Cron Expression: starting a job after completion of another job - cron

I have to perform 2 jobs - A and B. Job 'A' is to be prformed at 9:00 am of every weekday. I dont know the duration for job 'A' though, duration may vary.
Also I want to perform job 'B' after 3mins of completion of job 'A'.
Can anyone suggest the cron expression for this please.

Assuming you are trying to run the second job three minutes after the first job completes, let's say you have Job A which involves calling /home/user/ and then once that completes, you want to run /home/user/ Instead of trying to set up two different Cron jobs, you could just make a separate script, say And all does is run Job A, wait three minutes and then run Job B.
Basically, rather than calling two Cron Jobs and trying to sort out timing for both of them, you can just establish one Cron Job which runs both jobs.
On the other hand, if you want to run the second job three minutes after the first one starts then you might as well create two Cron Jobs with three minutes between them which would look something like this:
00 9 * * 1-5 /home/user/
03 9 * * 1-5 /home/user/


How do i run a cron schedule a DAG in airflow so that it runs at 10:30 cst on first of one month and 10 cst on the other days of the month ? I have tr

Like i have tried multiple combinations in cron guru but havent found any possible solution.
I have these two expressions to combine
30 10 1 * *
10 12 2-31 * *
You cannot implement this in one cron expression, you have two options to do that:
easy one: create two copy of the dag, each one with its own cron expression
hard one: create a Timetable and register it in an Airflow plugin, then you can use pass it to your dag as timetable argument instead of schedule_interval.
In this timetable, you can implement two methods:
next_dagrun_info: The scheduler uses this to learn the timetable’s regular schedule
infer_manual_data_interval: When a DAG run is manually triggered (from the web UI, for example), the scheduler uses this method to learn about how to reverse-infer the out-of-schedule run’s data interval (not mandatory).

Run cron at a different frequency in specific interval

I have a cron job that runs every 30 minutes, starting 10 minutes past a whole hour:
Now, this needs to be changed, so that in a specific time interval, it runs every 15 minutes instead. E.g. at 7.50, 8.05, 8.20 and 8.35. Then every 30 minutes again.
Is this possible with a single cron job and if so, how? Or do I need multiple jobs to accomplish this?
Thank you in advance.
not easy in a single cron, and that is also hard to read.
multiple jobs may work fine and show much clear
// This will start at 1:10am, and every 30minutes run once.
// This will start at 0:10am, and every 15minutes run once.
you may also consider to void the two job running at the same time.
As far as I've understood, this is not possible within a single cron job.
setup cron from morning to evening only points out that three different cron jobs are needed, so I am closing my question.

Need Cron expression to trigger job for every 90 minutes in AWS Glue

In AWS glue service there is an option to trigger job by custom CRON expression. Before i used this (0/2 * * ? *) cron expression to trigger job for every 2 hours.
Now I need to change the cron expression to trigger every 90 minutes, i.e for every 1 and a half hour. I tried with many cron expressions but that did not triggered for every 90 minutes. Even if i give for 90 minutes, it trigged for every 1 hour.
Can anyone help me out by providing the correct cron expression to trigger job for every 90 minutes ?
You can use the following pattern which was based on Bill Weiss' answer on Server Fault. It was modified to comply with the unique syntax AWS uses (reference here):
0 0-21/3 * * ? *
30 1-22/3 * * ? *
You'll have to define two separate Glue Triggers to accomplish this, each with the same job settings.
If curious, the syntax reads:
Run every 0th minute for every third hour for 0-21 hours
Run every 30th minute for every third hour for 1-22 hours

Quartz cron expression to run job with interval of minutes

I wonder if it is possible to write an cron expression with several conditions:
Job should be run with given interval in minutes. For example with interval 42 minutes the fire times would be 10:00, 10:42, 11:24, 12:06 and etc.
If the current minute does not end with 0 (e.g. 10:28,10:29), then cron first fire time should be 10:30. So it means that first fire time should have "round" minutes.
I hope that you understand these conditions. Is it possible to describe them with quartz cron?
You can use job trigger like described below in 3.0:
var jobTrigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
.WithSimpleSchedule(s => s
And you can restart app at first round time, so it will fire first time at the same time only.
I usually use to generate my cron expressions. And if you try the every 42 mins option you'll get the following expression: " 0 0/42 * 1/1 * ? *". As for the "round" minutes thing, you can try this when building your trigger:
ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
.WithIdentity(JobTrigger, JobGroup)
.StartAt(new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now,
TimeSpan.FromMinutes(DateTime.Now.Minute % 10)))
It is not possible, see for explanation and similar issue: - Repeat on day n, of every m months?
it is also not possible by Cron expressions. To do this, you would need to apply some complex logic, use some operator that is not present in evaluators. Why do you need this? Would you like to combine those 2 requirements and create single complex pattern?

Linux: Start a cron job inside another cron job

I am dealing with a workflow where I need to start three processes. I have the first process which is to be scheduled at the beginning of every hour and the rest two at 45th minute of every hour and the 52nd minute of every hour.
But Instead of making the client schedule two different jobs on their server what I would rather want is to have just one job configured to run in the beginning of every hour which does a bunch of stuff and then starts these cron jobs at their respective times. i.e. 45th minute and 52nd minute of the hour.
Is there any way to do this.
I don't have any experience with shell scripting and always schedule cron jobs manually on cron-tab.
