Issue with ASCii in Python3 - python-3.x

I am trying to convert a string of varchar to ascii. Then i'm trying to make it so any number that's not 3 digits has a 0 in front of it. then i'm trying to add a 1 to the very beginning of the string and then i'm trying to make it a large number that I can apply math to it.
I've tried a lot of different coding techniques. The closest I've gotten is below:
s = 'Ak'
for c in s:
mgk = (''.join(str(ord(c)) for c in s))
num = [mgk]
var = 1
num.insert(0, var)
mgc = lambda num: int(''.join(str(i) for i in num))
num = mgc(num)
With this code I get the output: 165107
It's almost doing exactly what I need to do but it's taking out the 0 from the ord(A) which is 65. I want it to be 165. everything else seems to be working great. I'm using '%03d'% to insert the 0.
How I want it to work is:
Get the ord() value from a string of numbers and letters.
if the ord() value is less than 100 (ex: A = 65, add a 0 to make it a 3 digit number)
take the ord() values and combine them into 1 number. 0 needs to stay in from of 65. then add a one to the list. so basically the output will look like:
I want to make sure I can take that number and apply math to it.
I have this code too:
s = 'Ak'
for c in s:
s = ord(c)
s = '%03d'%s
mgk = (''.join(str(s)))
s = [mgk]
var = 1
s.insert(0, var)
mgc = lambda s: int(''.join(str(i) for i in s))
s = mgc(s)
but then it counts each letter as its own element and it will not combine them and I only want the one in front of the very first number.
When the number is converted to an integer, it

Is this what you want? I am kinda confused:
a = 'Ak'
result = '1' + ''.join(str(f'{ord(char):03d}') for char in a)
print(result) # 1065107
# to make it a number just do:
my_int = int(result)


How do I write a python function to count consecutive zeros in a binary representation of a number?

Given a number N, the function should convert the number to binary form, count the number of consecutive zero (the binary gap), and return the maximum binary gap. For example, 9 = 1001, the binary gap of length 2. The number 529 = 1000010001, has 2 binary gaps with length 4 and 3. If the number has 2 or more binary gaps, the function should return the maximum binary gap i.e. 4 in the case of N = 529.
I tried this function:
def solution(N):
binaryN = bin(N)[2:]
n = len(binaryN)
binaryGap = []
for i in range(n):
if binaryN[i] == 0 and binaryN[i + 1] == 0:
m = len(binaryN)
return 0
binaryGap = binaryGap.append(m)
return max(binaryGap)
The function returns 0 for all values of N which is incorrect. How do I debug/improve the code to produce the accurate result?
Check out the below code. It would solve your problem.
The code is self-explanatory, yet let me know in-case of any doubts.
The Code:
import sys
num = int(sys.argv[1])
# Function to get the binary gap.
def binaryGapFinder(num):
binnum = bin(num).replace("0b", "") # binnum is binary form of the given number.
i = 0
x = 0
x_list = []
while i <= len(binnum)-1:
if binnum[i] == "0":
x += 1
if i == len(binnum)-1: # This loop will also consider if binary form is ending with 0. for example: 12 -> 1100
x = 0
i += 1
return f"The Number: {num}\nIt's Binary Form: {binnum}\nMaximum Consecutive 0's: {max(x_list)}"
The Output:
python3 /the/path/to/your/script/ 529
The Number: 529
It's Binary Form: 1000010001
Maximum Consecutive 0's: 4
python3 /the/path/to/your/script/ 12
The Number: 12
It's Binary Form: 1100
Maximum Consecutive 0's: 2
python3 /the/path/to/your/script/ 512
The Number: 512
It's Binary Form: 1000000000
Maximum Consecutive 0's: 9
There's a few issues here worth mentioning to aid you. (Just a side note to start with is that, in Python, it's recommended/best practice to use all lower case for variable names, so I'll replace them in my examples below.)
The bin() built in function returns a string. So you should be checking for equality with "0" (or '0') instead of an integer. e.g.
if binaryN[i] == "0" and binaryN[i + 1] == "0":
With Python you don't need to bother with checking for lengths of strings (or any other iterables) to use in a for loop in scenarios like this. e.g. You can replace:
n = len(binaryN)
for i in range(n):
with the more "Pythonic" way:
for bit in binary_number:
You can then use the variable bit (call it whatever you want of course, bearing in mind that good variable names make code more readable) instead of binary_number[index]. In this case, with each iteration of the for loop, bit will be replaced with the next character in the binary_number string.
From there on in your code:
m = len(binaryN)
will always be the same value, which is the total length of the string binaryN. e.g. 4 for '1001'.) This is not what you intended.
The first statement in your else block of code return 0 will terminate your function immediately and return 0 and thus your binaryGap = binaryGap.append(m) code will never, ever execute as it's unreachable due to that preceding return stopping any further execution of code in that suite.
You've got the right idea(s) and heading towards the right track for a solution but I don't think your code, even when the issues above are corrected, will match all possible binary numbers you may encounter. So, another possible alternative (and yet roughly sticking with the solution I think that you had in mind yourself) would be something like this which I hope will help you:
def solution(n):
binary_no = bin(n)[2:]
binary_gaps = []
gap_counter = 0
for bit in binary_no:
if bit == "0":
gap_counter += 1
# Encountered a 1 so add current count of 0's -- if any -- to list and reset gap_counter
if gap_counter > 0:
gap_counter = 0
# A for else suite (block of code) is run when all iterables have been exhausted.
if gap_counter > 0:
if binary_gaps: # If there is at least one element in the list
if len(binary_gaps) > 1:
return max(binary_gaps)
return binary_gaps[0]
# The list is empty, so no gaps were found at all. i.e. Binary number was all 1's.
return 0

How to multiply numbers of a string by its position in the string

I am a newby on this. I am trying to multiply every single element of the string below ('10010010') by 2 to the power of the position of the element in the string and sum all the multiplications. So far I am trying to do it like this, but I cannot achieve to figure out how to do it.
def decodingvalue(str1):
# read each character in input string
for ch in str1:
return q
Function call
Thanks a lot for your help!
I think you trying convert binary to int. If that so you can do the following:
str = '101110101'
#length is counted 1 to n, decrementing by 1 changes to 0-(n-1)
c = len(str)-1
q = 0
for ch in str:
q = q + (int(ch)*(2**c)) #in python power is '**'
c = c-1
if c == -1:
you can of course optimize it and finish in fewer lines.
In python ^ (caret operator) is a Bitwise XOR.

Python - Iterate through a list, swapping alphbets by indexes?

I need to write a code that makes alphabets rotate, through 2 lists.
So I need to define a function, let's say it is called rotate_text.
2 parameters are passed, 1 is string and 1 is integer.
This is my code so far:
def rotate_text(text, n):
rotated_text = []
for i in plaintext:
rotated_text = ciphertext[plaintext[i + n]]
result = ''.join(rotated_text)
return result
So what it needs to do is, if I put ABC for the parameter text and for 2 for the parameter n,
A should return CDE as the result. Or DOG and 11 should return OBK. I don't really think I need that cipertext list so I think I will take that out, but how do I make this code work?
If the program gets ABC as the text, it should find A's index from plaintext list and + n to that index, and find the letter satisfies with plused n index from plaintext list and then.... I am getting a headache.
Can anyone help?
How about this code? A text should be only capital character.
def rotate_text(text, n):
for i in len(text):
number = ord(text[i]) - ord('A')
number = (number + n) % 26
text[i] = chr(number + ord('A'))
return text
If you want to use lower case too, you should use if statements.

Return number of alphabetical substrings within input string

I'm trying to generate code to return the number of substrings within an input that are in sequential alphabetical order.
i.e. Input: 'abccbaabccba'
Output: 2
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def cake(x):
for i in range(len(x)):
for j in range (len(x)+1):
s = x[i:j+1]
l = 0
if s in alphabet:
l += 1
return l
print (cake('abccbaabccba'))
So far my code will only return 1. Based on tests I've done on it, it seems it just returns a 1 if there are letters in the input. Does anyone see where I'm going wrong?
You are getting the output 1 every time because your code resets the count to l = 0 on every pass through the loop.
If you fix this, you will get the answer 96, because you are including a lot of redundant checks on empty strings ('' in alphabet returns True).
If you fix that, you will get 17, because your test string contains substrings of length 1 and 2, as well as 3+, that are also substrings of the alphabet. So, your code needs to take into account the minimum substring length you would like to consider—which I assume is 3:
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def cake(x, minLength=3):
l = 0
for i in range(len(x)):
for j in range(i+minLength, len(x)): # carefully specify both the start and end values of the loop that determines where your substring will end
s = x[i:j]
if s in alphabet:
l += 1
return l
print (cake('abccbaabccba'))

how to convert decimal to binary by using repeated division in python

how to convert decimal to binary by using repeated division in python?
i know i have to use a while loop, and use modulus sign and others {%} and {//} to do this...but i need some kind of example for me to understand how its done so i can understand completely.
CORRECT ME, if I'm wrong:
number = int(input("Enter a numberto convert into binary: "))
result = ""
while number != 0:
remainder = number % 2 # gives the exact remainder
times = number // 2
result = str(remainder) + result
print("The binary representation is", result)
Thank You
Making a "break" without any condition, makes the loop useless, so the code only executes once no matter what.
If you don't need to keep the original number, you can change "number" as you go.
If you do need to keep the original number, you can make a different variable like "times".
You seem to have mixed these two scenarios together.
If you want to print all the steps, the print will be inside the loop so it prints multiple times.
If you only want to print the final result, then the print goes outside the loop.
while number != 0:
remainder = number % 2 # gives the exact remainder
number = number // 2
result = str(remainder) + result
print("The binary representation is", result)
The concatenation line:
Putting the print inside the loop might help you see how it works.
we can make an example:
the value in result might be "11010" (a string, with quotes)
the value in remainder might be 0 (an integer, no quotes)
str(remainder) turns the remainder into a string = "0" instead of 0
So when we look at the assignment statement:
result = str(remainder) + result
The right side of the assignment operator = is evaulated first.
The right side of the = is
str(remainder) + result
which, as we went over above has the values:
"0" + "11010"
This is string concatenation. It just puts one string on the end of the other one. The result is:
"0 11010"
That is the value evaluated on the right side of the assignment statement.
result = "011010"
Now that is the value of result.
B_Number = 0
cnt = 0
while (N != 0):
rem = N % 2
c = pow(10, cnt)
B_Number += rem * c
N //= 2
# Count used to store exponent value
cnt += 1
return B_Number
