WebGL project building doesnt do anything - unity-webgl

I have a problem with my project's WebGL building.
For some reason every time I try to build it inside an empty folder that I creted for this purpose it ends up empty.
I would really appreciate any help because I cant find a solution.


Angular2 not updating/transpiling/compiling correctly

I'm a beginner with this framework and I'm frustrated. I've just about given up on learning Angular2 for now, but can someone please explain to me how I can copy line for line the code in the docs and it still not work?
Earlier on I've seen instances of it calling classes that I've long gotten rid of. I reinstalled everything, upgraded npm to 3.1.0, made sure node is up to date, and tried again. Maybe I shouldn't have taken this unfinished language up when I'm a beginner (no idea how to debug), but I'm speaking of the 'Heroes' tutorial on their site.
The view is supposed to show "Loading..." then get info from the app component. In the beginning, it loads as it should, but then I get to that "Master/Detail" in the tutorial and it all goes to boom boom. Let me show you my code:
Well this is the app component. This code worked at first until I got deeper into the tutorial. I go back to this code, and it doesn't work anymore. What gives? Followed the doc to the 't'
I had to comment out this code because it made the app mysteriously stop working. Stopped when I passed the array in the constant HEROES to the property heroes. Again, this is in the docs.
The index and module files are fine. I've stopped and restarted at least four times and I've about had it. I think I'll just finish learning the regular MEAN stack. Unless someone can come up with a reason why all of this is happening? I see no fault in my code. And even if there was, changing my code or undoing changes should produce results. IT DOESN'T!
I'm thinking it's more to do with the transpiling process, and it not updating TS to JS properly? Which could explain why I was still seeing error messages saying it was trying to call classes I've already gotten rid of.

Errors when running Language-Solution in MPS

I'm developing an DSL with jetbrains MPS. It's not obvious to use, but I succeeded so far with the design-part.
It's possible to right-click on a solutions node and "run" it, assuming the language is executable (extends executing.util). Plus I use a seperately developed jar as a library (used by the generator).
I build a new project to test, as simple as possible, added some extra nodes and loops in the generator, the error occures and it can't be undone.
As far as I can see, there are several possible sources of errors.
dependencies (they are tricky in MPS)
my jar
wrong cached files or so
Executing "run" causes the following error:
error: could not find or load main class MySolution.package.map_concept
Has some of you out there experience with this?
Tell me, if there are some extra information that would help.
It seems that you have added the jar file as a model to the language, which makes it invisible for the solution. Following the instructions at https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/MPSD32/Getting+the+dependencies+right#Gettingthedependenciesright-AddingexternalJavaclassesandjarstoaprojectruntimesolutions and creating a separate library solution worked for me.
To me this looks like a problem of the generator. Have you fully rebuilt the project - right-click on the "project" node in the structure tree?
Is the root mapping template correct? If you can share your project, I can have a look.
A small tip that could have saved me some time and might also solve this problem for someone else, even if you followed the instructions in other answers.
When prompted to add your libraries to modules after including the libraries on Java tab, dismiss the window if you already included them in the first place on the Common tab. Otherwise they are listed once despite having been added twice, leading to a compilation failure.

Resolving warnings when building Azure SDK 2.3 project?

I'm getting 110 warnings in my build after installing Azure SDK 2.3 that I don't recall seeing before. They are all for the file "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets".
An example of one such warning is:
The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child element 'CloudToolsVersion'.
Has anyone else encountered this problem or know the right way to fix it?
Well, it looks like I just needed to close any open editors for msbuild project files to get those to disappear. Other answers I found suggested on the web were to disable schema validation or to extend the schema myself.
Very scary! From your solution and hints from other similar questions, I think I know what's going on: When any build script file (such as a .props) is open in a text editor, it turns on /validate. This is used to see red wavies in the editor and gives the warnings when the project is loaded by any MSBuild task. The schema holds the various element used by the MS targets infrastructure, and doesn't know anything else. I'm not sure what good that is, but there you have it.

Mono4Android Can't Find axml Resource

I'm trying to do the very basic tutorial on setting up multiple views on the Mono4Android Documentation.
I've had this error for about 3 hours now, and can't seem to figure it out.
I've looked through all the build settings ect but nothing...
Mono keeps coming up with the error : ".Resource.Layout Does not contain a definition for 'Second'"
I have even copied an pasted the whole tutorial, and yet I'm still idle from this pathetic error.
I can dam right tell Mono that there is a definition of Second in the layout resource Folder!
Why doesn't anything want to play ball?
Make sure the build action on the file is set to AndroidResource.

FlashChartHelper for OpenFlashChart2 in CakePHP: blank charts

So I have recently started playing with Ubuntu, PHP, and CakePHP and have been pretty happy with the LAMP stack. Except now I'm trying to build a simple web page that can display collected data in a graph. Apparently OpenFlashChart2 with the FlashChartHelper plugin is pretty good, but I cannot get it to actually display a graph. I got the "hello world" sample described in the OpenFlashChart2 documentation to work, but when I try the FlashChartHelper samples I just get a blank spot where my graph is supposed to be. There is no error message, just... nothing. I verified that all the files are installed as listed on the page, and I made sure to define $helpers in my controller
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Flash','FlashChart');
Could it be a pathing issue? My webroot is /var/www/, but I unzipped cake into /var/www/www2/ . The rest of my site, including entering data, works just fine.
Has anyone else seen this before? What did you do to resolve the issue? Failing that, can you recommend another graphing library? Specifically, I need to render a scatter graph. I have a collection of data points that are collected at irregular intervals. Either suggestions on fixing FlashChartHelper or another library would be appreciated
I would perhaps take a look at this resource:
It seems to have everything you need?
