) from data file looks like ($2 will flip the sign from negative to positive)
# SET: 38
0.00000 -0.88752 0.07000
0.00639 -0.88731 0.07000
0.01276 -0.88751 0.07000
0.01914 -0.88783 0.07000
0.02553 -0.88827 0.07000
0.03190 -0.88884 0.07000
0.03829 -0.88954 0.07000
0.04467 -0.89036 0.07000
0.05106 -0.89132 0.07000
0.05743 -0.89240 0.07000
# SET: 39
0.00000 2.02394 0.07000
0.00639 2.02456 0.07000
0.01276 2.02642 0.07000
0.01914 2.02950 0.07000
0.02553 2.03379 0.07000
0.03190 2.03927 0.07000
0.03829 2.04590 0.07000
0.04467 2.05364 0.07000
0.05106 2.06264 0.07000
0.05743 2.07248 0.07000
0.06381 2.08330 0.07000
0.07020 2.09494 0.07000
0.07657 2.10755 0.07000
So basically I want to make the both the lines colorful which changes the sign at colum 2 from negative to positive. The line can be grepped using awk and grep commands and can be seen that after which SET $2 changes from negative to positive and then that SET index can be used in gnuplot to make the line colorful.
Unfortunately I do not know how to do it.
Hope I have explained it nicely. Please let me know if I need to clarify it more.
If I understand you correctly you want to have the line in one color (e.g. red 0xff0000) when the value in column 2 is smaller zero and and another color (e.g. green 0x00ff00) if it is larger zero. Simply define a function which returns a color code in the form of 0xRRGGBB.
Maybe something like this?
(If you are plotting from file skip the part $Data <<EOD ... EOD and in the plot command replace $Data with your filename, e.g. 'MyFile.dat'.
### color dependent on column value
reset session
$Data <<EOD
# SET: 38
0.00000 -0.88752 0.07000
0.00639 -0.88731 0.07000
0.01276 -0.88751 0.07000
0.01914 -0.88783 0.07000
0.02553 -0.88827 0.07000
0.03190 -0.88884 0.07000
0.03829 -0.88954 0.07000
0.04467 -0.89036 0.07000
0.05106 -0.89132 0.07000
0.05743 -0.89240 0.07000
# SET: 39
0.00000 2.02394 0.07000
0.00639 2.02456 0.07000
0.01276 2.02642 0.07000
0.01914 2.02950 0.07000
0.02553 2.03379 0.07000
0.03190 2.03927 0.07000
0.03829 2.04590 0.07000
0.04467 2.05364 0.07000
0.05106 2.06264 0.07000
0.05743 2.07248 0.07000
0.06381 2.08330 0.07000
0.07020 2.09494 0.07000
0.07657 2.10755 0.07000
myColor(n) = n<0 ? 0xff0000 : 0x00ff00
plot $Data u 1:2:(myColor($2)) w lp pt 7 lc rgb var notitle
### end of code
After clarification in the comments the following might be a possible solution.
You plot your data into a dummy table and check which is the last set which has column2-values smaller than zero. column(-1) contains the number of the set (counting starts from zero). Check also help pseudocolumns.
You modify your color function a bit and take the colors from an array.
Tested with gnuplot 5.2.6.
### color dependent on column value
reset session
# create some random test data
set print $Data
Sets = 30
GapPos = int(rand(0)*Sets/3)+Sets/3
GapSize = 3
f(x) = (x-GapPos)+rand(0)*0.5 + (x>=GapPos ? GapSize : 0)
do for [i=1:Sets] {
print "# SET: ".i
do for [j=1:10] {
print sprintf("%.4f %.4f", (j+rand(0))/10., f(i))
print "\n"
set print
# find the SET-no. where column 2 values change from negative to positive
set table $Dummy
plot $Data u (SetNo = $2<0 ? column(-1)+1 : SetNo) with table
unset table
# set the colors
array ArrColors[6] = [0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xff00ff, 0xffff00, 0x00ffff]
myColor(n) = n<SetNo-3 || n>=SetNo+3? 0xcccccc : ArrColors[n-SetNo+4]
plot $Data u 1:2:(myColor(column(-1))) w lp pt 7 lc rgb var notitle
### end of code
Gnuplot - How to join smoothly ordered points?
I've a set of data in three columns: 1st column: order criterion between 0 and 1 2nd: x vals 3rd: y vals As a data file example: 0.027 -29.3 -29.6 0.071 -26.0 -31.0 0.202 -14.0 -32.8 0.304 -3.4 -29.3 0.329 -0.5 -26.0 0.409 6.7 -14.0 0.458 11.7 -3.4 0.471 12.8 -0.5 0.495 12.5 6.7 0.588 18.8 11.7 0.600 20.4 12.8 0.618 20.8 12.5 0.674 20.9 18.8 0.754 22.1 20.4 0.810 27.0 20.8 0.874 24.7 20.9 0.892 9.4 22.1 0.911 -11.5 27.0 0.943 -23.7 24.7 0.962 -29.6 9.4 0.991 -31.0 -11.5 0.999 -32.8 -23.7 My goal is to plot (x,y) points and a trend curve passing through each points ordered in ascending order with the first column values. I use the following script: set terminal png small size 600,450 set output "my_data_mcsplines_joined_points.png" set table "table_interpolation.dat" plot 'my_data.dat' using 2:3 smooth mcsplines unset table plot 'my_data.dat' using 2:3:(sprintf("%'.3f", $1)) with labels point pt 7 offset char 1,1 notitle ,\ "table_interpolation.dat" with lines notitle Here mcspline results as an example: mcspline joined points figure The resulting curve should have the shape of a spindle or a loop. Whatever smooth options used, Gnuplot seems invalid to handle such aim. Unfortunatly most of smooth (mcspline, csplines...) options do a monotonic ordering of data. How can I plot a trend curve passing through each points ordered in ascending order with the first column values? Thanks.
I cannot post an image in a comment, and so place it here. I don't think a 2D plot will be sufficient, based on this 3D acatterplot of the data in your question.
Gnuplot date on x axis and missing data
I am trying to make a chart of data, which depends on time. I have this data: 01/1851 NaN 0.812 0.862 0.735 2.19 02/1851 NaN 1.739 1.733 1.695 1.875 03/1851 NaN 1.472 1.376 1.458 3.31 04/1851 NaN 1.847 1.775 1.828 6.06 05/1851 4.48 2.038 1.762 2.125 7.695 06/1851 10.06 0.347 0.276 0.383 5.48 07/1851 6.67 0.402 0.323 0.395 9.76 08/1851 3.21 1.57 1.469 1.421 8.62 09/1851 1.78 2.64 2.616 2.589 10.075 10/1851 3.7 1.269 1.314 1.137 4.295 11/1851 7.62 6.206 6.236 6.058 8.87 I need to make a chart of all this columns in one chart. Problem is, that date is monthly, and some values are NaN (not a number) which should not be ploted, but it says "all points y value undefined!" when i do this set xdata time gnuplot> set timefmt "%m/%y" gnuplot> set xrange ["01/1851":"12/2014"] gnuplot> set format x "%m/%y" gnuplot> set timefmt "%m/%y" gnuplot> plot "milesovka.txt" u 2:3 Can somebody help me? I tried this even ix excel, but i doesn't take dates before 1900.
Why do you specify u 2:3? You then wouldn't have a date on the x-axis. This seems to work fine: set xdata time set timefmt "%m/%Y" set format x "%m/%Y" plot for [i=2:6] "milesovka.txt" u 1:i ti "Column ".i w lp
"with labels" in splot causes gnuplot crash
Well, not really crash, but a kind of infinite loop: gnuplot doesn't react. I' m trying to have a contour plot from a datafile, with labels on each contour line. Here's my gnuplot code: set key at screen 1, 0.9, 0 right top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitle nobox set view map unset surface set isosamples 50, 50 set contour base set cntrparam bspline set cntrparam order 8 set cntrparam levels discrete -25,-50,-100,-150,-300,-500 set style data lines set title "plot" set xlabel "Temps (ns)" set xrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback set ylabel "T_e" set yrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback splot "Hydro-fct-temps.csv" u 1:3:6 lw 2 This code works fine, but if I replace the splot line with (as I've seen in splot "Hydro-fct-temps.csv" u 1:3:6 lw 2, "Hydro-fct-temps.csv" u 1:3:6 with labels boxed then gnuplot doesn't plot anything, and I only can get the prompt with a ctrl-c. The data file is something like : #Time [ns] N_e [1/cc] T_e [eV] Z Rho [gr/cc] Pos [um] 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 4.100000e+01 8.500000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 4.100000e+01 8.500000e+00 4.579648e-03 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 4.100000e+01 8.500000e+00 9.191354e-03 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 4.100000e+01 8.500000e+00 1.383534e-02 Any idea to help me? Thanks! Edit: I'm on Mac OS 10.11.4, using Gnuplot 5.0.3, aqua terminal
Gnuplot Charts Wild Fluctuations
I have a simple chart plotting off CSV data. Recently, there have been some wild fluctuations in the chart that I can't explain. The chart: The data: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SS","Pressure","Pressure Normal","Basement Temp","Downstairs Temp","Energy C1","Energy C2","Garage Temp","Lux","Lux Low","Indoor Hum","Main Attic Hum","Main Attic Temp","Outdoor Hum","Outdoor Temp","Outdoor Freeze","Rain Today","Septic Pump","Target Hum","Target Hum Low","Target Hum High","Upstairs Temp","Septic Low","Septic High","Wind Direction","Wind Speed" 2015-10-29 22:00:01.017000,29.95,30,68.0,69.0,639.986,381.38,45.0,0.0,30,49.0,39.0,49.0,94.0,46.0,32,0.0,176.884,45,15,45,66.0,165,185,139,2.0 2015-10-29 22:15:00.858000,29.96,30,68.0,69.0,526.95,283.151,45.0,0.0,30,49.0,39.0,48.9,92.0,46.0,32,0.0,178.132,45,15,45,67.0,165,185,146,2.0 2015-10-29 22:30:00.767000,29.96,30,68.0,68.0,462.525,362.072,45.0,0.0,30,49.0,39.0,48.8,92.0,46.0,32,0.0,178.654,45,15,45,66.0,165,185,138,5.0 2015-10-29 22:45:00.836000,29.97,30,68.0,68.0,473.075,274.232,45.0,0.0,30,49.0,39.0,48.4,91.0,46.0,32,0.0,179.509,45,15,45,66.0,165,185,147,2.0 2015-10-29 23:00:01.729000,29.98,30,68.0,68.0,460.024,355.895,45.0,0.0,30,49.0,39.0,48.3,89.0,46.0,32,0.0,179.626,45,15,45,66.0,165,185,150,2.0 2015-10-29 23:15:01.481000,29.99,30,68.0,68.0,470.404,266.078,44.0,0.0,30,49.0,39.0,48.1,90.0,46.0,32,0.0,179.759,45,15,45,66.0,165,185,140,1.0 2015-10-29 23:30:00.948000,29.99,30,67.0,67.0,578.765,361.633,44.0,0.0,30,49.0,39.0,48.1,90.0,45.0,32,0.0,181.606,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,143,0.0 2015-10-29 23:45:00.978000,29.99,30,67.0,67.0,578.813,265.008,44.0,0.0,30,48.0,39.0,47.7,90.0,45.0,32,0.0,180.662,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,143,0.0 2015-10-30 00:00:01.018000,30.0,30,67.0,67.0,571.851,358.56,44.0,0.0,30,48.0,39.0,47.6,90.0,45.0,32,0.0,182.406,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,154,0.0 2015-10-30 00:15:00.703000,30.0,30,67.0,67.0,461.92,266.449,44.0,0.0,30,48.0,40.0,47.5,90.0,45.0,32,0.0,179.058,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,170,1.0 2015-10-30 00:30:00.676000,30.0,30,68.0,67.0,459.044,364.956,44.0,0.0,30,48.0,40.0,47.3,90.0,45.0,32,0.0,176.376,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,152,1.0 2015-10-30 00:45:01.742000,30.0,30,67.0,67.0,464.856,268.456,44.0,0.0,30,49.0,40.0,47.2,90.0,45.0,32,0.0,178.552,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,160,0.0 2015-10-30 01:00:01.412000,30.0,30,67.0,67.0,462.717,373.676,44.0,0.0,30,48.0,40.0,47.0,91.0,45.0,32,0.0,177.563,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,140,1.0 2015-10-30 01:15:01.398000,30.0,30,67.0,66.0,465.183,265.674,44.0,0.0,30,48.0,40.0,46.9,91.0,45.0,32,0.0,179.081,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,139,1.0 2015-10-30 01:30:01.690000,30.0,30,67.0,66.0,466.075,276.496,43.0,0.0,30,48.0,40.0,46.8,91.0,45.0,32,0.0,178.243,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,125,0.0 2015-10-30 01:45:01.222000,30.01,30,67.0,66.0,583.214,266.92,43.0,0.0,30,48.0,40.0,46.5,90.0,45.0,32,0.0,179.797,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,125,0.0 2015-10-30 02:00:01.147000,30.02,30,67.0,66.0,577.097,265.52,43.0,0.0,30,48.0,40.0,46.3,90.0,45.0,32,0.0,180.246,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,161,0.0 2015-10-30 02:15:01.130000,30.03,30,67.0,66.0,570.447,268.758,43.0,0.0,30,48.0,40.0,46.2,92.0,45.0,32,0.0,181.472,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,140,0.0 2015-10-30 02:30:01.124000,30.03,30,67.0,66.0,466.977,266.9,43.0,0.0,30,48.0,40.0,46.1,92.0,44.0,32,0.0,179.358,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,157,0.0 2015-10-30 02:45:00.935000,30.03,30,67.0,66.0,467.547,265.461,43.0,0.0,30,47.0,40.0,45.7,92.0,44.0,32,0.0,178.06,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,148,0.0 2015-10-30 03:00:00.730000,30.04,30,67.0,65.0,467.852,270.395,42.0,0.0,30,48.0,41.0,45.5,91.0,44.0,32,0.0,180.963,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,148,0.0 2015-10-30 03:15:00.669000,30.05,30,67.0,65.0,470.797,269.087,42.0,0.0,30,48.0,41.0,45.1,91.0,43.0,32,0.0,181.562,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,148,0.0 2015-10-30 03:30:00.597000,30.06,30,67.0,65.0,471.425,266.515,41.0,0.0,30,48.0,41.0,44.7,91.0,43.0,32,0.0,181.108,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,148,0.0 2015-10-30 03:45:01.544000,30.06,30,67.0,65.0,466.103,266.759,41.0,0.0,30,48.0,41.0,44.6,92.0,42.0,32,0.0,181.674,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,148,0.0 2015-10-30 04:00:01.428000,30.06,30,67.0,65.0,468.903,269.099,41.0,0.0,30,48.0,41.0,44.4,92.0,42.0,32,0.0,181.132,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,148,0.0 2015-10-30 04:15:01.112000,30.07,30,67.0,64.0,1133.93,265.94,40.0,0.0,30,48.0,41.0,44.0,92.0,42.0,32,0.0,178.97,45,15,45,63.0,165,185,148,0.0 2015-10-30 04:30:01.129000,30.08,30,67.0,65.0,575.551,269.082,40.0,0.0,30,48.0,41.0,43.8,94.0,41.0,32,0.0,179.605,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,143,0.0 2015-10-30 04:45:00.949000,30.08,30,67.0,64.0,2912.436,342.048,40.0,0.0,30,48.0,41.0,43.7,95.0,42.0,32,0.0,179.017,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,168,0.0 2015-10-30 05:00:00.969000,30.09,30,67.0,66.0,550.604,279.568,40.0,0.0,30,49.0,41.0,44.8,95.0,42.0,32,0.0,177.197,45,15,45,68.0,165,185,184,2.0 2015-10-30 05:15:00.709000,30.1,30,67.0,66.0,586.835,549.631,40.0,0.0,30,49.0,41.0,45.4,95.0,41.0,32,0.0,178.466,45,15,45,69.0,165,185,148,1.0 2015-10-30 05:30:00.901000,30.1,30,67.0,66.0,596.532,278.354,39.0,0.0,30,49.0,41.0,46.1,95.0,41.0,32,0.0,175.013,45,15,45,70.0,165,185,161,1.0 2015-10-30 05:45:01.672000,30.1,30,67.0,65.0,1506.813,1119.999,39.0,0.0,30,50.0,41.0,46.2,95.0,41.0,32,0.0,174.623,45,15,45,67.0,165,185,155,0.0 2015-10-30 06:00:01.509000,30.12,30,68.0,67.0,1516.573,266.874,39.0,0.0,30,49.0,41.0,46.6,95.0,41.0,32,0.0,175.143,45,15,45,69.0,165,185,155,0.0 2015-10-30 06:15:01.207000,30.12,30,68.0,68.0,1072.979,376.114,39.0,0.0,30,49.0,41.0,46.7,95.0,41.0,32,0.0,172.09,45,15,45,69.0,165,185,155,0.0 2015-10-30 06:30:01.312000,30.12,30,69.0,70.0,854.998,281.418,38.0,0.0,30,49.0,41.0,46.6,95.0,40.0,32,0.0,172.968,45,15,45,69.0,165,185,155,0.0 2015-10-30 06:45:01.234000,30.12,30,69.0,69.0,596.209,374.564,38.0,0.0,30,49.0,41.0,45.1,95.0,40.0,32,0.0,174.648,45,15,45,68.0,165,185,155,0.0 2015-10-30 07:00:00.883000,30.12,30,68.0,68.0,596.669,279.735,38.0,0.0,30,49.0,41.0,44.5,95.0,40.0,32,0.0,175.019,45,15,45,67.0,165,185,155,0.0 2015-10-30 07:15:01.066000,30.12,30,68.0,68.0,489.209,376.154,38.0,0.0,30,49.0,41.0,44.0,96.0,41.0,32,0.0,175.471,45,15,45,66.0,165,185,155,0.0 2015-10-30 07:30:01.019000,30.12,30,68.0,67.0,398.586,269.955,38.0,0.0,30,49.0,41.0,43.5,96.0,41.0,32,0.0,178.401,45,15,45,66.0,165,185,155,0.0 2015-10-30 07:45:00.784000,30.12,30,68.0,67.0,397.613,369.828,37.0,0.0,30,49.0,42.0,42.8,96.0,41.0,32,0.0,176.625,45,15,45,66.0,165,185,155,0.0 2015-10-30 08:00:00.919000,30.13,30,67.0,67.0,394.231,284.606,37.0,0.0,30,48.0,42.0,42.6,96.0,41.0,32,0.0,176.026,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,155,0.0 2015-10-30 08:15:00.672000,30.14,30,67.0,66.0,403.669,373.851,37.0,0.0,30,48.0,42.0,42.4,96.0,41.0,32,0.0,180.215,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,156,0.0 2015-10-30 08:30:00.527000,30.13,30,67.0,66.0,391.887,268.734,37.0,0.0,30,48.0,42.0,42.5,96.0,42.0,32,0.0,172.674,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,146,0.0 2015-10-30 08:45:01.630000,30.13,30,67.0,66.0,388.044,265.381,38.0,0.0,30,48.0,43.0,43.8,97.0,42.0,32,0.0,174.12,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,125,1.0 2015-10-30 09:00:01.461000,30.14,30,67.0,66.0,506.085,263.921,38.0,0.0,30,49.0,43.0,44.7,97.0,42.0,32,0.0,174.449,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,36,0.0 2015-10-30 09:15:01.443000,30.15,30,67.0,66.0,515.15,270.162,39.0,0.0,30,48.0,43.0,45.7,97.0,43.0,32,0.0,173.922,45,15,45,65.0,165,185,342,0.0 2015-10-30 09:30:01.428000,30.16,30,67.0,66.0,503.095,266.903,39.0,0.0,30,48.0,43.0,46.8,97.0,44.0,32,0.0,179.962,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,53,0.0 2015-10-30 09:45:01.175000,30.16,30,67.0,66.0,406.591,268.547,40.0,0.0,30,48.0,43.0,49.3,97.0,45.0,32,0.0,180.893,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,286,1.0 2015-10-30 10:00:01.024000,30.17,30,67.0,66.0,408.512,267.207,41.0,0.0,30,48.0,43.0,50.8,97.0,46.0,32,0.0,182.111,45,15,45,64.0,165,185,240,1.0 The script (run on Gnuplot 5.0 patch 0): #! /usr/bin/env gnuplot reset #### Stats and Setup #### set terminal pngcairo enhanced background "#000000" font "Arial,10" size 400,200 truecolor datafile_temperatures_indoor = "/Users/username/Dropbox/Public/charts.csv" set datafile separator ',' stats datafile_temperatures_indoor using 2 nooutput set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" set output "/Users/username/Dropbox/Public/TemperaturesIndoor.png" now = time(0) today_midnight = strptime('%Y-%m-%d', strftime('%Y-%m-%d', now)) #### Plot Parameters and Styles #### set tics textcolor rgb "#666666" set border linetype rgb "#666666" set boxwidth 0.25 relative set style fill solid 1.0 set style line 1 linetype rgb "#FFFFFF" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # white set style line 2 linetype rgb "#333333" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # light gray set style line 3 linetype rgb "#666666" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # gray set style line 4 linetype rgb "#999999" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # dark gray set style line 5 linetype rgb "#000000" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # black set style line 6 linetype rgb "#FF3333" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # red set style line 7 linetype rgb "#FF6600" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # orange set style line 8 linetype rgb "#FFFF00" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # yellow set style line 9 linetype rgb "#336600" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # green set style line 10 linetype rgb "#0000FF" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # blue set style line 11 linetype rgb "#000033" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # indigo set style line 12 linetype rgb "#6600FF" linewidth 1 pointtype 6 # violet #### Key Parameters #### set nokey #### X Axis Parameters #### unset mxtics set xdata time set xrange [now - 72*60*60 : now] set xtics 72*60*60, 24*60*60 format "%a" nomirror #### Y Axis Parameters #### set ytics format "%2.0f" nomirror #### Plot the Data #### plot datafile_temperatures_indoor using 1:4 every ::2 title column with lines smooth csplines linestyle 8,\ datafile_temperatures_indoor using 1:5 every ::2 title column with lines smooth csplines linestyle 12,\ datafile_temperatures_indoor using 1:22 every ::2 title column with lines smooth csplines linestyle 6 The stats: * FILE: Records: 319 Out of range: 0 Invalid: 0 Blank: 0 Data Blocks: 1 * COLUMN: Mean: 66.3856 Std Dev: 1.7577 Sample StdDev: 1.7605 Skewness: 0.5592 Kurtosis: 2.5369 Avg Dev: 0.9624 Sum: 21177.0000 Sum Sq.: 1.40683e+06 Mean Err.: 0.0984 Std Dev Err.: 0.0696 Skewness Err.: 0.1371 Kurtosis Err.: 0.2743 Minimum: 63.0000 [ 25] Maximum: 71.0000 [267] Quartile: 65.0000 Median: 66.0000 Quartile: 67.0000 I don't see an out of range value in the data; sometimes the out of range obs is wildly negative (-60), sometimes wildly positive +240). I'm wondering if there's a bug in the implementation of csplines under 5.0. Any advice would be most appreciated. Cheers. [EDIT] With mcsplines: With Bezier (which I think I prefer):
Gnuplot Graph Is Disjointed (Data Seems Shifted/Misordered)
Gnuplot gives me the following picture with an odd disjoint in the second graph, whose origin I cannot determine. I've included the data below, in which the x-values are monotonically increasing, which should rule out the possibility of such a disjoint. Any help appreciated! Generated from the following script: set size 0.8,0.4 set lmargin 1 set terminal png set output "test.png" set multiplot set origin 0.1,0.1 set xtics 5 set xrange[0:25] set xlabel "Year" plot "./g1" u ($1+1):2 w lines t "4 years" set xlabel "" set origin 0.1,0.5 set xtics format "" set x2tics 5 plot "./g2" u ($1+1):2 w lines t "5 years" unset multiplot Data for g1 is: 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 3.000000 2.000000 9.000000 3.000000 27.000000 4.000000 0.809131 5.000000 2.427394 6.000000 7.282183 7.000000 21.846549 8.000000 0.654694 9.000000 1.964081 10.000000 5.892243 11.000000 8.935199 12.000000 0.529733 13.000000 1.589200 14.000000 3.983240 15.000000 2.509780 16.000000 0.428624 17.000000 1.233139 18.000000 1.951804 19.000000 0.595792 20.000000 0.343980 21.000000 0.809600 22.000000 0.729229 23.000000 0.171423 24.000000 0.258384 25.000000 0.426250 Data for g2 is: 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 3.000000 2.000000 9.000000 3.000000 27.000000 4.000000 81.000000 5.000000 2.427394 6.000000 7.282183 7.000000 21.846549 8.000000 65.539647 9.000000 196.618942 10.000000 5.892243 11.000000 17.676730 12.000000 53.030190 13.000000 159.090569 14.000000 241.250367 15.000000 14.302798 16.000000 42.908394 17.000000 128.725182 18.000000 322.642448 19.000000 203.292210 20.000000 34.718531 21.000000 104.155593 22.000000 299.652772 23.000000 474.288428 24.000000 144.777335 25.000000 84.275565
That's strange. On my system (ubuntu 11.10 64bit) I don't see the problem you have: $ gnuplot --version gnuplot 4.4 patchlevel 3 $ gnuplot < a.gnuplot # a.gnuplot is your script, unmodified And it produces this: If I were you I'd check: gnuplot version The input files - in vim use set list to see if there's any rampant characters hidden