Filter channels to only those that user is moderating - getstream-io

I am having a setup where I need to show channels based on whether id the user is an admin of the group or not. To flag user as admin, I promote the user as a moderator.
I have a view that I would need to show only the list of channels that the user is currently moderating. Is there a way to filter that?

One simple approach is to track this as part of channels' custom data (ie. {moderatorId}) and then use that attribute to match a query.
Track moderatorId on channel data
const channel ='messaging', 'travel', {
moderatorId: 42,
Retrieve moderated channels:
const filter = { moderatorId: 42 };
const sort = { last_message_at: -1 };
const options = {
state: true,
watch: true
const channels = await authClient.queryChannels(filter, sort, options);


Firebase function - how to create multiple documents from different collections

I am fairly new to writing functions and cannot figure out how to solve my issue or even search for it properly.
I have three collections:
when a new project is created I want the function to take all documents in vendors, add certain fields from them to vendor_projects, and include the project_id field that is created in current_projects.
Do I need a for loop to accomplish this or is there other syntax that could be utilized?
My current function is below. This creates on document using the new project_id field but doesnt take any of the fields from vendors. Any input is greatly appreciated.
exports.createProjVen = functions.firestore.document("/Current_projects/{id}")
.onCreate((snap, context)=>{
const id =;
// const collection = context.params.Current_projects;
// const id =;
const projectVendors = admin.firestore().collection("project_vendors");
// const vendors = admin.firestore().collection("vendors");
return projectVendors.doc(id).set({
actual: "",
budget: "",
id: "23121",
project_id: id,
toggle: "true",
type: "Fixtures",
vendor_company: "tes",
vendor_contact: "tes",
vendor_email: "",
vendor_id: "test",
vendor_phone_number: "test"});
Adding more details:
When a new project is added it creates a record in current_projects.
I want the function to be able to query all documents in the vendor collection when a new record is created in current_projects.
From there, I want to grab the highlighted fields from the vendor documents, add the id from that was created from current_projects (highlighted in the first screen shot), and create a new document in project_vendors (third screen shot below) for every document in the vendors table.
If you are trying to created a document in project_vendors collection for every vendor in vendors after a project is created then you can map an array of promises and then use Promise.all() as shown below:
exports.createProjVen = functions.firestore.document("/Current_projects/{id}")
.onCreate((snap, context) => {
const docSnap =;
const id =;
const vendorsSnap = await admin.firestore().collection("vendors").get();
const vendorsData = => ({ id:, }))
const promises = [];
const vendorPrsCol = admin.firestore().collection("project_vendors");
vendorsData.forEach((vendor) => {
const data = {
projectId: id,
// other vendor fields
await Promise.all(promises);
console.log("Vendor Projects added");
return null;

Increment the Sort Key dynamoDB node.js

I am new to dynamodb.
I want to increment the Sort Key
If the id=0 the next id=1 and so on,
If the user(Partition key), id(Sort Key) add items the next add items the id increment 1.
The code use on PutItem with dynamodb.
Is possible to do that?
I did not want use the UUID( unique Key)
Most situations don't need an auto-incrementing attribute and DynamoDB doesn't provide this feature out of the box. This is considered to be an anti-pattern in distributed systems.
But, see How to autoincrement in DynamoDB if you really need to.
I understand that you may need this number because it is a legal obligation to have incremental invoice numbers for example.
One way would be to create a table to store your number sequences.
Add fields like:
name: "invoices",
prefix: "INV",
numberOfDigits: 5,
leasedValue: 1,
appliedValue: 1,
lastUpdatedTime: '2022-08-05'
name: "deliveryNotes",
prefix: "DN",
numberOfDigits: 5,
leasedValue: 1,
appliedValue: 1,
lastUpdatedTime: '2022-08-05'
You need 2 values (a lease and an applied value), to make sure you never skip a beat, even when things go wrong.
That check-lease-apply-release/rollback logic looks as follows:
async function useSequence(name: string, cb: async (uniqueNumber: string) => void) {
const sequence = await getSequence("invoices");
const oldValue = sequence.appliedValue;
const leasedValue = oldValue + 1;
sequence.leasedValue = leasedValue;
await saveSequence(sequence);
try {
await cb(format(leasedValue));
await saveSequence(sequence);
} catch(err) {
try {
const sequence = await getSequence(name);
await saveSequence(sequence);
} catch (err2) {
throw err;
function validateSequence(sequence) {
if (sequence.leasedValue !== sequence.appliedValue) {
throw new Error("sequence is broken.");
Then, whenever you need a unique number you can use the above function to work in a protected scope, where the number will be rollbacked when something goes wrong.
const details = ...;
await useSequence("invoice", async (uniqueNumber) => {
const invoiceData = {...details, id: uniqueNumber};
const invoice = await this.createInvoice(invoiceData);
await this.saveInvoice(invoice);
Can it scale? Can it run on multiple instances? No, it can't. It never will be, because in most countries it's just not legal to do so. You're not allowed to send out invoice 6 before invoice 5 or to cancel invoice 5 after you've send invoice 6.
The only exception being, if you have multiple sequences. e.g. in some cases you're allowed to have a sequence per customer, or a sequence per payment system, ... Hence, you want them in your database.

Firebase Cloud Functions: Keeping things in sync

I have users and companies and want to store a company for each user and all of the users of each company in Firebase.
"street":"Sideway 4",
"name":"Comp Ltd.",
All explanations say that duplicate data is the best way to deal with and so I want to write some cloud functions to keep thigs in sync when editing on one of the sides.
Basically I started with
exports.userChangedCompany = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
const data =;
const previousData =;
if ( == {
return null;
admin.firestore().doc('companies/'{ ... });
to update the companies when a user changed the company. Unfortunately I haven't found any hint how to set the new company-data properly.
Can someone please help me?
It sounds like you just need to remove user from members array of old company and add in that array of new company. You just need IDs of both companies.
async function updateCompanies(userId, username, oldCompanyId, newCompanyId) {
const companiesRef = await admin.firestore().collection("companies")
const userObj = {id: userId, name: username}
// Removing from old company and adding in new company
await Promise.all([
companiesRef.doc(oldCompanyId).update({members: admin.firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove(userObj)}),
companiesRef.doc(newCompanyId).update({members: admin.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(userObj)})
return true
You can just call this function in your cloud function. Just make sure you pass correct params. The reason why you need to pass the username as well is you have array of objects (members) and hence you need the complete object to add/remove using arrayUnion/arrayRemove.

TypeOrm multiple Inner Join

I trying to find if a user is either a player or a owner.
So far, i can check one of them with inner join.
A game can have multiple players , and only one owner (both of them can be define as an USER )
So..this works to find if an USER is a player:
const userId = 25;
const gameId = 2;
const resutl = await this.gameRepository
.innerJoin('game.players', 'player', ' = :playerId', {playerId: userId,})
.where(' = :gameId', { gameId: gameId }).getOne()
But i cant figured it out, how to check for the owner at the same time...
I have tried something like :
const userId = 25;
const gameId = 2;
const resutl = await this.gameRepository
.innerJoin('game.players', 'player', ' = :playerId', {playerId: userId,})
.innerJoin('game.owner', 'owner', ' = :ownerId', {ownerId: ownerId,})
.where(' = :gameId', { gameId: gameId }).getOne()
But always returns undefined... (nothing)
Maybe i don't need another inner join to check that..maybe addSelect...i'm not sure...some help?
Did you make a role column in your user entity? I suggest defining a role column and that role could be either owner or player so you can easily make an if statement or an authorization middleware

Securing access to collection from the client's side

I have a meteor app prototype that works well, but is very insecure as of now: I needed to display a list of matching users to the currently logged-in user. For starters, I decided to publish all users, limiting the fields to what I would need to filter the user list on the client side.
Meteor.publish('users', function () {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {
fields: {
'profile.picture': 1,
'profile.likes': 1,
'profile.friends': 1,
'profile.type': 1
Then in my router, I would do a request to only show what I wanted on the client side: {
this.route('usersList', {
path: '/users',
waitOn: function () {
return Meteor.subscribe('users');
data: function () {
var user = Meteor.user();
return {
users: Meteor.users.find({ $and: [
{_id: {$ne : user._id}},
{'profile.type': user.profile.interest}
In the code above, I query all users who are not the current user and whose type correspond the current user's interest. I also display a certain border on the photos of users who have my user in their "profile.friends" array, using this client helper:
getClass: function(userId) {
var user = Meteor.user();
var lookedup = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: userId});
if ($.inArray(user._id, lookedup.profile.friends) !== -1)
return "yes";
return "no";
Now this all worked great, but with this setup, every client can query every users and get their type, picture, list of friends and number of likes. If I was in an MVC, this info would only be accessible on server side. So I decided my next iteration to be a security one. I would move my query from the router file to the publications file. That's where trouble began...
Meteor.publish('users', function () {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.userId});
var interest = user.profile.interest;
// retrieve all users, with their friends for now
allUsers = Meteor.users.find({ $and: [
{'_id': {$ne: user._id}},
{ fields: {'profile.picture': 1, 'profile.friends': 1}}
return allUsers;
And in the router: {
this.route('usersList', {
path: '/users',
waitOn: function () {
return Meteor.subscribe('users');
data: function () {
var user = Meteor.user();
return {users: Meteor.users.find({_id: {$ne : user._id}})};
(note that I still need to exclude the current user from the router query since the current user is always fully published)
This works, but:
the user list does not get updated when I change the user interest and then do a Router.go('usersList'). Only when I refresh the browser, my list is updated according to the user's new interest. No idea why.
this solution still publishes the users' friends in order to display my matching borders. I wish to add a temporary field in my publish query, setting it to "yes" if the user is in the user's friends and "no" otherwise, but... no success so far. I read I could use aggregate to maybe achieve that but haven't managed to so far. Also, aggregate doesn't return a cursor which is what is expected from a publication.
This problem makes me doubt about the praises about meteor being suitable for secure apps... This would be so easy to achieve in Rails or others!
EDIT: As requested, here is the code I have so far for the transition of my "matching" check to the server:
Meteor.publish('users', function () {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.userId});
var interest = user.profile.interest;
// retrieve all users, with their friends for now
allUsers = Meteor.users.find({ $and: [
{'_id': {$ne: user._id}},
{ fields: {'profile.picture': 1, 'profile.friends': 1}}
// ------------- ADDED ---------------
allUsers.forEach(function (lookedup) {
if (_.contains(lookedup.profile.friends, user._id))
lookedup.profile.relation = "yes";
lookedup.profile.relation = "no";
lookedup.profile.friends = undefined;
return lookedup;
// ------------- END ---------------
return allUsers;
Obviously this code doesn't work at all, since I cannot modify cursor values in a foreach loop. But it gives an idea of what I want to achieve: give a way to the client to know if a friend is matched or not, without giving access to the friend lists of all users to the client. (and also, avoiding having to do one request per each user during display to ask the server if this specific user matches this specific one)
You can add a transform function and modify a cursor docs on the fly
meteor Collection.find
