Default Fallback Intent responses + webhook fulfillment - dialogflow-es

I'm looking to add some logging of utterances that hit the default fallback intent. I imagine that's a pretty common desire, so maybe I'm missing some out of the box functionality that would be the real answer.. if so, please let me know!
That said, I'm trying to make use of the default text Responses section of the dialogflow UI, and additionally use a webhook to log the utterance.
I haven't tried this combination before, and I'm not sure how you are intended to do it. The user gets one of the text responses, and my webhook is called, but it seems that the webhook is expected to return a response as well. I can't simply log the utterance and be done.
Additionally i can't add suggestion pills, b/c a simple response is also required to be paired with that, even though the user already got a simple response from the default text responses.
Is it a valid use case to have your text response come from the intent responses section in the dialogflow UI, and still use a webhook to do "other" stuff? If so what is the correct way to do so?

If you really want to do it this way, don't return a JSON response and Dialogflow will use what you have sent in the response. This is not unusual, although most people tend to switch to doing responses through webhooks.


Do we need webhook when our server is interacting with dialogflow?

We are implementing our customized chatbot using dialog flow. When user enters any text, our javascript code sends this text to our python server and the server interacts with google dialog flow and server gets complete response. I just have couple of questions as below.
When server gets the response from dialog flow, it will process the
response and sends some response to UI. Do we still need to have
fulfillment enabled as our server is getting response? Basically if
server is interacting with dialog flow and getting response, what is
the use of webhook?
Is there anyway to enforce the dialog flow intents require at least
one of entities? I went through Can I make Dialogflow intents require atleast one of the trained entities? which says to enable webhook fulfillment for that intent and if no entities were provided, re prompt the user for at least one of a list of entities. So in my case, if webhook is not needed, do I need to do it in the server once server receives response or is there anyway dialog flow will automatically enforce the condition with out server taking the responsibility?
In your case, no, you don't need to use webhook fulfillment.
You may still wish to use it, however, if you want to separate business logic (which would be in the webhook) from UI/UX logic (which would be in your python server and in the javascript client). But there is no requirement that you separate things this way.
Similarly, you can use your python code to enforce "at least one of" the parameters matching - you're moving that logic from the webhook into your existing server.
Either way, this is a bit kludgy. One alternative if you have different entity types is to have multiple Intents, one for each possible type, and to mark the parameter as required. This way the Intent will only match if the parameter is provided. If you then need to report each of these Intents as the "same" Intent, you can add that logic to your python code.

The words "not working" always trigger the default intent in Google Assistant

I have been working with Google Dialogflow to create a Google Assistant experience.
My GA Action is to Raise Support tickets and those tickets are raised in our system via API.
We ask the user to describe the Issue they are facing, We have used a fallback Intent to capture the Issue/Ticket Description(Since the reply can be any free text, is this the best way to capture free text?).
Once the user gives a description, A webhook is called and the results are sent to our backend to capture.
We have noticed that when the user uses the words "not working" as a part of the issue description, it always calls the welcome intent, instead of going to the follow up Intent. If the user describes the Issue without using those words, it works fine. Below are 2 different responses.
I personally feel that this is a bug in GA, is there any way to solve it?
I think you're doing some things wrong. I don't have enough information to understand 100% what you are doing, but I will try to give you some general advice:
A fallback intent is used to 'fall back' to this intent when a user asks something that is nowhere provided in one of your other intents. That's why your fallback intent has the 'input.unknown' set as action. It will be triggered when the user gives some input that is unknown for your application. F.e. I don't think your '(Pazo) Support Action' will provide an answer if the user asks to book a plane to Iceland, so that's when your fallback intent comes in to give an answer such as 'Sorry, I can't answer that question. Pazo is here to give you support in... What can I do for you?'
Your user can either register a complaint or raise a support ticket if I'm getting this right? I recommend you to make two seperate intents. One to handle the complaints and one to handle the support tickets.
Before developing advanced actions with a seperate webhook and a lot of logic with calling an API etc., I recommend to go through the documentation of Actions on Google:

Server-side query using events or/and context?

I’m coding a bot using PHP-BotMan for complexity reasons and using Dialogflow query api to extract and manipulate the informations from the response. I saw examples and hints from people here and on dialogflow forum suggesting using context or events, some of them mixing both. What is the better way to handle this?
The flow of the application is:
user messages bot
bot queries (text or/and #event?) dialogflow
internally process a reply or return dialogflow slotfilling* request
text response bot reply user with last reply or asking to fill slot
Also, how can I be sure that a slotfilling process is finished with “actionIncomplete” only having two values, NULL or TRUE? The dialogflow query response doesn’t show wich slotfilling parameters are required or not…
Thanks for the help!!
slotfilling is when dialogflow sends a text response requesting required parameters to finish an intent, adding those replied values to the context
I was trying something similar to your scenario, here are few points i found helpful:
When Slotfitting with webhook, i can't use the "Required" params field since i have to control the input parameters via webhook (query database to provide options). Which means actionIncomplete field is not useful anymore.
I personally prefer to use context as it can add/remove params which gives you more control.
Hence the dialog was designed to use webhook to check all required params before move on to next conversation flow. and pop quick replies menu to ease and restrict possible input from users.

Permission response not handled correctly

Following this command in node.js using the ApiAiApp module:
app.askForPermission('To know what day it is where you are',
I get the following in the Actions on Google Simulator.
It correctly prompts for my response, but then is confused and doesn't recognize my answer! Is there something missing or broken in my API.AI agent? After the askForPermission, there are no other fulfillment calls.
The problem is likely that you need to set an Intent that will be triggered when the permission is granted. You do this by setting the Event to actions_intent_PERMISSION.
This will look something like this:
You can set the Action to whatever makes sense for your webhook, and be sure to enable webhook fulfillment for the Intent as well.
If you need to keep track of where the permission request was initiated from, and handle it through a different Action, you can set a Context and have different handling Intents based on different Context settings.
The Fallback Intent method works because there is no better match at that point since you hadn't specified a regular Intent with actions_intent_PERMISSION. It isn't the best choice, however, since it could match other situations from your user.
The concept that I was missing is mentioned here.
All you have to do is create a child fallback intent for the intent
you are requesting permissions from.
So if you have a few intents that ask for permissions, each of them need their own fallback intent.

How to get dynamic response based on the result of the action performed in

I'm trying out few examples in console. I see there are examples where the agent responds by using the values that are extracted from the user query or from the context. But is there a way to display response that is formed using the output of the action performed?
For example -
User: Is my pizza order confirmed?
Action: check order status
Response: Yes, it's confirmed (or "No, it's not")
You will have to use some custom webhook to do this, either integrating with a 3rd party API or will a server side call of your own to a database- in this case the webhook would take the user's ID and query if their pizza is ready or not, and this would then be passed back to
Here is an example using a 3rd party webhook to do what you are asking:
Yes you can do this with webhooks.
Typically, you would save the status of the order in your db, then you could have an intent that would:
Understand the query of your user (Is my pizza order confirmed)
The intent would call your webhook
the webhook would return the status order. would then give the answer.
When you use webhooks you need to return the speech response, the displayText, optionally the data that your apps need, the contextOut and the source.
I guess you would also need to have implement some context in so that you could now who is asking about the satus of the order. You would then be able to use the sessionId
Matt is correct here. You must use a webhook. Unfortunately the documentation from API.AI is currently very poor. Here's a screenshot example of an incoming post request. My message function will return an object with a desired response. In this case, I am using a Telegram chat bot. If you are not using any messenger, you can drop the data key: value. FollowupEvent is also optional.
Node.JS code with Restify
On your API.AI intent, make sure to check off Webhook. If you end getting the text response 'Broken' here, then something went wrong and you should check your error codes.
API.AI intent
And lastly, under the fulfillment tab, make sure to enable the webhook and point it at the right endpoint.
