Database errors if specific guild doesn't exist - node.js

I have per guild settings on my discord bot. However, for some reason if the guild doesn't exist it errors. I have over 150 guilds that my bot is in, and this was only recently added. I don't know what to do to make it work ...
I have tried different methods of calling if the data is null but I always get an error and end up with this original chunk of code
client.updateGuild = async (guild, settings) => {
let data = await client.getGuild(guild);
if (typeof data !== 'object') data = {};
for (const key in settings) {
if (data[key] !== settings[key]) data[key] = settings[key];
else return;
console.log(`Guild "${data.guildName}" updated settings: ${Object.keys(settings)}`);
return await data.updateOne(settings);
If the guild does not exist it should make a new entry for the guild and save the updated config settings when someone runs the config command
client.createGuild = async settings => {
const defaults = Object.assign({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId() }, client.config.defaultSettings);
const merged = Object.assign(defaults, settings);
const newGuild = await new Guild(merged);
.then(console.log(`Default settings saved for guild "${merged.guildName}" (${merged.guildID})`));
This is the command run when it is added to a guild after the update, but like I said theres over 150 old ones ;-;

If I understand it right, the problem is somewhere here:
return await data.updateOne(settings);
data should be an actual collection/model and according to let data = await client.getGuild(guild); it should return a model, but I'm 99% sure that it's not. Well, I don't see what client.getGuild does, so.. that's why I'm sure only for 99%
The second vector of the problem lies here, settings object should be equal to these schema: {filter_field: value},{update_field: value},{upsert:true} and as a result:
... = await model_name.updateOne({filter: value},{update: field},{upsert:true}).exec(callback)
And for the more, if you want to:
I need the updateGuild function to run the createGuild function if there is no database entry
I guess that updateGuild inside, should looks like this, w/o createGuild method:
let result = await model_name.findOneAndUpdate(
fieldName: filterValue,
new Class(object),
upsert : true,
new: true,
setDefaultsOnInsert: true,
runValidators: true,
lean: true
in that case, result variable have updated docs data, and some values could be displayed to the user of the bot, via destructive method if it succeeded.
Or trigger await createGuild(); directly, in updateGuild without upside code snippet if it allows to.


Error: Value for argument "documentPath" is not a valid resource path. Path must be a non-empty string. /*what is empty or not a string*/

this is the error that I get. I checked multiple times that the paths that I indicate are actually pointing at something in the database. I'm kinda going crazy about why this is not working, so help will be appreciated. (the same error is given by both functions, two times every invocation of the function)
this is my code:
exports.onCreatePost = functions.firestore
.onCreate (async (snapshot, context) => {
const postCreated =;
const userID = context.params.userid;
const postID = context.params.postId;
//get all the followers who made the post
const userFollowerRef = admin.firestore().collection('time').doc(userID).collection('followers');
const querySnap = await userFollowerRef.get();
//add the post in each follower timeline
querySnap.forEach(doc => {
const followerid =;
//when a post is updated
exports.onUpdatePost = functions.firestore
.onUpdate(async (change, context) => {
const postUpdated =;
const userID = context.params.userid;
const postID = context.params.postId;
//get all the followers who made the post
const userFollowerRef = admin.firestore().collection('time').doc(userID).collection('followers');
const querySnap = await userFollowerRef.get();
//Update the post in each follower timeline
querySnap.forEach(doc => {
const follower =;
.get().then(doc => {
if (doc.exists) {
I personally don't know how to log each variable and did not find how to do it online. I'll keep searching but in the mindtime I can share my extensive logs that from my interpretation are not very useful but maybe is just because I'm inexperienced.
this is the error log
enter image description here
In function exports.onUpdatePost're likely trying to access documentPath null (or something alike that). Add logging, this permits to log custom debug information into the log which you've screenshotted. When logging every step of the procedure, it's a whole lot easier to determine what is happening and why - or why not, when skipping something. Alike this you should be able to solve the issue on your own. My functions logging actually utilizes emojis, because UTF-8 is being supported: ✅❌ (visual indicators make the log more readable).
The cause seems to be one of these instructions:
admin.firestore().collection('time') // it is being assumed that it exists
.doc(userID) // argument or return value may be null
.collection('followers') // return value may be null
admin.firestore().collection('time') // it is being assumed that it exists
.doc(follower) // argument or return value may be null
.collection('timelinePosts') // return value may be null
.doc(postID) // argument or return value may be null
eg. one first has to check if follower != null or empty and if the desired document even exists. The same goes for userID and .doc(userID) (the seemingly "own" timeline).
if (follower != null && follower.length > 0) {
admin.firestore().collection('time').doc(follower).get().then(timeline => {
functions.logger.log('timeline: ' follower + ', ' + timeline.exists);
if (timeline.exists) {
} else {
documentPath == null comes from .doc() + userID, followerid, follower or postID.

DiscordJS v13 send to specific channel

So I am trying to send an embed to a different channel than the command was used in as a log channel how ever I have tried a few different methods however where I am at now is the error i get is qChann.send is not a function it is yelling at the .send part.
This is the part referenced in index.js Yes I know it is bad practice to reference and export from main file but I am desperate for a solution
client.on('ready', async () => {
const qChann = client.channels.cache.get('960425106964885535');
The second part is in a command file call deposit.js
It uses a 2 part collector ignore date and time stuff thats from express
I am also using mongoDB and it works completely fine how ever that last little statement is giving me a hard time qChann.send({embed: steelEmbed}); also qChann is included as const qChann = require('../index');
if (collected.content.toLowerCase() === 'steel') {
message.reply('Enter the amount youd like to deposit');
collector.stop('user entered steel');
const steelCollector ={
max: 1,
time: 1000 * 20,
steelCollector.on('collect', async (collected) => {
const steelAmount = collected.content;
await steelSchema.findOneAndUpdate({
$inc: {
steel: +steelAmount,
steelNewCount = await steelSchema.findOne({steelSchema}, {_id: 0});
const steelEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Ammo11 Stash Update`)
.setDescription(`Steel Count Updated`)
.addField(`Stash Updated`, `by <#${}>`, true)
.addField(`Date Log`, `${date} / ${month} / ${year}`, true)
.addField(`Steel Deposited`, `${steelAmount}`, true)
.addField(`New Steel Count`, `${steelNewCount}`, true )
qChann.send({embed: steelEmbed});
You need to define channel and then export it. You didn't export so you can't take it from another file as i know.
// outside of events
const qChann = client.channels.cache.get("960425106964885535")
module.exports = { qChann }
After this edit on your main file, you can access your channel with importing it with require in your command files.

Arango beginTransaction() not rolling back with trx.abort()

I'm having some difficulty with arangodb.beginTransaction(). In my tests, creating a transaction, calling a function via API and then aborting the trx does not roll back the data changes on the database. I'm unclear what is happening and the documentation is extremely sparse. There is this documentation which is quite ominous, but also very vague:
If the given function contains asynchronous logic, only the synchronous part of the function will be run in the transaction. E.g. when using async/await only the code up to the first await will run in the transaction.
What about nested async/await inside the async function being called? For example, if I have this:
async runQuery(query) {
try {
const cursor = await this.arangodb.query(query)
return cursor.all()
} catch (error) {
logger.error('ArangoDB query failed', { stack: error })
throw error
async touchDocument(id, revision) {
const type = await this.getObjectTypeFromId(id)
const collection = await this.getCollection(type, false, true)
const idCollection = await this.getCollection(ID_COLLECTION, false, true)
const touchAql = aql`
LET permanentDocId = DOCUMENT(${idCollection}, ${id}).docId
LET permanentDoc = MERGE( DOCUMENT(permanentDocId), { _rev : ${revision} })
UPDATE permanentDoc WITH permanentDoc in ${collection} OPTIONS { ignoreRevs: false }
return this.runQuery(touchAql)
} => this.touchDocument(parentId, parentRevision))
Will this.arangodb.query() execute inside the transaction or not?
I'm the author of arangojs. For posterity I'd like to clarify that this answer is about arangojs 6, which is the current release of arangojs at the time of this writing and the version that first added support for streaming transactions. The API may change in future versions although there are currently no plans to do so.
Because of how transactions work (as of arangojs 6), you need to pay special attention to the caveat mentioned in the documentation for the run method:
If the given function contains asynchronous logic, only the synchronous part of the function will be run in the transaction. E.g. when using async/await only the code up to the first await will run in the transaction. Pay attention to the examples below.
In other words, async functions will likely not behave correctly if you just wrap them in I'd recommend passing the transaction object to each function and wrapping the method calls in those functions in
For example:
async runQuery(query, trx) {
try {
const cursor = await => this.arangodb.query(query))
return => cursor.all())
} catch (error) {
logger.error('ArangoDB query failed', { stack: error })
throw error
async touchDocument(id, revision, trx) {
const type = await this.getObjectTypeFromId(id, trx)
const collection = await this.getCollection(type, false, true, trx)
const idCollection = await this.getCollection(ID_COLLECTION, false, true, trx)
const touchAql = aql`
LET permanentDocId = DOCUMENT(${idCollection}, ${id}).docId
LET permanentDoc = MERGE( DOCUMENT(permanentDocId), { _rev : ${revision} })
UPDATE permanentDoc WITH permanentDoc in ${collection} OPTIONS { ignoreRevs: false }
return this.runQuery(touchAql, trx)
this.touchDocument(parentId, parentRevision, trx)
The reason behind this is that sets the entire driver into "transaction mode", executes the given function and then disables "transaction mode" after executing it so unrelated code doesn't accidentally run in the transaction.
The drawback of this approach is that if the function is async and contains multiple await statements, only the code leading up to and including the first await will be run in the transaction. In your code that means "transaction mode" is disabled after this.getObjectTypeFromId(id) returns. If that method itself contains multiple await expressions, again only the first one will be part of the transaction (and so forth).
I hope this clears up some of the confusion.

Index messed up if I upload more than one file at once

I've got the following firebase function to run once a file is uploaded to firebase storage.
It basically gets its URL and saves a reference to it in firestore. I need to save them in a way so that I can query them randomly from my client. Indexes seem to be to best fit this requirement.
for the firestore reference I need the following things:
doc ids must go from 0 to n (n beeing the index of the last
have a --stats-- doc keeping track of n (gets
incremented every time a document is uploaded)
To achieve this I've written the following node.js script:
const incrementIndex = admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1);
export const image_from_storage_to_firestore =
.onFinalize(async object => {
const bucket = gcs.bucket(object.bucket);
const filePath =;
const splittedPath = filePath!.split("/");
// se siamo nelle immagini
// path = emotions/$emotion/photos/$photographer/file.jpeg
if (splittedPath[0] === "emotions" && splittedPath[2] === "photos") {
const emotion = splittedPath[1];
const photographer = splittedPath[3];
const file = bucket.file(filePath!);
const indexRef = admin.firestore().collection("images")
const index = await indexRef.get().then((doc) => {
if (!doc.exists) {
return 0;
} else {
if (index === 0) {
await admin.firestore().collection("images")
.set({index: 0});
console.log("(GOT INDEX): " + index);
let imageURL;
await file
action: "read",
expires: "03-09-2491"
.then(signedUrls => {
imageURL = signedUrls[0];
console.log("(GOT URL): " + imageURL);
var docRef = admin.firestore()
await indexRef.update({index: incrementIndex});
await docRef.set({ imageURL: imageURL, photographer: photographer });
return true;
return false;
Getting to the problem:
It works perfectly if I upload the files one by one.
It messes up the index if I upload more than one file at once, because two concurrent uploads will read the same index value from --stats-- and one will overwrite the other.
How would you solve this problem? would you use another approach instead of the indexed one?
You should use a Transaction in which you:
read the value of the index (from "--stats--" document),
write the new index and
write the value of the imageURL in the "emotion" doc.
See also the reference docs about transactions.
This way, if the index value is changed in the "--stats--" document while the Transaction is being executed, the Cloud Function can catch the Transaction failure and generates an error which finishes it.
In parallel, you will need to enable retries for this background Cloud Function, in order it is retried if the Transaction failed in a previous run.
See this documentation item, including the video from Doug Stevenson which is embedded in the doc.

Botframework with NodeJS while prompt system doesn't read what user input the value

Azure BotFramework
In dialog state I am using 'return await step.prompt' inside async function. But once user enters the value it is not considering the user input value as a input for prompt instead it is going to luisrecognizer for the match.
I have written the similar code for different dialog where it works fine.
Kindly requesting you provide some valuable input.
Azure BotFramework
this.addDialog(new WaterfallDialog('OrderStatusDialog', [
async function(step) {
return await step.context.sendActivity(reply);
async function(step) {
var cardValue = step.context.activity.value;
if (cardValue) {
if (cardValue.action == "Order_Number") {
return await step.prompt('textPrompt', 'enter order number');
} else if (cardValue.action == "Serial_Number") {
return await step.prompt('textPrompt', 'enter serial number');
} else {
return await;
// return await step.endDialog();
async function (step) {
var cardValue = step.context.activity;
console.log("****** cardValue");
console.log("****** step After");
return await step.endDialog();
at prompt step it should read the value what user is entering. Also stack is empty when i console the step ..
Unfortunately, you have a few issues with your code. But, hopefully this will help iron them out. I had no issues running the below code.
One, double check which version of Botbuilder you have installed. At least one call ('this.addDialog') I am unfamiliar with, doesn't appear to be a part of the current SDK, and didn't work for me when testing.
Two, configure your bot like below. Technically, you should be able pass the various steps in as you have them in your question. However, something about yours was not work and I couldn't figure out what. The below setup DOES work, however, and conforms to already accepted practices.
Three, your first step calls 'step.context.sendActivity(reply)'. In the next step you are trying to read the returned value of that call. That isn't going to work as sendActivity simply sends a statement from the bot to the user ("Welcome to my bot!", for example). You need to perform a prompt to capture the user's input response (see below).
It looks like you are trying to read a value from a card. Since you didn't supply that bit of code, I faked the value by supplying the 'Order_Number' and 'Serial_Number' via a text prompt from the user.
You should also take advantage of the bot state options. Rather than use the variable 'cardValue', consider using UserState or DialogState to store user values important to the conversation.
Lastly, in this simple example, order and serial numbers will overwrite each other if you pass thru multiple times.
const START_DIALOG = 'starting_dialog';
const DIALOG_STATE_PROPERTY = 'dialogState';
const ACTION_PROMPT = 'action_prompt';
const ORDER_PROMPT= 'order_prompt';
const SERIAL_PROMPT= 'serial_prompt';
class ExampleBot {
constructor(conversationState, userState) {
this.conversationState = conversationState;
this.userState = userState;
this.dialogState = this.conversationState.createProperty(DIALOG_STATE_PROPERTY);
this.userData = this.userState.createProperty(USER_PROFILE_PROPERTY);
this.dialogs = new DialogSet(this.dialogState);
.add(new TextPrompt(ACTION_PROMPT))
.add(new TextPrompt(ORDER_PROMPT))
.add(new TextPrompt(SERIAL_PROMPT));
this.dialogs.add(new WaterfallDialog(START_DIALOG, [
async promptForAction(step) {
return await step.prompt(ACTION_PROMPT, `Action?`,
retryPrompt: 'Try again. Action??'
async promptForNumber(step) {
const user = await this.userData.get(step.context, {});
user.action = step.result;
if (user) {
if (user.action == 'Order_Number') {
return await step.prompt(ORDER_PROMPT, 'enter order number');
} else if (user.action == 'Serial_Number') {
return await step.prompt(SERIAL_PROMPT, 'enter serial number');
} else {
return await;
async consoleLogResult(step) {
const user = await this.userData.get(step.context, {});
user.orderNumber = step.result;
console.log('****** cardValue');
console.log('****** step After');
return await step.endDialog();
async onTurn(turnContext) {
... //Other code
// Save changes to the user state.
await this.userState.saveChanges(turnContext);
// End this turn by saving changes to the conversation state.
await this.conversationState.saveChanges(turnContext);
Hope of help!
somehow it worked for me after saving conversation state where ever i am replacing the dialog.
await this.conversationState.saveChanges(context);
