Terminal hangs when executing yum commands - linux

During a patch window, the yum update command stopped running with a Bus Error. Now when I try to execute a yum command my terminal hangs and I need to kill the process.
I have tried to kill all the yum commands running that showed with the ps -aef | grep yum, this did not help.
I have tried to rm -f /var/run/yum.pid and rm -f /var/cache/yum
Afterward, I ran the command rpm --rebuilddb after these commands yum still hangs and I need to kill the process.
No matter what yum command I use it hangs.
Any suggestions?

I had a similar issue (on Redhat 7).
For me, this worked out:
sudo kill -9 $(ps aux | grep -E 'yum|rpm' | awk '{print $2}')
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/rpm/__db* /var/lib/rpm/.dbenv.lock
sudo rpm --rebuilddb
Be careful though, 'kill -9' is a bad way to stop processes. Especially recursive like the above.
Use the above as a last effort to overcome you issue, after you have examinated your processes running.


Trying to use dpkg within a folder only on files with the keyword 'mono' in the title

I'm currently trying to install mono using dpkg, and all the other files within the same folder using apt-get, I know I need to use some form of this:
sudo grep 'mono' | dpkg -R --install >/dev/null
however there are too many unknowns for me to complete it and fill in whatever blanks there may be, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Try this:
ls | grep "mono" | sudo xargs dpkg -R --install >/dev/null
The ls will only give files from the current directory. You could also use ls -d *mono* instead of the ls and grep, but I think the ls and grep is easier to understand
The grep is as you had, but now has input from the ls to grep on. You can try ls | grep "mono" to see what files it selects.
Then the sudo is moved to the dpkg part of the script to make dpkg run as root. The way you had it grep runs as root and dpkg as your user
The xargs will take whatever input you had, and put it after the next command. It will take command line length limits in account and execute multiple dpkg commands if the command line gets too big. Note that if your files have spaces in their names, xargs will see the space as start of a new file and you will have problems. There are solutions to that, but really, the easiest solution is to have no files with spaces.
In this example, lets say there are 2 files from the grep "mono1.deb and "mono2.deb" the command executed will be dpkg -R --install mono1.deb mono2.deb. If for some reason you want only one deb per dpkg execution you can change it to ...xargs -n1 dpkg... and it will run dpkg -R --install mono1.deb and also dpkg -R --install mono2.deb
The >/dev/null make sure you won't get any output. Note that you will still get the errors though!

Running Linux command as one user, but directing stdout as root

I need to run the following command
xscreensaver -no-splash
as nobody, so I run
sudo -u nobody xscreensaver -no-splash
but I want to direct stdout and stderr to a file in /root
I want something like this
sudo (sudo -u nobody xscreensaver -no-splash) 2>&1 | tee /root/test.log
but that obviously doesn't work. What is the correct way to do this?
Simply run tee also with sudo but as user root:
sudo -u nobody xscreensaver -no-splash 2>&1 | sudo tee /root/test.log

Run command as root within shell script

I'm working on a script that will shred a usb drive and install Kali linux with encrypted persistent data.
#! /bin/bash
cd ~/Documents/Other/ISOs/Kali
echo "/dev/sdx x=?"
read x
echo "how many passes to wipe? 1 will be sufficient."
read n
echo "sd$x will be wiped $n times."
read -p "do you want to continue? [y/N] " -n 1 -r
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
exit 1
echo "Your role in the installation process is not over. You will be prompted to type YES and a passphrase."
sudo shred -vz --iterations=$n /dev/sd$x
echo "Wiped. Installing Kali"
sudo dd if=kali-linux-2.0-amd64.iso of=/dev/sd$x bs=512k
echo "Installed. Making persistence."
sudo parted /dev/sd$x mkpart primary 3.5GiB 100%
sudo cryptsetup --verbose --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/sd$x
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sd$x my_usb
sudo mkfs.ext3 -L persistence /dev/mapper/my_usb
sudo e2label /dev/mapper/my_usb persistence
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/my_usb
sudo mount /dev/mapper/my_usb /mnt/my_usb
sudo -i
echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
umount /dev/mapper/my_usb
cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/my_usb
echo "Persistence complete. Installation complete."
It works nearly perfectly. These commands individually entered into the terminal will create the desired effect, but the problem comes in at line 37:
sudo echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
That command won't work unless I'm logged in as root user. To solve this I tried adding the sudo -i command before, but once I do that all of the following commands are skipped.
It's okay if the solution suggested requires me to type in the password. I don't want the password stored in the script, that's just wreckless.
Side note, I didn't make a generic form for this question because I want other people to be able use this if they like it.
The problem is that the echo runs with root privilege but the redirection happens in the original shell as the non-root user. Instead, try running an explicit sh under sudo and do the redirection in there
sudo /bin/sh -c 'echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf'
The problem is that when you type in the following command:
sudo echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
Only the "echo" will be run as root through sudo, but the redirection to the file using > will still be executed as the "normal" user, because it is not a command but something performed directly by the shell.
My usual solution is to use teeso that it runs as a command and not as a shell built-in operation, like this:
echo "/ union" | sudo tee /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf >/dev/null
Now the tee command will be run as root through sudo and will be allowed to write to the file. >/dev/null is just added to keep the output of the script clean. If you ever want to append instead of overwrite (e.g. you would be using >>normally), then use tee -a.

Command output, pipe, script co-operation

I'm writing a small script to restart my lighttpd server:
1. kill already running process
2. start new server
The script is the following:
PID=$(ps aux | grep lighttpd | grep -v grep | cut -c9-15)
kill $PID
sudo lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
My problem is that in a terminal window the command
ps aux | grep lighttpd | grep -v grep | cut -c9-15
gives the result: 11685 but if it runs within the shell script than the result is 11685 13339 13340
What am I missing here?
The ps output of the line containing the lighttpd job is
root 11685 0.0 0.0 11096 1960 ? S 16:40 0:00 lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
Why you are wasting time in Linux/unix for grepping PID and killing it when you have killall command
You can directly
killall lighttpd or /usr/bin/killall lighttpd
if not superuser then use sudo
sudo killall lighttpd or sudo /usr/bin/killall lighttpd
can use preferably -9 with killall like in your case would be sudo killall lighttpd
then restart it via
sudo lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
if you are looking for fully automated script then make use of except commands
Click here

Getting sudo and nohup to work together

Linux newbie here.
I have a perl script which takes two command line inputs. I tried to run it in the background but this is what I got:
[~user]$ nohup sudo ./ascii_loader_script.pl 20070502 ctm_20070502.csv &
[2] 19603
[~user]$ nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'
after the system returns "nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'", no new prompt will appear. Then as long as I type in some other command, the shell will tell me that the process is stopped:
[~user]$ nohup sudo ./ascii_loader_script.pl 20070502 ctm_20070502.csv &
[2] 19603
[~user]$ nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'
ascii_loader_script.pl format_wrds_trd.txt nohup.out norm_wrds_trd.cfg
[2]+ Stopped nohup sudo ./ascii_loader_script.pl 20070502 ctm_20070502.csv
I've looked at this post and tried to do "sudo date" before executing the command. Still got the same thing.
The solution is to use the -b flag for sudo to run the command in the background:
$ sudo -b ./ascii_loader_script.pl 20070502 ctm_20070502.csv
You should only use nohup if you want the program to continue even after you close your current terminal session
The problem here, imho, is not nohup, but background processing sudo.
You are putting the process in background (& at end of command) but probably sudo needs password authentication, and that is why the process stops.
Try one of these:
1) remove the ampersand from end of command, reply to passord prompt and afterwords put it in background (by typing CTRL-Z - which stops the process and issuing the bg command to send it to background)
2) Change the /etc/sudoers to not ask for users password by including the line:
myusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
If besides the password reply your application waits for other input, then you can pipe the input to the command like this:
$ cat responses.txt|sudo mycommand.php
You can Try
sudo su
and then
nohup ./ascii_loader_script.pl 20070502 ctm_20070502.csv &
instead of
nohup sudo ./ascii_loader_script.pl 20070502 ctm_20070502.csv &
You must use sudo first, nohup second.
sudo nohup ./ascii_loader_script.pl 20070502 ctm_20070502.csv &
My working solution for evaluating disk fragmentation in the background:
Exec sudo with nohup without ampersand (&) at the end:
$ sudo nohup nice -20 find / -type f -exec filefrag "{}" \; | sed 's/^\(.*\): \([0-9]\+\) extent.*/\2\t\1/'| awk -F ' ' '$1 > 0' | sort -n -r | head -50 > filefrag.txt
Enter password for sudo;
Press Ctrl+Z;
Put the running process in the background.
$ bg 1
[1]+ sudo nohup nice -20 find / -type f -exec filefrag "{}" \; | sed 's/^\(.*\): \([0-9]\+\) extent.*/\2\t\1/' | awk -F ' ' '$1 > 0' | sort -n -r | head -50 > filefrag.txt &
Now you can exit the terminal and log in later. The process will remain running in the background. Because nohup is used.
First of all, you should switch sudo and nohup.
And then:
if sudo echo Starting ...
sudo nohup <yourProcess> &
The echo Starting ... can be replaced by any command that does not do much.
I only use it as dummy command for the sudo.
By this the sudo in the if-condition triggers the password-check.
If it is ok then the sudo session is logged in and the second call will succeed, otherwise the if will fail and not execute the actual command.
I open an editor and typed these lines:
sudo echo Starting ...
sudo -b MyProcess
(Where MyProcess is anything I want to run as superuser.)
Then I save the file where I want it as MyShellScript.sh .
Then change the file permissions to allow execution.
Then run it in a terminal. the "-b" option tells sudo to run the process separately in the background, so the process keeps running after the terminal session dies.
Worked for me in linux-mint.
You can set it as your alias:
sudo sh -c 'nohup openvpn /etc/openvpn/client.ovpn 2>&1 > /dev/null &'
This should work
sudo -b -u userName ./myScript > logFile
I am just curious to understand that can I send this logFile as a email after the ./myScript is successful running in background.
xterm -e "sudo -b nohup php -S localhost:80 -t /media/malcolm/Workspace/sites &>/dev/null"
When you close xterm, the PHP web server still alive.
Don't put nohup before sudo or else the PHP web server will be killed after closing xterm.
