I am using Scala to read from a csv file. The file is formatted to have 3 columns each separated by a \t character. The first 2 columns are unimportant and the third column contains a list of comma separated identifiers stored as as strings. Below is a sample of what the input csv would look like:
0002ba73 US 6o7,6on,6qc,6qj,6nw,6ov,6oj,6oi,15me,6pb,6p9
002f50e4 US 6om,6pb,6p8,15m9,6ok,6ov,6qc,6oo,15me
004b5edc US 6oj,6nz,6on,6om,6qc,6ql,6p6,15me
005cc990 US 6pb,6qf,15me,6og,6nx,6qc,6om,6ok
005fe1ea US 15me,6p0,6ql,6ok,6ox,6ol,6o5,6qj
00777555 US 6pb,15me,6nw,6rk,6qc,6ov,6qj,6o0,6oj,6ok,6on,6p6,6nx,15m9
00cbcc7d US 6oj,6qc,6qg,6pb,6ol,6p6,6ov,15me
010254a6 US 6qc,6pb,6nw,6nx,15me,6o0,6ok,6p8
011b905c US 6oj,6nw,6ov,15me,6qc,6ow,6ql,6on,6qi,6qe
011fffa6 US 15me,6ok,6oj,6p6,6pb,6on,6qc,6ov,6oo,6nw,6oc
I want to read in the csv, get rid of the first two columns, and create a List that contains one instance of each unique identifier code found in the third column, so running the code on the above data should return the result List(6on, 6qc, 6qj, 6nw, 6ov, 6oj, 6oi, 15me, 6pb, 6p9, 6p8, 15m9, 6ok, 6oo, 6nz, 6om, 6ql, 6p6, 6qf, 6og, 6nx, 6p0, 6ox, 6ol, 6o5, 6rk, 6o0, 6qg, 6ow, 6qi, 6qe, 6oc)
I have the following code which returns a List containing every distinct value found anywhere in the csv file:
val in_file = new File("input_file.csv")
val source = scala.io.Source.fromFile(in_file, "utf-8")
val labels = try source.getLines.mkString("\t") finally source.close()
val labelsList: List[String] = labels.split("[,\t]").map(_.trim).toList.distinct
Using the above input, my code returns labelsList with a value of List(0002ba73-e60c-4ffb-9131-c1612b904658, US, 6o7, 6on, 6qc, 6qj, 6nw, 6ov, 6oj, 6oi, 15me, 6pb, 6p9, 002f50e4-48cc-4b14-bb80-0502068b6161, 6om, 6p8, 15m9, 6ok, 6oo, 004b5edc-c0cc-4ffd-bef3-980bd92b92e6, 6nz, 6ql, 6p6, 005cc990-83dc-4e63-a4b6-58f38241e8fd, 6qf, 6og, 6nx, 005fe1ea-b918-48a3-a495-1f8ac12935ba, 6p0, 6ox, 6ol, 6o5, 00777555-83d4-401e-861b-5892f3aa3e1c, 6rk, 6o0, 00cbcc7d-1b48-4c5c-8141-8fc8f62b7b07, 6qg, 010254a6-2ef0-4a24-aa4d-3cc6656a55de, 011b905c-fbf3-441a-8912-a94cc0fe8a1d, 6ow, 6qi, 6qe, 011fffa6-0b9f-4d88-8ced-ce1cc864984f, 6oc)
How can I get my code to run properly and ignore anything contained within the first 2 columns of the csv?
You can ignore the first two columns and then split the third by the comma.
Finally a toSet will get rid of the duplicate identifiers.
val f = Source.fromFile("input_file.csv")
val lastColumns = f.getLines().map(_.split("\t")(2))
val uniques = lastColumns.flatMap(_.split(",")).toSet
uniques foreach println
Using Scala 2.13 resource management.
_ ++ _.split("\t")(2).split(",")
//res0: scala.util.Try[List[String]] =
// Success(List(6o7, 6on, 6qc, 6qj, 6nw, 6ov, 6oj, 6oi, 15me, 6pb, 6p9, 6om, 6p8, 15m9, 6ok, 6oo, 6nz, 6ql, 6p6, 6qf, 6og, 6nx, 6p0, 6ox, 6ol, 6o5, 6rk, 6o0, 6qg, 6ow, 6qi, 6qe, 6oc))
The .toList can be dropped if an Array result is acceptable.
This is what you can do , Am doing on a sample DF, you can replace with yours
val Df = Seq(("7369", "SMITH" , "2010-12-17", "800.00"), ("7499", "ALLEN","2011-02-20", "1600.00")).toDF("empno", "ename","hire_date", "sal")
val reqCols = Seq(2)
val finalDf = Df.select(reqCols map Df.columns map col: _*)
Note : This is 0-based index, so pass 2 to get third column.
If you want distinct values from your desired column.you can use distinct along with mkstring
val Df = Seq(("7369", "SMITH" , "2010-12-17", "800.00"), ("7499", "ALLEN","2011-02-20", "1600.00"), ("7499", "ALLEN","2011-02-20", "1600.00")).toDF("empno", "ename","hire_date", "sal")
val reqCols = Seq(2)
val distinctValues = Df.select(reqCols map Df.columns map col: _*).distinct.collect.mkString(",").filterNot("[]".toSet)
Dates are duplicate , above code is removing duplicates.
Another method using regex
val data = scala.io.Source.fromFile("source.txt").getLines()
data.toList.flatMap {
line => """\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)""".r.findAllMatchIn(line).map( x => x.group(1).split(",").toList)
// res0: List[String] = List(6o7, 6on, 6qc, 6qj, 6nw, 6ov, 6oj, 6oi, 15me, 6pb, 6p9, 6om, 6p8, 15m9, 6ok, 6oo, 6nz, 6ql, 6p6, 6qf, 6og, 6nx, 6p0, 6ox, 6ol, 6o5, 6rk, 6o0, 6qg, 6ow, 6qi, 6qe, 6oc)
Hi I have a spark data frame which prints like this (single row)
So inside a row i have wrapped array, I want to flatten it and create a dataframe which has single value for each array for example above row should transform something like this
So i got dataframe with 2 Rows instead of 1, So each corresponding element from wrapped array should go in new row.
Edit 1 after 1st answer:
What if i have 3 arrays in my input
my output should be
Definitely not the best solution, but this would work:
case class TestFormat(a: String, b: Seq[String], c: Seq[String], d: String)
val data = Seq(TestFormat("abc", Seq("11918","1233"),
Seq("46734","1234"), "1487530800317")).toDS
val zipThem: (Seq[String], Seq[String]) => Seq[(String, String)] = _.zip(_)
val udfZip = udf(zipThem)
data.select($"a", explode(udfZip($"b", $"c")) as "tmp", $"d")
.select($"a", $"tmp._1" as "b", $"tmp._2" as "c", $"d")
The problem is that by default you cannot be sure that both Sequences are of equal length.
The probably better solution would be to reformat the whole data frame into a structure that models the data, e.g.
-- a
-- d
-- records
---- b
---- c
Thanks for answering #swebbo, you answer helped me getting this done:
I did this:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{explode, udf}
import sqlContext.implicits._
val zipColumns = udf((x: Seq[Long], y: Seq[Long], z: Seq[Long]) => (x.zip(y).zip(z)) map {
case ((a,b),c) => (a,b,c)
val flattened = subDf.withColumn("columns", explode(zipColumns($"col3", $"col4", $"col5"))).select(
$"col1", $"col2",
$"columns._1".alias("col3"), $"columns._2".alias("col4"), $"columns._3".alias("col5"))
Hope that is understandable :)
I need to correct some spellings using spark.
Unfortunately a naive approach like
val misspellings3 = misspellings1
.withColumn("A", when('A === "error1", "replacement1").otherwise('A))
.withColumn("A", when('A === "error1", "replacement1").otherwise('A))
.withColumn("B", when(('B === "conditionC") and ('D === condition3), "replacementC").otherwise('B))
does not work with spark How to add new columns based on conditions (without facing JaninoRuntimeException or OutOfMemoryError)?
The simple cases (the first 2 examples) can nicely be handled via
val spellingMistakes = Map(
"error1" -> "fix1"
val spellingNameCorrection: (String => String) = (t: String) => {
titles.get(t) match {
case Some(tt) => tt // correct spelling
case None => t // keep original
val spellingUDF = udf(spellingNameCorrection)
val misspellings1 = hiddenSeasonalities
.withColumn("A", spellingUDF('A))
But I am unsure how to handle the more complex / chained conditional replacements in an UDF in a nice & generalizeable manner.
If it is only a rather small list of spellings < 50 would you suggest to hard code them within a UDF?
You can make the UDF receive more than one column:
val spellingCorrection2= udf((x: String, y: String) => if (x=="conditionC" && y=="conditionD") "replacementC" else x)
val misspellings3 = misspellings1.withColumn("B", spellingCorrection2($"B", $"C")
To make this more generalized you can use a map from a tuple of the two conditions to a string same as you did for the first case.
If you want to generalize it even more then you can use dataset mapping. Basically create a case class with the relevant columns and then use as to convert the dataframe to a dataset of the case class. Then use the dataset map and in it use pattern matching on the input data to generate the relevant corrections and convert back to dataframe.
This should be easier to write but would have a performance cost.
For now I will go with the following which seems to work just fine and is more understandable: https://gist.github.com/rchukh/84ac39310b384abedb89c299b24b9306
If spellingMap is the map containing correct spellings, and df is the dataframe.
val df: DataFrame = _
val spellingMap = Map.empty[String, String] //fill it up yourself
val columnsWithSpellingMistakes = List("abc", "def")
Write a UDF like this
def spellingCorrectionUDF(spellingMap:Map[String, String]) =
udf[(String), Row]((value: Row) =>
val cellValue = value.getString(0)
if(spellingMap.contains(cellValue)) spellingMap(cellValue)
else cellValue
And finally, you can call them as
val newColumns = df.columns.map{
case columnName =>
if(columnsWithSpellingMistakes.contains(columnName)) spellingCorrectionUDF(spellingMap)(Column(columnName)).as(columnName)
else Column(columnName)