Ansible Azure Creds - azure

I am trying to provision infrastructure on Azure Public and Azure Stack. In order to do that I have stored credentials in $HOME/.azure/credentials file as advised by official documentation for Ansible. The configuration looks like this:
subscription_id=xxx`enter code here`xxx
client=xxxxx`enter code here`
secret=xxxx`enter code here`x
tenant=xxxxx`enter code here`x
subscription_id=`enter code here`xxxxxx
client=xxxx`enter code here`x
secret=xxxxx`enter code here`
tenant=xxxxxx`enter code here`
cloud_environemnt=`enter code here`x
I tried to execute the playbook as follows:
sudo ansible-playbook -vvv foo.yml --profile=azurestack
It does not work for Azure stack. It says the operation called --profile. Can anyone guide me how to solve the problem?

In the same Ansible documentation, they explain how to do it:
It is possible to store multiple sets of credentials within the credentials file by creating multiple sections. Each section is considered a profile. The modules look for the [default] profile automatically. Define AZURE_PROFILE in the environment or pass a profile parameter to specify a specific profile.
So there is two way, the first one, export first the env variable:
sudo AZURE_PROFILE=azurestack ansible-playbook -vvv foo.yml
And I have to agree that the second way is not that explicit,… I would try by using extra-vars:
sudo ansible-playbook -vvv foo.yml --extra-vars "profile=azurestack"
But not sure at all that this second is correct, and I'm not able to try it.


Azure startup script is not executed

I've learned how to deploy .sh scripts to Azure with Azure CLI. But it seems like I have no clear understanding of how they work.
I'm creating the script that simply unarchives a .tgz archive in a current directory of Azure Web App, and then just deletes it. Quite simple:
New-Item ./
Set-Content ./ '#!/bin/sh'
Add-Content ./ 'tar zxvf archive.tgz; rm-rf ./archive.tgz'
And then I deploy the script like this:
az webapp deploy --resource-group Group
--name Name
--src-path ./
--target-path /home/site/wwwroot/
Supposedly, it should appear in /home/site/wwwroot/, but for some reason it never does. No matter how I try. I thought it just gets executed and then deleted automatically (since I specified it as a startup script), but the archive is there, not unarchived at all.
My stack is .NET Core.
What am I doing wrong, and what's the right way to do what I need to do? Thank you.
I don't know if it makes sense, but I think the problem might be that you're using the target-path parameter while you should be using path instead.
From the documentation you cited, when describing the Azure CLI functionality, they state:
The CLI command uses the Kudu publish API to deploy the package and can be
fully customized.
The Kudu publish API reference indicates, when describing the different values for type and especially startup:
type=startup: Deploy a script that App Service automatically uses as the
startup script for your app. By default, the script is deployed to
D:\home\site\scripts\<name-of-source> for Windows and
home/site/wwwroot/ for Linux. The target path can be specified
with path.
Note the use of path:
The absolute path to deploy the artifact to. For example,
"/home/site/deployments/tools/driver.jar", "/home/site/scripts/".
I never tested it, I am aware that the option is not described when taking about the az webapp deploy command itself, and it may be just an error in the documentation, but it may work:
az webapp deploy --resource-group Group
--name Name
--src-path ./
--path /home/site/wwwroot/
Note that the path you are providing is the default one; as a consequence, you could safely delete it if required:
az webapp deploy --resource-group Group
--name Name
--src-path ./
Finally, try including some debug or echo commands in your script: perhaps the problem can be motivated for any permissions issue and having some traces in the logs could be helpful as well.

Azure DevOps pipeline not recognizing pipeline variable in Bash script (not using a YAML file)

The Azure DevOps pipeline has this variable:
Name: pat
Value: Git repo authentication token
The pipeline has a Bash script task. It is set to filepath. Filepath is set to begins with:
git clone https://username:$(PAT)
Errors in pipeline logs:
PAT: command not found
Cloning into 'repo-name'...
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
To validate that the authentication token and repo URL are accurate, I can verify this works when run as inline code:
git clone https://username:$(pat) file is in repo-name.
However, environment variables work. Both of the following return the accurate value within the script. Note that one has no quotes and the other does.
Based on documentation I've seen (I am having difficulty with Microsoft's docs because I am not using a YAML file), I've tried unsuccessfully:
gitToken=<backtick - Markdown is not allowing me to show a backtick here>echo $PAT<backtick>
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thank you for any tips.
Is your PAT variable a secret variable ?
If so, then it's not directly accessible in script files
As you can see in the documentation:
Unlike a normal variable, they are not automatically decrypted into environment variables for scripts. You need to explicitly map secret variables.
MY_MAPPED_ENV_VAR: $(mySecret) # the recommended way to map to an env variable
Or if you are using the visual editor, like that:
Use System.AccessToken instead of personal PAT:
git clone https://$
To enable $SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: go to release page in ADO > Tasks > Agent job > check Allow scripts to access the OAuth token

Is there a way to avoid storing the AWS_SECRET_KEY on the .ebextensions?

I'm deploying a Django based project on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
I have been following the Amazon example, where I add my credentials (ACCESS_KEY/SECRET) to my app.config under the .ebextentions directory.
The same config file has:
command: " migrate --noinput"
leader_only: true
command: " collectstatic --noinput"
leader_only: true
Problem is that this is forcing me to store my credentials under Version Control, and I will like to avoid that.
I tried to remove the credentials and then add them with eb setenv, but the problem is that the two django commands require the these settings to be set on the environment.
I'm using the v3 cli:
eb create -db -c foo bar --profile foobar
where foobar is the name of the profile under ~/.aws/credentials, and where I want to keep my secret credentials.
What is the best security practices for the AWS credentials using EB?
One solution is to keep the AWS credentials, but create a policy that ONLY allows them to POST objects on the one bucket used for /static.
I ended up removing the collecstatic step from the config file, and simply take care of uploading statics on the build side.
After that, all credentials can be removed and all other boto commands will grab the credentials from the security role on the EC2 instance.

Tag AWS beanstalk deployment using .config file in .ebextensions

I added a scripts.config file to .ebextensions at the root of my Node app deployed in beanstalk.I did not see the tags for the EC2 instances in the console. Nor did I see any mention of 1_add_tags in beanstalk logs. What did I do wrong and how do I find out if the commands in the script.config were called at all!
The config file in .ebextensions is as follows ....
command: ec2-create-tags $(ec2-metadata -i | cut -d ' ' -f2) --tag Environment=Production --tag Name=Proxy-Server --tag Application=something
EC2_HOME: /opt/aws/apitools/ec2
EC2_URL: https://ec2.ap-southeast-2.ama...
JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/jre
PATH: /bin:/usr/bin:/opt/aws/bin/
Amazon's answer to the problem. (This worked for me) ...
You can utilise the ebextensions to execute certain commands on instance boot.
Supposing that you want to implement this on Linux based containers. I have formulated a sample config file for you and attached to this case.
Please follow below guidelines :
In the AWS Management console, check the IAM Role/Instance profile used by beanstalk. By default it uses "aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role". Add permissions for this role to create new tags (ec2:CreateTags).
If you do not have ".ebextensions" folder at the root of your application or the "WEB-INF" folder, then create the folder.
Modify the key value pairs in the config file. Multiple pairs are separated by a space.
A sample snippet is as below:
"container_commands": {
"01_add_tags": {
"command": "aws ec2 create-tags --resources $(GET --tags Key=ClientName,Value=testClient Key=NewTag,Value=new-value --region us-east-1"
Add the modified config file in the ".ebextensions" folder.
Upload this version to beanstalk. It should launch new instances and execute the config file.
Please give it sometime, preferably till the instances pass EC2 instance status checks. Refresh the page for the additional tags to be displayed.
Please note that we are using "Container_commands" instead of "Command" used in the blog.
Container Commands run after the application and web server have been set up and the application version file has been extracted, but before the application version is deployed. This is important as these commands have access to environment variables such as your AWS security credentials set by the instance-profile.
I would recommend you to go through the restrictions for AWS Resources tagging mentioned at
I would like to highlight that maximum number of tags per resource is 10.
Also check the table for tagging support for certain resource. For example, currently tagging is not supported for ELB.
I had the similar problem where I tried to install libjpeg using the ./ebextensions/foo.config file. I tried everything but was never able to find a good solution.
I was able to solve it though, by setting up a completely new Elastic Beanstalk Application and then deploying my same version on the new instance instead. When I did this everything was installed perfectly and working fine.
Check out my answers here:
Hope this fixes your issues as well.

Puppet not recognising my module

I am trying to create a custom provider for package but for some reasons I keep on getting
err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Parameter provider
failed: Invalid package provider 'piprs' at
I have added pluginsync=true in puppet.conf in both client and server. I have created the following rb file in module/test/lib/puppet/provider/package/piprs.rb. I am basically trying to create a custom provider for package resource type
#require 'puppet/provider/package'
:parent => ::Puppet::Provider::Package) do
commands : pip => "/usr/local/bin/pip"
desc "Python packages via `pip`."
def create
pip "freeze"
def destroy
def exists?
In the puppet.conf, there is the following source attribute
pluginsource = puppet://puppet/plugins
I am not sure what it is. If you need anymore details, please do post a comment.
First things first - you do realize there is already a Python pip provider in core?
If that isn't what you want - then lets move on ...
For starters - try your module without a Puppet master - this is going to be better for development anyway. You need to make sure Ruby can find the library path:
export RUBYLIB=<path_to_module>/lib
Then, try writing a small test in a .pp file:
package { "mypackage": provider => "piprs" }
And run it locally:
puppet apply mytest.pp
This will rule out a code bug in your provider versus a plugin sync issue.
I notice there is a space between the colon and the command - that isn't your problem is it?
commands : pip => "/usr/local/bin/pip"
If you can get this working without a puppetmaster, your problem is sync related.
There are a couple of things that can go wrong - make sure the file is sync'd properly on the client:
ls /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/package
You should see the piprs.rb file there. If it is, you may need to make sure your libdir is set correctly:
puppet --configprint libdir
This should point to /var/lib/puppet/lib in most cases.
