Azure Powershell Tagging VM's from CSV file - azure

I'm quite new to Powershell scripting. I'm trying to generate tags for azure vm's from a CSV file.
Inside the CSV I have the following column headings:
I've got a test CSV which literally has the following data in it:
MattTestVM, TestApp, TestSubapp, Dev, Matt, UK South
I'm not sure what i've put wrong in my code to get it to add the tags.
#Set Credentials
$cred = Get-credential
# Sign-in with Azure account credentials
add-azurermaccount -credential $cred
# Select Azure Subscription
$subscriptionId = (Get-AzureRmSubscription | Out-GridView -Title "Select an Azure Subscription ..." -PassThru).SubscriptionId
#Select specified subscription ID
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
$InputCSVFilePath = "C:\test\Tagging1.csv"
#Start loop
foreach ($eachRecord in $InputCSVFilePath)
$VMName = $eachrecord.VMName
$Application = $eachrecord.Application
$SubCat = $eachrecord.SubCat
$Environment = $eachrecord.Environment
$AppOwner = $eachrecord.AppOwner
$Location = $eachrecord.Location
$r = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $ResourceId -ErrorAction Continue
if($r -ne $null)
# Tag - Application
$r.Tags["Application"] = $Application
$r.Tags.Add("Application", $Application)
# Tag - SubCat
$r.Tags["subCat"] = $subCat
$r.Tags.Add("subCat", $subCat)
# Tag - Environment
$r.Tags["Environment"] = $Environment
$r.Tags.Add("Environment", $Environment)
# Tag - AppOwner
$r.Tags["AppOwner"] = $AppOwner
$r.Tags.Add("AppOwner", $AppOwner)
# Tag - Location
$r.Tags["Location"] = $Location
$r.Tags.Add("Location", $Location)
#Setting the tags on the resource
Set-AzureRmResource -Tag $r.Tags -ResourceId $r.ResourceId -Force
#Setting the tags on a resource which doesn't have tags
Set-AzureRmResource -Tag #{ Application=$Application; subCat=$subCat; Environment=$Environment; AppOwner=$AppOwner; Location=$Location } -ResourceId $r.ResourceId -Force
Write-Host "Resource Not Found with Resource Id: " + $ResourceId
Error message
Get-AzureRmResource : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ResourceId'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
At line:10 char:43
+ $r = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $ResourceId -ErrorAction Co ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Get-AzureRmResource], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.GetAzureResourceCmdlet

OK, first thing's first: You can't do this without the ResourceGroupName, and the best way to add it in your case is as a column in your csv.
Secondly, everybody starts somewhere so never apologize. :) I commented about most of the issues I fixed in the code below. Your biggest problems were a) you didn't actually load the data from the CSV (you only created a variable with the file path in it), and b) you were attempting to use $ResourceID without ever populating it.
I cleaned things up a bit and it works now, and will throw an error if it can't find the VM. Here are the contents of my test.csv, with one good VM and one that doesn't exist.
And here's the re-worked script.
# Set Credentials (Fixed this up)
$context = Get-AzureRmContext
if ($context.Account -eq $null) {
# Select Azure Subscription
$subscriptionId = (Get-AzureRmSubscription | Out-GridView -Title "Select an Azure Subscription ..." -PassThru).SubscriptionId
#Select specified subscription ID
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
$InputCSVFilePath = "C:\Users\Nick\Desktop\test.csv"
# Here you were missing loading the actual data. Also renamed the items in the loop, nitpicking. :)
$csvItems = Import-Csv $InputCSVFilePath
#Start loop
foreach ($item in $csvItems)
# Change here, you need ResourceGroupName
# Also cleared r because if you don't, it will still have a value if no matching VM is found, which would re-tag the previous item from the loop, instead of throwing an error that the VM was not found
Clear-Variable r
$r = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $item.ResourceGroup -Name $item.VMName -ErrorAction Continue
if ($r -ne $null)
if ($r.Tags)
# Tag - Application
if ($r.Tags.ContainsKey("Application"))
$r.Tags["Application"] = $item.Application
$r.Tags.Add("Application", $item.Application)
# Tag - SubCat
if ($r.Tags.ContainsKey("subCat"))
$r.Tags["subCat"] = $item.subCat
$r.Tags.Add("subCat", $item.subCat)
# Tag - Environment
if ($r.Tags.ContainsKey("Environment"))
$r.Tags["Environment"] = $item.Environment
$r.Tags.Add("Environment", $item.Environment)
# Tag - AppOwner
if ($r.Tags.ContainsKey("AppOwner"))
$r.Tags["AppOwner"] = $item.AppOwner
$r.Tags.Add("AppOwner", $item.AppOwner)
# Tag - Location
if ($r.Tags.ContainsKey("Location"))
$r.Tags["Location"] = $item.Location
$r.Tags.Add("Location", $item.Location)
#Setting the tags on the resource
Set-AzureRmResource -Tag $r.Tags -ResourceId $r.ResourceId -Force
#Setting the tags on a resource which doesn't have tags
Set-AzureRmResource -Tag #{ Application = $Application; subCat = $subCat; Environment = $Environment; AppOwner = $AppOwner; Location = $Location } -ResourceId $r.ResourceId -Force
Write-Host "No VM found named $($item.VMName) in ResourceGroup $($item.ResourceGroup)!"


How to pull all tags at resource level in azure

I am Trying to pull All the Tags resource level in azure
$subscripionList = Get-AzSubscription
foreach ($subscriptionId in $subscripionList) {
Write-Host 'Getting details about SubscriptionId :' $subscriptionId
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subscriptionId
#Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionId
$resourcesgroups = Get-AzResourceGroup
foreach($resourcesgroup in $resourcesgroups){
Write-Host 'resourcegroup :' $resourcesgroup
$resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $resourcesgroup.ResourceGroupName
#$azure_resources = Get-AzResource
foreach($resource in $resources){
Write-Host $resource
#Fetching Tags
$Tags = $resource.Tags
#Checkign if tags is null or have value
if($Tags -ne $null)
foreach($Tag in $Tags)
$TagsAsString += $Tag.Name + ":" + $Tag.Value + ";"
$TagsAsString = "NULL"
I am Trying to get all the subscription then
I am Trying to get all the resource groups then
I am Trying to get all the resource present in resource group
Trying to get all the tags
But i am unable to get Tags and can anyone guide me how to export all tags into csv file.
As there is no $tag.Name and $Tag.Value , Your code doesn't store any values. The output you are looking are stored as $tags.keys and $tags.values. So, to collect them you will have to use for loop again . I tested the same by replacing the for each loop for the resources with the below script:
$tagkeys =#()
$TagValues =#()
$resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName <resourcegroupname>
foreach($resource in $resources){
Write-host ("ResourceName :")$resource.Name
if($resource.Tags -ne $null){
foreach($Tag in $resource.Tags){
foreach($key in $Tag.keys){
$tagkeys += $key
foreach($value in $Tag.values){
$TagValues += $value
Write-Host ("No Tags")
for($i = 0; $i -lt $tagkeys.Length; $i++) {
$TagsAsString=( '{0} : {1}' -f $tagkeys[$i], $tagvalues[$i] )
Write-Host $TagsAsString

Assistance with looping through multiple subscriptions

I'm using the below script from to pull Azure VM backup details. Currently I have to run the script against each subscription, I would love to have it loop though all subscriptions.
I've been trying to get it working using this example but I'm new to powershell and am struggling. Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
DefaultParameterSetName = 'AllVirtualMachines'
Collect Azure VM Backup Information
This Script collects Azure Virtual Machine Backup Recovery service vault information, This report includes the complete backup status Information of VM.
.PARAMETER AllVirtualMachines
Collect Backup information of the all Azure Virtual Machines, This is default parameter.
.PARAMETER VirtualMachineList
You can specify for which virtual machine you want backup information.
None. Provides virtual machine information.
Generate Backup information. You can pipe information to Export-CSV.
PS> .\Get-AzVMBackupInformation.ps1
VM_Name : vcloud-lab-vm01
VM_Location : uksouth
VM_ResourceGroupName : VCLOUD-LAB.COM
VM_BackedUp : True
VM_RecoveryVaultName : vault828
VM_RecoveryVaultPolicy : DailyPolicy-kosrnox0
VM_BackupHealthStatus : Passed
VM_BackupProtectionStatus : Healthy
VM_LastBackupStatus : Completed
VM_LastBackupTime : 27-05-2021 19:32:34
VM_BackupDeleteState : NotDeleted
VM_BackupLatestRecoveryPoint : 27-05-2021 19:32:37
VM_Id : /subscriptions/9e22xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/VCLOUD-LAB.COM/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vcloud-lab-vm01
RecoveryVault_ResourceGroupName :
RecoveryVault_Location : uksouth
RecoveryVault_SubscriptionId : /subscriptions/9e22xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/
PS> .\Get-AzVMBackupInformation.ps1 -AllVirtualMachines
This produces same result as .\Get-AzVMBackupInformation.ps1 from all VMs
PS> .\Get-AzVMBackupInformation.ps1 -VirtualMachineList
Provide either single virtual machine name or in list
Online version:
[parameter(Position=0, ParameterSetName = 'AllVMs' )]
[parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, ParameterSetName = 'VM' )]
) #Param
#Collecing Azure virtual machines Information
Write-Host "Collecing Azure virtual machine Information" -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
if (($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AllVirtualMachines')) -or ($PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0))
$vms = Get-AzVM
} #if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AllVirtualMachines'))
elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('VirtualMachineList'))
$vms = #()
foreach ($vmname in $VirtualMachineList)
$vms += Get-AzVM -Name $vmname
} #foreach ($vmname in $VirtualMachineList)
} #elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('VirtualMachineList'))
#Collecing All Azure backup recovery vaults Information
Write-Host "Collecting all Backup Recovery Vault information" -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
$backupVaults = Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault
} #Begin
$vmBackupReport = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($vm in $vms)
$recoveryVaultInfo = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupStatus -Name $vm.Name -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName -Type 'AzureVM'
if ($recoveryVaultInfo.BackedUp -eq $true)
Write-Host "$($vm.Name) - BackedUp : Yes"
#Backup Recovery Vault Information
$vmBackupVault = $backupVaults | Where-Object {$_.ID -eq $recoveryVaultInfo.VaultId}
#Backup recovery Vault policy Information
$container = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType AzureVM -VaultId $vmBackupVault.ID -FriendlyName $vm.Name #-Status "Registered"
$backupItem = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -Container $container -WorkloadType AzureVM -VaultId $vmBackupVault.ID
} #if ($recoveryVaultInfo.BackedUp -eq $true)
Write-Host "$($vm.Name) - BackedUp : No" -BackgroundColor DarkRed
$vmBackupVault = $null
$container = $null
$backupItem = $null
} #else if ($recoveryVaultInfo.BackedUp -eq $true)
VM_Name = $vm.Name
VM_Location = $vm.Location
VM_ResourceGroupName = $vm.ResourceGroupName
VM_BackedUp = $recoveryVaultInfo.BackedUp
VM_RecoveryVaultName = $vmBackupVault.Name
VM_RecoveryVaultPolicy = $backupItem.ProtectionPolicyName
VM_BackupHealthStatus = $backupItem.HealthStatus
VM_BackupProtectionStatus = $backupItem.ProtectionStatus
VM_LastBackupStatus = $backupItem.LastBackupStatus
VM_LastBackupTime = $backupItem.LastBackupTime
VM_BackupDeleteState = $backupItem.DeleteState
VM_BackupLatestRecoveryPoint = $backupItem.LatestRecoveryPoint
VM_Id = $vm.Id
RecoveryVault_ResourceGroupName = $vmBackupVault.ResourceGroupName
RecoveryVault_Location = $vmBackupVault.Location
RecoveryVault_SubscriptionId = $vmBackupVault.ID
}) #[void]$vmBackupReport.Add([PSCustomObject]#{
} #foreach ($vm in $vms)
} #Process
} #end
You can try this sample script from the MS doc for looping through multiple subscriptions.
$SubscriptionList = Get-AzSubscription
foreach ($Id in $SubscriptionList)
#Provide the subscription Id where the VMs reside
$subscriptionId = $Id
#Provide the name of the csv file to be exported
$reportName = "myReport.csv"
Select-AzSubscription $subscriptionId
$report = #()
$vms = Get-AzVM
$publicIps = Get-AzPublicIpAddress
$nics = Get-AzNetworkInterface | ?{ $_.VirtualMachine -NE $null}
foreach ($nic in $nics)
$info = "" | Select VmName, ResourceGroupName, Region, VmSize, VirtualNetwork, Subnet, PrivateIpAddress, OsType, PublicIPAddress, NicName, ApplicationSecurityGroup, subscriptionId
$vm = $vms | ? -Property Id -eq $
foreach($publicIp in $publicIps)
if($ -eq $publicIp.ipconfiguration.Id)
$info.PublicIPAddress = $publicIp.ipaddress
$info.subscriptionId = $subscriptionId
$info.OsType = $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType
$info.VMName = $vm.Name
$info.ResourceGroupName = $vm.ResourceGroupName
$info.Region = $vm.Location
$info.VmSize = $vm.HardwareProfile.VmSize
$info.VirtualNetwork = $nic.IpConfigurations.subnet.Id.Split("/")[-3]
$info.Subnet = $nic.IpConfigurations.subnet.Id.Split("/")[-1]
$info.PrivateIpAddress = $nic.IpConfigurations.PrivateIpAddress
$info.NicName = $nic.Name
$info.ApplicationSecurityGroup = $nic.IpConfigurations.ApplicationSecurityGroups.Id
$report | ft subscriptionId, VmName, ResourceGroupName, Region, VmSize, VirtualNetwork, Subnet, PrivateIpAddress, OsType, PublicIPAddress, NicName, ApplicationSecurityGroup
$report | Export-CSV "$home/$reportName"
References: Collect details about all VMs in a subscription with PowerShell - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Docs , Iterate through subscriptions using an Array to avoid manual work · Issue #50670 · MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs · GitHub and powershell - How to loop through multiple Azure subscriptions on Azure Pipelines Yaml? - Stack Overflow

How to import automatically Az Powershell modules in azure automation account?

I am trying to install az powershell modules from my automation runbook with powershell script. But i am failing to do that. I have tried the solution in a similar topic which is here but it didn't work for me. The code is below:
$AAccName = "my-aa"
$RGName = "my-rg"
$deps1 = #("Az.Accounts","Az.Profile")
foreach($dep in $deps1){
$module = Find-Module -Name $dep
$link = $module.RepositorySourceLocation + "/package/" + $module.Name + "/" + $module.Version
New-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $AAccName -Name $module.Name -ContentLinkUri $link -ResourceGroupName $RGName
The error , i get:
Exception calling "ShouldContinue" with "2" argument(s): "A command
that prompts the user failed because the host program or the command
type does not support user interaction. The host was attempting to
request confirmation with the following message: PowerShellGet
requires NuGet provider version '' or newer to interact with
NuGet-based repositories. The NuGet provider must be available in
'C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies' or
You can also install the NuGet provider by running
'Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion
-Force'. Do you want PowerShellGet to install and import the NuGet provider now?" At C:\Program
char:8 + if($Force -or
$psCmdlet.ShouldContinue($shouldContinueQueryMessag ... +
I have executed the command given in this message but i get this error:
Install-PackageProvider : No match was found for the specified search
criteria for the provider 'NuGet'. The package provider requires
'PackageManagement' and 'Provider' tags.
Do you have any idea how to add module in Azure Automation Account with script?
When i use Import-Module -Name Az.Profile -Force command, I get this error:
Import-Module : The specified module 'Az.Profile' was not loaded
because no valid module file was found in any module directory.
This should be because that the module is not installed on the module directory. When i manually add the module from the module gallery, it works.
Check this MS recommended PS script to update modules in Automation account. It's reference is given here: Use the update runbook to update a specific module version.
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License.
Update Azure PowerShell modules in an Azure Automation account.
This Azure Automation runbook updates Azure PowerShell modules imported into an
Azure Automation account with the module versions published to the PowerShell Gallery.
Prerequisite: an Azure Automation account with an Azure Run As account credential.
.PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
The Azure resource group name.
.PARAMETER AutomationAccountName
The Azure Automation account name.
.PARAMETER SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount
(Optional) The maximum number of module import jobs allowed to run concurrently.
.PARAMETER AzureModuleClass
(Optional) The class of module that will be updated (AzureRM or Az)
If set to Az, this script will rely on only Az modules to update other modules.
Set this to Az if your runbooks use only Az modules to avoid conflicts.
.PARAMETER AzureEnvironment
(Optional) Azure environment name.
(Optional) If $false, do not login to Azure.
.PARAMETER ModuleVersionOverrides
(Optional) Module versions to use instead of the latest on the PowerShell Gallery.
If $null, the currently published latest versions will be used.
If not $null, must contain a JSON-serialized dictionary, for example:
'{ "AzureRM.Compute": "5.8.0", "AzureRM.Network": "6.10.0" }'
#{ 'AzureRM.Compute'='5.8.0'; 'AzureRM.Network'='6.10.0' } | ConvertTo-Json
.PARAMETER PsGalleryApiUrl
(Optional) PowerShell Gallery API URL.
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ResourceGroupName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $AutomationAccountName,
[int] $SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount = 10,
[string] $AzureModuleClass = 'AzureRM',
[string] $AzureEnvironment = 'AzureCloud',
[bool] $Login = $true,
[string] $ModuleVersionOverrides = $null,
[string] $PsGalleryApiUrl = ''
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
#region Constants
$script:AzureRMProfileModuleName = "AzureRM.Profile"
$script:AzureRMAutomationModuleName = "AzureRM.Automation"
$script:GetAzureRmAutomationModule = "Get-AzureRmAutomationModule"
$script:NewAzureRmAutomationModule = "New-AzureRmAutomationModule"
$script:AzAccountsModuleName = "Az.Accounts"
$script:AzAutomationModuleName = "Az.Automation"
$script:GetAzAutomationModule = "Get-AzAutomationModule"
$script:NewAzAutomationModule = "New-AzAutomationModule"
$script:AzureSdkOwnerName = "azure-sdk"
#region Functions
function ConvertJsonDictTo-HashTable($JsonString) {
$JsonObj = ConvertFrom-Json $JsonString -ErrorAction Stop
} catch [System.ArgumentException] {
throw "Unable to deserialize the JSON string for parameter ModuleVersionOverrides: ", $_
$Result = #{}
foreach ($Property in $JsonObj.PSObject.Properties) {
$Result[$Property.Name] = $Property.Value
# Use the Run As connection to login to Azure
function Login-AzureAutomation([bool] $AzModuleOnly) {
try {
$RunAsConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name "AzureRunAsConnection"
Write-Output "Logging in to Azure ($AzureEnvironment)..."
if (!$RunAsConnection.ApplicationId) {
$ErrorMessage = "Connection 'AzureRunAsConnection' is incompatible type."
throw $ErrorMessage
if ($AzModuleOnly) {
Connect-AzAccount `
-ServicePrincipal `
-TenantId $RunAsConnection.TenantId `
-ApplicationId $RunAsConnection.ApplicationId `
-CertificateThumbprint $RunAsConnection.CertificateThumbprint `
-Environment $AzureEnvironment
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $RunAsConnection.SubscriptionID | Write-Verbose
} else {
Add-AzureRmAccount `
-ServicePrincipal `
-TenantId $RunAsConnection.TenantId `
-ApplicationId $RunAsConnection.ApplicationId `
-CertificateThumbprint $RunAsConnection.CertificateThumbprint `
-Environment $AzureEnvironment
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $RunAsConnection.SubscriptionID | Write-Verbose
} catch {
if (!$RunAsConnection) {
$RunAsConnection | fl | Write-Output
Write-Output $_.Exception
$ErrorMessage = "Connection 'AzureRunAsConnection' not found."
throw $ErrorMessage
throw $_.Exception
# Checks the PowerShell Gallery for the latest available version for the module
function Get-ModuleDependencyAndLatestVersion([string] $ModuleName) {
$ModuleUrlFormat = "$PsGalleryApiUrl/Search()?`$filter={1}&searchTerm=%27{0}%27&targetFramework=%27%27&includePrerelease=false&`$skip=0&`$top=40"
$ForcedModuleVersion = $ModuleVersionOverridesHashTable[$ModuleName]
$CurrentModuleUrl =
if ($ForcedModuleVersion) {
$ModuleUrlFormat -f $ModuleName, "Version%20eq%20'$ForcedModuleVersion'"
} else {
$ModuleUrlFormat -f $ModuleName, 'IsLatestVersion'
$SearchResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $CurrentModuleUrl -UseBasicParsing
if (!$SearchResult) {
Write-Verbose "Could not find module $ModuleName on PowerShell Gallery. This may be a module you imported from a different location. Ignoring this module"
} else {
if ($SearchResult.Length -and $SearchResult.Length -gt 1) {
$SearchResult = $SearchResult | Where-Object { $_.title.InnerText -eq $ModuleName }
if (!$SearchResult) {
Write-Verbose "Could not find module $ModuleName on PowerShell Gallery. This may be a module you imported from a different location. Ignoring this module"
} else {
$PackageDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseBasicParsing -Uri $
# Ignore the modules that are not published as part of the Azure SDK
if ($ -ne $script:AzureSdkOwnerName) {
Write-Warning "Module : $ModuleName is not part of azure sdk. Ignoring this."
} else {
$ModuleVersion = $
$Dependencies = $
#($ModuleVersion, $Dependencies)
function Get-ModuleContentUrl($ModuleName) {
$ModuleContentUrlFormat = "$PsGalleryApiUrl/package/{0}"
$VersionedModuleContentUrlFormat = "$ModuleContentUrlFormat/{1}"
$ForcedModuleVersion = $ModuleVersionOverridesHashTable[$ModuleName]
if ($ForcedModuleVersion) {
$VersionedModuleContentUrlFormat -f $ModuleName, $ForcedModuleVersion
} else {
$ModuleContentUrlFormat -f $ModuleName
# Imports the module with given version into Azure Automation
function Import-AutomationModule([string] $ModuleName, [bool] $UseAzModule = $false) {
$NewAutomationModule = $null
$GetAutomationModule = $null
if ($UseAzModule) {
$GetAutomationModule = $script:GetAzAutomationModule
$NewAutomationModule = $script:NewAzAutomationModule
} else {
$GetAutomationModule = $script:GetAzureRmAutomationModule
$NewAutomationModule = $script:NewAzureRmAutomationModule
$LatestModuleVersionOnGallery = (Get-ModuleDependencyAndLatestVersion $ModuleName)[0]
$ModuleContentUrl = Get-ModuleContentUrl $ModuleName
# Find the actual blob storage location of the module
do {
$ModuleContentUrl = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ModuleContentUrl -MaximumRedirection 0 -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location
} while (!$ModuleContentUrl.Contains(".nupkg"))
$CurrentModule = & $GetAutomationModule `
-Name $ModuleName `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName
if ($CurrentModule.Version -eq $LatestModuleVersionOnGallery) {
Write-Output "Module : $ModuleName is already present with version $LatestModuleVersionOnGallery. Skipping Import"
} else {
Write-Output "Importing $ModuleName module of version $LatestModuleVersionOnGallery to Automation"
& $NewAutomationModule `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
-Name $ModuleName `
-ContentLink $ModuleContentUrl > $null
# Parses the dependency got from PowerShell Gallery and returns name and version
function GetModuleNameAndVersionFromPowershellGalleryDependencyFormat([string] $Dependency) {
if ($null -eq $Dependency) {
throw "Improper dependency format"
$Tokens = $Dependency -split":"
if ($Tokens.Count -ne 3) {
throw "Improper dependency format"
$ModuleName = $Tokens[0]
$ModuleVersion = $Tokens[1].Trim("[","]")
#($ModuleName, $ModuleVersion)
# Validates if the given list of modules has already been added to the module import map
function AreAllModulesAdded([string[]] $ModuleListToAdd) {
$Result = $true
foreach ($ModuleToAdd in $ModuleListToAdd) {
$ModuleAccounted = $false
# $ModuleToAdd is specified in the following format:
# ModuleName:ModuleVersionSpecification:
# where ModuleVersionSpecification follows the specifiation
# at
# For example:
# AzureRm.profile:[4.0.0]:
# or
# AzureRm.profile:3.0.0:
# In any case, the dependency version specification is always separated from the module name with
# the ':' character. The explicit intent of this runbook is to always install the latest module versions,
# so we want to completely ignore version specifications here.
$ModuleNameToAdd = $ModuleToAdd -replace '\:.*', ''
foreach($AlreadyIncludedModules in $ModuleImportMapOrder) {
if ($AlreadyIncludedModules -contains $ModuleNameToAdd) {
$ModuleAccounted = $true
if (!$ModuleAccounted) {
$Result = $false
# Creates a module import map. This is a 2D array of strings so that the first
# element in the array consist of modules with no dependencies.
# The second element only depends on the modules in the first element, the
# third element only dependes on modules in the first and second and so on.
function Create-ModuleImportMapOrder([bool] $AzModuleOnly) {
$ModuleImportMapOrder = $null
$ProfileOrAccountsModuleName = $null
$GetAutomationModule = $null
# Use the relevant module class to avoid conflicts
if ($AzModuleOnly) {
$ProfileOrAccountsModuleName = $script:AzAccountsModuleName
$GetAutomationModule = $script:GetAzAutomationModule
} else {
$ProfileOrAccountsModuleName = $script:AzureRmProfileModuleName
$GetAutomationModule = $script:GetAzureRmAutomationModule
# Get all the non-conflicting modules in the current automation account
$CurrentAutomationModuleList = & $GetAutomationModule `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName |
($AzModuleOnly -and ($_.Name -eq 'Az' -or $_.Name -like 'Az.*')) -or
(!$AzModuleOnly -and ($_.Name -eq 'AzureRM' -or $_.Name -like 'AzureRM.*' -or
$_.Name -eq 'Azure' -or $_.Name -like 'Azure.*'))
# Get the latest version of the AzureRM.Profile OR Az.Accounts module
$VersionAndDependencies = Get-ModuleDependencyAndLatestVersion $ProfileOrAccountsModuleName
$ModuleEntry = $ProfileOrAccountsModuleName
$ModuleEntryArray = ,$ModuleEntry
$ModuleImportMapOrder += ,$ModuleEntryArray
do {
$NextAutomationModuleList = $null
$CurrentChainVersion = $null
# Add it to the list if the modules are not available in the same list
foreach ($Module in $CurrentAutomationModuleList) {
$Name = $Module.Name
Write-Verbose "Checking dependencies for $Name"
$VersionAndDependencies = Get-ModuleDependencyAndLatestVersion $Module.Name
if ($null -eq $VersionAndDependencies) {
$Dependencies = $VersionAndDependencies[1].Split("|")
$AzureModuleEntry = $Module.Name
# If the previous list contains all the dependencies then add it to current list
if ((-not $Dependencies) -or (AreAllModulesAdded $Dependencies)) {
Write-Verbose "Adding module $Name to dependency chain"
$CurrentChainVersion += ,$AzureModuleEntry
} else {
# else add it back to the main loop variable list if not already added
if (!(AreAllModulesAdded $AzureModuleEntry)) {
Write-Verbose "Module $Name does not have all dependencies added as yet. Moving module for later import"
$NextAutomationModuleList += ,$Module
$ModuleImportMapOrder += ,$CurrentChainVersion
$CurrentAutomationModuleList = $NextAutomationModuleList
} while ($null -ne $CurrentAutomationModuleList)
# Wait and confirm that all the modules in the list have been imported successfully in Azure Automation
function Wait-AllModulesImported(
[Collections.Generic.List[string]] $ModuleList,
[int] $Count,
[bool] $UseAzModule = $false) {
$GetAutomationModule = if ($UseAzModule) {
} else {
$i = $Count - $SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount
if ($i -lt 0) { $i = 0 }
for ( ; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
$Module = $ModuleList[$i]
Write-Output ("Checking import Status for module : {0}" -f $Module)
while ($true) {
$AutomationModule = & $GetAutomationModule `
-Name $Module `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName
$IsTerminalProvisioningState = ($AutomationModule.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded") -or
($AutomationModule.ProvisioningState -eq "Failed")
if ($IsTerminalProvisioningState) {
Write-Verbose ("Module {0} is getting imported" -f $Module)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
if ($AutomationModule.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded") {
Write-Error ("Failed to import module : {0}. Status : {1}" -f $Module, $AutomationModule.ProvisioningState)
} else {
Write-Output ("Successfully imported module : {0}" -f $Module)
# Uses the module import map created to import modules.
# It will only import modules from an element in the array if all the modules
# from the previous element have been added.
function Import-ModulesInAutomationAccordingToDependency([string[][]] $ModuleImportMapOrder, [bool] $UseAzModule) {
foreach($ModuleList in $ModuleImportMapOrder) {
$i = 0
Write-Output "Importing Array of modules : $ModuleList"
foreach ($Module in $ModuleList) {
Write-Verbose ("Importing module : {0}" -f $Module)
Import-AutomationModule -ModuleName $Module -UseAzModule $UseAzModule
if ($i % $SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount -eq 0) {
# It takes some time for the modules to start getting imported.
# Sleep for sometime before making a query to see the status
Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
Wait-AllModulesImported -ModuleList $ModuleList -Count $i -UseAzModule $UseAzModule
if ($i -lt $SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
Wait-AllModulesImported -ModuleList $ModuleList -Count $i -UseAzModule $UseAzModule
function Update-ProfileAndAutomationVersionToLatest([string] $AutomationModuleName) {
# Get the latest azure automation module version
$VersionAndDependencies = Get-ModuleDependencyAndLatestVersion $AutomationModuleName
# Automation only has dependency on profile
$ModuleDependencies = GetModuleNameAndVersionFromPowershellGalleryDependencyFormat $VersionAndDependencies[1]
$ProfileModuleName = $ModuleDependencies[0]
# Create web client object for downloading data
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# Download AzureRM.Profile to temp location
$ModuleContentUrl = Get-ModuleContentUrl $ProfileModuleName
$ProfileURL = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ModuleContentUrl -MaximumRedirection 0 -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location
$ProfilePath = Join-Path $env:TEMP ($ProfileModuleName + ".zip")
$WebClient.DownloadFile($ProfileURL, $ProfilePath)
# Download AzureRM.Automation to temp location
$ModuleContentUrl = Get-ModuleContentUrl $AutomationModuleName
$AutomationURL = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ModuleContentUrl -MaximumRedirection 0 -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location
$AutomationPath = Join-Path $env:TEMP ($AutomationModuleName + ".zip")
$WebClient.DownloadFile($AutomationURL, $AutomationPath)
# Create folder for unzipping the Module files
$PathFolderName = New-Guid
$PathFolder = Join-Path $env:TEMP $PathFolderName
# Unzip files
$ProfileUnzipPath = Join-Path $PathFolder $ProfileModuleName
Expand-Archive -Path $ProfilePath -DestinationPath $ProfileUnzipPath -Force
$AutomationUnzipPath = Join-Path $PathFolder $AutomationModuleName
Expand-Archive -Path $AutomationPath -DestinationPath $AutomationUnzipPath -Force
# Import modules
Import-Module (Join-Path $ProfileUnzipPath ($ProfileModuleName + ".psd1")) -Force -Verbose
Import-Module (Join-Path $AutomationUnzipPath ($AutomationModuleName + ".psd1")) -Force -Verbose
#region Main body
if ($ModuleVersionOverrides) {
$ModuleVersionOverridesHashTable = ConvertJsonDictTo-HashTable $ModuleVersionOverrides
} else {
$ModuleVersionOverridesHashTable = #{}
$UseAzModule = $null
$AutomationModuleName = $null
# We want to support updating Az modules. This means this runbook should support upgrading using only Az modules
if ($AzureModuleClass -eq "Az") {
$UseAzModule = $true
$AutomationModuleName = $script:AzAutomationModuleName
} elseif ( $AzureModuleClass -eq "AzureRM") {
$UseAzModule = $false
$AutomationModuleName = $script:AzureRMAutomationModuleName
} else {
Write-Error "Invalid AzureModuleClass: '$AzureModuleClass'. Must be either Az or AzureRM" -ErrorAction Stop
# Import the latest version of the Az automation and accounts version to the local sandbox
Update-ProfileAndAutomationVersionToLatest $AutomationModuleName
if ($Login) {
Login-AzureAutomation $UseAzModule
$ModuleImportMapOrder = Create-ModuleImportMapOrder $UseAzModule
Import-ModulesInAutomationAccordingToDependency $ModuleImportMapOrder $UseAzModule
Further, if you want to refer to another approach, you can check this script.
Here is Reddit question regarding the same.
I have used azure devops to install the modules with powershell. I was trying to install it within the runbook but that didn't work so i kind of changed the method.
Here is the code:
#necessary modules list
$deps1 = #("Az.Accounts","Az.Storage","Az.Compute")
foreach($dep in $deps1){
$module = Find-Module -Name $dep
$link = $module.RepositorySourceLocation + "/package/" + $module.Name + "/" + $module.Version
New-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Name $module.Name -ContentLinkUri $link -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
if ($dep -eq "Az.Accounts") {
#Az.Accounts is a dependency for Az.Storage and Az.Compute modules
Write-Host "Sleeping for 180 sec in order to wait the installation of the Az.Accounts module"
Start-Sleep 180
This answer in this post helped me for the code.

How to get the list of azure servers having Auto-Shutdown disabled using PowerShell?

I want to get the list of azure servers having auto-shutdown disabled on them, I have the below script but the issue with the script is that it gets the list of RG's under the Subscription GUID but repeats the output after every loop.
Import-AzureRmContext -Path "$PSScriptRoot\AzureProfile.json"
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId {subscriptionId}
[array]$ResourceGroupArray = Get-AzureRMVm | Select-Object -Property ResourceGroupName, Name, VmId
foreach ($resourceGroup in $ResourceGroupArray){
$targetResourceId = (Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroup.ResourceGroupName -Name $resourceGroup.Name).Id
$shutdownInformation = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroup.ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules -Expandproperties).Properties
Write-Host "ID: " $targetResourceId
The output for each VM is displayed in the following format,
What I want is simple, I want the VM name and its status of Auto-shutdown to be displayed on the screen so that its easy for me to find out which all VM have auto-shutdown currently disabled on them.
Any help related to this would be helpful.
You just need to get the microsoft.devtestlab/schedules resource ID using:
Then iterate over all your VMs using Get-AzVM, Get the microsoft.devtestlab/schedules resource using Get-AzResource, then output VM name and status into a table using Format-Table.
$subscriptionId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
& {
foreach ($vm in Get-AzVM) {
try {
$shutdownResource = Get-AzResource `
-ResourceId "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$($vm.ResourceGroupName)/providers/microsoft.devtestlab/schedules/shutdown-computevm-$($vm.Name)" `
-ErrorAction Stop
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $shutdownResource.Properties.status
catch {
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $_.Exception.Message
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
To set the context to the correct subscription, we can use Set-AzContext.
The above however is using the latest Az modules. You can do the same using the equivalent AzureRm modules.
$subscriptionId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
& {
foreach ($vm in Get-AzureRmVM) {
try {
$shutdownResource = Get-AzureRmResource `
-ResourceId "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$($vm.ResourceGroupName)/providers/microsoft.devtestlab/schedules/shutdown-computevm-$($vm.Name)" `
-ErrorAction Stop
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $shutdownResource.Properties.status
catch {
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $_.Exception.Message
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
Although I do recommend moving to the Az module since support for AzureRm is ending December 2020. You can read the documentation for more information about this.
The above code should give you an output similar to the following
VMName ShutdownStatus
------ --------------
vm1 Enabled
vm2 Disabled
The Call operator & is used here to run the for loop as a script block. You can read more about this in about_Script_Blocks.
Try something like this to get the auto-shutdown status of all VMs. Instead of trying to get the schedules inside the loop, get all the ones in the subscription and match them based on the VM's full resource Id.
[array]$VMArray = Get-AzureRMVm | Select-Object -Property ResourceGroupName, Name, VmId, Id
$ShutdownInformation = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules -Expandproperties).Properties
foreach($vm in $VMArray) {
$ShutdownStatus = "Not Configured"
$Schedule = $ShutdownInformation | Where-Object { $_.targetResourceId -eq $vm.Id } | Select -First 1
if($Schedule -ne $null) {
$ShutdownStatus = $Schedule.status
Write-Host $vm.VmId $ShutdownStatus

Check if Azure VM name exists before deploying arm template

I am trying to use Azure powershell to get VM name (Eg: demovm01, where the VM name is demovm and the suffix is 01.
I want to get the output and automatically append a new suffix of 02 if 01 already exists.
Sample script to get vm name:
$getvm = Get-AzVM -Name "$vmname" -ResourceGroupName "eodemofunction" -ErrorVariable notPresent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($notPresent) {
Write-Output "VM not found. Creating now"
else {
Write-Output "VM exists."
return $true
I want to be able to inject this new vm name to an arm deploy to deploy
This should do it. Will increment until no VM is found and use a simple -replace to inject to your json file. Will also return all thr VM values that are already present in Azure
$vmname_base = "vmserver"
$VMexists = #()
do {
#invert int value to double digit string
$int = $i.tostring('00')
$getvm = Get-AzVM -Name "$vmname_base$int" -ResourceGroupName "eodemofunction" -ErrorVariable notPresent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($notPresent) {
Write-Output "VM not found. Creating now"
Write-Output "VM created name is $vmname_base$int"
#Set condition to end do while loop
VMcreated = "true"
#commands to inject to json here. I always find replace method the easiest
$JSON = Get-Content azuredeploy.parameters.json
$JSON = $JSON -replace ("Servername","$vmname_base$int")
$JSON | Out-File azuredeploy.parameters.json -Force
else {
Write-Output "VMexists."
# Add existing VM to array
$VMexists += "$vmname_base$int"
# Increment version, ie. 01 to 02 to 03 etc
} while ($VMcreated -ne "true")
return $VMexists
Your command could be like below, the $newvmname is that you want.
$vmname = "demovm01"
$getvm = Get-AzVM -Name "$vmname" -ResourceGroupName "<group name>" -ErrorVariable notPresent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($notPresent) {
Write-Output "VM not found. Creating now"
else {
Write-Output "VM exists."
if($getvm.Name -like '*01'){
$newvmname = $vmname.TrimEnd('01')+"02"
Write-Output $newvmname
return $true
