how to access class' attribute instead of objects - python-3.x

suppose you have
class c:
output: <method-wrapper '__call__' of type object at 0x0000023378F28DC8>
my problem is I cannot get the same output if __call__ is defined
like so:
class c:
__call__ = lambda self: None
output: <function c.<lambda> at 0x000002337A069B70>
and neither type.__getattribute__(c, '__call__') works
to conclude, I want first output in both examples
is it possible (I guess through some metaprogramming)

This is the same issue you could have with a class variable and an instance variable with the same name:
class Test:
var = 1 # class variable
def __init__(self):
self.var = 2 # instance variable with the same name
t = Test()
print(t.var) # prints 2, the instance variable, not the class variable
print(Test.var) # prints 1, the class variable
In your first exmaple, the __call__ method is defined in the metaclass, type. You're accessing it though an instance of type, the class c. If you define a class variable in c, it's essentially an instance variable in the metaclass perspective, so you can't see the version defined in the metaclass any more.
As in my class variable code above, the best way to get the __call__ method from the metaclass is to name it directly directly: type.__call__. If you think you might have some other metaclass, you could call type on the class, to get the metaclass without naming it: type(c).__call__.
Note that the type.__call__ method gets run in different situations than a __call__ method defined in a normal class. The interpreter runs type.__call__ when you call the class, e.g. c(), while c.__call__ gets run when you call an instance:
obj = c() # this is type.__call__
obj() # this is where c.__call__ runs


MetaClass in Python

I am trying to create a Meta-Class for my Class.
I have tried to print information about my class in meta-class
Now I have created two objects of my class
But Second object gets created without referencing my Meta-Class
Does Meta Class gets called only once per Class??
Any help will be appreciated
class Singleton(type):
def __new__(cls,name,bases,attr):
print (f"name {name}")
print (f"bases {bases}")
print (f"attr {attr}")
print ("Space Please")
return super(Singleton,cls).__new__(cls,name,bases,attr)
class Multiply(metaclass = Singleton):
objA = Multiply()
objB = Multiply()
print (objA)
print (objB)
Yes - the metaclass's __new__ and __init__ methods are called only when the class is created. After that, in your example, the class will be bound to theMultiply name. In many aspects, it is just an object like any other in Python. When you do objA = Multiply() you are not creating a new instance of type(Multiply), which is the metaclass - you are creating a new instance of Multiply itself: Multiply.__new__ and Multiply.__init__ are called.
Now, there is this: the mechanism in Python which make __new__ and __init__ be called when creating an instance is the code in the metaclass __call__ method. That is, just as when you create any class with a __call__ method and use an instance of it with the calling syntax obj() will invoke type(obj).__call__(obj), when you do Multiply() what is called (in this case) is Singleton.__call__(Multiply).
Since it is not implemented, Singleton's superclass, which is type __call__ method is called instead - and it is in there that Multiply.__new__ and __init__ are called.
That said, there is nothing in the code above that would make your classes behave as "singletons". And more importantly you don't need a metaclass to have a singleton in Python. I don't know who invented this thing, but it keeps circulating around.
First, if you really need a singleton, all you need to do is to write a plain class, no special anything, create your single instance, and document that the instance should be used. Just as people use None - no one keeps getting a reference to Nonetype and keep calling it to get a None reference:
class _Multiply:
# document that the code should use this instance:
Multiply = _Multiply()
second Alternatively, if your code have a need, whatsoever, for instantiating the class that should be a singleton where it will be used, you can use the class' __new__ method itself to control instantiation, no need for a metaclass:
class Multiply:
_instance = None
def __new__(cls):
if not cls._instance:
cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)
# insert any code that would go in `__init__` here:
return cls._instance
Third just for demonstration purposes, please don't use this, the metaclass mechanism to have singletons can be built in the __call__ method:
class Singleton(type):
registry = {}
def __new__(mcls,name,bases,attr):
print(f"name {name}")
print(f"bases {bases}")
print(f"attr {attr}")
print("Class created")
print ("Space Please")
return super(Singleton,mcls).__new__(cls,name,bases,attr)
def __call__(cls, *args, **kw):
registry = type(cls).registry
if cls not in registry:
print(f"{cls.__name__} being instantiated for the first time")
registry[cls] = super().__call__(*args, **kw)
print(f"Attempting to create a new instance of {cls.__name__}. Returning single instance instead")
return registry[cls]
class Multiply(metaclass = Singleton):

How to write own metaclass?

How to create a metaclass in python? I tried to write as in tutorials:
class Meta(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
attrs2 = {'field2': 'Test'}
return super(Meta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs2)
class Test(object):
__metaclass__ = Meta
field1 = 10
test = Test()
But this code fails with error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 18, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Test' object has no attribute 'field2'
How to declare a metaclass in python 3.7+ correctly?
I've changed my question with actual error.
The tutorials you are checking are covering Python 2.
In Python 3, one of the syntactic changes was exactly the way of declaring a metaclass for a class.
You don't need to change the metaclass code, just change your class declaration to:
class Test(metaclass=Meta):
field1 = 10
and it will work.
So, in short: for a metaclass in Python 3, you have to pass the equivalent of a "keyword argument" in the class declaration, with the name "metaclass". (Also, in Python 3, there is no need to inherit explicitly from object)
In Python 2, this was accomplished by the presence of the special variable __metaclass__ in the body of the class, as is in your example. (Also, when setting a metaclass, inheriting from 'object' would be optional, since the metaclass, derived from type, would do that for you).
One of the main advantages of the new syntax is that it allows the special method __prepare__ in the metaclass which can return a custom namespace object to be used when building the class body itself. It is seldom used, and a really "serious" use case would be hard to put up today. For toys and playing around, it is great, allowing for "magic autonamed enumerations" and other things - but when designing Python 3, this was way they thought to allow having an OrderedDict as the class namespace, so that the metaclass' __new__ and __init__ methods could know the order of the declaration of the attributes. Since Python 3.6, a class body namespace is ordered by default and there is no need for a __prepare__ method for this use alone.

How to use parent class to enforce subclasses to set value to an attribute?

I want the Parent class to have a checking mechanism to ensure all its subclasses to set an actual value to the attribute name. I found something here.
class Parent(object):
#name = None
def __init__(self):
if == None:
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must define name')
class Child1(Parent):
class Child2(Parent):
name = 'test'
class Child3(Parent):
def __init__(self): = 'test'
class Child4(Parent):
def __init__(self):
#obj1 = Child1() # Expected output: NotImplementedError: Subclasses must define bar
obj2 = Child2()
obj3 = Child3()
obj4 = Child4() # I want the NotImplementedError is raised here as well, but it doesn't
The problem is as long as there is an __init__ method in the subclass, it overwrites the Parent class and the raise NotImplementedError is no longer in effect.
My current working solution is:
class Child5(Parent):
def __init__(self): = 'test'
obj5 = Child5()
which seems to work, but I wonder if it's a proper implementation, or if it may have some hidden pitfalls, and also if I should learn to use/implement #abstractproperty instead of this solution?
Here, you need to understand when you parent class constructor gets called. Note that while creating child class objects, if child class has a constructor it is called by default. It is up to us whether we want to call parent class constructor as well and this shall be done by us. However if child class doesn't have a constructor, then the base class constructor is called.
So with your Child1(), parent constructor is called by default so it raises the exception.
In your Child2() as well parent constructor is called. However do note here that name variable is static and can even be accessed as And thus no exception is raised.
Your Child3 class has a constructor has a constructor thus parent constructor is never called and thus check for presence of name is actually never made. So you do need to add following line to to child constructor.
This call shall be made after declaring name if constructor defines name. And this is what you have done in your Child5 class.
For exactly the same reason as above, exception was not captured in Child4. Following will check this condition in Child4:
class Child4(Parent):
def __init__(self):
You can check when constructor is being called, by simply adding a unique print statement(such as print(1), print(2), and so on) in each constructor (preferably at the beginning).

The metaclass's "__init_subclass__" method doesn't work in the class constructed by this metaclass

My question was inspired by this question.
The problem there is the 3 level class model - the terminating classes (3-rd level) only should be stored in the registry, but the 2-nd level are interfering and also have stored, because they are subclasses of 1-st level.
I wanted to get rid of 1-st level class by using metaclass. By this way the only 2 class levels are left - base classes for each group of settings and their childs - various setting classes, inherited from the according base class. The metaclass serves as a class factory - it should create base classes with needed methods and shouldn't be displayed in the inheritance tree.
But my idea doesn't work, because it seems that the __init_subclass__ method (the link to method) doesn't copied from the metaclass to constructed classes. In contrast of __init__ method, that works as I were expected.
Code snippet № 1. The basic framework of the model:
class Meta_Parent(type):
class Parent_One(metaclass=Meta_Parent):
class Child_A(Parent_One):
class Child_B(Parent_One):
class Child_C(Parent_One):
[<class '__main__.Child_A'>, <class '__main__.Child_B'>, <class '__main__.Child_C'>]
I have wanted to add functionality to the subclassing process of the above model, so I have redefined the type's builtin __init_subclass__ like this:
Code snippet № 2.
class Meta_Parent(type):
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
From my point of view, now every new class, constructed by Meta_Parent metaclass (for example, Parent_One) should have __init_subclass__ method and thus, should print the subclass name when every class is inherited from this new class, but it prints nothing. That is, my __init_subclass__ method doesn't called when inheritance happens.
It works if Meta_Parent metaclass is directly inherited though:
Code snippet № 3.
class Meta_Parent(type):
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
class Child_A(Meta_Parent):
class Child_B(Meta_Parent):
class Child_C(Meta_Parent):
<class '__main__.Child_A'>
<class '__main__.Child_B'>
<class '__main__.Child_C'>
Nothing strange here, the __init_subclass__ was created exactly for this purpose.
I were thinking at a moment, that dunder methods are belong to metaclass only and are not passed to new constructed classes, but then, I try the __init__ method and it works as I were expecting in the beginning - looks like the link to __init__ have copied to every metaclass's class.
Code snippet № 4.
class Meta_Parent(type):
def __init__(cls, name, base, dct):
super().__init__(name, base, dct)
<class '__main__.Parent_One'>
<class '__main__.Child_A'>
<class '__main__.Child_B'>
<class '__main__.Child_C'>
The questions:
Why __init__ works, but __init_subclass__ doesn't?
Is it possible to implement my idea by using metaclass?
1. Why __init__ works, but __init_subclass__ doesn't?
I found the answer by debugging CPython by GDB.
The creation of a new class (type) starts in the type_call() function. It does two main things: a new type object creation and this object initialization.
obj = type->tp_new(type, args, kwds); is an object creation. It calls the type's tp_new slot with passed arguments. By default the tp_new stores reference to the basic type object's tp_new slot, but if any ancestor class implements the __new__ method, the reference is changing to the slot_tp_new dispatcher function. Then the type->tp_new(type, args, kwds); callsslot_tp_new function and it, in own turn, invokes the search of __new__ method in the mro chain. The same happens with tp_init.
The subclass initialization happens at the end of new type creation - init_subclass(type, kwds). It searches the __init_subclass__ method in the mro chain of the just created new object by using the super object. In my case the object's mro chain has two items:
### Output
(<class '__main__.Parent_One'>, <class 'object'>).
int res = type->tp_init(obj, args, kwds); is an object initialization. It also searches the __init__ method in the mro chain, but use the metaclass mro, not the just created new object's mro. In my case the metaclass mro has three item:
(<class '__main__.Meta_Parent'>, <class 'type'>, <class 'object'>)
The simplified execution diagram:
So, the answer is: __init_subclass__ and __init__ methods are searched in the different places:
the __init_subclass__ firstly is searched in the Parent_One's __dict__, then in the object's __dict__.
the __init__ is searched in this order: Meta_Parent's __dict__, type's __dict__, object's __dict__.
2. Is it possible to implement my idea by using metaclass?
I came up with following solution. It has drawback - the __init__ method is called by each subclass, the children included, that means - all subclasses have registry and __init_subclass__ attributes, which is needless. But it works as I were requesting in the question.
class Meta_Parent(type):
def __init__(cls, name, base, dct, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name, base, dct)
# Add the registry attribute to the each new child class.
# It is not needed in the terminal children though.
cls.registry = {}
def __init_subclass__(cls, setting=None, **kwargs):
cls.registry[setting] = cls
# Assign the nested classmethod to the "__init_subclass__" attribute
# of each child class.
# It isn't needed in the terminal children too.
# May be there is a way to avoid adding these needless attributes
# (registry, __init_subclass__) to there. I don't think about it yet.
cls.__init_subclass__ = __init_subclass__
# Create two base classes.
# All child subclasses will be inherited from them.
class Parent_One(metaclass=Meta_Parent):
class Parent_Two(metaclass=Meta_Parent):
### Parent_One's childs
class Child_A(Parent_One, setting='Child_A'):
class Child_B(Parent_One, setting='Child_B'):
class Child_C(Parent_One, setting='Child_C'):
### Parent_Two's childs
class Child_E(Parent_Two, setting='Child_E'):
class Child_D(Parent_Two, setting='Child_D'):
# Print results.
print("Parent_One.registry: ", Parent_One.registry)
print("#" * 100, "\n")
print("Parent_Two.registry: ", Parent_Two.registry)
Parent_One.registry: {'Child_A': <class '__main__.Child_A'>, 'Child_B': <class '__main__.Child_B'>, 'Child_C': <class '__main__.Child_C'>}
Parent_Two.registry: {'Child_E': <class '__main__.Child_E'>, 'Child_D': <class '__main__.Child_D'>}
The solution I came up with and use/like is:
class Meta_Parent(type):
def _init_subclass_override(cls, **kwargs):
# Do whatever... I raise an exception if something is wrong
# i.e
# if sub-class's name does not start with "Child_"
# raise NameError
# cls is the actual class, Child_A in this case
class Parent_One(metaclass=Meta_Parent):
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
Meta_Parent._init_subclass_override(cls, **kwargs)
### Parent_One's childs
class Child_A(Parent_One):
I like this because it DRYs the sub-class creation code/checks. At the same time, if you see Parent_One, you know that there is something happening whenever a sub-class is created.
I did it while mucking around to mimic my own Interface functionality (instead of using ABC), and the override method checks for existence of certain methods in the sub-classes.
One can argue whether the override method really belongs in the metaclass, or somewhere else.

How to use method parameter as parameter in another method?

class Class1(object):
def __init__(self, parameter1):
# action with parameter
def method1(self, parameter1):
# method actions
So what I want to happen is that I am able to make a Class1 object without having loaded the parameter1 yet and then when that has happened, I use method1 to set parameter1 and run actions with method1 as __init__ will use the results of method1. This is a python tutorial practice exam by the way so it has to be done this way.
>>>object1 = Class1()
In order to allow a later initialization, you want to move all your actual initialization stuff into the method and make the parameter to the __init__ optional. Then, if the parameter is specified, you can call the method or not.
class SomeClass (object):
def __init__ (self, param = None):
# do some general initialization, like initializing instance members = 'bar'
# if the parameter is specified, call the init method
if param is not None:
def init (self, param):
# do initialization stuff
Then, both of the following ways to create the object are equivalent:
x = SomeClass('param value')
y = SomeClass()
y.init('param value')
If the idea is to be able to assign a value for the attribute at the method level and not in the initialization of the Class, I would suggest the following implementation:
class Class:
def __init__(self, parameter=None):
def method(self, parameter):
self.parameter = parameter
You can check that the attribute is certainly assigned through the method:
>>> c = Class1()
>>> c.method('whatever')
>>> print(c.parameter)
BTW in Python3 you don't need to explicitly inherit from object anymore, since already "all classes inherit from object".
