How to implement membership based access in Azure AD B2C? - azure

I have an Azure AD B2C tenant and with that i have implemented sign-in/sign-up flow in multiple applications and all are hosted.
In those applications some premium applications are restricted which means who bought some membership from our portal can only access it but the problem is whoever registered with our other applications (via AD B2C) can able to access the premium applications too.
The B2C tenant allows all users to access all applications. How to restrict some users who not having our membership from accessing premium applications?
In Azure AD, Enterprise Application option used for Role Based Authorization but i dont see equivalent option in AD B2C.

With built-in user flows you'd probably have to do the check in the app itself. With custom policies, you could implement a validation technical profile to the login flow. But going to custom policies just for that isn't worth it in my opinion.

As juaans mentioned, there is no direct way in built-in user flows. But there is a way which can make it easier. If the membership is stored as a custom attribute, the apps get the membership in a claim in the token. Once you have it in the token, its a very simple check in the authorization layer of the app. I am assuming app will be implementing some authorization for sure.


Azure AD B2C Sign in

We want to build a .NET and Angular application which our internal users and invited external users can have access. We initially tried to build that by connecting to our internal azure-ad but that would mean that external users are part of our internal azure ad. One approach was to use Azure B2C AD but then not sure of how to get internal users in that AD without duplication. Eventually, we will have roles for users and wanted to check if we can avoid duplication of maintenance in multiple azure AD.
Hopefully, we are not doing something new i.e. creating an application that can be used by internal employees with their office 365 credentials and allowing invited external users to access the same application. Roles govern what part of the functionality is accessible within the application.
What are the possible approaches / recommended approach?
Use AAD B2C and add AAD as an identity provider to B2C, see here.

Could we use Azure Active Directory(AAD) B2B and B2C in single application??? B2B for Microsoft Intune access and B2C for user login/signup

I have an requirement to implement both Azure B2C and B2B in a single application where B2C is used to login/signup, after user's login/signup the B2B is used to get Microsoft Intune Access??? is that possible to implement this flow?? any help will be appreciated.
Yes you can add multiple providers to most applications, for example if you use API's and azure functions or webapps etc, this can done either with EasyAuth or in your own code.
In simple terms you end up adding AAD as one provider and B2C as a second provider, meaning that your application will trust tokens from both services and then you go from there.

Restricting User Access Azure B2C

According to this documentation, I can restrict access to applications on an Azure tenant using enterprise applications.
I tried to set this up on my B2C Tenant but when I test my user flows, I can still log in to those applications and receive an ID token.
Should the restrictions also work on the B2C Tenant or is there a different process required for B2C?
Using b2c User flows we can't restrict the user access. You need to handle this from the application side and also using Custom policy you can call the REST API in the user journey and can validate user restrictions.

Where should I perform (groups/roles equivalent) in B2C with OIDC and OAuth / API access?

I'm looking at the B2C API demos, and API documentation and I'm unable to determine the preferred method for managing authorization.
Azure AD supports assigning AD Users/Groups to apps, and also roles. Seemingly B2C doesn't support this. (I experimented by using AAD tasks against a B2C tenant. Hopefully I did it correctly)
Given that a singular B2C tenant will offer web sign in, and most likely API access as well, what is the benefit of creating more than one scope as exhibited in the TodoList:TodoListScope.
Can I conditionally add additional scopes? Using B2C or store it in the graph/application somewhere?
Or more abstractly, how should I perform authorization to the many different APIs (and apps) when an id_token is exchanged for an access_token?
Perhaps API Management will give me ideas on how to perform RBAC or other permissioning. Added them as a tag as well
There is an RBAC Github sample here that requires you to use work accounts which are called "B2C Users" in the portal below.
Users created this way, can be added to groups located within Azure Active Directory (by script). Testing still in progress

Identity in SPA on ASP.NET MVC Core on Azure AppService

I'm exploring options I have when it comes to implementing user authentication and authorization in Angular app with ASP.NET Core 3.1 backend that will be deployed to Azure AppService.
Only selected, invited users will be allowed to use application. There will be no "Create account" page accessible to everyone. There is a possibility that subset of those users will be our company users so leveraging their Active Directory identity and allowing SSO would be great. Application will be multi-tenant. Multi factor authentication might be needed for selected tenants/users (based on role for example). We don't want to allow logging in with 3rd party Identity Providers like FB, Google and so on.
Based on my explorations on I have 2 (4?) options.
ASP.NET Core Identity - simple, builtin, well known. But probably won't allow me to to implement SSO and users will need another login/pass. I'm not sure if it supports inviting users (out of the box) or is this something I would need to implement myself. Same with password resets. It allows me to add custom properties to stored user entity (TenantId) to allow me to implement multitenancy, but I need to deploy SQL Server database and manage it myself.
Azure AD (B2B, B2C) - this is new to me. How I understand it is that with Azure AD Connect I could synchronize users between AD and Azure AD and this would allow me to implement SSO for our company users. Only selected OU's could be synchronized and based on groups in AD they could be assigned different roles in our app. Then assigning roles is responsibility of people which are already managing those users in AD. If person is released and their account is removed/locked in AD they lose access to our app. If they're removed from specific group they lose access to our app. And probably all our company users are already in Azure AD - I see myself and my colleagues in it when I use my work e-mail to login to Azure portal. When it comes to supporting users which are not in our AD I tested that I can add "Guest users". At first I thought this is something I would need Azure AD B2C for but looks like it's not the case. Then what is Azure B2B and B2C for? In this case I don't need to manage SQL database and have user managment for free. Both on AD and Azure Portal site. I don't know if I can add custom properties to users (TenantId).
Which one of those options is better? Maybe there are other options?
Azure AD B2B is indeed the way to go for your requirements.
B2C is required when you would like to open up your application to external users while allowing them to login using social providers.
You can read more about the differences between Azure AD B2B and B2C.
