How to write outputs of spark streaming application to a single file - apache-spark

I'm reading data from Kafka using spark streaming and passing to py file for prediction. It returns predictions as well as the original data. It's saving the original data with its predictions to file however it is creating a single file for each RDD.
I need a single file consisting of all the data collected till the I stop the program to be saved to a single file.
I have tried writeStream it does not create even a single file.
I have tried to save it to parquet using append but it creates multiple files that is 1 for each RDD.
I tried to write with append mode still multiple files as output.
The below code creates a folder output.csv and enters all the files into it.
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val ss = SparkSession.builder()
val scc = new StreamingContext(ss.sparkContext, Seconds(2))
val kafkaParams = Map[String, Object](
"bootstrap.servers" -> "localhost:9092",
""-> "group5" // clients can take
x => =>
I need to get just 1 file with all the statements one by one collected while streaming.
Any help will be appreciated, thank you in anticipation.

You cannot modify any file in hdfs once it has been written. If you wish to write the file in realtime(append the blocks of data from streaming job in the same file every 2 seconds), its simply isn't allowed as hdfs files are immutable. I suggest you try to write a read logic that reads from multiple files, if possible.
However, if you must read from a single file, I suggest either one of the two approaches, after you have written output to a single csv/parquet folder, with "Append" SaveMode(which will create part files for each block you write every 2 seconds).
You can create a hive table on top of this folder read data from that table.
You can write a simple logic in spark to read this folder with multiple files and write it to another hdfs location as a single file using reparation(1) or coalesce(1), and read the data from that location. See below:"oldLocation").coalesce(1).write.csv("newLocation")

repartition - its recommended to use repartition while increasing no of partitions, because it involve shuffling of all the data.
coalesce- it’s is recommended to use coalesce while reducing no of partitions. For example if you have 3 partitions and you want to reduce it to 2 partitions, Coalesce will move 3rd partition Data to partition 1 and 2. Partition 1 and 2 will remains in same Container.but repartition will shuffle data in all partitions so network usage between executor will be high and it impacts the performance.
Performance wise coalesce performance better than repartition while reducing no of partitions.
So while writing use option as coalesce.
For Ex: df.write.coalesce


Custom File Format to partition data while writing

Hi I want to save my spark dataframe to a file with custom file format,
such that it partitions data to different files while writing to the file.
Also I need single part file for each partition key.
I have tried extending TextBasedFileFormat and change writer to suit my needs.
The data is getting partitioned while writing to file without shuffle.
But I feel each rdd partition will write data to different part file
When you write the dataframe, each partition of underlying RDD will be written by separate tasks. Now each of these RDD partitions might correspond to data which belongs to different partition key. So each task will end up creating multiple part files.
To solve this, you have to repartition your dataframe by the partitionKey. This will involve a shuffle and all the data corresponding to same partitionKey will come into same RDD partition. This can be done by -
val newDf = df.repartition("partitionKey")
Now this RDD can be written to any file format (say parquet, csv etc) and their should be 1 file per partition. If the file size is going big, it might create multiple files. This can be controlled by config "spark.sql.files.maxRecordsPerFile".
val newDf = df.repartition("partitionKey")

PySpark: Writing input files to separate output files without repartitioning

I have a sequence of very large daily gzipped files. I'm trying to use PySpark to re-save all the files in S3 in Parquet format for later use.
If for a single file (in example, 2012-06-01) I do:
dataframe ='s3://mybucket/input/20120601.gz', schema=my_schema, header=True)
it works, but since gzip isn't splittable it runs on a single host and I get no benefit of using the cluster.
I tried reading in a chunk of files at once, and using partitionBy to write the output to daily files like this (in example, reading in a month):
dataframe ='s3://mybucket/input/201206*.gz', schema=my_schema, header=True)
This time, individual files are read in different executors like I want, but the executors later die and the process fails. I believe since the files are so large, and the partitionBy is somehow using unnecessary resources (a shuffle?) it's crashing the tasks.
I don't actually need to re-partition my dataframe since this is just a 1:1 mapping. Is there anyway to make each individual task write to a separate, explicitly named parquet output file?
I was thinking something like
def write_file(date):
# get input/output locations from date
dataframe =, schema=my_schema, header=True)
except this doesn't work since you can't broadcast the spark session to the cluster. Any suggestions?
Writing input files to separate output files without repartitioning
TL;DR This is what your code is already doing.
partitionBy is causing a unnecessary shuffle
No. DataFrameWriter.partitionBy doesn't shuffle at all.
it works, but since gzip isn't splittable
You can:
Drop compression completely - Parquet uses internal compression.
Use splittable compression like bzip2.
Unpack the files to a temporary storage before submitting the job.
If you are concerned about resources used by partitionBy (it might open larger number of files for each executor thread) you can actually shuffle to improve performance - DataFrame partitionBy to a single Parquet file (per partition). Single file is probably to much but
dataframe \
.repartition(n, 'dayColumn', 'someOtherColumn') \
.write.partitionBy('dayColumn') \
where someOtherColumn can be chosen to get reasonable cardinality, should improve things.

Spark Streaming appends to S3 as Parquet format, too many small partitions

I am building an app that uses Spark Streaming to receive data from Kinesis streams on AWS EMR. One of the goals is to persist the data into S3 (EMRFS), and for this I am using a 2 minutes non-overlapping window.
My approaches:
Kinesis Stream -> Spark Streaming with batch duration about 60 seconds, using a non-overlapping window of 120s, save the streamed data into S3 as:
val rdd1 = rdd => /* decode the data */)
rdd1.window(Seconds(120), Seconds(120).foreachRDD { rdd =>
val spark = SparkSession...
import spark.implicits._
// convert rdd to df
val df = rdd.toDF(columnNames: _*)
Here is what s3://bucket/20161211.parquet looks like after a while:
As you can see, lots of fragmented small partitions (which is horrendous for read performance)...the question is, is there any way to control the number of small partitions as I stream data into this S3 parquet file?
What I am thinking to do, is to each day do something like this:
val df ="s3://bucket/20161211.parquet")
where I kind of repartition the dataframe to 4 partitions and save them back....
It works, I feel that doing this every day is not elegant solution...
That's actually pretty close to what you want to do, each partition will get written out as an individual file in Spark. However coalesce is a bit confusing since it can (effectively) apply upstream of where the coalesce is called. The warning from the Scala doc is:
However, if you're doing a drastic coalesce, e.g. to numPartitions = 1,
this may result in your computation taking place on fewer nodes than
you like (e.g. one node in the case of numPartitions = 1). To avoid this,
you can pass shuffle = true. This will add a shuffle step, but means the
current upstream partitions will be executed in parallel (per whatever
the current partitioning is).
In Dataset's its a bit easier to persist and count to do wide evaluation since the default coalesce function doesn't take repartition as a flag for input (although you could construct an instance of Repartition manually).
Another option is to have a second periodic batch job (or even a second streaming job) that cleans up/merges the results, but this can be a bit complicated as it introduces a second moving part to keep track of.

spark save and read parquet on HDFS

I am writing this code
val inputData =
val outputData = inputData.sort($"colname")
outputData.write.parquet(outputFile) //write on HDFS
If I want to read the content of the file "outputFile" from HDFS, I don't find the same number of partitions and the data is not sorted. Is this normal?
I am using Spark 2.0
This is an unfortunate deficiency of Spark. While write.parquet saves files as part-00000.parquet, part-00001.parquet, ... , it saves no partition information, and does not guarantee that part-00000 on disk is read back as the first partition.
We have added functionality for our project to a) read back partitions in the same order (this involves doing some somewhat-unsafe partition casting and sorting based on the contained filename), and b) serialize partitioners to disk and read them back.
As far as I know, there is nothing you can do in stock Spark at the moment to solve this problem. I look forward to seeing a resolution in future versions of Spark!
Edit: My experience is in Spark 1.5.x and 1.6.x. If there is a way to do this in native Spark with 2.0, please let me know!
You should make use of the repartition() instead. This would write the parquet file the way you want it:
Then, it would be the same if you try to read it back .
Parquet preserves the order of rows. You should use take() instead of show() to check the contents. take(n) returns the first n rows and the way it works is by first reading the first partition to get an idea of the partition size and then getting the rest of the data in batches..

Spark: difference when read in .gz and .bz2

I normally read and write files in Spark using .gz, which the number of files should be the same as the number of RDD partitions. I.e. one giant .gz file will read in to a single partition. However, if I read in one single .bz2, would I still get one single giant partition? Or will Spark support automatic split one .bz2 to multiple partitions?
Also, how do I know how many partitions it would be while Hadoop read in it from one bz2 file. Thanks!
However, if I read in one single .bz2, would I still get one single giant partition?
Or will Spark support automatic split one .bz2 to multiple partitions?
If you specify n partitions to read a bzip2 file, Spark will spawn n tasks to read the file in parallel. The default value of n is set to sc.defaultParallelism. The number of partitions is the second argument in the call to textFile (docs).
. one giant .gz file will read in to a single partition.
Please note that you can always do a
to get the desired number of partitions after the file has been read.
Also, how do I know how many partitions it would be while Hadoop read in it from one bz2 file.
That would be yourRDD.partitions.size for the scala api or yourRDD.getNumPartitions() for the python api.
I don't know why my test-program run on one executor, after some test I think I get it, like that:
by pySpark
// Load a DataFrame of users. Each line in the file is a JSON
// document, representing one row.
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
val user ="users.json.bz2")
