How to send a message to ReactPHP/Amp/Swoole/etc. from PHP-FPM? - reactphp

I'm thinking about making a worker script to handle async tasks on my server, using a framework such as ReactPHP, Amp or Swoole that would be running permanently as a service (I haven't made my choice between these frameworks yet, so solutions involving any of these are helpful).
My web endpoints would still be managed by Apache + PHP-FPM as normal, and I want them to be able to send messages to the permanently running script to make it aware that an async job is ready to be processed ASAP.
Pseudo-code from a web endpoint:
$pdo->exec('INSERT INTO Jobs VALUES (...)');
$jobId = $pdo->lastInsertId();
notify_new_job_to_worker($jobId); // how?
How do you typically handle communication from PHP-FPM to the permanently running script in any of these frameworks? Do you set up a TCP / Unix Socket server and implement your own messaging protocol, or are there ready-made solutions to tackle this problem?
Note: In case you're wondering, I'm not planning to use a third-party message queue software, as I want async jobs to be stored as part of the database transaction (either the whole transaction is successful, including committing the pending job, or the whole transaction is discarded). This is my guarantee that no jobs will be lost. If, worst case scenario, the message cannot be sent to the running service, missed jobs may still be retrieved from the database at a later time.

If your worker "runs permanently" as a service, it should provide some API to interact through. I use AmPHP in my project for async services, and my services implement HTTP/Websockets servers (using Amp libraries) as an API transport.

Hey ReactPHP core team member here. It totally depends on what your ReactPHP/Amp/Swoole process does. Looking at your example my suggestion would be to use a message broker/queue like RabbitMQ. That way the process can pic it up when it's ready for it and ack it when it's done. If anything happens with your process in the mean time and dies it will retry as long as it hasn't acked the message. You can also do a small HTTP API but that doesn't guarantee reprocessing of messages on fatal failures. Ultimately it all depends on your design, all 3 projects are a toolset to build your own architectures and systems, it's all up to you.


Execute something which takes 5 seconds (like email send) but return with response immediately?

In an ASP.NET Core application I would like to execute an operation which takes say 5 seconds (like sending email). I do know async/await and its purpose in ASP.NET Core, however I do not want to wait the end of the operation, instead I would like to return back to the to the client immediately.
So it is kinda Fire and Forget either homebrew, either Hangfire's BackgroundJob.Enqueue<IEmailSender>(x => x.Send(""));
Suppose I have some more complex method with injected ILogger and other stuff and I would like to Fire and Forget that method. In the method there are error handling and logging.(note: not necessary with Hangfire, the issue is agnostic to how the background worker is implemented). My problem is that method will run completely out of context, probably nothing will work inside, no HttpContext (I mean HttpContextAccessor will give null etc) so no User, no Session etc.
How to correctly solve say this particular email sending problem? No one wants wait with the response 5 seconds, and the same time no one wants to throw and email, and not even logging if the send operation returned with error...
How to correctly solve say this particular email sending problem?
This is a specific instance of the "run a background job from my web app" problem.
there is no universal solution
There is - or at least, a universal pattern; it's just that many developers try to avoid it because it's not easy.
I describe it pretty fully in my blog post series on the basic distributed architecture. I think one important thing to acknowledge is that since your background work (sending an email) is done outside of an HTTP request, it really should be done outside of your web app process. Once you accept that, the rest of the solution falls into place:
You need a durable storage queue for the work. Hangfire uses your database; I tend to prefer cloud queues like Azure Storage Queues.
This means you'll need to copy all the data over that you will need, since it needs to be serialized into that queue. The same restriction applies to Hangfire, it's just not obvious because Hangfire runs in the same web application process.
You need a background process to execute your work queue. I tend to prefer Azure Functions, but another common approach is to run an ASP.NET Core Worker Service as a Win32 service or Linux daemon. Hangfire has its own ad-hoc in-process thread. Running an ASP.NET Core hosted service in-process would also work, though that has some of the same drawbacks as Hangfire since it also runs in the web application process.
Finally, your work queue processor application has its own service injection, and you can code it to create a dependency scope per work queue item if desired.
IMO, this is a normal threshold that's reached as your web application "grows up". It's more complex than a simple web app: now you have a web app, a durable queue, and a background processor. So your deployment becomes more complex, you need to think about things like versioning your worker queue schema so you can upgrade without downtime (something Hangfire can't handle well), etc. And some devs really balk at this because it's more complex when "all" they want to do is send an email without waiting for it, but the fact is that this is the necessary step upwards when a baby web app becomes distributed.

Does Node.js need a job queue?

Say I have a express service which sends email:'/send', function(req, res) {
this works.
I'd like to know what's the advantage of introducing a job queue here? like Kue.
Does Node.js need a job queue?
Not generically.
A job queue is to solve a specific problem, usually with more to do than a single node.js process can handle at once so you "queue" up things to do and may even dole them out to other processes to handle.
You may even have priorities for different types of jobs or want to control the rate at which jobs are executed (suppose you have a rate limit cap you have to remain below on some external server or just don't want to overwhelm some other server). One can also use nodejs clustering to increase the amount of tasks that your node server can handle. So, a queue is about controlling the execution of some CPU or resource intensive task when you have more of it to do than your server can easily execute at once. A queue gives you control over the flow of execution.
I don't see any reason for the code you show to use a job queue unless you were doing a lot of these all at once.
The specific library or Kue library you mention lists these features on its NPM page:
Delayed jobs
Distribution of parallel work load
Job event and progress pubsub
Optional retries with backoff
Graceful workers shutdown
Full-text search capabilities
Rich integrated UI
Infinite scrolling
UI progress indication
Job specific logging
So, I think it goes without saying that you'd add a queue if you needed some specific queuing features and you'd use the Kue library if it had the best set of features for your particular problem.
In case it matters, your code is sending res.send("ok") before it finishes with the async tasks and before you know if it succeeded or not. Sometimes there are reasons for doing that, but sometimes you want to communicate back whether the operation was successful or not (which you are not doing).
Basically, the point of a queue would simply be to give you more control over their execution.
This could be for things like throttling how many you send, giving priority to other actions first, evening out the flow (i.e., if 10000 get sent at the same time, you don't try to send all 10000 at the same time and kill your server).
What exactly you use your queue for, and whether it would be of any benefit, depends on your actual situation and use cases. At the end of the day, it's just about controlling the flow.

How to handle multiple threads for laravel jobs?

I am working on a laravel project which involves the customers of the application to import data into the application through various other APIs.
I am thinking of making jobs for each kind of data that needs to imported. But, that would mean that many customers will be raising jobs that need to be worked by queue workers which means that if a customer has raised a job to import one job which is importing a certain kind of data, if another customer also raised a job to import the same kind of data, he would have to wait for the first customer's job to complete and then the second customer's job would be started to work by the queue working. But then we cannot have 100 customers waiting for each other.
So what would be a viable solution for this kind of imports? Should I put the jobs on hashed queues and then call those queues? Or is there a better way to handle this. Has anyone ever worked with such an application where data was being imported from various APIs by customers asynchronously. And how to handle it best.
Your pointing in right direction. You need a queue worker such as Laravel's - but you need to choose the async driver. You can use the build-in drivers or try to install your own queue server like RabbitMQ. Here is a nice package with RabbitMQ driver for Laravel 5:
This will makes all your customers request will get into the async queue the separate threads for each one. These queues systems works very efficient and we can say that is a kind of async PHP. For be more async inside PHP code you can use Guzzle HTTP package which provides Async Request (and full service from within the PHP code/server side of the application).

Distributing topics between worker instances with minimum overlap

I'm working on a Twitter project, using their streaming API, built on Heroku with Node.js.
I have a collection of topics that my app needs to process, which are pulled from MongoDB. I need to track each of these topics via the API, however it needs to be done such that each topic is tracked only once. As each worker process expires after approximately 1 hour, when a worker receives SIGTERM it needs to untrack each topic assigned, and release it back to the pool again.
I've been using RabbitMQ to communicate between app and worker processes, however with this I'm a little stuck. Are there any good examples, or advice you can offer on the correct way to do this?
Couldn't the worker just send a message via the messagequeue to the application when it receives a SIGTERM? According to the heroku docs on shutdown the process is allowed a couple of seconds (10) before it will be forecefully killed.
So you can do something like this:
// listen for SIGTERM sent by heroku
process.on('SIGTERM', function () {
// - notify app that this worker is shutting down
// - shutdown process (might need to wait for async completion
// of message delivery to not prevent it from being delivered)
Alternatively you could break up your work in much smaller chunks and have workers only 'take' work that will run for a couple of minutes or even seconds max. Your main application should be the bookkeeper and if a process doesn't complete its task within a specified time assume it has gone missing and make the task available for another process to handle. You can probably also implement this behavior using confirms in rabbitmq.
RabbitMQ won't do this for you.
It will allow you to distribute the work to another process and/or computer, but it won't provide the kind of mechanism you need to prevent more than one process / computer from working on a particular topic.
What you want is a semaphore - a way to control access to a particular "resource" from multiple processes... a way to ensure only one process is working on a particular resource at a given time. In your case the "resource" will be the topic... but it will still be the resource that you want to control access to.
FWIW, there has been discussion of using RabbitMQ to implement a distributed semaphore in the past:
but the general consensus is that this is a bad idea. there are too many edge cases and scenarios in which RabbitMQ will fail to work as proper semaphore.
There are some node.js semaphore libraries available. I would recommend looking at them, and using one of them. Have a single process manage the semaphore and decide which other process can / cannot work on which topic.

Develop a clock and workers in node.js on heroku

I'm working on a service that needs to analyze data from social media networks every five minutes for different users. I'm developing it in node.js and I will implement it on Heroku.
According to this article on Heroku website, the best way to do that is separating the logic of the scheduler from the logic of the worker. In fact, the idea is to have one dyno dedicated to schedule tasks to avoid duplication. This dyno instructs a farm of workers (n dynos as needed) to do the tasks.
Here is the procfile of this architecture:
web: node web.js
worker: node worker.js
clock: node clock.js
The problem is how to implement it in node.js. I googled it, and the suggestion is to use message queue systems (like IronMQ, RabbitMQ or CloudAMQP). But I'm trying to set my code and app simple and with the minor need of add-ons.
The question is: is there a way to communicate directly from my scheduler (clock) to the worker dynos?
Thanks for your answers.
Heroku dynos do not have fixed IP addresses, so there is no way to open a direct connection between them. That's why you need to create a separate server instance with a static IP or other fixed endpoint that acts as a go-between.
You have at least two viable options: a RabbitMQ-type message queue, or a stripped down version using a pub-sub redis feed. I generally use the latter because it's quick, simple, and sufficiently robust for all my needs (e.g. if a message gets lost every once in a blue moon, it's no big deal). If, however, it is essential that you never lose a message, you should use a full-blown message queue like RabbitMQ.
Setting up the redis implementation is very straightforward. There are several redis add-ons (I use RedisCloud) with free and inexpensive plans. When you provision them, you get an endpoint to connect to and a password. Then you just connect your web dyno(s) and worker dyno(s) to your redis instance such that your web app publishes tasks to a channel and the worker subscribes to that channel.
If you need the web app to communicate with the client after task completion, you just create another channel for the worker to publish task completion messages and the web app to listen for them.
You'll never get duplication of tasks, as each time a worker receives a message it pops off the queue.
If I understood this correctly, you want to spin a clock as one app, and then spin workers as separate apps? Sure, there is a direct way. You open a connection from the clock app towards the worker app.
For example, have every worker open a client sockets connection to the clock. Then the clock can communicate to them and relay orders.
Or use WebRTC. That way the workers will talk to the clock, but they can also talk to each other.
Or make an (authenticated) HTTP(s) REST endpoint on the worker where it will receive tasks. Like, POST /tasks will create a task on the worker. If the task is short, it can reply right away, so that the clock knows the job is done. Or if it's a longer task, it can acknowledge it, but later call an endpoint on the clock to say it's done, something like PUT /tasks/32.
Or even more directly, open a direct net connection towards the clock, for example on worker start (and the other way around). Use dgram and send UDP messages between worker and clock.
In any way, I also believe that the people suggesting MQ like RabbitMQ is much better to just push jobs/tasks on. Then it can distribute tasks as needed, and based on unacked count on the job queue, it can spin up more workers when needed.
But your question is very broad, so to get more details, you could provide a little more details.
This might be helpful.
Basically you require the worker file directly into the clock file.
I solved in an easy way with the following three steps:
Set credit card information in Heroku account;
Installed Heroku Scheduler addon (you can use the command heroku addons:create scheduler:standard --app <yourAppName>)
Set up the script to run as scheduled job
More info here or here.
