This documentation references this document as source for the JSON Query result representation, but the URL appears to be no longer valid.
Does anyone know where I can gather this information?
The URL is not pointing to document. It is references an element in this schema document:
I am using the MSGraph SDK to retrieve Calendar events between two dates. I would like to extend that to also search the Subject and Body for matching text. Unfortunately CalendarView doesn't support body for the $filter, so I'm looking at $Search and OData Query Parameters.
The documentation says "some" ODate Query Paramters are supported, but I cannot find which ones when it comes to CalendarView.
When I try passing a $Search= parameter, I get all the events between the two dates returned, almost as if the $Search is being ignored.
This page:
List calendarView points to Use query parameters to customize responses which has the following text
To know the OData system query options that an API and its properties support, see the Properties table in the resource page, and the Optional query parameters section of the LIST and GET operations for the API.
Does anyone know the document this is referring to, I cannot find it.
Does anyone know how to search body with CalendarView?
Thank you
HI I'm new to cloudant (and couch and asking questions on stackoverflow so I hope I manage to be vaguely clear about what I'm asking ) and I'm trying to do probably the second most basic geo task but am hitting a dead end.
I've got a database of docs which are geojson objects, I've created an index so I can query for intersections etc but it seems the only options I have in the url is the format=legacy (gives me the ids) and the format=geojson and the include_docs parameter - what I'd like to do is give back a particular view of the result set - I'm not interested in the geometry of the object (which is a big lump of data and it's likely that a number of other properties may be in the document that I'd rather filter out)
is there a correct way to do this in a single api call or do I need to fetch the doc ids (legacy format) and then issue a second query to bring back my chosen 'view' for each document id given in the result of format=legacy response
For accessing to collection content I need to know {collection-name} and {document-key}.
How I can get list of all documents with their {document-key} in ArangoDB with http?
In docs there is a GET /_api/document request which will retrieve all documents from collection. If you specify type=key query string parameter then you will get response with an array of document keys.
How to find particular json document details from couchdb
For ex : Database name : employee_mgmt, in that database contains 50 json documents. So i want to find particular employee json documents ( Find by employee id ).
CouchDB does in it self not provide you with collections/buckets, hence all your documents are peers. It's up to you to provide meta-data e.g. by having a property $doctype with a value representing what kind of document it is. This is useful if you are writing maps and e.g. want to create a view (secondary index) returning something applicable only to employees.
Know, if you just want to query by _id you don't need the above. Just do a simple GET with an URI as: http://host:port/databasename/documentid
More information:
If you want to get a batch of documents matching many _id use the builtin index _all_docs
So far I haven't found any samples of HOW the elastic.js client api ( can be used for indexing documents. There are some clues here & there but nothing concrete yet.
Document ( index, type, id ): Object used to create, replace, update, and delete documents
Document > doIndex(fnCallBack): Stores a document in the given index and type. If no id is set, one is created during indexing.
Document > source (doc): Sets the source document.
Can anyone provide a sample snippet of code to show how an document object can be instantiated and used to index data?
Update # 1 (Sun Apr 21st, 2013 on 12:58pm CDT)
Your gist is correct.
You create ejs.Document objects specifying the index, type, and optionally the id of the document you want indexed. If you don't specify an id, elasticsearch will generate one for you.
You set the source to the json object you want indexed then call the doIndex method specifying a callback if needed. The node example does not index docs, but the angular and jquery examples show a basic example and can easily be used with the node client.
Also have a peek at the tests:
elastic.js nowadays only implements the Query DSL, so it can't be used for this scenario anymore. See this commit.