Two themes for two tabulator inside one project - tabulator

I have a application, where i have used tabulator for multiple functionalities. Im having tow tables, in one application I would like to have two themes for those two tables. How do i implement this ?
Please assist me.

If you had two tables #table1 and #table2 you would need to alter the CSS file for each of the theme and replace the .tabulator selectors with the table id or class, eg:
.tabulator .tabulator-header
Would become:
#table1 .tabulator-header


Do not show relations to invisible tables in SchemaCrawler diagram

I use schemacrawler-14.16.03 on Windows 7.
My command is:
schemacrawler.cmd -server=postgresql -host=hostname -port=5432 -database=db -schemas=public -user=user -password=***-sslmode=require -loglevel=INFO -outputformat png -infolevel=standard -command=schema -outputfile=somefile.png
I want to show a group of tables with relations between them. I edited schemacrawler.table.pattern.include and easy got only tabels I need. But a diagram contains all relations beetween these tables and other tables (invisible at diagram).
I tried to change different config options but unable to hide these relations. How can I hide them?
Here is another way you can try out. In, let schemacrawler.table.pattern.include include all tables (.*).
Use the following -grepcolumns trick shown below to include only the tables you want, and use -only-matching to exclude links to invisible tables.
Try the following command on a single line:
schemacrawler.cmd -server=postgresql -host=hostname -port=5432 -database=db -schemas=public -user=user -password=*** -infolevel=standard -command=schema -only-matching -grepcolumns=.*\.(YOUR TABLE PATTERN)\..* -outputfile=somefile.png
Sualeh Fatehi, SchemaCrawler

HtmlAgilityPack SelectNodes only where an attribute is missing or not defined

I have an HTML document which has different tables in it.
Simple examples include 2 types:
<table class="footer" id="some-x">
To select all nodes where the table has an attribute called id I can use
What I'm tying to figure out of the opposite, how do I select nodes where the tables do NOT have any attribute called id (or any class, i.e just bare tags) (example 1)
You can use not() to select tables that don't have any id attribute :
...or to select tables without any attribute at all :
Something like this might work here. Let me know if it doesn't
doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("table").Where(t => !t.HasAttributes)

Dynamic Data List: Configuring custom datasource for Select Data Definition

It is possible to specify or configure a custom datasource to load the select-options for a particular Data definition for Dynamic Data list?
The following image might clarify what I need to do:
Will it be possible that when the Dynamic Data form is shown to the User the values come from any of the liferay tables like User_, Group_ etc or from any custom plugin portlet's DB table etc.
P.S.: Also posted on liferay forum:

How do I copy a view to multiple Notes databases?

We have a bunch of databases with similar designs. All of them have some design elements which inherit from various templates. Many of them have a specific view that needs that needs to be updated, but is not marked to inherit from a template.
While I know that I could remove the view from the databases, I'm not sure how I would add just that view from my template to each of the databases without doing it manually.
How would I copy a design element from one database to another programmatically?
I'm not sure why you cannot just mark also these views to inherit from template. Anyway Views are also notes and you should be able to copy a view this way:
lotus.domino.Database db = session.getCurrentDatabase();
You can not copy the NotesView directly. But you can do it by DXLExporter and DXLImporter.
This is just complex and waste of time.
We have one alternate way for doing this. Instead of copying the view. We can copy the viewColumn and Create a new view in all other databases. Paste these column into it.
Set notesViewColumn = notesView.CopyColumn( sourceColumn [ , destinationIndex& ] )
I know that it does not answer exactly your questions but i wanted to suggest a Different approach.
You can have the view in the template and in all databases.
Then you could add an Option in a Profile to enable or disable the view.
In the outline you can hide or Display the view depending on the Profile setting.

Prefix the default table names for all liferay tables

Can I prefix all the Liferay tables that it initially creates by doing some configuration changes.
I am new to Liferay and analyzing it for my use.
I gather that new tables being created are prefixed to avoid any conflicts but I have a situation where it suits me better if its other way round.
The answer is no for tables that Liferay creates on its first start. And as you have found yes for newly created tables using servicebuilder(uses the namespace tag)
