Extract a substring in a NetSuite saved search - netsuite

I have the following: Auto Parts : Manufacturers : Mercedes Benz
I need to extract the brand Mercedes Benz from this in a saved search inside NetSuite.

formulatext: TRIM(REGEXP_SUBSTR({yourfieldid}, '[^:]+$'))

First, we need to make the save search(according to the requirement).
var SaveSearch = nlapiSearchRecord("customer", null,
["email", "is", 'xyz#email.com']
new nlobjSearchColumn("firstname"),
new nlobjSearchColumn("lastname"),
new nlobjSearchColumn("email")
if (SaveSearch) {
var data = getAllResults(SaveSearch, SaveSearch[0].getAllColumns());
In the above snippet, we make the save search and then check that if there something in the save search then it goes into the loop and calls the function that is getAllResults.
// calling the function
function getAllResults(SaveSearch, col) {
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < leadSearch.length; i++) {
'firstname': leadSearch[i].getValue(col[0]),
'lastname': leadSearch[i].getValue(col[1]),
'email': leadSearch[i].getValue(col[2])
return array;
In this, we push the save search field into the array and make sure that is according to the column that we created while making save search otherwise value may be assigned to some other key.
Hope this helps.


Create array and randomize node.js array

I'm trying to write a cisco webex bot which get all people in the space(room) and randomly write only one name.
I have this code
framework.hears("daily host", function (bot) {
console.log("Choosing a daily host");
responded = true;
// Use the webex SDK to get the list of users in this space
bot.webex.memberships.list({roomId: bot.room.id})
.then((memberships) => {
for (const member of memberships.items) {
if (member.personId === bot.person.id) {
// Skip myself!
let names = (member.personDisplayName) ? member.personDisplayName : member.personEmail;
let arrays = names.split('\n');
var array = arrays[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)];
bot.say(`Hello ${array}`);
.catch((e) => {
console.error(`Call to sdk.memberships.get() failed: ${e.messages}`);
bot.say('Hello everybody!');
But this doesn't work.
Also name after i use let arrays = names.split('\n'); separated by space and don't have comma.
I think because of what code doesn't work
Output of console log:
[ 'George Washington' ]
[ 'John' ]
[ 'William Howard Taft' ]
Main question now how to turn output to array?
That's because arrays[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)] only assigns an array with length 3. You need to randomise the index and push to array or use a sort function on the original array
var array = arrays.sort((a,b)=>{
return Math.floor(Math.random()*arrays.length);
if you are looking to get the output as per you question you can use reduce instead of sort.
var arrays = [ 'George Washington', 'John', 'William Howard Taft'];
var array = arrays.reduce((a,i)=>{
if(!a) a = [];
a.splice(Math.floor(Math.random()*arrays.length), 0, [i]);
return a;
Here is how to get a single name from your data, and ensuring it is a string. There are only four names in the array, so run the snippet several times if you keep getting the same name.
// A list of names. Notice that Arraymond is an array; the other names are strings.
const names = [ 'George Washington', 'John', 'William Howard Taft', ['Arraymond'] ];
// Randomize the names
const randomNames = names.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
// Get the first name. Make sure the name is a string (not an array)
const name = randomNames[0].toString();
A tip: don't name your array "array" or "arrays" - it is not meaningful. Use good naming conventions and meaningful variable names that help others understand what the code is doing.

Get Saved Search values for multiple "formula" columns

Morning Gurus,
I have a saved search within Netsuite with multiple "formula" columns.
For example, there are several formulapercent' named columns, although thelabel' for each is unique.
However when using nlobjSearchResult.getValue('formulapercent') naturally I only get the first formulapercent column value.
How do I specify in getValue which of the formula columns I want to return the value for?
I really don't want to use a column number, in case I need to insert a new column to the saved search within Netsuite later.
Hoping for something along the lines of nlobjSearchResult.getValue('formulapercent','<label>')
I have tried the multi parameter option, but it does not work.
Simple fix?
What I generally do is add a label to the saved search formula columns. Then:
var f1Val, f2Val, etc;
var cols = res.getAllColumns();
case 'formula1' : f1Val = res.getValue(col); break;
case 'formula2' : f2Val = res.getValue(col); break;
Thought I'd add an answer I have since learned.
Instead of generically numbering the columns. For example:
var column = []
column[0] = new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric').setFormula('myformula1');
column[1] = new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric').setFormula('myformula2');
searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord(.......);
Instead of this, I found the easiest way to retrieve the formula column values was to uniquely define the columns:
var colformula1 = new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric').setFormula('myformula1');
var colformula2 = new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric').setFormula('myformula2');
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('item',null,filters,[colformula1,colformula2]);
To then grab the formula results:
var formulares1 = searchresults[i].getValue(colformula1');
var formulares2 = searchresults[i].getValue(colformula2');
Removes the issue if column orders change.
Thought this might help somebody.
There is a method in the nlobjSearchResult object called getAllColumns(). Then I use the index of the formula columns to get the value.
I dont't know of any other way to get the values of the formula columns. Do note that if you use this method, if you change the order of the columns in the saved search it will break your script.
This works for me using SuiteScript 2.0. Place this into a function and pass in the needed variables
return result.getValue(result.columns[column])
var searchResult = result.getValue({
name: name,
join: join,
return searchResult
return result.getValue(result.columns[column])
var searchResult = result.getValue({
name: name,
join: join
return searchResult
return result.getValue(result.columns[column])
var searchResult = result.getValue({
name: name,
summary: summary,
if((column==7 || column ==8 || column==10 || column==12) && type=='cases'){
return dropDown_Obj[column].getKeyByValue(searchResult)
return searchResult
return result.getValue(result.columns[column])
var searchResult = result.getValue({
name: name
return searchResult

Retrieve a record from session object in nodejs

Am new to nodejs here and I have below data in my session which will be available during page post
"DOB":"8/15/1921 12:00:00 AM",
"AddressLine1":"Test Address Line 1",
"DOB":"8/15/1921 12:00:00 AM",
"AddressLine1":"Test2 Address Line 1",
and the above detail will be stored in req.Session. How can search for particular data from above session object using ID and fetch a particular record? I have went on through net, but unfortunately did not find any useful information.
You can use either filter or map to search through the array to find the object (node) you want.
Simplified example:
var myArray = [{
var result = myArray.filter(function(f) {
if (f.ID === 'FFSDER2da2411cDSs12CGh21') {
return f;
Results in a result array with one object, filtered on ID. You can filter by comparing on part of string, RegEx, etc.

CouchDB View - Filter by List Field Attribute (doc.objects.[0].attribute)

I need to create a view that lists the values for an attribute of a doc field.
Sample Doc:
"_id": "003e5a9742e04ce7a6791aa845405c17",
"title", "testdoc",
"samples": [
"confidence": "high",
"handle": "joetest"
Example using that doc, I want a view that will return the values for "handle"
I found this example with the heading - Get contents of an object with specific attributes e.g. doc.objects.[0].attribute. But when I fill in the attribute name, e.g. "handle" and replace doc.objects with doc.samples, I get no results:
Toggle line numbers
// map
function(doc) {
for (var idx in doc.objects) {
emit(doc.objects[idx], attribute)
That will create an array of key-value-pairs where the key is alway the value of handle. Replace null with a value you want e.g. doc.title. If you want to get the doc attached to every row use the query parameter ?include_docs=true while requesting the view.
// map
function (doc) {
var samples = doc.samples
for(var i = 0, sample; sample = samples[i++];) {
emit(sample.handle, null)
Like this ->
function(doc) {
for (var i in doc.samples) {
emit(doc._id, doc.samples[i].handle)
It will produce a result based on the doc._id field as the key. Or, if you want your key to be based on the .handle field you reverse the parameters in emit so you can search by startKey=, endKey=.

node.js: How to make a variable out of a text input?

I want a user to put in a name of a file, then copy the content into an array and save this array with the name of the input filename. Here is the code I am talking about:
The array "items" represents the user input. Right now those items are fed into my function "einlesen" which returns the array with the data. This data is now written into the same array results but I want it to be written into the arrays "GVZ", "TAL", and "XPG". Can someone help me out?
Grateful for every idea :)
var items = [['GZV', ';', 1, 2], ['TAL', '<|>', 1, 'n'], ['XPG', '<|>', 0, 2]];
var results = [];
items.forEach(function(item) {
einlesen.einlesen(item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3], function(err, result){
if(results.length == items.length) {
You would be better off using an object instead of an array of arrays:
var items = {
GZV: [...],
TAL: [...],
XPG: [...]
for(item in items) {
This way, you can create object properties based on user input. It is not possible to create a variable (presuming you mean variable name?) out of user input.
var newProp = "resultOfInput";
items[newProp] = [...];
console.log(items.resultOfInput) // [...]
If you're doing this, you need to ensure that there's strong validation on the input. For example; if the input contains any spaces this will prevent the property being accessed via dot notation. Worse still, duplicate user input could easily over-ride any existing properties in the array.
