How to display image directly from variable? - excel

Is it possible to display an image directly from variable? I made a program that receives data from sql server and generates tables in excel. However sql could also have binary values for images and so on... which I would like to display in excel cells. But loadpicture, addpicture don't support this... I would like to avoid saving them into temporary files or avoid using external programs and display directly from memory while afterwards keeping the images in excel. Is this possible?

Ok tricky :)
Shape images can comes from file or from the web. So how about to implement a tiny webserver via vba which serves those images. VBA Webserver for Excel or
homebrewed web server vba
(If you get websocks running ) BTW: to implement a webserver is rather trivial. In your case he just has to deliver the images - which is done by a base64 encoded string with a few header lines. Another way is to modify some VB.Net Webserver to a COM DLL. Also not THAT complicated simple VB.NET Webserver <<< Might be a good idea if you are on 64 bit. Anyhow if you got the Webserver thing up you can now showel your database datas into the webserver and let he deliver them to a shape by a URL. To be honest that all is pure overkill. I use a software ram disc for such purposes. For example Softperfect Ram disc. So there is no real file written cause it uses a small amount of memory for the virtual disc. Its damn fast cause the computer ram is used and after reboot everything is gone if you whish. Sure you might parse the database data by VBA and write the pixels little by little to the shape. Some guys have made a full image processor in vb6 which is nearly vba Photo Daemon So you can see how easy to decompose and compose images. I just hope that something might be usable for you. This is not really a "answer" but might give you some ideas. The pure VBA Webserver is nice if you get the winsocks running. Ive fooled around a bit with this as we was still on 32 bit - was funny :)

This was tried three years ago and did not work directly from a variable. (see Inserting an Image into a sheet using Base64 in VBA?)
Giving up the "don't save to temporary file" idea and the whole thing is easy. (see How to embed a GIF image into an Excel file). Why not save it to a file? e.g. in a ram disk?


Can server dynamically change image data as its being loaded by browser?

Is anything preventing a server from dynamically changing the data of an image as it's being loaded by the browser?
To better explain what I am asking let's slow time a little bit or imagine a really slow connection.
Browser lands on the page where it's just one in so after being done with parsing, layout calculation, painting or whatever browser needs to do before being able to start downloading the image data. Eventually, it asks for the image and the server begins streaming it back. The image starts being displayed from top to bottom as its getting more data from the server. Does the server have complete freedom to provide whatever data it wants as long as it adheres to the image format in question?
Let's say every pixel is random color or whatever resolution/size is being used for data chunks being exchanged? Or is there something preventing changing it while the download is in flight perhaps some kind of hash or any other mechanism?
I guess today's image formats are not being loaded in this top-down fashion so feel free to assume old formats, browsers, protocols or travel back in time where such a thing would be possible.
This question is out of pure curiosity I am not solving any problem. I don't have code to share demonstrating what I am trying to do as I am not trying to do anything, nor I am using any specific language or framework just me not knowing enough about how the internet and its series of tubes work to answer this weird question I have.

use greasemonkey/tampermonkey to write simple data to "cloud" (probably something like pastebin)

I'm using Tampermonkey to collect data from pages I visit and store it locally and persistently across browser sessions. This is working fine. However, I'm limited to using the script on the same computer. I'd like to be able to use the same script on another computer and update the same collected data file.
I'd like to use the simplest method possible to read, edit, and store a single text file from multiple computers.
An actual functioning "Hello world!" script would be fantastic. I've mucked around with the pastebin API, but all the help applies to php code and there seems to be a lot of somewhat confusing overhead. I don't need to examine the contents of the pasted data in a useful editor. The data is never to be interpreted as code or html. I don't need an SQL database. This is just a project for fun, so I don't need to worry about privacy issues or elegant, modular code.
I just need a place to stash some bytes, and change them frequently.
What's the simplest solution?

How to handle images in j2me like .dat format

I am developing a game in j2me. How to handle images in .dat format.
I downloaded some games and extracted jar , found some dat format images and not able to open that images and images size also very less.. what tools I need to use?
Ref link
enter link description here
Not able to find solution?
A dat file could be anything. Depends what the developer felt like doing.
Some developers chose to strip PNG files of their header, and added the header back in the code. This was partly done in order to save a few bytes (because they mattered back then), and partly because of the challenge in doing it like that, and partly because it ensured all images used the exact same palette.
So that's one possibility, but it really could be anything.
As stated by mr_lou, there really isn't anything special about a .dat extension.
The steps to re-compile a file usually start with opening the file up in a hex editor and then looking at the first bits of information in the file. You then basically work from there to re-compile the data necessary for a 'normal' program to interpret the file. In particular, the first 8-16 bytes are often very helpful for determining what type of file it is "supposed" to be.
If you are looking at a png file (that's what I usually prefer to use for art assets) then you can reference to see how a 'normal' png might look. When you're tweaking to save bytes you often strip unnecessary fields from png headers (things like the ancillary chunks) and using a common palette.
However, remember that it's not necessarily image data. It could be things like level data, sound, default stats or any particular amount of stuff.

Viewing microsoft office files programaticly on linux

I want to code a desktop program to print microsoft office files (doc, docx, xls and xlxs) on linux machine. But I don't know how to print them without corruption on output.
Is there a way to print or convert to an other format the file as %100 same of the view on microsoft office?
The libreoffice API might be a good place to start, particularly the examples:
I haven't used the API myself but have used open/libre-office as an alternative to word for quite a while.
However, you say '100%' the same as in office? I wouldn't be confident of that. Depending on the document it's likely to be fine, but there are some things which don't seem to convert well. If you're working on linux, you're not likely to have the same fonts installed as whichever windows/mac machine made the document.
If the documents you're processing are all of the same/similar layout/template, and you're able to test a few first, it should be fine. But if you're processing any sort of word document, some may not convert completely without a bit of human input. Depends how much difference you can tolerate. If you want completely consistent printing across platforms, I guess that's what pdfs are for.

Direct3D: Recording to AVI files

In follow up to my previous question, I am able to save the backbuffer of a Direct3DDevice to a surface.
I already found the D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile in the DirectX SDK and it works fine! However, I want to record the obtained surfaces to an AVI file.
I also found the AVIFile reference but they are obviously not straight up compatible with DirectX surfaces.
What would be the best way of approaching this problem? I've seen a number of GDI+/MVC based solutions of grabbing HDCs but those are out of the question. I'm also not sure what kind of data AVIFile expects and how to extract it from the D3DSurface.
Please advise! :)
Post-processing is also an option. I can capture the surface data in a number of formats, specified here, into memory with D3DXSaveSurfaceToFileInMemory. Afterwards, I could compress this data and then store to disk.
How should I be compressing my data? How should I be storing it? Do I store a timestamp along with it? After recording, how should I turn the generated data into an AVI file?
The source code at this link will show you how to do it:
Edit: Well you don't have to do things exactly like that linked code. You have a D3DSurface so you can just lock it grab the bits and pass them into CAviFile::AppendFrameUsual ... If you want to change its format then use D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface. I didn't say the link was a perfect solution but it DOES show you how to write the frames into an AVi file.
Edit2: As I didn't answer your edit I should do. Firstly don't bother with compression until you have got uncompressed working. Compression is a significantly more complicated thing to get right and you won't be able to get proper compression by simply using the various D3DXSurface copying functions. They don't support the kinds of compression you are after. D3DX is for 3D rendering and NOT for video compression.
For video compression you are best off using DirectShow as you can, simply, add any compressors you wish. This will however mean you'll need to write a "source filter" that you can build your graph off. DirectShow is not an easy thing to use but its very powerful. As far as writing the "source filter" goes you can check out the "Push Source" example in the windows SDK. You will need to adapt it to take the data you are retrieving however.
As an aside, going further on my original edit you could use that code as is by intercepting more D3D9 calls. If you hook the SetRenderTarget calls then you can insert whatever render target you like in there and use the, previously, linked code directly ...
