How to send service bus message to deadletter queue in NodeJS? - node.js

How can I send message to deadletter queue?
serviceBusService.receiveQueueMessage(MESSAGE_QUEUE, {isPeekLock: true}, (error, message) => {
...... // want to put message to deadletter queue if there is exception
serviceBusService.deleteMessage(message, error => {

Mostly, you'd want to rely on the system to decide when to move a message to DLQ and make it the messaging engine's responsibility as much as possible (and not explicitly put a message on DLQ.) It also appears that the guidance in this scenario was provided via documentation here: How to handle application crashes and unreadable messages

Looks like you are using the older azure-sb package that relies on the HTTP REST apis. If you instead use the newer #azure/service-bus package which uses the faster AMQP implementation, there is a deadletter() method on the message you receive that you can use to send the message to the dead letter queue.


Azure Service Bus - random deserialization issues

I've been recently having problems with my Service Bus queue. Random messages (one can pass and the other not) are placed on the deadletter queue with the error message saying:
"DeadLetterReason": "Moved because of Unable to get Message content There was an error deserializing the object of type System.String. The input source is not correctly formatted."
"DeadLetterErrorDescription": "Des"
This happens even before my consumer has the chance to receive the message from the queue.
The weird part is that when I requeue the message through Service Bus Explorer it passes and is successfully received and handled by my consumer.
I am using the same version of Service Bus either for sending and receiving the messages:
Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus, version: 7.2.1
My message is being sent like this:
await using var client = new ServiceBusClient(connString);
var sender = client.CreateSender(endpointName);
var message = new ServiceBusMessage(serializedMessage);
await sender.SendMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(true);
So the solution I have for now for the described issue is that I implemented a retry policy for the messages that land on the dead-letter queue. The message is cloned from the DLQ and added again to the ServiceBus queue and for the second time there is no problems and the message completes successfully. I suppose that this happens because of some weird performance issues I might have in the Azure infrastructure. But this approach bought me some time to investigate further.

Set message custom properties when rejecting message

I have this simple application that uses node-amqp10 to read messages from some subscriptions and process/accepts or rejects messages due to some error that might happen.
My question is, is it possible for the consumer to set any additional property into the message when rejecting? (like DeadLetterError)
I've thought the receiverLink.reject would get the error parameter and set into the message automatically, but maybe this is not even possible (consumer setting properties into the message)
I am assuming you are using Azure Service Bus based on the tag in your question. If you use #azure/service-bus package instead, you have the option of updating properties of the message. Also while dead lettering you can provide deadLetterReason and deadLetterErrorDescription like below:
async function receiveMessage() {
// If receiving from a subscription you can use the createReceiver(topicName, subscriptionName) overload
const receiver = sbClient.createReceiver(queueName);
const messages = await receiver.receiveMessages(1);
if (messages.length) {
">>>>> Deadletter the one message received from the main queue - ",
// Deadletter the message received
await receiver.deadLetterMessage(messages[0], {
deadLetterReason: "Incorrect Recipe type",
deadLetterErrorDescription: "Recipe type does not match preferences."
} else {
console.log(">>>> Error: No messages were received from the main queue.");
await receiver.close();
For more details, refer Azure Service Bus client library for Javascript.
My question is, is it possible for the consumer to set any additional
property into the message when rejecting? (like DeadLetterError)
No, you can't. I know what you want to do, But the method of the basic module '#azure/service-bus' is not designed as you think.
For NODE.JS, it is deadLetterMessage(ServiceBusReceivedMessage, DeadLetterOptions & [key: string]: any).
JavaScript reference API:
It don't allow you to add custom properties.
But if you using C#, then it is possible:
DeadLetterAsync(String, IDictionary<String,Object>)
C# API reference:
In short, for NODE.JS you can only change the description of the dead-letter message, but can't add custom properties.

How to listen to a queue using azure service-bus with Node.js?

I have several clients sending messages to an azure service bus queue. To match it, I need several machines reading from that queue and consuming the messages as they arrive, using Node.js.
I have read the azure service bus queues tutorial and I am aware I can use receiveQueueMessage to read a message from the queue.
However, the tutorial does not mention how one can listen to a queue and read messages as soon as they arrive.
I know I can simply poll the queue for messages, but this spams the servers with requests for no real benefit.
After searching in SO, I found a discussion where someone had a similar issue:
Listen to Queue (Event Driven no polling) Service-Bus / Storage Queue
And I know they ended up using the C# async method ReceiveAsync, but it is not clear to me if:
That method is available for Node.js
If that method reads messages from the queue as soon as they arrive, like I need.
The documentation for Node.js is close to non-existant, with that one tutorial being the only major document I found.
How can my workers be notified of an incoming message in azure bus service queues ?
According to Azure support, it is not possible to be notified when a queue receives a message. This is valid for every language.
Work arounds
There are 2 main work arounds for this issue:
Use Azure topics and subscriptions. This way you can have all clients subscribed to an event new-message and have them check the queue once they receive the notification. This has several problems though: first you have to pay yet another Azure service and second you can have multiple clients trying to read the same message.
Continuous Polling. Have the clients check the queue every X seconds. This solution is horrible, as you end up paying the network traffic you generate and you spam the service with useless requests. To help minimize this there is a concept called long polling which is so poorly documented it might as well not exist. I did find this NPM module though:
Honestly, at this point, you may be wondering why you should be using this service. I agree...
As an alternative there is RabbitMQ which is free, has a community, good documentation and a ton more features.
The downside here is that maintaining a RabbitMQ fault tolerant cluster is not exactly trivial.
Another alternative is Apache Kafka which is also very reliable.
You can receive messages from the service bus queue via subscribe method which listens to a stream of values. Example from Azure documentation below
const { delay, ServiceBusClient, ServiceBusMessage } = require("#azure/service-bus");
// connection string to your Service Bus namespace
// name of the queue
const queueName = "<QUEUE NAME>"
async function main() {
// create a Service Bus client using the connection string to the Service Bus namespace
const sbClient = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
// createReceiver() can also be used to create a receiver for a subscription.
const receiver = sbClient.createReceiver(queueName);
// function to handle messages
const myMessageHandler = async (messageReceived) => {
console.log(`Received message: ${messageReceived.body}`);
// function to handle any errors
const myErrorHandler = async (error) => {
// subscribe and specify the message and error handlers
processMessage: myMessageHandler,
processError: myErrorHandler
// Waiting long enough before closing the sender to send messages
await delay(20000);
await receiver.close();
await sbClient.close();
// call the main function
main().catch((err) => {
console.log("Error occurred: ", err);
source :
I asked myslef the same question, here is what I found.
Use Google PubSub, it does exactly what you are looking for.
If you want to stay with Azure, the following ist possible:
cloud functions can be triggered from SBS messages
trigger an event-hub event with that cloud function
receive the event and fetch the message from SBS
You can make use of serverless functions which are "ServiceBusQueueTrigger",
they are invoked as soon as message arrives in queue,
Its pretty straight forward doing in nodejs, you need bindings defined in function.json which have type as
"type": "serviceBusTrigger",
This article ( probably would help in more detail.

Rebus - Send delayed message to another queue (Azure ServiceBus)

I have a website and and a webjob, where the website is a oneway client and the webjob is worker.
I use the Azure ServiceBus transport for the queue.
I get the following error:
InvalidOperationException: Cannot use ourselves as timeout manager
because we're a one-way client
when I try to send Bus.Defer from the website bus.
Since Azure Servicebus have built in support for timeoutmanager should not this work event from a oneway client?
The documentation on Bus.Defer says: Defers the delivery of the message by attaching a header to it and delivering it to the configured timeout manager endpoint
/// (defaults to be ourselves). When the time is right, the deferred message is returned to the address indicated by the header."
Could I fix this by setting the ReturnAddress like this:
headers.Add(Rebus.Messages.Headers.ReturnAddress, "webjob-worker");
Could I fix this by setting the ReturnAddress like this: headers.Add(Rebus.Messages.Headers.ReturnAddress, "webjob-worker");
Yes :)
The problem is this: When you await bus.Defer a message with Rebus, it defaults to return the message to the input queue of the sender.
When you're a one-way client, you don't have an input queue, and thus there is no way for you to receive the message after the timeout has elapsed.
Setting the return address fixes this, although I admit the solution does not exactly reek of elegance. A nicer API would be if Rebus had a Defer method on its routing API, which could be called like this:
var routingApi = bus.Advanced.Routing;
await routingApi.Defer(recipient, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), message);
but unfortunately it does not have that method at the moment.
To sum it up: Yes, setting the return address explicitly on the deferred message makes a one-way client capable of deferring messages.

Auditing using Rebus 2 on Azure Service Bus

I have something like this in my code
bus = Configure.With(activator)
.Options(o => o.SimpleRetryStrategy(errorQueueAddress: configuration.GetStringSettings("ErrorQueue")))
.Routing(r => r.TypeBased().Map<MyMessage>("endpointQueueName"))
.Transport(a => a.UseAzureServiceBus(configuration.GetStringSettings("AzureConnectionString"), configuration.GetStringSettings("InputQueueAddress"), Rebus.AzureServiceBus.Config.AzureServiceBusMode.Standard))
.Options(o => o.EnableMessageAuditing("auditQueueName"))
Assuming that "endpointQueueName" and "auditQueueName" exist on my azure service bus namespace. When i send a message of type MyMessage, i expect to find it in "endpointQueueName" queue and in "auditQueueName" queue but this doesn't happening. I find it only in "endpointQueueName" queue.
What I'm doing wrong in configuration?
You are observing the correct behavior :)
As stated in the Message Auditing documentation messages get copied to the audit queue before the message disappears, i.e. either
when HANDLING a message
when PUBLISHING a message (because it could be published to 0 subscribers - Rebus has no way of knowing)
So if your handler (which must also have message auditing configured) properly handles the message, you should see a copy (with some extra headers) in the audit queue.
I hope that makes it clearer :)
