Can I make a request to an HTTP API server without opening myself up to vulnerabilities? - node.js

I am building an API server using Node.js and Express. My server has a route which requires important data from a 3rd party, so I would like to make a request to their API using axios.
My problem is that the 3rd party's API endpoints are http://..., not https://. As a result, I get the following error:
(node:7088) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error [ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID]: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: api.<3rdpartysite>.com. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:www.<3rdpartysite>.com, DNS:<3rdpartysite>.com
I know that it is up to the 3rd party to fix their API so I can access it via HTTPS. I have reached out to the API developer repeatedly for weeks with no response.
I can make things work by setting the environment variable NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 , but I know that opens up significant security risks.
Here is the code I am currently using to make the request:"/api/v0/myRoute", async (req, res) => {
const response = await axios.get(
Changing the http above to https gives me the exact same error message.
I want to make this request without putting my own API server at risk. Is there a way?


How do we send post request with Kerberos authentication with axios on linux?

we are trying to call POST api to generate certificate for renewal of certification. However as per the 3rd party API reqirement, we need to validate Kerberos authentication. We have tried many thhings with no luck.
We are getting 401 unauthorized error when we are trying to run it.
Tech stack: Node.js, Javascript, Kerberos auth, Linux OS.
Code snippet:
const axios = require('axios');
const data = {
CertificateTemplateName: "DBAPI1Y",
PrimaryEmail: ""
};'', data, "Negotiate")
.then((res) => {
console.log(`Status: ${res.status}`);
console.log('Body: ',;
}).catch((err) => {
Tried this approach with no luck: How do I use Negotiate or Kerberos authentication with axios?
Can someone please help?
I was unable to find any traces of Negotiate support within axios. Your linked post says that in browsers it would work automatically, which is indeed true for any in-browser JavaScript (that uses Fetch or XMLHTTPRequest behind the scenes) – but the node CLI is a different world. When run through Node CLI, axios will use the HTTP client provided by Node, which doesn't do Kerberos.
It seems that you will need to implement this manually, by using the krb5 module to get a token, then telling axios to send it in the Authorization header – similar to Bearer tokens.
The following example seems to kind of work, although not very pretty – it cannot cope with '30x' redirects:
const axios = require("axios");
const krb5 = require("krb5");
// The service is "HTTP" (uppercase), regardless of the URL being http or https.
token = await krb5.spnego({hostbased_service: ""});
resp = await"",
headers: {
"Authorization": `Negotiate ${token}`,
// SPNEGO tokens are single-use, so if Axios tries to
// follow redirects, the 2nd request will be rejected
// as a "replay". So tell it to not even try.
maxRedirects: 0,
(I have no experience with writing "proper" Node.js code, especially async-based code, and while in theory it should be possible to use axios' transformRequest to dynamically get a new token for each request, I was unable to figure out how to do it within a sync function.)
In general, I would probably do the task in Python instead (which has well-maintained Kerberos integration using requests-gssapi or httpx-gssapi for Requests or httpx respectively).
Note that Kerberos doesn't ensure data integrity for HTTP, so you must still use HTTPS with it, otherwise someone could still simply MitM the requests.
Apart from the above approach suggested by #user1686, I have solved the problem using NTLM authentication. Specifically, I have used the httpntlm module.
By using the httpntlm package, we don't need to deal with kerberos packages as all the kerberos packages have many dependencies on node-gyp.
Thus, it's better to use some other solution apart from the kerberos related packages.
Note: This solution worked for me, but it will vary from use case to use case.

HTTP request working from Postman and Node but not React

There are a few questions similar to this on Stack Overflow, and none of the proposed solutions worked, so I'll walk through the case and what I've tried.
I have a server application hosted on Cloud Run, which can only be accessed with the appropriate Bearer token in the request Authorization header. I've tried accessing it via Postman and an Axios request from a local Nodejs server, with the Authorization header, and it worked fine. With React (create-react-app specifically), I get the following error: Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
On the server side, I get the 403 error that Cloud Run gives when the incorrect Authorization token is passed. Also, when I allow unauthenticated access from the Cloud Run side (so remove the need for an Authorization header), the request works fine, so it looks like this is indeed an issue with the Authorization header and not CORS.
In addition, I'm handling CORS on the server side. Here's my server-side code:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
const cors = require('cors');
router.options('/api/rules', cors());
router.get('/api/rules', cors(), (req, res, next) => {
Here's my React code:
const axiosInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL
const buttonClickHandler = async (event) => {
const resp = await axiosInstance.get('/api/rules'
, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZ...' // I used this token within the same minute when trying the request via Postman or from my Nodejs app, so a token expiry isn't the issue.
Here's what I tried so far:
Using fetch instead of axios - same error
Using the same token, within the same 5 seconds, to send the request from Postman or a Nodejs server - it worked fine.
Using an axios interceptor to set the Authorization - same error
Removing the single quotes around Authorization - same error
Sending the request to my Nodejs server instead and doing a console.log of the header to make sure the Authorization token is being passed correctly (it is)
Not using an an axios instance but spelling out the full URL in the request - same error
Trying a different endpoint on my Cloud Run server - same error
Deploying my React app to be served from a https endpoint and sending the request from there - same error
Adding Accept: '*/*' to the headers
Adding 'Accept': '*/*' to the headers
Adding 'Content-Type': 'application/json' to the headers
All combinations of the three above points
I found the answer after some digging, thanks #aniket-kolekar for pointing me in the right direction.
When Postman or a Nodejs server query an endpoint like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, they send the call without checking the OPTIONS first. Create-React-App does.
The service I was querying is hosted on Cloud Run and doesn't allow unauthenticated invocations. So while I was including the authorization header to make my GET call, it wasn't being included in the pre-flight OPTIONS call. In fact, CORS prevents auth headers from being included in an OPTIONS call.
A Cloud Run PM replied in this post that this is a known issue with Cloud Run. The way I'll get around it for now is to host two services on Cloud Run - one that doesn't require authentication, and effectively acts as a proxy server to route calls from the client service to the shielded server service.
CORS is a mechanism built into the web browser. It’s not a UI code issue.
To fix CORS problems, you need to make changes on the API (server) side.
Here is the behind the scenes working:
Browser: Sends OPTIONS call to check the server type and getting the headers before sending any new request to the API endpoint. Where it checks for Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Taking this into account Access-Control-Allow-Origin header just specifies which all CROSS ORIGINS are allowed, although by default browser will only allow the same origin.
Postman: Sends direct GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc. request without checking what type of server is and getting the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin by using OPTIONS call to the server.
You will have to configure Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in your server to resolve the CORS issue.

"Cross Origin Request Blocked" No solutions seem to work

I'm building a MERN full stack application as a personal project. I am running the frontend client on localhost:3000 and the server on localhost:5000.
All of my API routes work as expected except for a GET request, router.get('/get-friends', ...) which queries the mongoDB to return a list of collection documents. Calling that get request on Postman returns the expected output. I decided to write a simple GET request that returns a method and it works just fine in my browser
When making the request the get-friends request in my browser, I get the following log:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:5000/api/users/get-friends/. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed)
What I've Already Tried
Enabling cors in my Express server
Enabling cors preflight
Adding a proxy to the server from the client's package.json
Switching from Axios to vanilla JS's fetch() method
Turning off cors in my browser
I suspect the issue occurs when I make the request to the database from Express. I am really not sure how to solve this issue.
Here is the route in question:
router.get('/get-friends', (req, res) =>{
var species_ = req.body.species;
var gender_ = req.body.gender;
var neutered_ = req.body.neutered;
// query db
Friend.find({species: species_},{gender:gender_},{neutered:neutered_}).then((friends_) =>{
return res.status(404).send('query error, nothing returned');
return res.send(friends_);
}).catch((e) =>{
Here is the project repo and the relevant files are: (Express server) (Routes for the express server) (React component which calls the server)
I would gladly appreciate any help!
I have highlighted possible problems.
Reason: CORS request did not succeed
The HTTP request which makes use of CORS failed because the HTTP
connection failed at either the network or protocol level. The error
is not directly related to CORS, but is a fundamental network error of
some kind.
> In many cases, it is caused by a browser plugin (e.g. an ad blocker or
privacy protector) blocking the request.
Other possible causes include:
Trying to access an https resource that has an invalid certificate
will cause this error.
Trying to access an http resource from a page with an https origin
will also cause this error.
As of Firefox 68, https pages are not permitted to access
http://localhost, although this may be changed by Bug 1488740.
> The server did not respond to the actual request (even if it responded
to the Preflight request). One scenario might be an HTTP service being
developed that panicked without returning any data.
Thank you all for the help and the suggestions. After struggling through this for multiple days, I finally encountered a solution.
In my react client, I made the API call:
params: {
species: this.state.species,
gender: this.state.gender,
neutured: neutered_
and then I changed the Mongoose query to look like:
router.get('/get-friends', (req, res) =>{
var species_ = req.query.species;
var gender_ = req.query.gender;
var neutered_ = req.query.neutered;
// query db
Friend.find({species: species_},{gender:gender_},{neutered:neutered_}).then((_friends) => {
return res.send(_friends);
I'm not exactly sure why these changes made my code finally work but once again, thank you all for the help and suggestions!

request to nodejs proxy: Provisional headers are shown

In my web app project, I came across a cross domain issue. The back-end API was deployed to the server, which providing the IP and port(We can assume the back-end API works well). And I am working on the front-end side, and still in the local development stage. So there is cross domain issue.
so I used a nodejs proxy and try to overcome the cross domain issue. For the nodejs proxy part, I am not the expert on that. Just get it from my teammates, who meet the same issue before.
So in my client side js code, I use axios library to send http request to the nodejs proxy as following:
axios.get('').then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
And the nodejs proxy will replace the part with the real API's IP and port, and send the request. That's my understanding about it.
so I run the nodejs proxy, which is listening on port 8888, and run my frond-end code in another console. But when I send the above mentioned request. I got the error as following:
Error: Network Error
at createError (createError.js?f777:16)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (xhr.js?14ed:87)
and I debug the error deeper in the chrome devtool, and find the Provisional headers are shown in the header as following
I searched some previous article about this issue.It's said that the potential reason is the request is blocked.
But I can send other HTTP request successfully to other third party APIs. For example my mock data service Mockarro as following:
const key = 'mykeyxxx';
const url = `${key}`;
axios.get(url).then((response) => {
So my the previous request is blocked. I am very confused. My guess is the issue is from the nodejs proxy part? Right?

Pitney Bownes Location API from NodeJS -> [Error: UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE]

I'm trying to send the access the Pitney Bownes Reverse-Geolocation API using the Request Module in NodeJS.
Sending the following HTTP request returns an error.
request("", function (err, res, body) {});
Hitting this same URL in my browser returns the JSON response expected.
What's going wrong with the request sent from the NodeJS platform?
Looking at the server's certificate CA, there's an issue with the intermediate SSL certificate not being properly configured.
We can modify the request call to include a property to ignore this error at runtime.
url: url,
rejectUnauthorized: false
The external service provider has verified this issue exists within their API and provided an alternative solution that involves importing the certificates on your local system.
Jeff is right about the SSL certificate. An alternative is to set
Here's the source to a picture finder app in IBM DevOps services that shows the fix.
