How to do cumulative mean and count in a easy way - python-3.x

I have following dataframe in pandas
data = {'call_put':['C', 'C', 'P','C', 'P'],'price':[10,20,30,40,50], 'qty':[11,12,11,14,9]}
call_put price qty amt
0 C 10 11 110
1 C 20 12 240
2 P 30 11 330
3 C 40 14 560
4 P 50 9 450
I want output something like following based on call_put value is 'C' or 'P' count, median and calculation as follows
call_put price qty amt cummcount cummmedian cummsum
C 10 11 110 1 110 110
C 20 12 240 2 175 ((110+240)/2 ) 350
P 30 11 330 1 330 680
C 40 14 560 3 303.33 (110+240+560)/3 1240
P 50 9 450 2 390 ((330+450)/2) 1690
Can it be done in some easy way without creating additional dataframes and functions?

create a grouped element named g and use df.assign to assign values:
cummedian=g['amt'].expanding().mean().reset_index(drop=True), cum_sum=df.amt.cumsum())
call_put price qty amt cum_count cummedian cum_sum
0 C 10 11 110 1 110.000000 110
1 C 20 12 240 2 175.000000 350
2 P 30 11 330 1 303.333333 680
3 C 40 14 560 3 330.000000 1240
4 P 50 9 450 2 390.000000 1690
Note: for P , the cummedian should be 390 since (330+450)/2 = 390
For cum_count look at df.groupby.cumcount()
for cummedian check how expanding() works ,
for cumsum check df.cumsum()

IIUC, this should work

Thanks following solution is fine
cummedian=g['amt'].expanding().mean().reset_index(drop=True), cum_sum=df.amt.cumsum())
if I run following without drop=True
why output is showing level_1
call_put level_1 amt
0 C 0 110.000000
1 C 1 175.000000
2 C 3 303.333333
3 P 2 330.000000
4 P 4 390.000000
0 110.000000
1 175.000000
2 303.333333
3 330.000000
4 390.000000
Name: amt, dtype: float64
Can you pl explain in more detail ?
How do you add one more condition in groupby clause
g=df.groupby('call_put', 'price' < 50)
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'


Adding rows in dataframe based on changing column condition

I have a dataframe that looks like this.
name Datetime col_3 col_4
8 'Name 1' 2017-01-02T00:00:00 160 1600
9 'Name 1' 2017-01-02T00:00:00 160 1600
10 'Name 1' 2017-01-03T00:00:00 160 1800
.. ... ... ... ...
150 'Name 2' 2004-10-13T00:00:00 160 1600
151 'Name 2' 2004-10-14T00:00:00 160 1600
152 'Name 2' 2004-10-15T00:00:00 160 1800
.. ... ... ... ...
435 'Name 3' 2009-01-02T00:00:00 160 1600
436 'Name 3' 2009-01-02T00:00:00 170 1500
437 'Name 3' 2009-01-03T00:00:00 160 1800
.. ... ... ... ...
Essentially, I want to delete the 'name' column and I want to add a row each time the 'Name-#' field changes, containing only that 'Name-#':
Datetime col_2 col_3
7 'Name 1'
8 2017-01-02T00:00:00 160 1600
9 2017-01-02T00:00:00 160 1600
.. ... ... ... ...
149 'Name 2'
150 2004-10-13T00:00:00 160 1600
151 2004-10-14T00:00:00 160 1600
.. ... ... ... ...
435 'Name 3'
436 2009-01-02T00:00:00 170 1500
437 2009-01-03T00:00:00 160 1800
.. ... ... ... ...
I know how to add rows once the name column changes, but I need to automate the process of adding in the 'name-#' field in the Datetime column such that different data of the same style can be put though the code. Any help would be much appreciated.
I think what you are after is groupby
so you could do
for name, dfsub in df.groupby('name'):
This would allow you to work on each group individually
An example
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame( {
'Name': ['a','a','a','b','b','b','b','c','c','d','d','d'],
'B': [5,5,6,7,5,6,6,7,7,6,7,7],
'C': [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
} )
giving a dataframe
Name B C
0 a 5 1
1 a 5 1
2 a 6 1
3 b 7 1
4 b 5 1
5 b 6 1
6 b 6 1
7 c 7 1
8 c 7 1
9 d 6 1
10 d 7 1
11 d 7 1
Now we can just look at the output of a groupby. groupby in a loop returns two things, the first is the group name, and the second is the subset of the dataframe with the data grouped by it.
for name, dfsub in df.groupby('Name'):
print("Name is :"+name)
dfsub1 = dfsub.drop(‘Name’, axis=1)
print() # new line for clarity
and this gives
Name is :a
0 5 1
1 5 1
2 6 1
Name is :b
3 7 1
4 5 1
5 6 1
6 6 1
Name is :c
7 7 1
8 7 1
Name is :d
9 6 1
10 7 1
11 7 1
where you get the name you are dealing with, then the dataframe dfsub that contains just the data that you are looking at.

Grouping data based on month-year in pandas and then dropping all entries except the latest one- Python

Below is my example dataframe
Date Indicator Value
0 2000-01-30 A 30
1 2000-01-31 A 40
2 2000-03-30 C 50
3 2000-02-27 B 60
4 2000-02-28 B 70
5 2000-03-31 C 90
6 2000-03-28 C 100
7 2001-01-30 A 30
8 2001-01-31 A 40
9 2001-03-30 C 50
10 2001-02-27 B 60
11 2001-02-28 B 70
12 2001-03-31 C 90
13 2001-03-28 C 100
Desired Output
Date Indicator Value
2000-01-31 A 40
2000-02-28 B 70
2000-03-31 C 90
2001-01-31 A 40
2001-02-28 B 70
2001-03-31 C 90
I want to write a code that groups data by particular month-year and then keep the entry of latest date in that particular month-year and drop the rest. The data is till year 2020
I was only able to fetch the count by month-year. I am not able to drop create a proper code that helps to group data as per month-year and indicator and get the correct results
Use Series.dt.to_period for months periods, aggregate index of maximal date per groups by DataFrameGroupBy.idxmax and then pass to DataFrame.loc:
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
print (df['Date'].dt.to_period('m'))
0 2000-01
1 2000-01
2 2000-03
3 2000-02
4 2000-02
5 2000-03
6 2000-03
7 2001-01
8 2001-01
9 2001-03
10 2001-02
11 2001-02
12 2001-03
13 2001-03
Name: Date, dtype: period[M]
df = df.loc[df.groupby(df['Date'].dt.to_period('m'))['Date'].idxmax()]
print (df)
Date Indicator Value
1 2000-01-31 A 40
4 2000-02-28 B 70
5 2000-03-31 C 90
8 2001-01-31 A 40
11 2001-02-28 B 70
12 2001-03-31 C 90

Efficient way to perform iterative subtraction and division operations on pandas columns

I have a following dataframe-
A B C Result
0 232 120 9 91
1 243 546 1 12
2 12 120 5 53
I want to perform the operation of the following kind-
A B C Result A-B/A+B A-C/A+C B-C/B+C
0 232 120 9 91 0.318182 0.925311 0.860465
1 243 546 1 12 -0.384030 0.991803 0.996344
2 12 120 5 53 -0.818182 0.411765 0.920000
which I am doing using
which I believe is a very crude and ugly way to do.
How to do it in a more correct way?
You can do the following:
# take columns in a list except the last column
colnames = df.columns.tolist()[:-1]
# compute
for i, c in enumerate(colnames):
if i != len(colnames):
for k in range(i+1, len(colnames)):
df[c + '_' + colnames[k]] = (df[c] - df[colnames[k]]) / (df[c] + df[colnames[k]])
# check result
A B C Result A_B A_C B_C
0 232 120 9 91 0.318182 0.925311 0.860465
1 243 546 1 12 -0.384030 0.991803 0.996344
2 12 120 5 53 -0.818182 0.411765 0.920000
This is a perfect case to use DataFrame.eval:
cols = ['A-B/A+B','A-C/A+C','B-C/B+C']
x = pd.DataFrame([df.eval(col).values for col in cols], columns=cols)
A B C Result A-B/A+B A-C/A+C B-C/B+C
0 232 120 9 91 351.482759 786.753086 122.000000
1 243 546 1 12 240.961207 243.995885 16.583333
2 12 120 5 53 128.925000 546.998168 124.958333
The advantage of this method respect to the other solution, is that it does not depend on the order of the operation sings that appear as column names, but rather as mentioned in the documentation it is used to:
Evaluate a string describing operations on DataFrame columns.

pandas calculate scores for each group based on multiple functions

I have the following df,
group_id code amount date
1 100 20 2017-10-01
1 100 25 2017-10-02
1 100 40 2017-10-03
1 100 25 2017-10-03
2 101 5 2017-11-01
2 102 15 2017-10-15
2 103 20 2017-11-05
I like to groupby group_id and then compute scores to each group based on the following features:
if code values are all the same in a group, score 0 and 10 otherwise;
if amount sum is > 100, score 20 and 0 otherwise;
sort_values by date in descending order and sum the differences between the dates, if the sum < 5, score 30, otherwise 0.
so the result df looks like,
group_id code amount date score
1 100 20 2017-10-01 50
1 100 25 2017-10-02 50
1 100 40 2017-10-03 50
1 100 25 2017-10-03 50
2 101 5 2017-11-01 10
2 102 15 2017-10-15 10
2 103 20 2017-11-05 10
here are the functions that correspond to each feature above:
def amount_score(df, amount_col, thold=100):
if df[amount_col].sum() > thold:
return 20
return 0
def col_uniq_score(df, col_name):
if df[col_name].nunique() == 1:
return 0
return 10
def date_diff_score(df, col_name):
df.sort_values(by=[col_name], ascending=False, inplace=True)
if df[col_name].diff().dropna().sum() / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') < 5:
return score + 30
return score
I am wondering how to apply these functions to each group and calculate the sum of all the functions to give a score.
You can try groupby.transform for same size of Series as original DataFrame with numpy.where for if-else for Series:
grouped = df.sort_values('date', ascending=False).groupby('group_id', sort=False)
a = np.where(grouped['code'].transform('nunique') == 1, 0, 10)
print (a)
[10 10 10 0 0 0 0]
b = np.where(grouped['amount'].transform('sum') > 100, 20, 0)
print (b)
[ 0 0 0 20 20 20 20]
c = np.where(grouped['date'].transform(lambda x:x.diff().dropna().sum()).dt.days < 5, 30, 0)
print (c)
[30 30 30 30 30 30 30]
df['score'] = a + b + c
print (df)
group_id code amount date score
0 1 100 20 2017-10-01 40
1 1 100 25 2017-10-02 40
2 1 100 40 2017-10-03 40
3 1 100 25 2017-10-03 50
4 2 101 5 2017-11-01 50
5 2 102 15 2017-10-15 50
6 2 103 20 2017-11-05 50

how to add a new column in dataframe which divides multiple columns and finds the maximum value

This maybe real simple solution but I am new to python 3 and I have a dataframe with multiple columns. I would like to add a new column to the existing dataframe - which does the following calculation i.e.
New Column = Max((Column A/Column B), (Column C/Column D), (Column E/Column F))
I can do a max based on the following code but wanted to check how can I do div alongwith it.
df['Max'] = df[['Column A','Column B','Column C', 'Column D', 'Column E', 'Column F']].max(axis=1)
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Max
3600 36000 22 11 3200 3200 36000
2300 2300 13 26 1100 1200 2300
1300 13000 15 33 1000 1000 13000
You can div the df by itself by slicing the columns in steps and then take the max:
In [105]:
df['Max'] = df.ix[:,df.columns[::2]].div(df.ix[:,df.columns[1::2]].values, axis=1).max(axis=1)
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Max
0 3600 36000 22 11 3200 3200 2
1 2300 2300 13 26 1100 1200 1
2 1300 13000 15 33 1000 1000 1
Here are the intermediate values:
In [108]:
df.ix[:,df.columns[::2]].div(df.ix[:,df.columns[1::2]].values, axis=1)
Column A Column C Column E
0 0.1 2.000000 1.000000
1 1.0 0.500000 0.916667
2 0.1 0.454545 1.000000
You can try something like as follows
df['Max'] = df.apply(lambda v: max(v['A'] / v['B'].astype(float), v['C'] / V['D'].astype(float), v['E'] / v['F'].astype(float)), axis=1)
In [14]: df
0 1 11 1 11 12 98
1 2 22 2 22 67 1
2 3 33 3 33 23 4
3 4 44 4 44 11 10
In [15]: df['Max'] = df.apply(lambda v: max(v['A'] / v['B'].astype(float), v['C'] /
v['D'].astype(float), v['E'] / v['F'].astype(float)), axis=1)
In [16]: df
A B C D E F Max
0 1 11 1 11 12 98 0.122449
1 2 22 2 22 67 1 67.000000
2 3 33 3 33 23 4 5.750000
3 4 44 4 44 11 10 1.100000
