Change already hosted android app built with java to flutter and update - android-studio

I am New to flutter and i love it. i have an app on the playstore built using java and i want to redo it using flutter so my question is:
Will i be able to rebuild the app and host it on playstore as an updated version of the current android app or will it be a completely different app from the app on the playstore(users wont be able to get the update)?

You can build the app with flutter and update it on the Play Store over your existing Java app. All you need to make sure is
Both have same Package name.
Both have same Signing Key.
Flutter one has Version Code higher than Java one.


Cannot Deploy Xamarin Forms iOS App on Real device for Debugging on Windows

I am not able to deploy Xamarin iOS app on Real Device.
Here is my Visual Studio Details
Getting the Following Log in Output window
I have gone through every possible solution but no luck.
Creating New Certificate and Provisioning profle
Using Automatic Provisioning profile
Clearing all Cache
Nothing seems working
To build for Xamarin.iOS, you need Xcode, and therefore you need macOS. From Xamarin.iOS Installation guide:
To build for Xamarin.iOS, the following are required:
the latest version of Visual Studio
the latest iOS SDK
the latest version of Xcode
the minimum version of macOS required by Xcode
You can use Automatic Provisioning、Manual Provisioning、Free
Provisioning to deploy to real devices
For more information, please refer to

Flutter : What are the differences between Flutter Plugin, Flutter Package and Flutter Module?

on selecting Create New Flutter Project in android Studio and there appear 4 choices for that as below.
Flutter Application
Flutter Plugin
Flutter Package
Flutter Module
What is the difference between all these Flutter project types
Flutter Application: A standalone, fully-functional Flutter application.
Flutter Plugin: A plugin is a kind of bridge that you develop between a native feature like camera API in Android and iOS.
Flutter Package: A package is a flutter application written solely using Dart. It doesn't have much to do with the Native functionalities.
Flutter Module: A module is a set of functionalities that you want to use in your app. It is a custom code that does a specific task but can be used for other apps in the future. So, you keep it handy.
P. S.: Android already gave each description in short. In the last screenshot.
None of them are for creating the Flutter SDK. They all use the SDK to create plugins, packages, and modules. The text on your screen describes the differences.
I suspect the company is asking you to build a Flutter Application as a demonstration (using the Flutter SDK).

Capacitor compiled Ionic app: How to debug in Android Studio?

I used the command
ngx cap open android
to open my Ionic 5 project in Android Studio like described here. This works fine.
In my app, i`m connecting to server which returns json data needed by my app. This connection does not seem to work, I only have the loading animation in my app.
How can I debug this? It is working in the PWA version and on my Ionic testserver, but the app has a problem connecting. I need an error message or something, to know what goes wrong.
What is a good way to fix such problems? Can I output or log something in android studio from the typescript code?
Open the Chrome browser and navigate to the URL chrome://inspect/#devices. Your connected Android device should show up in the list of Remote Targets.
On your device, open the Ionic app that you would like to debug using Chrome.
With your app running on the device, head back to Chrome and click on inspect chrome://inspect/#devices
see more:
Capacitor compiled Ionic app: How to debug in Android Studio?
I have posted a full project here specifically for use with Angular and Capacitor.
I believe the trick is that you have to use live-reload to debug. If you used the ionic cli to build your project then you should be good to go using the basic commands provided, otherwise you will need to so some modifications manually. This project, post breaks it all down
Capacitor Run, see section on liveReload -

Use Android Studio to code for an old platform

I want to develop an app for an old tablet using API 7 Android Eclair 2.1, but I'm facing problems setting up all the tools needed.
I tried using Android Studio, but when creating a new app, the lowest API I can choose is 14, and when I change it via code, it complains about the libraries being not compatible.
I also tried importing some samples, but it tries to download some old version of gradle and apparently the link is down.
I recall that prior to Android Studio, one would use Eclipse, but it seems that it is no longer available.
Is it possible to set up a development environment, or am I better to code from scratch and compile it myself?

How to generate an IOS IPA in windows using Android studio for a Flutter app?

I am new to this flutter based app creation. Now I successfully created one sample app in my windows system android studio with flutter plugin that app also running successful. OK, now I want to generate the IPA app for the same application. I don't know how to generate the IPA for IOS device in using android studio? anyone help me please..
I am using windows 10 system and my android studio version as 3.4.2
I want to generate .ipa file in android studio, like how i generate .apk file in android studio.
The only way to generate an IPA from you windows machine is by using a CI/CD service like Codemagic using the steps described in this article:
link your repository (Github, BitBucket , or Gitlab).
from settings > build for platforms > IOS
change the .app file you received to .zip and extract it.
You will find a file called, put in a folder and compress it back.
change the extension from .zip to .ipa.
And here's your first IOS build without a Mac device.
