Client stuck at 'Authenticating' phase - world-of-warcraft

I've set up Azerothcore on a VPS following this tutorial. I've created an account but when I try to log in my client gets stuck on the authenticating phase.
I followed the tutorial completely except I had to download the data files from the recommended link in the AzerothCore Wiki, because my worldserver did not recognize the files provided in the tutorial.
I've checked the config files and database and everything seems ok. The address is what it should be (my VPS address) and ports seem to be ok, too. I've tried redownloading the client (WoWmane WotLK 3.3.5a client, with WoD models), checking my firewall (exceptions added for the WoW client) and checking the file and config file, to no avail. My folder is not read-only and I'm really lost now.
EDIT: I've now managed to get the 'Malformed package' error again. I started the auth server, then the world server, then tried to log in, then shut down both servers after the client got stuck again. I'll paste the relevant portion of the server log file:
2019-08-25 03:03:49 ERROR: WORLD: World initialized in 0 minutes 13 seconds
2019-08-25 03:03:49
2019-08-25 03:03:49 worldserver process priority class set to -15
2019-08-25 03:03:49 Max allowed socket connections 1024
2019-08-25 03:03:49 Starting up Auction House Listing thread...
2019-08-25 03:03:49 AzerothCore rev. 2f74802d03d5 2019-08-23 22:22:26 +0200 (master branch) (Unix, Release) (worldserver-daemon) ready...
2019-08-25 03:04:16 ERROR: WorldSocket::handle_input_header(): client (account: 0, char [GUID: 0, name: <none>]) sent malformed packet (size: 8, cmd: 1867972643)
2019-08-25 03:04:42 Auction House Listing thread exiting without problems.
2019-08-25 03:04:42 Halting process...


FileSync local endpoint offline

I have 3 servers (one of them with Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2 with Windows Server 2019) and I use Azure FileSync to sync files between them.
Since a few days I have a problem, the 2012 R2 server is appearing offline in the azure portal (it shows "no activity"). I tried the Test-StorageSyncNetworkConnectivity cmdlet and it fails with the following message:
Discovery service connectivity result:
Result: Success
HostUri: unknown
HostIPv4Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
HostIPv6Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
Management service connectivity result:
Result: Fail. Failed to run test
HostUri: unknown
HostIPv4Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
HostIPv6Addr: Fail. DNS name does not exist. Resolution through GetAddrInfo failed with error: 11001
HostNetworkLatency [min,avg,max]: Network Latency Request Failed.
Monitoring service connectivity result:
Result: No response from monitoring agent process.
HostUri: unknown
HostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
ServerEndpoint: faf66731-1e22-47eb-93eb-b8d3331f0de2
SyncServiceHostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
SyncServiceHostNetworkLatency: Request Failed.
ServerEndpoint: 80f3bb96-463b-4f86-9e26-8dcf0c92f915
SyncServiceHostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
SyncServiceHostNetworkLatency: Request Failed.
ServerEndpoint: b9a874b4-7acd-4174-b5e8-26ac23c84c7e
SyncServiceHostIPsAddr: IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses do not exist
SyncServiceHostNetworkLatency: Request Failed.
Remediation Steps
For Azure File Sync to work correctly, you will need to configure your servers to communicate with multiple Azure servic
Refer the following public document for details on proxy settings or firewall settings for Azure File Sync - https://aka
If you have configured a private endpoint refer the following public document for configuring private endpoint for Azure
File Sync -
NetworkTestPassed Report
----------------- ------
False ...
The problem seems to be DNS related, but I tried the Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <remote-host> -Port 443 cmdlet with the correct URLs (taken from and all the endpoints seems to be working fine (the ping is failing but I think that is regular behavior. E.g.:
PS C:\Program Files\Azure\StorageSyncAgent> Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443
AVVISO: Ping to failed -- Status: TimedOut
ComputerName :
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 443
InterfaceAlias : Ethernet 2
SourceAddress :
PingSucceeded : False
PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 0 ms
TcpTestSucceeded : True
I also tried the FileSyncErrorsReport.ps1 but even that doesn't give me any error:
AVVISO: There are no file sync errors to report. Either the last completed sync session did not have per-item errors or
the ItemResults event log on the server wrapped due to too many per-item errors and the event log no longer contains
errors for this sync group. To learn more, see the Azure File Sync troubleshooting documentation:
I think the problem lies with the fact that the AzureStorageSyncMonitor.exe process is not running and if i try to run it manually it just closes itself after a few seconds.
I've got no event ID 9301 (specified here: and by searching in the other folder of eventvwr i could only find the event 4104 which shows me some error dated to the last time the server has reached the Azure endpoint:
Querying for new jobs failed.
HttpErrorCode: 0x80C8700C
InternalErrorCode: 0x80C80300
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
• Kindly please check the event ID 9302 in the ‘FileSync’ telemetry logs under ‘Application and Service Logs’ in the event viewer for the active sync sessions logged every 5 to 10 minutes and check whether it is making any progress as the ‘AzureStorageSyncMonitor.exe’ utility synchronizes the status of the Server endpoint to the storage sync service in the portal.
• You can also check the ‘Perfmon.msc’, i.e., performance counter which is built-in to the Azure File Sync to monitor the sync activity locally on the server.
• Finally, please check the Server’s configured IP address settings too as you are encountering the DNS resolution issue while trying to execute the ‘Test-StorageSyncNetworkConnectivity’ command. In the IP address settings, please check whether the configured DNS server IP addresses (Preferred and Secondary) are configured correct and are reachable.
Also, check the ‘localhosts’ file in the ‘C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc’ path whether it contains the correct IP address of the server, i.e., Windows Server 2012 R2 and its expected DNS hostname as various services on the server itself including the ‘AzureStorageSyncMonitor’ refer the ‘localhosts’ file for sending DNS requests to the connected/configured external services and for communicating between the internal services also.
• Finally, would suggest you to please disable negative caching on the DNS client, put the suffix with the matching host A record as the last entry in the suffix search list and use the ‘AF_UNSPEC’ for the family and let your code determine the ‘A/AAAA’ results for you.
For more detailed information on this, kindly refer to the below link: -

Error on running integration tests while building hono from source - certificate expired

I followed the steps for building hono from source from this page
The build completes without errors, but when running the integration tests, I receive lots of errors related to timeouts and expired certificates. Here's an excerpt of the log:
HTTP11:59:07.040 [main] INFO o.e.h.adapter.http.impl.Application - The following profiles are active: prod
ARTEMIS2020-10-29 11:59:09,455 ERROR [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ224088: Timeout (10 seconds) while handshaking with / has occurred.
QPID2020-10-29 11:59:09.827479 +0000 SERVER (info) [C4] Connection to hono-artemis.hono:5671 failed: amqp:connection:framing-error SSL Failure: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
Is it possible to update the certificates or is this not the main problem?
Here's the link to the complete log file
You are probably building sources from one of the previously released tags, i.e. not from the master branch, right?
If so, the demo certificates included in the source code may have expired in the meantime since the time of release. You can re-create the certificates by running the demo-certs/ script. Note that this needs to be done once only, i.e. it is not necessary to do this before each build.

Atlassian-connect: Error on 'installed' event

I'm trying to run example Jira add-on.
I have created credentials.json file and have run npm i and node app.js.
But I have problems with installed event. Here is nodejs log:
Watching atlassian-connect.json for changes
Add-on server running at http://MacBook-Air.local:3000
Initialized sqlite3 storage adapter
Local tunnel established at
Check for tunnel status
Registering add-on...
GET /atlassian-connect.json 200 13.677 ms - 784
Saved tenant details for 608ff294-74b9-3edf-8124-7efae2c16397 to database
{ key: 'my-add-on',
clientKey: '608ff294-74b9-3edf-8124-7efae2c16397',
publicKey: 'MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCtKxrEBipTMXhRHlv9zcSLR2Y9h5YQgNQ5vpJ40tF9RmuIzByjkKTurCLHFwMAWU6aLQM+H+Z8wAlpL9AVlN5NKrEP8+a3mGFUOj/5nSJ7ZWHjgju0sqUruyEkKLvKuhWkKkd9NqBxogN0hxv7ue5msP5ezwei/nTJXmnmA5qOAQIDAQAB',
sharedSecret: 'LfT9elHM7iHkto5pHr+MnpH0SR1ypunIDoCyt6ugVJ1Q4hWHurG8k5DjVzLcvT2C98DDbiJiA89VNB0e3DiUvQ',
serverVersion: '100075',
pluginsVersion: '1.3.407',
baseUrl: '',
productType: 'jira',
description: 'Atlassian JIRA at ',
eventType: 'installed' }
POST /installed?user_key=admin 204 51.021 ms - -
Failed to register with host (200)
The add-on host did not respond when we tried to contact it at "" during installation (the attempt timed out). Please try again later or contact the add-on vendor.
{"type":"INSTALL","pingAfter":300,"status":{"done":true,"statusCode":200,"contentType":"application/vnd.atl.plugins.task.install.err+json","errorMessage":"The add-on host did not respond when we tried to contact it at \"\" during installation (the attempt timed out). Please try again later or contact the add-on vendor.","source":"","name":""},"links":{"self":"/rest/plugins/1.0/pending/80928cb9-f64e-42d0-9a7e-a1fe8ba81055","alternate":"/rest/plugins/1.0/tasks/80928cb9-f64e-42d0-9a7e-a1fe8ba81055"},"timestamp":1513692335651,"userKey":"admin","id":"80928cb9-f64e-42d0-9a7e-a1fe8ba81055"}
Add-on not registered; no compatible hosts detected
I have reviewed tons of information in Google, but didn't found an answer.
More details, that can helps you to answer.
It happens suddenly. It worked OK, but about 1 week ago I start to get this error and cannot fix it. So I didn't change anything, just run add-on again, as I did it every day.
If I try to upload add-on manually I got error in terminal
GET / 302 17.224 ms - 0
GET /atlassian-connect.json 200 2.503 ms - 783
Found existing settings for client 608ff294-74b9-3edf-8124-7efae2c16397. Authenticating reinstall request
Authentication verification error: 401 Could not find authentication data on request
POST /installed?user_key=admin 401 22.636 ms - 45
The most possible reason (that I've found in google) is that I have wrong server time. But the time on my local machine is correct (at least for my timezone).
Anyone has any thoughts about this problem?
I kept randomly having this happen to me. It would be working, then run npm start and I would get the error. Since I'm not using a database right now, I simply removed all references to the juggling-sqlite database. This was in package.json, package-lock.json, config.json, and I just removed store.db. That got it working for me. Pretty frustrating that this happens, not sure a better way around it.

WSO2 BAM wirh offset 1. Cassandra error

i have a problem on startup of BAM server.
My machine has the IP and hostname "srv-lc-presen".
I it have configurated using this document:
Monitoring and statistics.
I have modified the at carbon.xml. I have it set to 1.
I've modified the master-datasources.xml and set
WSO2BAM_CASSANDRA_DATASOURCE url = jdbc:cassandra://srv-lc-presen:9161/EVENT_KS
WSO2BAM_UTIL_DATASOURCE url = jdbc:cassandra://srv-lc-presen:9161/BAM_UTIL_KS
I have tried with localhost, and srv-lc-presen.
I always get the same error:
ERROR {me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager} - Could not start connection pool for host srv-lc-presen(
[2014-05-07 12:04:24,983] WARN {me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.CassandraHostRetryService} - Downed srv-lc-presen( host still appears to be down: Unable to open transport to srv-lc-presen( , Connection refused
[2014-05-07 12:04:24,987] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent} - All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HectorException: All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.getClientFromLBPolicy(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.operateWithFailover(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.ThriftCluster.addKeyspace(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.createKeyspaceIfNotExist(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSConfig(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSDataSource(
NEW information
i have tried to reconfigure and i don't find the problem.
I see in BAM console this error
[2014-05-08 09:10:57,531] ERROR {me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager} - Could not start connection pool for host
[2014-05-08 09:10:57,564] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent} - All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HectorException: All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.getClientFromLBPolicy(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.operateWithFailover(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.ThriftCluster.addKeyspace(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.createKeyspaceIfNotExist(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSConfig(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSDataSource(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent.initRecordStore(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent.activate(
And in API Manager console this
[2014-05-08 09:14:52,096] ERROR - ReceiverGroup No receiver is reachable at reconnection, can't publish the events
[2014-05-08 09:14:55,102] ERROR - AsyncDataPublisher Reconnection failed for for tcp://
Please use this command at startup or edit if you are not using notification feature sh -Ddisable.notification.task

WebLogic crashes

I am running Liferay 6.2 on WebLogic 12c server.
Out of nowhere it just stopped working.
This is the last thing I see before it throws a flurry of exceptions
<Jan 10, 2014 2:53:28 PM EST> <Notice> <LoggingService> <BEA-320400> <The log fi
le C:\Oracle_2\Middleware\user_projects\domains\liferay\servers\AdminServer\logs
\AdminServer.log will be rotated. Reopen the log file if tailing has stopped. Th
is can happen on some platforms, such as Windows.>
<Jan 10, 2014 2:53:28 PM EST> <Notice> <LoggingService> <BEA-320401> <The log fi
le has been rotated to C:\Oracle_2\Middleware\user_projects\domains\liferay\serv
ers\AdminServer\logs\AdminServer.log00369. Log messages will continue to be logg
ed in C:\Oracle_2\Middleware\user_projects\domains\liferay\servers\AdminServer\l
The errors are shown here
Anyone have any ideas on this?
As you can see in the log files (see below excerpt of your log file), Liferay is not able to either get a handle to the HSQL database or the HSQL db might be corrupted when you updated it.
13:11:16,769 WARN [C3P0PooledConnectionPoolManager[identityToken->uArzPQ2m]-HelperThread-#4][BasicResourcePool:1851] com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool$ScatteredAcquireTask#933b16 -- Acquisition Attempt Failed!!! Clearing pending acquires. While trying to acquire a needed new resource, we failed to succeed more than the maximum number of allowed acquisition attempts (3). Last acquisition attempt exception:
java.sql.SQLException: error in script file line: 15 unexpected token: AVG
So you need to answer below questions:
Did you use any Client tool to make changes to your HSQL db?
If yes, did you close the connection to HSQL database before starting Liferay?
If not, Liferay won't be able to acquire lock on your db and fail to start.
If not, did you make DB changes directly in the HSQL db file?
This is NOT Recommended. Rollback your changes and try to use HSQL client to make your db changes
P.S. Is this issue duplicate of: If so, please delete that one.
