VBA Shortcut keys for Mac Powerpoint - excel

I am developing some macros in VBA for Mac PowerPoint. I would like to add some keyboard shortcuts to some of them, but it looks like the Application.OnKey module is not present.
Am I missing something or it looks like this is not possible at all on Mac?

The object model in current versions of PowerPoint for Mac is quite poor. It seems like every project I try to port to it from Windows has some object missing. Today, I found that custom Ribbon modifications can't run VBA macros in PowerPoint for Mac, though the same file works in Windows and identical mods in Word and Excel work on both Windows and Mac. So I'm not surprised that you've discovered another missing object. Please report it to Microsoft using the smiley-face icon in the upper right.


Can a worksheet ActiveX ComboBox work on a Mac?

I have worksheet ActiveX ComboBoxes in my file (Excel VBA 2019) that are not working on a Mac computer. Is there any way that I can get these to work on a Mac?
I know I can use Form Controls that will work on a Mac, but a Forms ComboBox doesn't allow me to center the alignment of the text in the drop-down.
Any suggestions appreciated.
ActiveX is an obsolet old Windows technology that is not available on Mac and is recommended to avoid in Windows. Further sources: Enable ActiveX on MacOS?
ActiveX is known to have many bugs and cause many strange issues in Windows. I would stay away from it as far as possible and use alternatives.
The solution is using Form Controls.

VBA EDITOR quits (terminates) Excel 2016 on mac

I am using MAC OS Mojave 10.14 and Excel version 16.19. I am trying to use the VBA editor to create macros. However, whenever I insert a userform and try to change its properties (such as color, font, etc.) or when I click on an object to complete the word by using list constants, Excel terminates itself and gives this error.
Is there any reason for (or a possible solution to) this problem?
The version you provided means you have Office 2019, not Office 2016.
The ability to insert and edit userforms is not yet supported. Microsoft accidentally turned this capability on for a few users, but the feature isn't even ready for testing, yet. It will come along pretty soon, though, as you can see that quite a bit of the interface is built.

Window too narrow - allows only one character per line

I have a weird problem in Excel's Visual Basic Editor: it shows me a very thin textfield with only one character per line and no way to alter the dimensions.
Has anybody experienced a similar problem or is there a way to open macros in a text editor as a workaround?
System: Mac OS 10.11.1, Office 2016 v15.13.1, already tried reinstall.
According to this link by Visual Basic support in Office for Mac 2016 is almost non existent. So a workaround would be to install an earlier version for the use of macros.
Thanks to Meehow for pointing it out.
I experience the same issue.
You can copy all code, edit it in a text editor before pasting the content back into the VB Editor. It's ugly but it works.
Selecting all via Cmd+A works even if you can't visualise it.

Cannot start matlab through spreadsheet link ex 3.2

I recently installed the spreadsheet link ex add-in on my excel 2013, but it doesn't work. When I try to choose the option 'Start MATLAB' from MATLAB field in HOME Ribbon it gives me an error:
'Cannot run the macro 'ribStartMatlab'. The Macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros all disabled.'
The same thing happens with any other MATLAB command chosen from excel.
I chose the option 'Enable all macros' in the Macro Security Settings and also checked the box 'Trust access to the VBA project object model'.
I also checked the SpreadsheetLink2007_2010 reference in the VBA->Tools->References (none other is available).
I found some information that the version of SP for Office might be put to blame but I checked and it seems I have the latest version of SP1 for Office 2013.
The exact name of the add-in is 'Spreadsheet Link EX 3.2 for use with MATLAB and Excel', the Office version is 2013 Proffesional Plus, and the MATLAB version is 2013b. Any help or tips greatly appreciated.
this is more of a guess than anything else. But I'm guessing the ribbon/macros use activeX control. at the end of last year there was an update to excel that disables activeX, which usually results in strange performance or code breaking with very cryptic error messages. It's a bit complicated to get it to work again, but here is a post that might provide some insight http://blogs.technet.com/b/the_microsoft_excel_support_team_blog/archive/2015/03/11/forms-controls-stop-working-after-december-2014-updates-.aspx
again, this is really a guess, I don't know for certain the matlab commands use activeX but it's worth looking into

Problem with toolbar in Excel 2003

I have a very simple Excel Addin build it in Visual Studio 2008 for Excel 2003, which creates a toolbar with some buttons.
When I debug it, with System Format set to "English (United States)" it works great, without problems.
However, this addin is going to be used with System Format set to "French (France)" too, and when I try to debug my addin under this configuration, the toolbar (which is created by the addin) is not being shown.
While I'm debugging I can see that the methods that create the toolbar are executed and the code returns fine, yet I can't see anything in Excel, and if I switch back the format to English it works again.
Does anyone know which could be the reason?
I had a similar problem with an add-in that I built for Excel 2000. Although the tool bar would show, nothing was on the toolbar. I was able to correct the issue by downloading the
office multilanguage pack 2003.
Here is a link to it, assuming you do not already have this installed it may be worth a shot.
In the end, there was a problem related with the decimal separator, which changes for French language, and a validation that I was doing in my code, I missed that part when debugging, thanks for the answers anyway.
