python-docx : adding checkbox to .docx doesn't work - python-3.x

I want to add xml to my .docx document using python-docx library. I tried this code from stackoverflow but it doesn't work, I don't know why. I get nothing when opening the docx with LibreOffice and Microsoft word.
table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=1)
p = table.cell(0, 0).paragraphs[0]
run = p.add_run()
tag = run._r
start = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:bookmarkStart')
start.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:id'), '0')
start.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:name'), '0')
ctype = docx.oxml.OxmlElement('w:complexType')
ctype.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:name'), 'CT_FFCheckBox')
seq = docx.oxml.OxmlElement('w:sequence')
choice = docx.oxml.OxmlElement('w:choice')
el = docx.oxml.OxmlElement('w:element')
el.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:name'), 'size')
el.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:type'), 'CT_HpsMeasure')
el2 = docx.oxml.OxmlElement('w:element')
el2.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:name'), 'sizeAuto')
el2.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:type'), 'CT_OnOff')
el3 = docx.oxml.OxmlElement('w:element')
el3.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:name'), 'default')
el3.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:type'), 'CT_OnOff')
el3.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:minOccurs'), '0')
el4 = docx.oxml.OxmlElement('w:element')
el4.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:name'), 'checked')
el4.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:type'), 'CT_OnOff')
el4.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:minOccurs'), '0')
end = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:bookmarkEnd')
end.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:id'), '0')
end.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:name'), '0')
Can you help me? Thank you very much
PS : I find the code here

Tweaking the function from this SO post, I got this to work.
import docx
import random
def addCheckbox(para, box_id, name):
run = para.add_run()
tag = run._r
fld = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:fldChar')
fld.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:fldCharType'), 'begin')
ffData = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:ffData')
e = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:name')
e.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:val'), 'Check1')
e = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:calcOnExit')
e.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:val'), '0')
e = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:checkBox')
ee = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:default')
ee.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:val'), '0')
run2 = para.add_run()
tag2 = run2._r
start = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:bookmarkStart')
start.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:id'), str(box_id))
start.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:name'), name)
run3 = para.add_run()
tag3 = run3._r
instr = docx.oxml.OxmlElement('w:instrText')
instr.text = 'FORMCHECKBOX'
run4 = para.add_run()
tag4 = run4._r
fld2 = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:fldChar')
fld2.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:fldCharType'), 'end')
run5 = para.add_run()
tag5 = run5._r
end = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:bookmarkEnd')
end.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:id'), str(box_id))
end.set(docx.oxml.ns.qn('w:name'), name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
document = docx.Document()
document.add_heading('Document Title', 0)
p1 = document.add_paragraph('A paragraph with a checkbox ')
addCheckbox(p1, random.randint(16*1024, 32*1024), 'justinwashere')'demo.docx')
I changed the contents of his ffData in the function to match the replacement XML in his original question.


Why is only half my data being passed into my dictionary?

When I run this script I can verify that it loops through all of the values, but not all of them get passed into my dictionary
file = open('path', 'rb')
readFile = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file)
lineData = {}
totalPages = readFile.numPages
for i in range(totalPages):
pageObj = readFile.getPage(i)
pageText = pageObj.extractText
newTrans = re.compile(r'Jan \d{2,}')
for line in pageText(pageObj).split('\n'):
if newTrans.match(line):
newValue = re.split(r'Jan \d{2,}', line)
newValueStr = ' '.join(newValue)
newKey = newTrans.findall(line)
newKeyStr = ' '.join(newKey)
print(newKeyStr + newValueStr)
lineData[newKeyStr] = newValueStr
There are 80+ data pairs but when I run this the dict only gets 37
Well, duplicate keys, maybe? Try to make lineData = [] and append there: lineData.append({newKeyStr:newValueStr} and then check how many records you get.

Why from FOR loop and IF statement i get just 1 result for if?

i have just a little problem, i dont understan why when i try my script i get just first 1 link for each list.
I explain more better:
config_file = "Configurations/package.json"
config = config_file = json.loads(open(f'{config_file}').read())
file_toscan = config['file_toscan']
config_file6 = "Configurations/package.json"
config6 = config_file6 = json.loads(open(f'{config_file6}').read())
phpmy_file = config6['phpmy_file']
xurl = site_link[:site_link.rfind('/')]
exurl = xurl+"/"
for phpmy in phpmy_file:
count = counter(num_listok,num_listko)
fmyad = exurl + phpmy
...... .... (4 more for .... )
urls = []
for x in file_toscan:
for url in urls:
count = counter(num_listok,num_listko)
# generate like 5000 link to analyze, but i can only 1 for each if #
if url == fmyad:
req = grequests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=13, stream=True, allow_redirects=False, hooks=dict(response=check_for_errorsphmy))
jobs = grequests.send(req, grequests.Pool(5))
if url == fphpf:
#yield url
req = grequests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=13, stream=True, allow_redirects=False, hooks=dict(response=check_for_errorphpinfo))
jobs = grequests.send(req, grequests.Pool(5))
...... ...... (4 more if )
Thanks so much for explain me.

Validate WTF Flask Form Input Values

I have the following form in my flask app. I'd like to ensure that the input value is actually an integer and also if the value entered in token > k here k can be some number it spits an error message to the screen. The IntegerField doesn't seem to enforce integer values, e.g., if the user enters 2.3 it passes that to my function which fails because it expects an integer.
Can this type of error message happen in the form or do I need to program that inside my flask app once the value is passed from the form to the server?
class Form(FlaskForm):
token = IntegerField('Token Size', [DataRequired()], default = 2)
submit = SubmitField('Submit')
Per the comment below, updating this with my revised Form and the route
class Form(FlaskForm):
token = IntegerField('Token Size', validators=[DataRequired(), NumberRange(min=1, max=10, message='Something')], default = 2)
ngram_method = SelectField('Method', [DataRequired()],
choices=[('sliding', 'Sliding Window Method'),
('adjacent', 'Adjacent Text Method')])
rem_stop = BooleanField('Remove Stop Words', render_kw={'checked': True})
rem_punc = BooleanField('Remove Punctuation', default = True)
text2use = SelectField('Text To Use for Word Tree', [DataRequired()],
choices=[('clean', 'Clean/Processed Text'),
('original', 'Original Text String')])
pivot_word = TextField('Pivot Word for Word Tree', [DataRequired()])
submit = SubmitField('Submit')
And the route in which the form is used
#word_analyzer.route('/text', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
def text_analysis():
form = Form()
result = '<table></table>'
ngrams = '<table></table>'
orig_text = '<table></table>'
text = ""
if request.method == 'POST':
tmp_filename = tempfile.gettempdir()+'\\input.txt'
if request.files:
txt_upload = request.files.get('text_file')
if txt_upload:
f = request.files['text_file']
if os.path.exists(tmp_filename):
file = open(tmp_filename, 'r', encoding="utf8")
theText = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in file]
theText = str(theText)
token_size =
stops =
punc =
ngram_method =
text_result = text_analyzer(theText, token_size = token_size, remove_stop = stops, remove_punctuation = punc, method = ngram_method)
result = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(text_result, orient='index', columns = ['Results'])[:-3].to_html(classes='table table-striped table-hover', header = "true", justify = "center")
ngrams = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(text_result['ngrams'], orient='index', columns = ['Frequency']).to_html(classes='table table-striped table-hover', header = "true", justify = "center")
if == None:
top_word = json.dumps(text_result['Top Word'])
top_word = json.dumps(
if == 'original':
text = json.dumps(text_result['original_text'])
text = json.dumps(text_result['clean_text'])
if form.validate_on_submit():
return render_template('text.html', results = [result], ngrams = [ngrams], form = form, text=text, top_word = top_word)
return render_template('text.html', form = form, results = [result],ngrams = [ngrams], text=text, top_word='')
Use the NumberRange validator from wtforms.validators.NumberRange. You can pass an optional Min and Max value along with the error message. More info here
# Form Class
class Form(FlaskForm):
token = FloatField('Token Size', validators=[DataRequired(), NumberRange(min=1, max=10, message='Something')])
# Route
if form.validate_on_submit():
Here is an example that should work, make sure your form class field looks similar and also that in your route you use form.validate_on_submit():.

Automate copy paste Excel ranges dynamically from different sheets

I have tables in different sheets of excel and requirement is to copy second last row of table to last row. Can someone pls help me how can we dynamically find table size so that code wont be required to change evrytime when table size changes? There are many tables and we want to automate this task using vba code and macro button.
I have written a code but that is range specific and everytime I need to update the range and process become cumbersome.
Sub history_copy()
Set obj = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet A")
obj.Range("E12:N12").Value = obj.Range("E11:N11").Value
obj.Range("E34:N34").Value = obj.Range("E33:N33").Value
obj.Range("E46:N46").Value = obj.Range("E45:N45").Value
obj.Range("E57:N57").Value = obj.Range("E56:N56").Value
Set obj1 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet b ")
obj1.Range("G21:O21").Value = obj1.Range("G20:O20").Value
Set obj2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet c")
obj2.Range("D4:M4").Value = obj2.Range("D3:M3").Value
obj2.Range("D14:M14").Value = obj2.Range("D13:M13").Value
obj2.Range("D23:M23").Value = obj2.Range("D22:M22").Value
obj2.Range("D33:M33").Value = obj2.Range("D32:M32").Value
obj2.Range("D43:M43").Value = obj2.Range("D42:M42").Value
obj2.Range("D52:M52").Value = obj2.Range("D51:M51").Value
obj2.Range("D61:M61").Value = obj2.Range("D60:M60").Value
obj2.Range("D70:M70").Value = obj2.Range("D69:M69").Value
obj2.Range("D79:M79").Value = obj2.Range("D78:M78").Value
obj2.Range("D88:M88").Value = obj2.Range("D87:M87").Value
obj2.Range("D97:M97").Value = obj2.Range("D96:M96").Value
obj2.Range("D106:M106").Value = obj2.Range("D105:M105").Value
obj2.Range("D114:M114").Value = obj2.Range("D113:M113").Value
Set obj3 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet d")
obj3.Range("D4:L4").Value = obj3.Range("D3:L3").Value
Set obj5 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet f")
obj5.Range("D4:L4").Value = obj5.Range("D3:L3").Value
Set obj6 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet e")
obj6.Range("C4:C12").Value = obj6.Range("B4:B12").Value
obj6.Range("H4:H8").Value = obj6.Range("G4:G8").Value
obj6.Range("N4:N11").Value = obj6.Range("M4:M11").Value
obj6.Range("S4:S10").Value = obj6.Range("R4:R10").Value
obj6.Range("X4:X18").Value = obj6.Range("W4:W18").Value
obj6.Range("AD4:AD9").Value = obj6.Range("AC4:AC9").Value
obj6.Range("AI4:AI13").Value = obj6.Range("AH4:AH13").Value
obj6.Range("AO4:AO6").Value = obj6.Range("AN4:AN6").Value
obj6.Range("AT4:AT11").Value = obj6.Range("AS4:AS11").Value
obj6.Range("AY4:AY20").Value = obj6.Range("AX4:AX20").Value
obj6.Range("BD4:BD10").Value = obj6.Range("BC4:BC10").Value
obj6.Range("BI4:BI21").Value = obj6.Range("BH4:BH21").Value
Set obj7 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet i")
obj7.Range("C4:C12").Value = obj7.Range("B4:B12").Value
obj7.Range("H4:H8").Value = obj7.Range("G4:G8").Value
obj7.Range("N4:N11").Value = obj7.Range("M4:M11").Value
obj7.Range("S4:S10").Value = obj7.Range("R4:R10").Value
obj7.Range("X4:X18").Value = obj7.Range("W4:W18").Value
obj7.Range("AD4:AD9").Value = obj7.Range("AC4:AC9").Value
obj7.Range("AI4:AI13").Value = obj7.Range("AH4:AH13").Value
obj7.Range("AO4:AO6").Value = obj7.Range("AN4:AN6").Value
obj7.Range("AT4:AT11").Value = obj7.Range("AS4:AS11").Value
obj7.Range("AY4:AY20").Value = obj7.Range("AX4:AX20").Value
obj7.Range("BD4:BD10").Value = obj7.Range("BC4:BC10").Value
obj7.Range("BI4:BI21").Value = obj7.Range("BH4:BH21").Value
End Sub

Adding binary header

I have a binary data file I would like to append a header to using python. Below is the code I have to create the header but I am unsure on how to add it to the test.dat file.
import struct
import os
from struct import *
date = 20151027
version = 1
datatype = str.encode('P')
indextype = str.encode('I')
recct = int(os.path.getsize("H:\\test\\test.dat")/16)
delim = str.encode(' ')
filler = str.encode(' ')
delta = 'F'
pdate = pack('l', date)
pversion = pack('h', version)
pdatatype = pack('>s', datatype)
pindextype = pack('>s', indextype)
precct = pack('l', recct)
pdelim = pack('s', delim)
pfiller = pack('<2s', filler)
header = pdate+pversion+pdatatype+pindextype+precct,pdelim,pfiller
Read the file in, then write the file out with the header. Be sure to use binary mode:
with open(r'H:\test\test.dat','rb') as f:
data =
with open(r'H:\test\test.dat','wb') as f:
f.write(header + data)
Also, you can pack in one statement:
header = struct.pack('lhssls2s',date,version,datatype,indextype,recct,delim,filler)
str.encode('P') is an odd way of saying 'P'.encode() or just b'P'.
