Dynamic Link not opening web browser url - android-studio

So when opening the dynamic link I get the error- Requested URL must be a parseable URI, but possibly incomplete to be a DynamicLink.
I have the app store link attached to it. How do I fix this?
Say my dynamic link is https://example.page.link and my URL is https://example.page.link/abcd.
DynamicLink dynamicLink = FirebaseDynamicLinks.getInstance().createDynamicLink()
.setAndroidParameters(new DynamicLink.AndroidParameters.Builder().build())
dynamicLinkUri = dynamicLink.getUri();
But when I add abcd in setDomainUriPrefix() then the post in the app doesn't open, though the link opens in the browser.
DynamicLink dynamicLink = FirebaseDynamicLinks.getInstance().createDynamicLink()
.setAndroidParameters(new DynamicLink.AndroidParameters.Builder().build())
And when I receive this link, the url always shows as the playstore link, hence it doesn't open the app post. How can I fix this?
dynamicLinkUri = dynamicLink.getUri();


href pdf file url is not found when click on it

I'm working on the vuejs application and, I'm receiving the pdf file from node backend which has the eg url https:abc.com/api/filename.pdf.
I'm using it link so
const myUrlVariable='https://someurl.com/dataCollection/imperial'
<a :href="myUrlVariable" target="_blank"></a>
The requirement of this is to when user click on link, file should open in the new tab.
But Right now when I click on the link its considering it as application route and show the message page not found, instead it show the pdf file.
I check this link in the postman and its returning the file as expected.
href should not be a string, but a binding to a variable
Change this
to this
<a :href="myUrlVariable" target="_blank"></a>
Is the url correct?
https:abc... -> https://abc...

How to set up editText to display search result in webView, when no URL is entered

I started this android webView project as my first android studio project awhile ago, I was slow with it and kept adding features little by little.
Now I want to develop the project into a web browser worthy of play store publication.
I have selected no action bar in my style, I am using an editText to load URL already but when a text is entered which is not an URL, it gives error.
So, I want to solve this by enabling search function when no URL is entered in edit text but regular text
i.e presently in editText google.com facebook.com or any URL loads but typing facebook, news etc in edit text shows error "WEB PAGE NOT AVAILABLE the web page https://google/ could not be loaded because net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED"
I want to fix this, to enable google search or any other search engine in such case.
I do hope my question is understandable and well detailed?
Welcome in stack
to open URL with web View you must pass a full URL like https://stackoverflow.com and or stackoverflow.com
when you want to make query in some keys like Facebook or news
you can use google search as example with this key to get full link of this result
so when user input text you must check if this is url or not
So if is URL and will return true just pass it to web View
if not will return false,and pass it as query word to google and then show on web view
You can check if string is url or not by this code refer to this
bool isUrl= URLUtil.isValidUrl(text);
String url;
url = text;
//this url well open in web view as google search
url = "https://www.google.com/search?q="+text.replace(" ", "%20");
//now you have url to open in your web view
i hope this help

How To Open a new Tab by passing some argument into URL

If somebody click on link that should have some parameters in url to open the link in new tab.
for example : www.youtube.com/c/devtechsolutions
will just navigate to this link.
What if I would like to open this link in new tab, just by modifying the url with someparameters.
Only url has to be modified.

Docusign return parameters in embedded signing by breaking out iframe

How to pass parameters(envelope,PF and r ID) within iframe while returning URL in embedded docusigning? If I enter the POWERFORM link on browser I'm returning URL with the parameters (envelope,PF and r ID) but if I run code within iframe I'm unable to get the parameters. Please do assist me about this issue.
You are opening Powerform inside an IFrame, so the scope of the opened URL is inside the IFrame only and DocuSign cannot do anything to redirect the browser to come out of the IFrame. You have write a code on your end to capture the redirect URL and break the flow out of IFrame, you can find a similar query here. Normally DocuSign does not recommend using IFrame for Signing, also to capture the data like envelopeId, r Id etc, it is better to configure DocuSign Connect with a listener on your side. Using url redirect is a fragile solution as user might close the browser (or browser hangs/network issue) and you might lose the data. Whereas with DS Connect, DocuSign will publish the event to your listener and you will be able to capture all the required data in your listener.
function myFunction()
var x = document.getElementById("form1").action;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
This thing works for displaying the parameters.
window.parent.window.location.href = 'Parent URL' works to break out of an iframe and load the parent page.

sending source and medium between chrome extension page

I had created an extension that opens a page from 3 different methods:
right click on an image and clicking on the menu item.
link I create dynamically on each image.
Upload an image in the background pop up.
Once the user clicks on the link or uploads his own image, a new tab is opened with the info of the image he clicked (or uploaded).
I had added the utm_source and utm_campaign to the link but for some reason, the traffic counts as direct traffic and doesn't add the info to the analytics code.
Example url: chrome-extension://leoaaeofnhfjkmghbdngecpnadnolnnj/index.html?utm_source=extension&utm_medium=upload#
Other then that issue, tracking is working correctly (sending pageview and events).
Anyone experienced this issue and have a workaround?
After a long investigation I had found a solution:
First, we get the URL params:
var url_string = window.location;
var url = new URL(url_string);
var utm_source = url.searchParams.get("utm_source");
var utm_medium = url.searchParams.get("utm_medium");
Then we make sure to count own domain as referrer:
ga('create', 'UA-xxx-x', 'auto',{'alwaysSendReferrer': true});
And finally we set the source and medium manually before calling for the page view event:
ga('set', 'campaignSource', utm_source);
ga('set', 'campaignMedium', utm_medium);
ga('send', 'pageview', '/xxx.html');
I'm guessing that as the protocol is chrome-extension:// the utm params doesn't handle correctly and also as the referral is the same domain (extension id) it doesn't count as a referral.
Hope this will help someone...
