Both datacenters continue working when connection between is down - percona

Suppose we have one galera clusters in two data centers. one with 3 nodes and the other one with two nodes.
When connection between them goes down, 3 nodes datacenter will be primery and continue working.but two node side will stop.
How is it possible for both sides continue working and resync when connection established?
Our data in one center is independent of the other side

Short Answer: No
That is the "split brain" problem. That happens when two systems (datacenters, in your question) each accept writes. When the two parts get back together, there could be conflicting INSERTs (etc), such as adding a row with the same PRIMARY KEY. There is no way in InnoDB or Galera to resolve such a conflict. Instead, they prevent it. In this example, the system that does not have the quorum (the 2-server DC) says "I'd better not accept any writes."
You have a "single-point-of-failure". If the DC with 3 nodes goes down (yes, DCs do go down), you will be offline. (The 2-node DC won't have a quorum.)
So, to be "fully HA", you need 3 DCs, each with at least one node. And be sure to weight the nodes to avoid SPOF. (Eg, 4 nodes spread as 1+1+2 could experience split brain if the 3rd DC goes dark. Change the "weights" to prevent such.)
See also NDB-Cluster. It is a MySQL offering that provides for "eventual consistency" as a solution to multiple systems containing the "same" data.


How to determine the sync status is up to date for particular node in a Cassandra cluster?

Suppose I have two node cassandra cluster and they are reside on physically different data-centers. Suppose the database inside that cluster has replication factor is 2 which means every data in that database should be sync with each other. suppose this database is a massive database which have millions of records of its tables. I named those nodes centers as node1 and node2. Suppose node2 is not reliable and there was a crash on that server and take few days to fix and get the server back to up and running state. After that according to my understating there should be a gap between node1 and node2 and it may take significant time to sync node2 with node1. So need a way to measure the gap between node2 and node1 for the mean time of sync happen? After some times how should I assure that node2 is equal to node1? Please correct me if im wrong with this question according to the cassandra architechure.
So let's start with your description. 2 node cluster, which sounds fine, but 2 nodes in 2 different data centers (DCs) - bad design, but doable. Each data center should have multiple nodes to ensure your data is highly available. Anyway, that aside, let's assume you have a 2 node cluster with 1 node in each DC. The replication factor (RF) is defined at the keyspace level (not at the cluster level - each DC will have a RF setting for a particular keyspace (or 0 if not specified for a particular DC)). That being said, you can't have RF=2 for a keyspace for either of your DCs if you only have a single node in each one (RF, which is how many copies of the data that exist, can't be more than the number of nodes in the DC). So let's put that aside for now as well.
You have the possibility for DCs to become out of sync as well as nodes within a DC to become out of sync. There are multiple protections against this problem.
Consistency Level (CL)
This is a lever that you (the client) have to be able to help control how far out of sync things get. There's a trade off between availability v.s. consistency (with performance implications as well). The CL setting is configured at connection time and/or each statement level. For writes, the CL determines how many nodes must IMMEDIATELY ACKNOWLEDGE the write before giving your application the "green light" to move on (a number of nodes that you're comfortable with - knowing the more nodes you immediately require the more consistent your nodes and/or DC(s) will be, but the longer it will take and the less flexibility you have in nodes becoming unavailable without client failure). If you specify less than RF it doesn't mean that RF won't be met, it just means that they don't need to immediately acknowledge the write to move on. For reads, this setting determines how many nodes' data are compared before the result is returned (if cassandra finds a particular row doesn't match from the nodes it's comparing, it will "fix" them during the read before you get your results - this is called read repair). There are a handful of CL options by the client (e.g. ONE, QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE, LOCAL_QUOURM, etc.). Again, there is a trade-off between availability and consistency with the selected choice.
If you want to be sure your data is consistent when your queries run (when you read the data), ensure the write CL + the read CL > RF. You can ensure that's done on a LOCAL level (e.g. the DC that the read/write is occurring on, say, LOCAL_QUORUM) or globally (all DCs with QUORUM). By doing this, you'll be sure that while your cluster may be inconsistent, your results during reads will not be (i.e. the results will be consistent/accurate - which is all that anyone really cares about). With this setting you also allow some flexibility in unavailable nodes (e.g. for a 3 node DC you could have a single node be unavailable without client failure for either reads or writes).
If nodes do become out of sync, you have a few options at this point:
Repair (run by "nodetool repair") - this is a facility that you can schedule or manually run to reconcile your tables, keyspaces and/or the entire node with other nodes (either in the DC the node resides or the entire cluster). This is a "node level" command and must be run on each node to "fix" things. If you have DSE, Ops Center can run repairs in the background fixing "chunks" of data - cycling the process repetitively.
Similar to repair, this is a DSE specific tool similar to repair that helps keep data in sync (the newer version of repair).
Unavailable nodes:
Hinted Handoff
Cassandra has the ability to "hold onto" changes if nodes become unavailable during writes. It will hang onto changes for a specified period of time. If the unavailable nodes become available before time runs out, the changes are sent over for application. If time runs out, hint collection stops and one of the other options, above, need to be performed to catch things up.
Finally, there is no way to know how inconsistent things are (e.g. 30% inconsistent). You simply try to utilize the tools mentioned above to control consistency without completely sacrificing availability.
Hopefully that makes sense and helps.

Possible to take half of Cassandra nodes down without affecting the application?

If there is a 4 node Cassandra cluster, is it possible to configure Cassandra in a way to have half of the nodes down (two in this case) without affecting the applications?
Also how long can nodes be down without Cassandra cancelling the write queue?
This depends on the client CL and DC replication factor.
Let's assume the RF is 4 (all), if the client has a CL=ONE or LOCAL_ONE, the application would not notice any issues. Any other client CL would have problems (e.g. cl=local_quorum of 4 is 3, allowing only a single node to be down).
Let's assume the RF=1 or 2. If CL=ONE or LOCAL_ONE, the application would be unaffected by queries that only manipulate data on the available nodes. However, any access to rows that only exist on the unavailable nodes would be impacted. In other words, CL=ONE or LOCAL_ONE only works if you're manipulating data that has at least one node available to return the response (You only need ONE to respond in this scenario). If the rows you're querying are on both of the unavailable nodes, you'll get an error stating something like: Expected response of 1, received 0.
Many applications configure CL to be some sort of quorum (local or not) - so in that case, the application would certainly fail unless you had RF=5 (so at least 5 nodes). Quorum of 5 is 3, allowing for 2 nodes to fail.
Hopefully that makes sense.
Yes, assuming you are talking about all four nodes in one data centre, if you set your replication factor to 3 or greater and your read and write consistency level to ONE.
For writes the nodes that are up will store hints for the nodes that are down, so when they come back up they can write the data. How long the nodes store these hints can be set in cassandra.yaml.

Why do tables get out of sync over time when Write Consistency ALL is used?

Iam running a cassandra 3.11.4 cluster with 1 data center, 2 racks and 11 nodes. My keyspaces and the tables are set to replication 2. I use the Prometheus-Grafana-Combo to monitor the cluster.
Observation: During (massive) inserts using Write-Consistency Level ALL (i.e. 2 nodes) the affected tables/nodes get slowly out of sync (worst case on one node: from 100% to 83% within 6 hours). My expectation is that this could only happen if I use ANY (or anything less than my replication factor).
I would really like to understand this behaviour.
What is also interesting: If I dare to use write consistency ANY I get exactly that- and even though all nodes are online Cassandra does not even seem attempt to write to all nodes. In any case (ANY or ALL) if have to perform incremental repairs.
First of all, your expectation is correct: Writes, regardless of what the consistency-level is (ALL or ONE or ANY or whatever), do make every attempt to write to all replicas. The different write-consistency levels only differ on when "success" is reported to the client: ALL waits until all writes were done, while ONE waits for just one (and does the other ones in the background). So unless one of your nodes goes down, or severely overloaded, none of the writes should be missing on any of the nodes, and there should be zero inconsistencies. The "hinted handoff" feature makes inconsistencies even less likely (if one node is temporarily down, other nodes save for it the writes it missed, and replay them later).
I think your only problem is that you're misinterpreting what the "percentrepaired" statistic means. The "percentrepaired" metric is used by incremental repair. In incremental repair, data on disk is split between "repaired" data (data that already went through a repair process) and "unrepaired" data - new data that still did not yes pass through repair. This does not mean that the new data is inconsistent or differs between nodes - it just that nobody checked that yet! To mark this new data "repaired" you'd need to run an (incremental) repair - it will realize the data does not differ between nodes, and mark it as "repaired".

cassandra cluster, 1 table, how to plan forward

I am planning to create an application that will use just 1 cassandra table. Replication factor will be probably 2 or 3. I might start initially with 2 cassandra server and then keep adding servers as needed. But I am not sure if I need to pre-plan anything so that the table is distributed uniformly when I add more servers. Are there any best practices or things I need to be aware? I read about tokens , , but I am not sure what I need to do.
I suppose the keys have to be distrubuted uniformly in the cluster, so:
how will that happen i.e. when I add the 2nd server and say the 1st one already has 1 million keys
do I need to pre-plan the keyspace or tables?
I can suggest two things.
First, when designing your schema, pick a good partition key (1st column in the primary key). You need to ensure a couple of things:
There are enough values such that you can distribute it to an arbitrary amount of nodes. For example, sex would be a bad partition key, because you only have two values and therefore can only distribute it to two nodes.
The distribution across different partition key values is more or less uniform. For example, country might not be best, because you will most likely have most of your rows in just a few unique countries.
Secondly, to ease deployment of new nodes later consider setting up your cluster to use virtual nodes (vnodes). If you do that you will be able to skip a few steps when expanding your cluster.
To configure virtual nodes, set num_tokens in cassandra.yaml to more than 1. This will decide how many virtual nodes your node will have. A recommended value is 256.
Later, when you add new nodes, you need to make sure add_bootstrap is true in cassandra.yaml for your new nodes. Then you configure network parameters as usual to match your cluster, and finally start your node. It should automatically bootstrap and start streaming appropriate data. After everything is settled down, you can run cleanup (nodetool clean) on your other nodes to make sure they purge redundant data that they're no longer responsible for.
For more detailed documentation, please see

Cassandra rack concept and database structure

I am new to Cassandra and I would like to learn more about Cassandra's racks and structure.
Suppose I have around 70 column families in Cassandra and two AWS2 instances.
How many Data Centres will be used?
How many nodes will each rack have?
Is it possible to divide a column family in multiple keyspaces?
The intent of making Cassandra aware of logical racks and data centers is to provide additional levels of fault tolerance. The idea (as described in this document, under the "Network Topology Strategy") is that the application should still be able to function if one rack or data center goes dark. Essentially, Cassandra...
places replicas in the same data center by walking the ring clockwise
until reaching the first node in another rack. NetworkTopologyStrategy
attempts to place replicas on distinct racks because nodes in the same
rack (or similar physical grouping) often fail at the same time due to
power, cooling, or network issues.
In this way, you can also query your data by LOCAL_QUORUM, in which QUORUM ((replication_factor / 2) + 1) is only computed from the nodes present in the same data center as the coordinator node. This reduces the effects of inter-data center latency.
As for your questions:
How many data centers are used are entirely up to you. If you only have two AWS instances, putting them in different logical data centers is possible, but only makes sense if you are planning to use consistency level ONE. As-in, if one instance goes down, your application only needs to worry about finding one other replica. But even then, the snitch can only find data on one instance, or the other.
Again, you can define the number of nodes that you wish to have for each rack. But as I indicated with #1, if you only have two instances, there isn't much to be gained by splitting them into different data centers or racks.
I do not believe it is possible to divide a column family over multiple keyspaces. But I think I know what you're getting at. Each keyspace will be created on each instance. As you have 2 instances, you will be able to specify a replication factor of 1 or 2. If you had 3 instances, you could set a replication factor of 2, and then if you lost 1 instance you would still have access to all the data. As you only have 2 instances, you need to be able to handle one going dark, so you will want to make sure both instances have a copy of every row (replication factor of 2).
Really, the logical datacenter/rack structure becomes more-useful as the number of nodes in your cluster increases. With only two, there is little to be gained by splitting them with additional logical barriers. For more information, read through the two docs I linked above:
Apache Cassandra 2.0: Data Replication
Apache Cassandra 2.0: Snitches
