Azure AD SCIM 2.0 roles and appRoleAssignments empty - azure

In Azure AD I setup SCIM which is working great. However for some reason roles as well as appRoleAssignments are never sent in the body of a SCIM POST or PATCH request.
As an example, here's the SCIM body for a POST request:
"schemas": [
"displayName":"Test Bla bla",
"meta": {
This test user has been assigned with Directory Roles and Application Roles. An attribute (with default value "n/a") for the appRoleAssignments was added and mapped. And API permissions for read/write Application Role Assignments was added.
Screenshot of SCIM Attribute mappings with target application
Screenshot of custom added appRoleAssignments attribute
How can I get SCIM in Azure AD to also sent Roles and Application Roles information to the target application?

Ensure that you are using a mapping of type expression rather than direct and user the appRoleassignment function.
Select the target attribute that comes out of the box or if you extend the schema follow the format described here, e.g.:


Accessing 'preview feature' properties of enterprise application in Microsoft Azure

My subscription has preview feature enabled.
I created application in Microsoft Azure.
To access claims preview feature of application edited the URL by adding '?feature.claimseditorpreview=true'
Also added some custom claims to 'Claims (preview)'.
Now I would like to access the preview feature of application's claim using REST api.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the below results:
You can retrieve the list of claims mapping policy that is applied to a Service Principal/Azure AD Enterprise Application.
To create claims mapping policy, please try the below query in Microsoft Graph Explorer:
"definition": [
"{\"ClaimsMappingPolicy\":{\"Version\":1,\"IncludeBasicClaimSet\":\"true\", \"ClaimsSchema\": [{\"Source\":\"user\",\"ID\":\"assignedroles\",\"SamlClaimType\": \"\"}, {\"Source\":\"user\",\"ID\":\"userprincipalname\",\"SamlClaimType\": \"\"}, {\"Value\":\"900\",\"SamlClaimType\": \"\"}, {\"Source\":\"user\",\"ID\":\"assignedroles\",\"SamlClaimType\": \"appRoles\"}, {\"Source\":\"user\",\"ID\":\"userprincipalname\",\"SamlClaimType\": \"\"}]}}"
"displayName": "Test Claims Policy",
"isOrganizationDefault": false
Claims mapping policy will be created like below:
To assign the created policy to a Service principal, execute the below query:
"": ""
A response of 204 will be returned if successful:
To retrieve the claims mapping policy, switch to beta:
Unfortunately, listing Attributes & Claims for an Azure Service Principal is not possible.
Please refer this MsDoc which describes the possible methods on Azure Service Principal.

How to protect Azure Function Endpoints with custom roles and permission?

I need a starting point to solve the following problem:
Assume there is a model with different entities (e.g. school classes) and different roles that are connected to entities.
Now I want to check in my Azure Function if Bob has a role on this entity which entitles him to rate a student from the school class.
I think of a claim of the form:
"class 2b"
Which Azure Resources do I need to map such a thing?
I already use Azure AZ for the ID token and my API is implemented in an Azure Function.
I would like to call Azure AD to get an access token which contains those roles and resources of my domain.
I'm afraid that this form is not supported by Azure AD.
The supported form should be "{claim name}": "{claim value}".
If you accept this form, you can refer to my previous answer.
What you need to modify is:
When you create the extensionProperty, you should name the extensionProperty as "TEACHER".
Post{object id of the Azure AD application}/extensionProperties
And update the extension property for your account:
{"extension_6d8190fbf1fe4bc38a5a145520221989_TEACHER":"class 2b"}
Then you can get the custom claim as "TEACHER": "class 2b".

Azure Function Authentication: Azure Active Directory: Use Security Group to include identities (users and service principals) to access Function

I have an Azure Function with Azure Active Directory authentication enabled (including "Action to take when request is not authenticated" = "Log in with Azure Active Directory"). Additionally the option "User assignment required?" of the Azure Function related service principal (sp_func) is set to "Yes" to avoid everybody in the tenant being able to in the end run the function.
The goal is to have a single security group (that can include users as well as service principals) that is added to "Users and groups" of sp_func so that the assignment to the group decides if the function can be accessed or not. With users this works fine but not with service principals (sp_nonfunc). For them (sp_nonfunc) to work I have to set the permissions for them (sp_nonfunc) what in the end allows them to interact with the Azure Function no matter if they (sp_nonfunc) are assigned to the group or not.
Is it possible that I can just add a service principal (sp_nonfunc) to a group with the group being added to sp_func and then be able to execute the Function by using sp_nonfunc (without giving explicit permissions to sp_nonfunc)?
EDIT: it also does not seem to be possible to add sp_nonfunc to sp_func directly even if I defined an own appRole in the Manifest. The only way currently seems to be to add permissions on sp_nonfunc for sp_func - but that is what I want to avoid.
EDIT2: here how I have defined the role in the sp_func manifest
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"displayName": "AzureFunctionAccess",
"id": "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx",
"isEnabled": true,
"description": "Access Azure Function.",
"value": "AzureFunctionAccess"
EDIT3: when I don't assign a role directly to sp_nonfunc but just add sp_nonfunc to the security group I get, when making a request to<tenant id>/oauth2/token with resource = Application ID URI of the registered app of sp_func:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS501051: Application 'xxx-xxx-xx-xx-xx'(xxx) is not assigned to a role for the application 'https://xxx'(xxx).\r\nTrace ID: xxx-xxx-xx-xx-xx\r\nCorrelation ID: xxx-xxx-xx-xx-xx\r\nTimestamp: xx-xx-xx xx:xx:xxZ",
"error_codes": [
"timestamp": "xx-xx-xx xx:xx:xxZ",
"trace_id": "5xxx-xxx-xx-xx-xx",
"correlation_id": "xxx-xxx-xx-xx-xx",
"error_uri": ""
This way will not work, to use a service principal(in your case, the sp_nonfunc) get the token for the function app(sp_func), you need to give the API permission for the sp_nonfunc.
Navigate to the App Registration related to the sp_nonfunc in the portal -> API permissions -> add the AzureFunctionAccess you defined, at last click the Grant admin consent for xxx button.
Then get the token with the client credential flow, it will work fine. (I use the v2.0 endpoint, if you use the v1.0, it will also work.)
For more details about the steps, I wrote in this post before, you could refer to it.

get all AAD groups in which service principal is added as member

I have a scenario, I need to write functional tests for my API(s). API uses Azure AD authentication. There are multiple roles in system and role of a user is decided on the basis of membership of different AD groups.
so for functional test I need different users with in different groups.
I created a service principals with contributor rights in subscription and added them in groups and granted following Microsoft graph Application type API permissions.
- Application.Read.All
- Directory.Read.All
Now I used these apis to complete my use case.
to get the access token against service principal.
2- GET
to get the list of user's groups. but i got following response with authentication token of service principal.
"error": {
"code": "Request_ResourceNotFound",
"message": "Resource 'xxxx471-bxxxa-45a2-b61b-18xxxxx42af88' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "fxxxxc41-319e-xxxx-xxxx-360xxxx58077",
"date": "2020-04-13T11:41:01"
I also have tried this
and get the following response
"error": {
"code": "Request_ResourceNotFound",
"message": "Resource 'xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-b61b-18421142af88' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "fxxxxc41-319e-xxxx-xxxx-360xxxx58077",
"date": "2020-04-14T05:59:03"
I have used object id of app registered in azure AD. when i searched service principal using power shell using following command I found different Object_Id than which is written on AD app on azure portal
command : get-AzureADServicePrincipal
with this Object_Id I was able to get service principal's groups using beta services.{object ID}/memberOf
anybody can explain why i was not able to get the groups of service principal using v1.0 service.
anybody can explain why i was not able to get the groups of service principal using v1.0 service.
Because the v1.0 version does not support this API GET /servicePrincipals/{id}/memberOf , it just could be availale in the Beta version currently.
You could check this doc - List servicePrincipal memberOf, select the Version with 1.0, then it will give a prompt message like below.
I have used object id of app registered in azure AD. when i searched service principal using power shell using following command I found different Object_Id than which is written on AD app on azure portal
The Object Id of the service principal is not the same with that of the App Registration, the one you got from the powershell is correct, also, you can find it in the portal in the Enterprise applications like below.
I agree that beta service was not part of V1.0 but according to V1 documentation{id | userPrincipalName}/memberOf
should work.
please visit
Please find documetation image here

Azure AD - Check for security group membership - (Node.js, passport, Azure Web App)

We are trying to set up an authentication/authorization-process with the following requirements:
Authentication: Done by Azure AD.
Authorization: Only members of a specific security groups should be allowed to access the app.
While the authentication part seems to work without problems, we are stuck at the authorization part. We are using Express and Passport.
Azure AD some tokens to req.headers, e.g.
We are currently using the id-token together with the passport-azure-ad BearerStrategy to check the security groups of the user against the allowed security groups.
The problem is: As soon as the id-token expires, the application won't let us access the app. Assuming setting {session: true} in passport could solve this issue, we enabled the session, but no luck.
Doing some more research I found this post: How to refresh an ID Token from Azure AD in a Web App?, which states that only access-tokens can be refreshed, but ID tokens cannot and should not.
Examining the x-ms-token-aad-access-token and the x-ms-token-aad-refresh-token, we found that they don't have the JWT-structure, e.g
They don't contain any dots and thus don't pass the JWT-verification.
Resulting in the following question:
What is the correct way to check security groups of a user against specified allowed security groups?
You can do it through passport in one call, you do not need to do extra calls to other api layers, as seams to be suggested in multiple posts online. Using the v2 endpoint and defining a scope you can choose what you have access to and what you receive back in the token. Some options, including security group do require you to modify the manifest, see below.
In your Azure Active Directory go to the App registration you are using the authenticate users. In the manifest for that app registration change the groupMembershipClaims from null to "SecurityGroup" or "All" if want to include office groups etc.
"id": "some-id",
"accessTokenAcceptedVersion": null,
"allowPublicClient": false,
"appId": "some-id",
"appRoles": [],
"oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching": false,
"createdDateTime": "2018-11-15T17:49:23Z",
"groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup",
"identifierUris": [ ...............
It then populates the Groups field with an array of the groups using their Object ID.
So you can get the array at req.user._json.groups
if (req.user._json.groups.indexOf('some-group-Object-ID') > -1) {
//In Group
} else {
//Not in Group
Apart from checking group claims in ID token , you could also call microsoft graph api to get the groups that the user is a direct member of :
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 33
"securityEnabledOnly": true
Or using Auzre AD Graph api :
Content-Type: application/json
"securityEnabledOnly": false
For how an App Service Web, Mobile, or API app can be configured to call the Azure Active Directory Graph API on behalf of the logged-in user. You could refer to below document which show detail steps:
After authentication, access token can be fetched directly from a built-in request header (x-ms-token-aad-access-token) and you could make a http request to call graph api to get the group information .
