Spark createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema) vs checkPoint for breaking lineage - apache-spark

I'm currently using
val df=longLineageCalculation(....)
val newDf=sparkSession.createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema)
In order to save time when calculating plans, however docs say that checkpointing is the suggested way to "cut" lineage. BUT I don't want to pay the price of saving the RDD to disk.
My process is a batch process which is not-so-long and can be restarted without issues, so checkpointing is not benefit for me (I think).
What are the problems which can arise using "my" method? (Docs suggests checkpointing, which is more expensive, instead of this one for breaking lineages and I would like to know the reason)
Only think I can guess is that if some node fails after my "lineage breaking" maybe my process will fail while the checkpointed one would have worked correctly? (what If the DF is cached instead of checkpointed?)
From SMaZ answer, my own knowledge and the article which he provided. Using createDataframe (which is a Dev-API, so use at "my"/your own risk) will keep the lineage in memory (not a problem for me since I don't have memory problems and the lineage is not big).
With this, it looks (not tested 100%) that Spark should be able to rebuild whatever is needed if it fails.
As I'm not using the data in the following executions, I'll go with
cache+createDataframe versus checkpointing (which If i'm not wrong, is
actually cache+saveToHDFS+"createDataFrame").
My process is not that critical (if it crashes) since an user will be always expecting the result and they launch it manually, so if it gives problems, they can relaunch (+Spark will relaunch it) or call me, so I can take some risk anyways, but I'm 99% sure there's no risk :)

Let me start with creating dataframe with below line :
val newDf=sparkSession.createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema)
If we take close look into SparkSession class then this method is annotated with #DeveloperApi. To understand what this annotation means please take a look into below lines from DeveloperApi class
A lower-level, unstable API intended for developers.
Developer API's might change or be removed in minor versions of Spark.
So it is not advised to use this method for production solutions, called as Use at your own risk implementation in open source world.
However, Let's dig deeper what happens when we call createDataframe from RDD. It is calling the internalCreateDataFrame private method and creating LogicalRDD.
LogicalRDD is created when:
Dataset is requested to checkpoint
SparkSession is requested to create a DataFrame from an RDD of internal binary rows
So it is nothing but the same as checkpoint operation without saving the dataset physically. It is just creating DataFrame From RDD Of Internal Binary Rows and Schema. This might truncate the lineage in memory but not at the Physical level.
So I believe it's just the overhead of creating another RDDs and can not be used as a replacement of checkpoint.
Now, Checkpoint is the process of truncating lineage graph and saving it to a reliable distributed/local file system.
Why checkpoint?
If computation takes a long time or lineage is too long or Depends too many RDDs
Keeping heavy lineage information comes with the cost of memory.
The checkpoint file will not be deleted automatically even after the Spark application terminated so we can use it for some other process
What are the problems which can arise using "my" method? (Docs
suggests checkpointing, which is more expensive, instead of this one
for breaking lineages and I would like to know the reason)
This article will give detail information on cache and checkpoint. IIUC, your question is more on where we should use the checkpoint. let's discuss some practical scenarios where checkpointing is helpful
Let's take a scenario where we have one dataset on which we want to perform 100 iterative operations and each iteration takes the last iteration result as input(Spark MLlib use cases). Now during this iterative process lineage is going to grow over the period. Here checkpointing dataset at a regular interval(let say every 10 iterations) will assure that in case of any failure we can start the process from last failure point.
Let's take some batch example. Imagine we have a batch which is creating one master dataset with heavy lineage or complex computations. Now after some regular intervals, we are getting some data which should use earlier calculated master dataset. Here if we checkpoint our master dataset then it can be reused for all subsequent processes from different sparkSession.
My process is a batch process which is not-so-long and can be
restarted without issues, so checkpointing is not benefit for me (I
That's correct, If your process is not heavy-computation/Big-lineage then there is no point of checkpointing. Thumb rule is if your dataset is not used multiple time and can be re-build faster than the time is taken and resources used for checkpoint/cache then we should avoid it. It will give more resources to your process.

I think the sparkSession.createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema) will impact the fault tolerance property of spark.
But the checkpoint() will save the RDD in hdfs or s3 and hence if failure occurs, it will recover from the last checkpoint data.
And in case of createDataFrame(), it just breaks the lineage graph.


In spark, is it possible to reuse a DataFrame's execution plan to apply it to different data sources

I have a bit complex pipeline - pyspark which takes 20 minutes to come up with execution plan. Since I have to execute the same pipeline multiple times with different data frame (as source) Im wondering is there any option for me to avoid building execution plan every time? Build execution plan once and reuse it with different source data?`
There is a way to do what you ask but it requires advanced understanding of Spark internals. Spark plans are simply trees of objects. These trees are constantly transformed by Spark. They can be "tapped" and transformed "outside" of Spark. There is a lot of devil in the details and thus I do not recommend this approach unless you have a severe need for it.
Before you go there, it important to look at other options, such as:
Understanding what exactly is causing the delay. On some managed planforms, e.g., Databricks, plans are logged in JSON for analysis/debugging purposes. We sometimes seen delays of 30+ mins with CPU pegged at 100% on a single core while a plan produces tens of megabytes of JSON and pushes them on the wire. Make sure something like this is not happening in your case.
Depending on your workflow, if you have to do this with many datasources at the same time, use driver-side parallelism to analyze/optimize plans using many cores at the same time. This will also increase your cluster utilization if your jobs have any skew in the reduce phases of processing.
Investigate the benefit of Spark's analysis/optimization to see if you can introduce analysis barriers to speed up transformations.
This is impossible because the source DataFrame affects the execution of the optimizations applied to the plan.
As #EnzoBnl pointed out, this is not possible as Tungsten applies optimisations specific to the object. What you could do instead (if possible with your data) is to split your large file into smaller chunks that could be shared between the multiple input dataframes and use persist() or checkpoint() on them.
Specifically checkpoint makes the execution plan shorter by storing a mid-point, but there is no way to reuse.
Data checkpointing - Saving of the generated RDDs to reliable storage. This is necessary in some stateful transformations that combine data across multiple batches. In such transformations, the generated RDDs depend on RDDs of previous batches, which causes the length of the dependency chain to keep increasing with time. To avoid such unbounded increases in recovery time (proportional to dependency chain), intermediate RDDs of stateful transformations are periodically checkpointed to reliable storage (e.g. HDFS) to cut off the dependency chains.

Prevent spark catalyst from optimizing and moving dynamic parallelism

I need to dynamically set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions during the execution of my spark job.
Initially, it is set when starting the job, but then after various aggregations, I need to decrease it over and over again.
However, catalyst tends to push this backward (into earlier operations) - even though I do not want it to happen.
My current workaround is to use a checkpoint which breaks the lineage of catalyst.
But a checkpoint 1) writes to disk 2) needs to have the previous operation cached, otherwise, it is recomputed.
This means I need to cache and checkpoint i.e. write to disk twice if the data is too large for the memory.
Obviously, this is slow and less than ideal.
Is there another way to tell catalyst to not apply the decreased parallelism before the point where I actually want it to happen in the lineage?

Should cache and checkpoint be used together on DataSets? If so, how does this work under the hood?

I am working on a Spark ML pipeline where we get OOM Errors on larger data sets. Before training we were using cache(); I swapped this out for checkpoint() and our memory requirements went down significantly. However, in the docs for RDD's checkpoint() it says:
It is strongly recommended that this RDD is persisted in memory, otherwise saving it on a file will require recomputation.
The same guidance is not given for DataSet's checkpoint, which is what I am using. Following the above advice anyways, I found that the memory requirements actually increased slightly from using cache() alone.
My expectation was that when we do
the call to checkpoint forces evaluation of the DataSet, which is cached at the same time before being checkpointed. Afterwards, any reference to ds would reference the cached partitions, and if more memory is required and the partitions are evacuated that the checkpointed partitions will be used rather than re-evaluating them. Is this true, or does something different happen under the hood? Ideally I'd like to keep the DataSet in memory if possible, but it seems there is no benefit whatsoever from a memory standpoint to using the cache and checkpoint approach.
TL;DR You won't benefit from in-memory cache (default storage level for Dataset is MEMORY_AND_DISK anyway) in subsequent actions, but you should still consider caching, if computing ds is expensive.
Your expectation that
the call to checkpoint forces evaluation of the DataSet
is correct. Dataset.checkpoint comes in different flavors, which allow for both eager and lazy checkpointing, and the default variant is eager
def checkpoint(): Dataset[T] = checkpoint(eager = true, reliableCheckpoint = true)
Therefore subsequent actions should reuse checkpoint files.
However, under the covers Spark simply applies checkpoint on the internal RDD, so the rules of evaluation didn't change. Spark evaluates action first, and then creates checkpoint (that's why caching was recommended in the first place).
So if you omit ds.cache() ds will be evaluated twice in ds.checkpoint():
Once for internal count.
Once for actual checkpoint.
Therefore nothing changed and cache is still recommended, although recommendation might might slightly weaker, compared to plain RDD, as Dataset cache is considered computationally expensive, and depending on the context, it might be cheaper to simply reload the data (note that Dataset.count without cache is normally optimized, while Dataset.count with cache is not - Any performance issues forcing eager evaluation using count in spark?).

How to do Incremental MapReduce in Apache Spark

In CouchDB and system designs like Incoop, there's a concept called "Incremental MapReduce" where results from previous executions of a MapReduce algorithm are saved and used to skip over sections of input data that haven't been changed.
Say I have 1 million rows divided into 20 partitions. If I run a simple MapReduce over this data, I could cache/store the result of reducing each separate partition, before they're combined and reduced again to produce the final result. If I only change data in the 19th partition then I only need to run the map & reduce steps on the changed section of the data, and then combine the new result with the saved reduce results from the unchanged partitions to get an updated result. Using this sort of catching I'd be able to skip almost 95% of the work for re-running a MapReduce job on this hypothetical dataset.
Is there any good way to apply this pattern to Spark? I know I could write my own tool for splitting up input data into partitions, checking if I've already processed those partitions before, loading them from a cache if I have, and then running the final reduce to join all the partitions together. However, I suspect that there's an easier way to approach this.
I've experimented with checkpointing in Spark Streaming, and that is able to store results between restarts, which is almost what I'm looking for, but I want to do this outside of a streaming job.
RDD caching/persisting/checkpointing almost looks like something I could build off of - it makes it easy to keep intermediate computations around and reference them later, but I think cached RDDs are always removed once the SparkContext is stopped, even if they're persisted to disk. So caching wouldn't work for storing results between restarts. Also, I'm not sure if/how checkpointed RDDs are supposed to be loaded when a new SparkContext is started... They seem to be stored under a UUID in the checkpoint directory that's specific to a single instance of the SparkContext.
Both use cases suggested by the article (incremental logs processing and incremental query processing) can be generally solved by Spark Streaming.
The idea is that you have incremental updates coming in using DStreams abstraction. Then, you can process new data, and join it with previous calculation either using time window based processing or using arbitrary stateful operations as part of Structured Stream Processing. Results of the calculation can be later dumped to some sort of external sink like database or file system, or they can be exposed as an SQL table.
If you're not building an online data processing system, regular Spark can be used as well. It's just a matter of how incremental updates get into the process, and how intermediate state is saved. For example, incremental updates can appear under some path on a distributed file system, while intermediate state containing previous computation joined with new data computation can be dumped, again, to the same file system.

Spark Transformation - Why is it lazy and what is the advantage?

Spark Transformations are lazily evaluated - when we call the action it executes all the transformations based on lineage graph.
What is the advantage of having the Transformations Lazily evaluated?
Will it improve the performance and less amount of memory consumption compare to eagerly evaluated?
Is there any disadvantage of having the Transformation lazily evaluated?
For transformations, Spark adds them to a DAG of computation and only when driver requests some data, does this DAG actually gets executed.
One advantage of this is that Spark can make many optimization decisions after it had a chance to look at the DAG in entirety. This would not be possible if it executed everything as soon as it got it.
For example -- if you executed every transformation eagerly, what does that mean? Well, it means you will have to materialize that many intermediate datasets in memory. This is evidently not efficient -- for one, it will increase your GC costs. (Because you're really not interested in those intermediate results as such. Those are just convnient abstractions for you while writing the program.) So, what you do instead is -- you tell Spark what is the eventual answer you're interested and it figures out best way to get there.
Consider a 1 GB log file where you have error,warning and info messages and it is present in HDFS as blocks of 64 or 128 MB(doesn't matter in this context).You first create a RDD called "input" of this text file. Then,you create another RDD called "errors" by applying filter on the "input" RDD to fetch only the lines containing error messages and then call the action first() on the "error" RDD. Spark will here optimize the processing of the log file by stopping as soon as it finds the first occurrence of an error message in any of the partitions. If the same scenario had been repeated in eager evaluation, Spark would have filtered all the partitions of the log file even though you were only interested in the first error message.
Lazy evaluation means that if you tell Spark to operate on a set of data, it listens to what you ask it to do, writes down some shorthand for it so it doesn’t forget, and then does absolutely nothing. It will continue to do nothing, until you ask it for the final answer. [...]
It waits until you’re done giving it operators, and only when you ask it to give you the final answer does it evaluate, and it always looks to limit how much work it has to do.
It saves time and unwanted processing power.
Consider When Spark is not Lazy..
For Example : we are having 1GB file loaded into memory from the HDFS
We are having the transformation like
rdd1 = load file from HDFS
In this case when the 1st line is executed entry would be made to the DAG and 1GB file would be loaded to memory. In the second line the disaster is that just to print the line1 of the file the entire 1GB file is loaded onto memory.
Consider When Spark is Lazy
rdd1 = load file from HDFS
In this case 1st line executed anf entry is made to the DAG and entire execution plan is built. And spark does the internal optimization. Instead of loading the entire 1GB file only 1st line of the file loaded and printed..
This helps avoid too much of computation and makes way for optimization.
"Spark allows programmers to develop complex, multi-step data pipelines usind directed acyclic graph (DAG) pattern" - [Khan15]
"Since spark is based on DAG, it can follow a chain from child to parent to fetch any value like traversal" - [Khan15]
"DAG supports fault tolerance" - [Khan15]
(According to "Big data Analytics on Apache Spark" [SA16] and [Khan15])
"Spark will not compute RDDs until an action is called." - [SA16]
Example of actions: reduce(func), collect(), count(), first(), take(n), ... [APACHE]
"Spark keeps track of the lineage graph of transformations, which is used to compute each RDD on demand and to recover lost data." - [SA16]
Example of transformations: map(func), filter(func), filterMap(func), groupByKey([numPartitions]), reduceByKey(func, [numPartitions]), ... [APACHE]
