Authentication to your bot via Azure Bot Service - bots

Unable to authorize multiple users for a BOT within the same organization using Azure AD authentication
Following are the steps we tried.
1. Created an office 365 organization, so as to be the admin of the Azure AD
Registered the Azure AD app thru app registrations on Azure in the same Org, and then assigned the permissions to the app to read emails and calendar, by following the URL -
Then created the web app bot under azure
Then under [OAuth Connection Settings] settings of the bot added the Azure AD app details, first added as Azure AD V1.0 with as per the recommendation in the URL of Microsoft
Used the standard template code of the project - BotAuthenticaionMSGraph from the Github sample code repository -
In the sample code, we just need to edit the appsettings.json file to add the [ConnectionName, MicrosoftAppId, MicrosoftAppPassword]
Then published the local bot code to the app service of the web app bot on Azure
Tested the Bot Auth on the [Test in Web Chat] on Azure -- It works for my Azure AD
Then enabled the Directline Channel for bot and distributed bot to other users of the same organization
The issue is here - when the other user opens the bot, they can see the emails and calendar of the admin user who has already logged in initially. So when the other user logs off and logs in thru his AD credential, then only his emails and calendar data is available since then.
Issue - So, at a given point of time only one user's o365 data is visible globally on the bot chat, and not individual user's data who logs in for that session. The AD token is not per user session but instead its a universal token across for all the conversations.
When I use the Azure AD V2, I get the bad request while trying to login.
Please help. Thanks.
used the BotAuthenticaionMSGraph project
Expected is, every user should be able to log in individually, and only his data shud be visible on the bot conversation distinctively.

I have tested the sample code and it works fine for both Azure AD V1 and V2.
I followed Azure AD v2 to configure it. Don't forget to enter Mail.Read Mail.Send openid profile User.Read User.ReadBasic.All for Scopes. It's different from Azure AD V1. Otherwise, it will return 400 bad request while trying to login.
I didn't reproduce the first issue. Could you tell where the other user opens the bot? From "Test in Web Chat"?
You need to be aware that your are dealing with two user identities:
The user’s identity in a channel.
The user’s identity in an identity provider that the bot is
interested in.
See Security considerations. When a bot asks user A in a channel to sign-in to an identity provider P, the sign-in process must assure that user A is the one that signs into P. If another user B is allowed to sign-in, then user A would have access to user B’s resource through the bot.
To enable the protection, you need to configure trusted Origins and tamper-proof user IDs.
You can refer to the sample code.
And this blog Using WebChat with Azure Bot Service’s Authentication provides more detailed infomration.


Azure B2C Invite Consumer Users & Retrieve User Permissions

Can someone provide a general approach to meeting these requirements? I've spent a bit of time researching these various topics and attempting to implement solutions and I'm surprised at how much work is involved. Hopefully I'm missing something.
How do I invite consumer users to a B2C tenant so that they can authenticate into our application using their social accounts (ex: Personal Microsoft or Google accounts)? The only baked in solution on the Azure Portal I've found uses B2C local accounts. Note that I do not want to use a publicly accessible Sign Up flow.
Presently I'm looking into a custom process that would work by inviting users to a 'local' b2c consumer account and then allowing the user to associate their social account with the local account.
Once users have authenticated (using MSAL v2 Auth Flow w/PKCE), I want to retrieve a list of permissions the user has for our application.
I'm looking into two options here:
(1) use the auth token to verify user against an internal API that, in turn, makes a call to the Microsoft Graph API to get the user's group memberships.
(2) Create a custom claim that serves the same purpose as user groups
Administrative users of our application need to be able to invite additional users to the application.
I've found some articles that point, again, to using custom policies.
Thank you very much!
EDIT #1 -
Looking into using B2C & Microsoft Graph API I came across some decent, and recent, MS Resources:
And this important-to-me statement -> Microsoft January 28th, 2021:
"Although the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow is not currently directly supported by the Azure AD B2C authentication service, you can set up client credential flow using Azure AD and the Microsoft identity platform /token endpoint for an application in your Azure AD B2C tenant. An Azure AD B2C tenant shares some functionality with Azure AD enterprise tenants."
I'll update my post when I find a solution. Thanks again!
You need to use custom policies.
For first bullet point, see my sample:
You could do either option. For option 1, AAD B2C can call your api which can call graph api to fetch groups. Then embed the info into the token. For option 2, you could write a role value to an extension attribute and return it in the token.
To invite users, you could use the invite sample. Essentially make an app that calls an API to generate these invite links and send those to the users email. The user clicks the link which allows them to complete their sign up.

Live SDK Applicaition - Unable to Complete Request?

I have my website integrated with Live SDK applications to allow customers to login to their MSN, Hotmail, Outlook, etc. email accounts and invite friends to my website by reading the contacts. This used to work properly but now it's not working anymore.
When I use the App ID / Client ID from the old Application Registration Portal ( I get the following message when I try to login using my Microsoft account.
invalid_request: The provided value for the input parameter 'redirect_uri' is not valid. The expected value is a URI which matches a redirect URI registered for this client application.
I see from the Application Registration Portal that I can now use Azure to manage my App Registrations, so I basically setup the same app under Azure with the following criteria.
Authentication: Selected Web and setup the same Redirect URI I was using previously when this was working.
API Permissions: I added "Microsoft Graph" with email, Contacts.Read, openid, profile, and User.Read.
And when I try to login to my Microsoft account using my Azure app Client ID / App ID I get the following message.
unauthorized_client: The client does not exist or is not enabled for consumers. If you are the application developer, configure a new application through the App Registrations in the Azure Portal at
Should I try making this work using Azure instead of Application Registration Portal credentials? If so, why is it saying "unauthorized_client" when I try to login?
Thank you!
Register your Azure AD app as Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox).

How to allow anyone to create Teams meetings through MsGraph

I'm trying to develop a web application that is connected to our AD Azure app which allows anyone with a code (specified in our own web application) to start a Teams meeting through the Ms Graph API.
The flow is simple as follows:
Use the host code to create the Ms Teams room
Store the created room information in our web app's database
Send users using a guest code to the correct Teams room
At first i tried using the beta Ms Graph API to use the 'application' permission type on which the host (in step 1) would create a meeting room in our AD Azure domain. This works however, refering the uuid of a user outside of our AD Azure domain isn't allowed or does not seem to work.
I then rewrote the web app to use the 'delegated' permission type. The user using the hostcode in step 1 is then redirected to Microsoft to log in, is returned to our web app with the correct auth tokens which we can use with Ms Graph to create the meeting rooms on behalf of the logged in user.
As far as i know, i configured the corresponding permissions for 'OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite' (or OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.all, depending on the permission type). Admin consent has been done, i've even set the auth type to 'Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant)' but to no avail.
Both of these solutions seem to be quite limited to only our own AD Azure space/domain meaning we can't offer a web application that automatically creates a meeting room on behalf of a user and connects users to those same meetingroom.
Is there a way to allow the aforementioned?
For your requirement, I summarize two situations as below for your reference:
There are two tenants (tenant A and tenant B), your registered app is in tenant A and set as Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant).
1. If you want user in other AD to create a meeting room in tenant A, it can't be implemented.
2. If you want user in other AD to create a meeting room in current tenant(such as tenant B). You can request the token with id of tenant B in request token endpoint(like{id of tenant B}/oauth2/v2.0/token. And in request body, you should use client id in tenant A of the registered app. We can just implement the steps by auth code flow and it will pop-up window to ask for login, you need to use admin account(of tenant B) to do the login at first time(to allow this operation).

For what is Microsoft app ID and password used for?

I am trying to deploy my Azure Bot Service but I am kinda struggling to understand for what is Microsoft app ID and password used for? Can someone explain me these terms?
I was trying to find the answers online but unsuccessfully.
Thank you for any help.
This is the identity of the Bot Service.
You will notice in the App registrations of Azure Active Directory (AAD) that your Bot Service is in there. This is to give you the ability to Authenticate, Authorize and Audit (AAA) the Bot Service.
For example, you may want to provide access for your Bot Service to other services in your subscription, or other subscriptions also using the same AAD.
And so, the app has a set of credentials which it can use. The concept is similar to Managed Service Accounts in Windows Server.
The Microsoft app ID and Password are used to register the bot with the Azure Bot Service.
After you register it, those credentials will be used by the bot connector to authenticate the calls to your Bot's service and allow you to configure the bot with the different available channels.
Bot security is configured by the Microsoft App ID and Microsoft App Password that you obtain when you register your bot with the Bot Framework. These values are typically specified within the bot's configuration file and used to retrieve access tokens from the Microsoft Account service.

How do I register an app in client's active directory using my multi tenant app in microsoft azure?

I have registered a multi-tenant app in my Azure subscription. using this App, I want to create an OAuth flow for my client to be able to give me permissions to create an app in his active directory.
We are using OpenID connect flow to access the Azure AD graph API.
In spite of making our app multi-tenanted via the console, we are getting the following error when the client ( tries to sign in:
User account '' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the application 'bf5ca806-xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account
I used the following endpoint to get an access token:
Please help me to resolve this error
Unfortunately, you cannot use a guest user to login Azure AD Graph Explorer for now.
I came across the same issue as yours long time ago and I understand it's very important for customers. So, you can post your idea in this User Voice Page and the Azure Team will see it. I will also upvote for it.
But there are other solutions if you don't mind:
Solution 1: Try to use an internal account of that directory which upn ends with
Solution 2: Try to use other tools to get access token with a guest user(this account also need to be an admin of that directory), such as postman. Then you can use Postman to call Azure AD Graph API. You can refer to this blog to use Azure AD Graph API with Postman.
Hope this helps!
