How to return results from Azure Search order by values of a given field - azure

below is a example of the search results returned from Azure Search after searching for everything in the gift department (default)
"id": "1",
"type": "trousers",
"department": "gift",
"description": "This is the description of the item"
"id": "2",
"type": "toy",
"department": "gift",
"description": "This is the description of the item"
"id": "3",
"type": "shirt",
"department": "gift",
"description": "This is the description of the item"
The result set required should be ordered by type in this order- toy,shirt,trousers. As you can see the result is not a simple orderby "type" field asc/desc. the expected result should be
"id": "2",
"type": "toy",
"department": "gift",
"description": "This is the description of the item"
"id": "3",
"type": "shirt",
"department": "gift",
"description": "This is the description of the item"
"id": "1",
"type": "trousers",
"department": "gift",
"description": "This is the description of the item"
How do i go about doing this - written descriptions and/or code snippets would be fine?

Assuming you're using .Net SDK for performing the search, you can use OrderBy property of SearchParameters to define the ordering criteria.
Assuming your type field is sortable, you can try something like:
var searchParameters = new SearchParameters();
searchParameters.OrderBy = new List<string>()
"type desc"


Cosmos DB - Efficient query to find list of items in an array?

Consider the following documents:
"id": "0001",
"name": "product 1",
"description": "product 1 description",
"categories": ["category1", "category2"]
"id": "0002",
"name": "product 2",
"description": "product 2 description",
"categories": ["category2", "category3"]
"id": "0003",
"name": "product 3",
"description": "product 1 description",
"categories": ["category1", "category4"]
What I want to do is find the products where the product category could be category2 or category3.
To fetch this, I wrote the following query:
Select * from Root r where
exists(select value c from c in r.categories where c in ("category2", "category3"))
The query above works well and gives me the desired results.
What I am wondering is if this query can be improved?
array_contains looks for a single item in an array, the item you are looking for is the second argument. So you need:
select *
from c
where array_contains(c.categories, "category2")
or array_contains(c.categories, "category3")
And then look at the performance.

Get a workable URL from Python Get request

I'm scraping a JS loaded website using requests. In order to do so, I go to inspect website, network console and look for the XHR calls to know where is the website calling for the data and how. Process would be as follows
Go to the link in Chrome. Once that is loaded, you can click on many items with an unique ID. After doing so, a pop up window with information appears. In the XHR call I mentioned above you get a direct link to get this information as follows:
import requests
#ncid is the date in timestamp format, and id is the unique id of the node clicked
Problem is, this isn't user friendly and require python. If I put this last url in the Chrome driver, I get the information but in plain text, and I can't interact with it. Is there any way to get a workable link from the request so that manually inserting it in a Chrome driver it loads that pop up window directly, as a regular website?
You've to make the requests as .json() so you receive a json dict, which you can access it with keys.
import requests
import json
def main(url):
r = requests.get(url).json()
hview = json.dumps(r, indent=4)
print(hview) # here to see it in nice view.
dict_keys(['betOffers', 'events', 'prePacks'])
"betOffers": [
"id": 2210856430,
"closed": "2020-04-17T14:30:00Z",
"criterion": {
"id": 1001159858,
"label": "Final del partido",
"englishLabel": "Full Time",
"order": [],
"occurrenceType": "GOALS",
"lifetime": "FULL_TIME"
"betOfferType": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Partido",
"englishName": "Match"
"eventId": 1006276426,
"outcomes": [
"id": 2740660278,
"label": "1",
"englishLabel": "1",
"odds": 1150,
"participant": "FC Lokomotiv Gomel",
"type": "OT_ONE",
"betOfferId": 2210856430,
"changedDate": "2020-04-14T09:11:55Z",
"participantId": 1003789012,
"oddsFractional": "1/7",
"oddsAmerican": "-670",
"status": "OPEN",
"cashOutStatus": "ENABLED"
"id": 2740660284,
"label": "X",
"englishLabel": "X",
"odds": 6750,
"type": "OT_CROSS",
"betOfferId": 2210856430,
"changedDate": "2020-04-14T09:11:55Z",
"oddsFractional": "23/4",
"oddsAmerican": "575",
"status": "OPEN",
"cashOutStatus": "ENABLED"
"id": 2740660286,
"label": "2",
"englishLabel": "2",
"odds": 11000,
"participant": "Khimik Svetlogorsk",
"type": "OT_TWO",
"betOfferId": 2210856430,
"changedDate": "2020-04-14T09:11:55Z",
"participantId": 1001024009,
"oddsFractional": "10/1",
"oddsAmerican": "1000",
"status": "OPEN",
"cashOutStatus": "ENABLED"
"tags": [
"cashOutStatus": "ENABLED"
"events": [
"id": 1006276426,
"name": "FC Lokomotiv Gomel - Khimik Svetlogorsk",
"nameDelimiter": "-",
"englishName": "FC Lokomotiv Gomel - Khimik Svetlogorsk",
"homeName": "FC Lokomotiv Gomel",
"awayName": "Khimik Svetlogorsk",
"start": "2020-04-17T14:30:00Z",
"group": "1\u00aa Divisi\u00f3n",
"groupId": 2000053499,
"path": [
"id": 1000093190,
"name": "F\u00fatbol",
"englishName": "Football",
"termKey": "football"
"id": 2000051379,
"name": "Bielorrusa",
"englishName": "Belarus",
"termKey": "belarus"
"id": 2000053499,
"name": "1\u00aa Divisi\u00f3n",
"englishName": "1st Division",
"termKey": "1st_division"
"nonLiveBoCount": 6,
"sport": "FOOTBALL",
"tags": [
"state": "NOT_STARTED",
"groupSortOrder": 1999999000000000000
"prePacks": []

how to implement algolia autocomplete on a single index, but i want results to show based on facets

I have an index on algolia, each document like this.
"title": "sample title",
"slug": "sample slug",
"content": "Head towards Rajinder Da Dhaba for some insanely delicious Kebabs!!",
"Tags": ["fashion", "shoes"],
"created": "2017-03-30T12:10:08.815Z",
"city": "delhi",
"user": {
"_id": "58b6f3ea884fdc682a820dad",
"description": "Roughly, somewhere between insanity and zen. Mostly the guy at the window seat!",
"displayName": "Jon Doe"
"type": "Post",
"places": [
"name": "Rajinder Da Dhaba",
"slug": "Rajinder-Da-Dhaba-safdarjung-9e9ffe",
"location": {
"_geoloc": [
"name": "Safdarjung",
"_id": "59611a2c2094b56a39afcbce",
"coordinates": {
"lng": 77.2030268,
"lat": 28.5685586
"objectID": "58dcf5a0355b590560d6ad68",
I want to implement autocomplete on this.
However, when i see the demos present in algolia dashboard, i found out that it returns the complete documents.
I want to only match on user.displayName,, and title
and return only these fields as suggestions in the autocomplete results instead of complete documents, which match.
I know I can create separate indexes for users, places;
But is this possible with only a single index??
Did you had a look at ?
It shows how to have a custom display from an index.
To match on on user.displayName,, and title
you can configure the "searchable attributes" from the algolia dashboard.

In an azure Logic app workflow step that inserts into DocumentDB, how can I "toString" a number

I'm getting an error saying that id is a number when triggering a "create document" in DocumentDb step in my logic app. How can I toString the id number in the insert step?
"actions": {
"Create_or_update_document": {
"inputs": {
"body": {
"body": "#triggerBody()",
"createdAt": "#triggerBody()?['created_at']",
"description": "#triggerBody()?['description_text']",
"dueBy": "#triggerBody()?['due_by']",
"priority": "#triggerBody()?['priority']",
"requesterId": "#triggerBody()?['requester_id']",
"source": "#triggerBody()?['source']",
"status": "#triggerBody()?['status']",
"id": "#triggerBody()?['id']",
"type": "#triggerBody()?['type']",
"updatedAt": "#triggerBody()?['updated_at']"
Taken from here (look underConversion functions):

Update inner object in arangodb

I have an object stored in arangodb which has additional inner objects, my current use case requires that I update just one of the elements.
Store Object
"status": "Active",
"physicalCode": "99999",
"postalCode": "999999",
"tradingCurrency": "USD",
"taxRate": "14",
"priceVatInclusive": "No",
"type": "eCommerce",
"name": "John and Sons inc",
"description": "John and Sons inc",
"createdDate": "2015-05-25T11:04:14+0200",
"modifiedDate": "2015-05-25T11:04:14+0200",
"physicalAddress": "Corner moon and space 9 station",
"postalAddress": "PO Box 44757553",
"physicalCountry": "Mars Sector 9",
"postalCountry": "Mars Sector 9",
"createdBy": "john.doe",
"modifiedBy": "john.doe",
"users": [
"id": "577458630580",
"username": "john.doe"
"products": [
"sellingPrice": "95.00",
"inStock": "10",
"name": "School Shirt Green",
"code": "SKITO2939999995",
"warehouseId": "723468998682"
"sellingPrice": "95.00",
"inStock": "5",
"name": "School Shirt Red",
"code": "SKITO245454949495",
"warehouseId": "723468998682"
"sellingPrice": "95.00",
"inStock": "10",
"discount": "5%",
"name": "School Shirt Blue",
"code": "SKITO293949495",
"warehouseId": "723468998682"
I want to change just one of the products stock value
"sellingPrice": "95.00",
"inStock": "10",
"discount": "5%",
"name": "School Shirt Blue",
"code": "SKITO293949495",
"warehouseId": "723468998682"
Like update store product stock less 1 where store id = x, something to this effect
FOR store IN stores
FILTER store._key == "837108415472"
FOR product IN store.products
FILTER product.code == "SKITO293949495"
UPDATE product WITH { inStock: (product.inStock - 1) } IN store.products
Apart from the above possibly it makes sense to store product as a separate document in collection store_products. I believe in NOSQL that is the best approach to reduce document size.
Found answer
here arangodb-aql-update-single-object-in-embedded-array and there
I however believe it is best to maintain separate documents and rather use joins when retrieving. Updates easily
